Flooded Star Road

Chapter 481: All kinds of reinforcements

At the moment Ancestral Dragon left, the remaining four sacred beasts also walked out of their own temple to stop the monster race.


   Because of the past, today has passed!


   Being favored by others back then was free again. People are in trouble today, how can they stand by and watch.


   Chaos outside the sky,


   Jinxiutian, Wa Palace,


   Seeing Dijun and others walking towards the Human Race, Nuwa could no longer sit still, with a cold face, she was about to leave for the Human Race.


   But at this moment, a group of people stepped forward and blocked the exit of Jinxiutian.


   "Nvwa Daoist friend, don't come here unscathed?"


  The person here is a quasi-speaker from the West.


   "Quan mentioned fellow Daoist, what do you mean by that?"


   Despite the anger in her heart, Nuwa still suppressed the anger in her heart, and said in a calm tone as much as possible.


   "The poor Dao came here because he had something to ask the Nuwa Daoist friends for advice."


   "Friends of Daoists also know that I am poor in the West and have few living things. Therefore, the poor Dao moved my mind to recreate living things, so as to add some popularity to the western land."


   "And to create life, you need to use the way of good fortune. The achievements of the Taoist Nuwa in good fortune are unparalleled."


   "So, Pang Dao specially came to ask Dao friends for one or two."


   The quasi-speaking Taoist hit an inspector, and said with a sincere expression on his face.


   "As soon as the Taoist friends have this idea, Nuwa will help her."


   "But unfortunately, the poor Taoist still has important things to do now, and I can't delay it for a moment. I hope the Taoist friends will forgive me. When the next day, when the Nuwa has free time, I will definitely go to Mount Sumeru to help."


   Seeing that the Taoist Zhunti spoke earnestly, Nuwa was not sure of his intention to come here for a while, so she suppressed the anxiety in her heart and said softly.


   "Friends of the Daoist are talking and laughing, the big things are not as big as those in the West."


   "The land of the West is still waiting for your rescue from the Taoist Nuwa!"


   Regarding this, the quasi-speaker remained unmoved and still said earnestly.


   However, at this time, Nu Wa's patience has been exhausted, and it is all about it. The prospective Taoist still refuses to give way. Obviously, it is to make trouble.


   "Quick mention, let me ask you,"


   "Today, are you giving or not?"


   Even the fellow Taoists stopped calling, and Nuwa was obviously anxious.




   "The matter of the human race is the destiny. As a saint, don't you know that the destiny cannot be violated?"


  The words have reached this point, and the quasi-speaking Taoist stopped pretending, and directly expressed his intention. He is here to prevent Nuwa from saving the human race.




   "Looking for death!"


   Regarding this, Nuwa did not discuss the Taoist with Zhun, but directly sacrificed the red hydrangea and hit him.


   "Good job!"


   "I have to go through one after all!"


   Seeing this, the quasi-said Taoist stood up to greet him, and waved the Qibao Tree in his hand again and again.


   A battle of saints broke out in chaos out of the sky so abruptly.




  Netherworld, where the six reincarnations are,


   Houtu sighed leisurely and walked out of his reincarnation hall.


   However, he could not leave the Netherworld.


  Because, at the exit of the Netherworld, in front of the gate of the ghost, a Taoist with a withered yellow face and an air of compassion, standing there with a sad expression on his face.


  The Western leader, attract the saints!


   "Are you leading fellow Taoists, are you going to stop me?"


   Looking at the leading Taoist, Houtu said indifferently.


   "The destiny is so, I have to come!"


   put his hands together and replied.


   "Does that fellow Taoist still remember that you once owed me a favor?"


   In the old days, Houtu used the power of Pangu's heart to revive the ancestral veins of the western land, which brought the western land back to life.


   As the lord of the West, this cause and effect will naturally fall on them.




   sighed, the sadness on the face of the leading Taoist was heavier, but he did not leave.


Obviously, He does not intend to back down.


   "In that case, lead fellow daoists and fight in the outer world!"


   Another battle of saints is unfolding outside the sky.




   "Big Brother!"


   "Be one step ahead, I will meet some fellow daoists."


  In the middle, Donghuang Taiyi felt the breath of the five sacred beasts and turned to Dijun beside him.




"Go ahead!"


   nodded, Di Jun replied.


   Obviously, he also sensed the breath of the five sacred beasts.




   "Too much bullying!"


   "In the future, you will pay for it."


   Feng Zichen was almost mad when he sensed what was happening in the chaos outside the sky. The lead Zhun mentions that this is forcing the human race to a deadly road!


   "From now on, all people of our human race will not be allowed to come to the door of Zhunti, and if they violate it, they will be expelled from the human race."


   With a ruthless heart, Feng Zichen completely severed the relationship between the human race and the Western religion.


   Even if later generations of Western religions change their names, as long as they still adopt Zhunti’s teachings, no people will worship them.




   worship into it,


   is no longer a human race.


   The words fell, the human race was shaken, and the fire was reunited, and the words of Feng Zichen were recorded completely and lived forever with the human race.


   "Human race, jumping clown!"


   Feng Zichen's words naturally passed into the second middle school of Zhunti.


   It’s just that they don’t care about it.


   However, faintly, the two felt as if they had lost something forever. But without waiting for them to think about it, they saw Nuwa Houtu's attack suddenly killing them, forcing them to rush.


   Seeing this, the two quickly cheered up and confronted the enemy wholeheartedly.


   This matter, naturally let go.








   deep in the void,


   Taiyi and the Five Elements Holy Beast face each other in the air.


   "Taiyi, I have met five seniors!"


   Facing the five-element holy beast, Taiyi was very polite.


   This predecessor is not a respect for their cultivation.


   The five sacred beasts are not necessarily higher than the realm of Taiyi.


   Taiyi respects their contribution to the prehistoric world and their contribution to the path of spiritual practice.


   Inheritance is innate, and ends with Da Luo Jinxian!


   The path after the Great Luo Jinxian was created by the great ancient masters.


   Later generations benefit from it,


   Naturally, you have to be respectful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s really awesome! "


   Looking at Taiyi, Zu Long sighed.


   Although their five-element sacred beasts have power comparable to those of saints, their power is not brought by their own cultivation, but brought by the power of rank.


   and too one is different.


   His power comes from self-cultivation, and it is truly his own power.


  From this point of view, the achievements of the One are higher than theirs.


   "Five seniors, how can you enlighten me?"


   After each party saw the ceremony, Tai Yi asked.


   The atmosphere suddenly became tense.


   The five sacred beasts came here, of course, to stop Taiyi from going to the human race.




   "The Zichen family is kind to me, but at this moment, I can't sit and watch him fall."




   Zulong said helplessly.


   If it weren't for Feng Zichen, the five of them would not interfere in this matter.


   Yaozu, how easy is it to deal with?


   The five people came here, and they did not hope to save the human race. Their purpose is very simple, which is to save Feng Zichen as much as possible.

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