Flooded Star Road

Chapter 465: Devour the sky



   In front of the Immortal Dragon City, the magical power of the demon elite spurted from the body, connected with the stars of Zhou Tian, ​​and attracted the power of the stars of Zhou Tian.


   Suddenly, in the sky above the demon elite, there are thirty-six phantoms of ancient stars appearing.


   Thirty-six heavenly stars!


   This is Tiangang Great Array!


   The demon clan has mastered the stars of Zhou Tian for many years, so naturally it is impossible to only play a big array of stars of Zhou Tian. Of course, there are many other formations about the stars.


  Such as the Seven Stars Array, the Tiangang Array, and the Earth Evil Array.


   The demon elites are naturally not comparable to the cannon fodder of the demon clan, they are the descendants of the demon clan, their equipment is more sophisticated, and the formations they master are more powerful.


   This Tiangang Great Array is the formation they have mastered, which can borrow the power of 36 Tiangang stars to fight the enemy.


  Originally, five thousand demon clan elites deployed a great formation in the sky, even the Daluo Jinxian could trap it, wouldn’t it be simple to destroy the human clan!


But now, there are more than 800 people left by the five thousand elite demon races, all of them wounded. The power of the Tiangang array laid down according to this is not known how weak it is. Whether they can attack the human race, they have no idea whether they can capture the human race. .


   "Activate the Chaos Array, and be sure to kill all this group of monsters."


   The human race also roared angrily when seeing the monster race start the formation.




   A group of chaotic air emerged, and then divided the yin and yang, developed the three talents, formed the four elephants, and established the five elements...to cover the immortal dragon city.




   Without any hesitation, the two parties directly used the strongest means to fight each other.




   Thirty-six Tiangang stars trembled, evolving into thirty-six huge images of gods, and killing them toward the immortal dragon city, with the intention of breaking through the first line of defense of the human race.


   The chaotic array shook at the same time, and the innate aura whistled out, like the Tianhe bursting its bank, the vastness and unpredictability, sweeping towards the thirty-six gods.


   Chaos, dissolve everything!


   The torrent of innate aura has inherited the characteristics of chaos and has the ability to dissolve everything. After drowning the thirty-six gods, they began to consume their power.


   However, these thirty-six star gods are connected to the Tiangang star in the sky, no matter how much power the chaotic array consumes them, they can get supplements from the Tiangang star, so that they will not die.


   And only with the power of the thirty-six star gods, it is impossible to break free from the chaotic array. Therefore, the two battles were so deadlocked.




   "Kill all these monster races, and the Tiangang formation will destroy itself without attack."


   Above the Dragon City, a group of Terran masters showed a fierce light, while urging the Immortal Dragon City, while driving the Immortal Dragon Soul, they rushed towards the demon elite.


   A big battle broke out!








   When the two races of humans and monsters were fighting, in the endless starry sky, the battle between Feng Zichen and Kun Pengxihe became more and more intense.


"Ha ha!"


   "Daoist Kunpeng, I really don't know your courage. You dare to fight me in close quarters. It's just a matter of life and death."


   "It is the ancestor witch, who dare not compete with me in the same realm, let alone you!"


   In the boundless starry sky, Feng Zichen blasted Kunpeng ancestor with a punch, and laughed loudly.


   He is not joking.


   He used Zhou Tian and stars to reverse the Pangu Dao body, and he himself has made great achievements. The physical body is not weaker than the realm of ancestor witches.


After   , he obtained the Pangu meridian map that the Wu clan evolved from the Witch Clan's map.


  In this way, in comparison between the two, Feng Zichen corrected the previous mistakes and omissions, and his physical body was further strengthened.


   It was the ancestor witch who saw him, and he had to admit that when he was cultivated like him, his physical body was a bit weaker than him.


   Kunpeng and Feng Zichen competed physically, just looking for death.




   What Feng Zichen said, Kunpeng certainly didn't believe it.


   If he said that his body was as powerful as that of the Ancestral Witch, Kunpeng would believe it. But it's better than Zu Wu, isn't this just a joke?


   The ancestor witch's physical strength is the number one in the wild, and that is universally recognized. Why do you say that you are stronger than Him, you are stronger than Him!




"You do not believe?"


   Seeing the unbelief on Kunpeng's face, Feng Zichen showed a strange color on his face, and came to him, without saying anything, just a group of blasts.


   This punch contains the phantoms of Feng Zichen and the Chaos Demon God, who have fought for countless years.


   Supernatural powers are refined into flesh and blood.


   One move, one drop of blood, one hair, all are supernatural powers, with irresistible power.


   Kunpeng raises his claws to welcome!




   A fist and a claw collided together, and after hearing a "click", Kun Peng's claw was discounted by Feng Zichen's punch.


   After the punch, Feng Zichen did not stop, but took a step closer, came to Kunpeng's side, grabbed his wings, and slammed.




With a hissing sound, Kunpeng's wings were directly torn off by Feng Zichen.


   But Kun Peng is also extraordinary, he actually endured the pain in his body and grabbed it towards Feng Zichen with an uninjured paw.




   The giant claw hit Feng Zichen's body, making a sound of touching, but it did not cause him the slightest harm.


   "Friends, do you have this strength?"

   "You can only scratch me."


   With a slight smile, Feng Zichen stretched out his hand, grabbed Kunpeng's undamaged paw, broke it hard and broke it.


   Then, Feng Zichen knotted his fist marks on his hands, a stalwart aura, rising from his body, and more Pangu Taoist shadows manifested behind him, setting off his posture to be extremely magnificent.




   Feng Zichen raises his fist and is about to send Kunpeng free.


   But at this moment, Xi He drove the Sun and Moon wheel to break through the Ten Thousand Sword Diagram, and slew towards this side.




   frowned, Feng Zichen whispered, put away his fists, took out the Zichen sword with his backhand, and threw it towards the distant Wanjian Tu.




   Zichen sword fell into the Ten Thousand Swords map and merged with it.


   Suddenly, the power of Wan Jiantu skyrocketed, and the phantoms of the divine sword seemed to be condensed into substance, shining with astonishing sharp edges, pulling Xihe, who had just broken out of Wan Jiantu, into it again.


   Just when Feng Zichen was dealing with Xihe, Kunpeng ancestor seized the opportunity, his body shook, and turned into a huge fish, breaking free from Feng Zichen's hands.


   The fish swims in the sea of ​​stars, and the figure is erratic, and it is difficult to catch it anymore.


   "The physical strength of a Taoist fellow is far beyond the reach of the poor."


   "Next, the poor Dao will use his supernatural powers to ask for advice from the Daoists."


   Pulling the distance between himself and Feng Zichen, the ancestor Kunpeng said with an ugly expression.


   In this close hand-to-hand fight, he was completely crushed by Feng Zichen, and he lost terribly.




   "I heard that Daoists are great masters with supernatural powers, then I should take good care of them."


   Obviously, Kun Peng is going to show his true ability, even Feng Zichen can't help being a little cautious.


   A great supernatural power who intends to use supernatural powers to contend with the number of days. His supernatural powers are absolutely terrifying.


   "Swallow the sky and the earth!"


   The words fell, and a huge vortex appeared on Kunpeng's head.


  As soon as this vortex appeared, it exuded the aura of whales swallowing all things, and the things around Kunpeng were swallowed by it. Even the starlight was distorted, turning into streamers, and being sucked into it.


   For an instant, Feng Zichen felt a huge suction coming, intending to **** him into the whirlpool.


   Feng Zichen's complexion changed, and his body suddenly became blurred and merged with the surrounding void.


   This is the upright and shadowless among the thirty-six magical powers of Tiangang. It can pin oneself in the void, and it is a supreme magical power that uses the way of space.


   But unfortunately, this method is useless!


   After Feng Zichen pinned the void, the suction did not disappear, and even the void he pinned was also pulled and flew towards the whirlpool.


   Then, Feng Zichen used his flying body to hold the traces, escaping from time and space, and he couldn't get rid of this suction.


   Obviously, Kunpeng's magical power has been refined to the point where it can even swallow the void.


   "The magical powers of fellow Taoists are really amazing!"


   With a sigh of admiration, Feng Zichen immediately used the supreme supernatural power of inverting yin and yang.


   In an instant, the heavens and the earth were out of order, the sun and the moon were out of order, the yin and yang were reversed, the heavens were completely chaotic, and the breath of Fengzichen disappeared completely.


   He stood there obviously, but he didn't show the slightest breath, as if he didn't exist.


   The suction passed through him, but it was hard to shake him any more.


   "Tao-friendly means, the thirty-six changes in Gang that day, presumably fellow Taoists had already cultivated to a very high level, otherwise, they would not escape the supernatural powers of the poor Tao."


   Kun Peng couldn't help being a little surprised when he thought of Feng Zichen's use of several great supernatural powers in the blink of an eye.


   The Thirty-Six Changes of Tiangang were compiled and compiled by the Taoist ancestors. It is the general outline of the mysterious powers of the Xuanmen. There are many cultivators in Honghuang, but few have cultivated to the point of Feng Zichen.


   probably because it is too difficult.


   The thirty-six supreme supernatural powers represent thirty-six innate ways. How can it be so easy to comprehend?


   Feng Zichen can be cultivated, but he still relies on the Hongmeng Daozhong to open and hang, others don't have his treatment.


   "My little tricks can't be compared with fellow daoists."


   "The magical powers of the Taoist friends ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ have a lot of similarities with Beiming Guixu, but watching Guixu feel and create?"


   The momentum that swallowed the sky and the earth was really like Guixu. As the future master of Guixu, Feng Zichen would never admit his mistake.


  Kunpeng, born from the origin of innate fengshui, it is not the way of innate fengshui that is cultivated, but the way of swallowing. If you say it has nothing to do with the ruins, who believes it!


   After all, Guixu is in Beiming. As the master of Beiming, there is such a dangerous thing in the house. Feng Zichen doesn't believe in Kunpeng and won't go and take a look.


   "Dao-friendly eyesight, this supernatural power is indeed created by the poor Taoist temple."


   "Now, this is the first time that I have appeared in the prehistoric world. I thought it would be a blockbuster, but I didn't expect to be frustrated with fellow Taoists."




   Looking at Feng Zichen, Kunpeng said with a constipated expression.


   This magical power was originally used by him to deal with the brothers and sisters of Emperor Juntai, but now it has been forced out by Feng Zichen, and it hasn't worked. Of course, his heart is extremely uncomfortable.


   "I have seen the magical powers of fellow Daoists. Next, this fellow Taoist will see my magical powers."


After    and Kunpeng tout each other for a while, Feng Zichen's face suddenly chilled, his hands were sealed, and he headed towards Kunpeng.




   The avenue oven blasted out, heading towards Kun Peng under the hood.

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