Flooded Star Road

Chapter 477: Ta 1 Narudo

From the moment it was confirmed that the blood of the human race could indeed restrain the body of the witch race, the human race was not saved. Di Jun will certainly destroy the human race at all costs.


   Now, the only thing that worries Dijun is how to deal with Feng Zichen.


   I am really anxious about him. Even if the Yaozu can withstand his revenge, he will have to pay a huge price.


  In the cultivation of immortal civilization, when an individual's strength reaches a certain level, one person threatens the whole family, not just a joke, but a real existence.




  The current Feng Zichen,


   has such strength.


   "This is indeed a trouble."


   "If the human race is immortal, Feng Zichen has scruples and dare not completely turn his face with my monster race.


   "But if the human race is destroyed, he will have no doubts, and my monster race will guard against his revenge day and night."


   "So, if Feng Zichen does not die for a day, the human race cannot move for a day!"


   Kunpeng also said with a sigh.


   In this world, there are only a thousand days as a thief, there is no reason for a thousand days to guard against thieves.




   Thinking of this, everyone sighed.


  It is not difficult to defeat Feng Zichen with the power of the monster clan, but it is a little difficult or even impossible to kill him.


   The strength has reached the level of Feng Zichen, it is really too difficult to kill. Faced with the siege of a powerful person in the same realm, he can run away if he can't beat it.


   If he is single-minded to break through, unless the saint himself takes action, no one can stop him.




   "This matter is not in a hurry!"


   Emperor Jun gave a soft voice, smiled suddenly, and said to everyone.


   "Your Majesty, what's the happy event?"


   Seeing Di Jun's expression like this, everyone asked curiously.


   This joy is a bit inexplicable.


   "I have a hunch that the day of Tai One's breakthrough is approaching, ranging from a hundred years to as long as a thousand years. He will definitely be able to set foot in the golden fairyland of Hunyuan Daluo."


   "At that time, there will be nothing more than a mere breeze."


   Looking at the Sun Star from a distance, Di Jun said with some excitement. After waiting for so many years, Taiyi finally became enlightened.


   Regarding Kunpeng and others, Emperor Jun did not conceal anything, nor did he need to conceal it.


   Taiyi is about to become enlightened, the heaven and the earth will inevitably give rise to inductions and give rise to various visions. At that time, even if Dijun didn't say anything, everyone would know it well.


   Moreover, Taiyi enlightened, this is a good thing about the morale of the demons in Dazhen, why should it be concealed?


   In the past few years, the Wu Clan has made a series of major events in the prehistoric land. It is also the innate treasure of the land and the reincarnation of the land.


   The demon clan has nothing to do, and morale is inevitably a bit low. Now, taking advantage of the opportunity of Taiyi to become a Taoist, it is the truth to strengthen the demon clan's momentum.


   "Too one brother is going to be enlightened?"


   "That's really a happy event for the Yaozu!"


   When everyone heard the words, there was shock, envy, excitement, jealousy...All kinds of emotions rushed to my heart at the same time, and I felt a little lost for a while.


  Enlightenment, what a yearning!


  Only at this level, can the world be destroyed and I will not be destroyed.


   Everyone didn't doubt Di Jun's words.


   As a brother of the same root and the same origin, Tai Yi is about to break through, and Di Jun naturally feels it.


   Speaking of, after Tai Yi breaks through, Di Jun will get huge benefits, and he will almost break through.


   This is the advantage of being a brother.


   The two are of the same origin, one is enlightened, and the other is led by his breath, and the realm is also improved.


   With Dijun’s current realm, his realm is improving, isn’t it just to become enlightened?


   "Everyone, I have troubled you during this period of time. Together with the widow, keep an eye on Feng Zichen, don't let him run away."


   Taken back his gaze, Di Jun said leisurely.


   After Taiyi became enlightened, Feng Zichen was not to be afraid, and the human race became the fish on the chopping board, and the demon race was at the mercy of it.


   "I'll wait to comply with the order!"






"what happened?"


   "Why do I have a creepy feeling?"


   At the moment when Emperor Jun's voice fell, Feng Zichen in the humane imperial court suddenly felt a chill, and couldn't stop shivering, and a great terror was born in his heart, as if a crisis of fall was coming.


   Before he could think about it, Feng Zichen hurriedly used innate gossip to deduce the origin of the crisis.


   It’s just that when he used all the deduction techniques he was proficient in, he didn’t figure out where the crisis came from.


   Just like, his previous feeling was like an illusion, and there was no crisis coming.


   "This time, the trouble is big!"


  He felt a little sinking in his heart, and Feng Zichen understood that this disaster would be difficult.


   It's not a big trouble if it can be pushed. On the contrary, what can't be deduced is the real big trouble, with a fatal crisis.


  Because, this shows that there is an existence that surpasses Feng Zichen in the way of deduction, and it is calculated by him. Or, there is an existence whose realm is far beyond Feng Zichen and wants to deal with him.


   These two situations, no matter which one they are, cannot be dealt with by Feng Zichen.


   "Yes, go to the Nuwa Empress!"


   With a move in his heart, Feng Zichen is about to leave the humane imperial court and go to Jinxiutian to ask the Nuwa Empress, where did this disaster come from.


   He can't be counted, but the Nuwa Empress has a high realm and powerful strength. You can definitely see one or two things. It's absolutely right to find him.

  Unfortunately, Feng Zichen thought well, but he hadn't left the humane imperial court. As soon as there was a movement, he felt that there were several gazes in the void, and looked at him in the distance.


   "Dijun, Kunpeng, Xihe..."


   stopped, Feng Zichen's face was dark, and he quietly returned to the place, falling into silence.


   Until now, he still doesn't understand that this death catastrophe comes from the monster race.


   Otherwise, why did the Yaozu make such a big move, and the top masters are almost all out, just to watch him and prevent him from leaving the eyes of the Yaozu.




   "How can the monster clan give me a sense of death?"


   Feng Zichen is now very puzzled, to say that the Yaozu can defeat him, of course he believes, because he really can't beat the Yaozu. But if the Yaozu can kill him, Feng Zichen is 10,000 unbelievers.


   If he flees with all his heart, then the monster race will never be able to leave him behind.


   Then, here comes the problem.


   Where did the premonition of death come from?


   Feng Zichen's question did not last long, and soon he knew the answer.


  Because, in the wild world, there was a great throbbing suddenly.


   The innate ways hang down one by one, and the laws of heaven and earth also manifest themselves, converging towards the sun and stars.


   At this moment, all the great supernatural powers in the primordial kingdom know,


  Emperor Taiyi is about to become enlightened.


   Taiyi hasn't really taken that step yet. Heaven and Earth have already taken the lead in responding. The innate ways and laws of heaven and earth have spontaneously manifested, moving closer to the sun and star, and welcoming the great existence that is about to be born.


   The first Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the world!


   "So, is this the power of the Yaozu to kill me?"


   Seeing this, Feng Zichen has understood everything. The quasi-sage strong can't kill him, and the half-step Hunyuan strong can't kill him, but Donghuang Taiyi, who is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, can kill him.


  Although, when his strength reaches his level, he has already transcended life and death.


   The so-called death is nothing but a deep sleep. However, with the power of the monster race, it was able to sustain his sleep for a long time.




   "Now I only hope that the back players left behind can play their due role!"


  The matter has come to this point, Feng Zichen has nothing to do, he can't escape, he can only fight to death with the monster clan.




   "Taiyi, is this going to be enlightened?"


   A great supernatural power came out of the retreat and looked up at the sun star, feeling inexplicably excited.


   Taiyi is about to become enlightened, stepping into the legendary Hunyuan Daluojin fairyland, this is definitely a far-reaching and extremely meaningful event.


  Because, this move not only confirmed that the legendary Hunyuan Daluojin Fairyland really exists.


  Before, everyone knew that there was such a realm that had the power comparable to that of a saint, and could break through without the grandeur and purple energy.


   But what is this realm, whether it is true or not, everyone can't tell why.


   After all, no one has cultivated into this state.


   But now, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is about to step into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which brings hope to everyone, a hope for a breakthrough.


  In this world, the beginning is often the hardest. But as long as someone starts, the next step is much simpler.


   When the first Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian appeared, the second, third, fourth... not far away.


   Therefore, Taiyi's breakthrough not only affected the hearts of the monster race, but also affected the hearts of all the great supernatural powers in the primordial land.


   They are all waiting for the breakthrough of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, so as to confirm the way forward for them.


   It can be said that even when the Six Saints became enlightened, there were not so many great supernatural powers paying attention. After all, the great supernatural powers do not have the grandeur and purple aura, and the Six Saints can not learn much experience when they break through.


   But the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is different. This is not only his way, but also the way of all great supernatural powers.




   Hurry a hundred years!


   The innate ways to converge to the sun and stars have become more and more solid, as if they have become the essence.


   At this time, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Sun Star is the No. 1 Holy Land in the Great Desolation.






   Immortal light!


  Rising slowly from the sun and stars~www.wuxiaspot.com~ illuminating the entire prehistoric world.


   Taiyi, enlightened!


   The entire prehistoric land is shaking, the main road is roaring, the law is shaking endlessly, golden flowers rise up and down in the sky, and golden lotuses gush out from the ground...


   Above the sky, the aura of heaven is looming.


  Various visions manifested one after another.


   The birth of a saint is also like this.


   After all, Taiyi is also the first Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the primordial world, and it is not an exaggeration to win this honor.


   The next Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will not have this treatment.




   Donghuang Bell vibrated on its own, making a huge noise of 108, spreading throughout the entire wilderness, as if praising the greatness of its owner.


   After the bell, an inexplicable voice rang from the heavens and the earth, which seemed to be celebrating, but also welcoming the birth of a great existence.


   And Donghuang Taiyi,


   is accompanied by this sound,


   slowly revealed his figure.


   It is a sun, the whole body is bright golden, and people who are shaking can't open their eyes.

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