Flooded Star Road

Chapter 487: Sacrifice

However, if Lunar Star personally took Wang Shu, how could he be hurt by outsiders.


   I saw a moonflower flowing down, and the magical power that attacked Wangshu quietly vanished.


   Then, Wang Shu followed the moon, and flew towards the Lunar Star.


   As Wang Shu got closer and closer to the Lunar Star, his power became stronger and stronger, and it didn't take long before he entered the late supreme stage.


   His body fell for endless years. Once he returned from the catastrophe, Wang Shu broke through the two realms and entered the realm of the great supernatural power, and could compete with the monks of the late quasi-sage.


   "Your Majesty, will the empress be in danger?"


   Dong Yun, the elder of the human race, looked at Lunar Star, and asked Xiang Feng Zichen with a worried expression on his face.


   Chang'e was picked up by him, and he was the one who brought it back. Therefore, among the people present, he was the most worried about Wang Shu's safety.


"will not!"


   "Xihe is not Chang'e's opponent."


   Feng Zichen is very relieved of Wang Shu's safety.


Although    Xihe is the realm of quasi-sage great perfection, because of the birth of ten golden crows, his congenital origin is greatly damaged, and his strength has never been at its peak.


   During the retreat and recuperation, I was even more shocked by the bad news of the death of the nine golden crows, which caused the innate origin that had been restored to some extent and was further damaged.


   With all these kinds of strength, Xihe's strength is barely stronger than those of the late Quasi-Sage. Wangshu's realm has reached the supreme late stage, and may not be weaker than Xihe.


  Moreover, seeing him easily took away the control of the lunar star from Xihe's hands, he must have left some dark hands on the lunar star.


   Xihe can protect himself, it’s not bad.




   "Damn it!"


   Seeing that Wang Shu could not be hurt, Emperor Jun vented all his anger on the human race below, shaking the chaotic clock constantly, shaking them all to death.


   However, the lunar star shifted, causing the power of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation to be drastically reduced, and the power of the Chaos Clock was also affected, and its power was not as good as before.


   But that's the case, there are also many low-level human races that have been shaken into blood fog by the chaotic clock. Only some monks above the Taiyi Golden Immortal barely survived.






   "Hurry up, it's too late if you don't leave."


   Suddenly, Feng Zichen shouted anxiously.


   Zhoutian star battle is damaged, he should have been happy. However, he is not happy at all now.


   Because there is a big fear spreading in his heart.


   Taiyi, coming soon!


"no need!"


   "This place is too far away from the Fairview Sky, I can't wait to escape."


   "Let us make our final contribution to the human race!"


  燧renshi and others shook their heads and rejected Feng Zichen.


  Because, beside Di Jun, a stalwart **** suddenly appeared.


   That is too one.


   Even if I haven't seen this person, when I see him, I know his identity naturally.






A golden flame ignited on the bodies of the three people of   燧人氏.


   That is the flaming fire, the fire of civilization, the fire of humanity.


   "Chen'er, Human Race depends on you."


   In the flames, the figures of the three Suiren clan slowly blurred.


   "Sui Huang..."


   Feng Zichen knew what Suiren was doing, but he couldn't stop it, and he couldn't stop it.


   They are offering themselves.


   Sacrifice himself to humanity in exchange for tremendous power.


   This power is not used to deal with the monster race, but to give birth to innate spirit treasures. The eighth top-grade Xiantian Lingbao required by the Chaos Array, the Xiantian Bagua map.


   The three great Luo Jinxians sacrificed themselves, and exchanged for a great power from the humanity in the dark.

   See you, a light that cannot be described in words, born out of the void, blending with the phantom of the innate gossip map.


   In the next moment, the congenital gossip picture is completely born from the virtual and real.


   The power of humanity is so great.


   And with the advent of the mighty power of humanity, the figures of the three Suiren clan also completely disappeared, and even the innate immortal true spirits were not left behind.


   But fortunately, the three Suiren clan had already achieved the immortal Da Luo Tao fruit. Even if it falls, it will not completely die.


   Even if the innate true spirit is shattered, it can be resurrected.


   is the time required, which is relatively long.


   If there is no fate, it will take a few minutes to say less.




   "Three emperors, go well!"


   Feng Zichen forcibly suppressed the sadness in his heart, spurred the chaos array, and guarded the rest of the human race.


   "Human Sovereign, an ally, let me do my last thing for the human race!"


   seems to have been inspired by the Three Emperors. Five Daluo Jinxians from the five innate clans, including the Water Dragon Dragon, also began to sacrifice themselves.


   What they want to sacrifice is the way of the five elements.


   Innate five families, representing the innate five elements.


   The five elements cycle, good fortune begins!


   With the disappearance of the five people, a milky white light was born on the spot, holy and noble, with the mighty power of good fortune.


   That is the light of good fortune!




   The divine light of good fortune brushed over, and the virtual shadow of the top-grade innate spirit treasure, which represents the ten directions of the innate, instantly changed from the virtual to the real, and was born into the world.


  In this case, in addition to the high-grade innate spirit treasures that represent the Tao of the innate nine palaces, all the innate spirit treasures needed by the Chaos Array have been collected.


   And the price is that in the human race, eight great Luo Jinxians have fallen.




   Xiantian Lingbao returned to its place, the chaos array suddenly changed, and the phantom of an innate **** and demon appeared, utterly chaotic and extraordinary.


   Its power has completely overwhelmed the star formation of Zhou Tian.


   "Your Majesty, Yi Ang has gone too!"


   Mind moved slightly, Yi Ang's also took the initiative to sacrifice himself.


   However, with his alone power, it is impossible to give birth to top-grade innate spirit treasures.


   On the side, the Nine Kings watched everyone's actions, and also moved to sacrifice themselves. Soon, they gave up.


   People are Da Luo Jinxian, sacrifice oneself can give birth to innate spirit treasure~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but they are not!


   Under the blessing of the human race, they can exert the power of the Daluo Jinxian, but in essence, it is still a half-step Daluo Jinxian.


   Sacrificing oneself is useless.


   Finally, when Yi Ang’s sacrifice is over, the Congenital Lingbao, which represents the Tao of the Congenital Nine Palaces, was born, but its level barely reached the middle rank.


   Something is better than nothing.


   Innate Nine Palaces Map was born, and the power of the Chaos Array was strengthened again, the atmosphere of the avenue was permeated, and there was a faint feeling of perfection.


   can always be a little bit different.


   That's because the Xiantian Jiugong Tu failed to become a top-grade Xiantian Lingbao.


   However, Yi Ang's family did not fall after the birth of the Nine Palaces.


  Because, at a critical moment, the off-ground flame flag suddenly flew, wrapped in Yi Ang's last bit of innate immortal true spirit, and flew to Shouyang Mountain Bajing Palace.


   Seeing this, the Yaozu did not stop it.


   Taiqing saint’s face is still to be given.




   "The Nine Kings Hear the Order!"


   "Fully urge the Chaos Array!"


   suppressed all thoughts, Feng Zichen ordered coldly.


   There is a great chaos array, and the humane imperial court is stable.

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