Flooded Star Road

Chapter 489: 13 Birth of Ancestral Witch

Because of this flaw, it was supposed to be the most perfect existence in the prehistoric world—the incarnation of the Tao of Heaven, with flaws. He has only nine fingers, not the ten fingers that the innate Taoist body should have.


   This makes Him weak.




   "What kind of formation is this?"


   "Can you summon the incarnation of heaven?"


   At this time, let alone the monster race, the great supernatural powers who were watching the battle in the void were deeply shocked.


   There are countless prehistoric formations, but I have never heard of any formation that can summon the incarnation of heaven. The Chaos Array of Human Race is still the first one.


   This alone is enough to make the Chaos Array one of the most prestigious and top tiers, and it will be on par with the other three top tiers.


   "From now on, the three great formations of the great and wild, I am afraid that it will become the four great formations of the great and wild."


   Looking at the incarnation of Gaomiao, the great magicians sighed.


   In this battle, regardless of whether the human race wins or loses, the Chaos Array will surely become famous.


   The twelve capitals of the Witch Clan, the Heavenly Gods Array, the Monster Clan’s Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, and the Shangqing Saint Tongtian Sword Master’s Zhuxian Sword Array, have always been recognized by everyone as the strongest formation.


   But from now on, among the three major formations, the Chaos Formation will be added, and it will be renamed as the four top-level formations.


   The incarnation of the Tao of Heaven is the manifestation of the will of heaven and represents the heaven.


   Fighting with it is against the sky!


  While in the wild, the way of heaven is above all else, how can the world reverse it?


   Feng Zichen stepped forward, merged with the incarnation of Heaven, and scolded Taiyi:




   "Are you going to guard against the sky?"


   Road sounds rumbling, resounding through the world, it really seems like the heavens are making a sound, shaking the sky, deterring sentient beings, and giving birth to boundless visions.




   "The lonely person has become the Tao, and he is the Dao Luo Jinxian, he is the Tao, and he is the sky!"


   "Where did you say that it is against the sky?"


   After the initial shock, Tai Yi calmed down instead, and looked at the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, and said with warfare.


  The Way of Heaven is very strong,


   Is this heaven incarnate?


   is also barely at the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and his strength is slightly insufficient compared to him.


  Why would Tai Yi be afraid of it?


   Besides, there are not many opportunities to fight the way of heaven, so you can prove your way.


It's numerous fun to fight the destiny.


   Taichi wanted to try, the gap between himself and the way of heaven.


   Lost, not ashamed!


   Victory is the supreme glory.






   Thinking like this, too moved, rushed towards the incarnation of Heaven.


   And once it is shot, it is a killer move.


   The chaotic clock suppresses everything, and the great sun destroys everything, and it rushes toward Feng Zichen.


   "Good job!"


   Feng Zichen first sacrificed the Qiankun Ding and ran into the chaotic clock. Then, his hands knot printed, and he slammed forward suddenly.


   A huge oven manifested, shrouded in Taoism, swallowing all the great sun.


   That's a heavenly oven!


   This supreme magical power, played through the hands of the incarnation of the heavenly path, contains the purest force of the heavenly path. All the innate runes have been replaced by the heavenly runes, which can be said to be heavenly magical powers.




   Qiankun Ding lost to the prestige of Chaos Bell, and was bounced back. Feng Zichen reached out to pick it up, and was shaken back a few steps before catching it.


   "Isn't my treasure after all, it has a lot of inconvenience to use."


   After all, Qiankun Ding is Nuwa's magic weapon, but it is only lent to Feng Zichen for temporary use. He cannot fully exert all the power of Qiankun Ding.




   Stand firmly, and before Tai Yi kills, Feng Zichen's heart moved, and the power of the five elements of Yin and Yang in his body flowed, and he took the initiative to kill Tai Yi.




   A colorful glow emerged, dissolving everything, and brushing towards Taiyi.


   This is the supreme supernatural power: innate yin and yang and five elements of divine light!


   Yin-Yang and Five Elements, contains everything in the prehistoric state.


   In other words, everything in the prehistoric world will be restrained by the innate yin-yang and five-element divine light.


   If you want to break this magical power, you can only break it with strength!




   Taiyi transformed himself into a huge golden crow. He waved his wings abruptly, and the bright golden light burst, like a heavenly sword, splitting the innate yin and yang and the five elements of divine light.


   Then, Tai Yi fluttered his wings again and came directly to Feng Zichen's side, and started a close fight with him.


   The two sides fought for several days, and finally the Eastern Emperor relied on the power of the Chaos Bell to defeat Feng Zichen.




  Forcibly forced Taiyi away, Feng Zichen gasped.


   The Chaos Array is ultimately flawed, otherwise, how could the incarnation of Heaven be defeated by Taiyi? Even Taiyi has a chaotic clock, and it's the same.




   "If the Nine Kings had the quasi-sage cultivation base, it would be fine."


   Feng Zichen sighed with regret while watching Taiyi.


   The Chaos Array is not perfect, not only because of the inadequate level of the Nine Palaces, but also restricted by the cultivation of the Nine Kings of the Human Race.


   You must know that if the high-grade Xiantian Lingbao is replaced by a monk, at least it will have the realm of a quasi-sage.


   Therefore, if you want to perfect the power of the Chaos Array, just nine big Luo Jinxians are not enough, you need nine quasi-sages.


   If the human race has nine quasi-sages, Feng Zichen will be able to run wild with the great chaos array. Not to mention catching up with the second clan of the Lich, it can also become a force second only to the saints.


   "It's a pity!"


   silently adjusted his breath for a while, Taiichi said with a pity.


   With his cultivation base, how can it not be seen that the Chaos Array has a fatal flaw. It was this defect that caused the strength of the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao to be far inferior to him.

   This also makes Taiyi, a pity, and a blessing.


   It's a pity that I can't personally verify the power of the incarnation of the Tao of Heaven.


   Fortunately, if the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao fully descends, even if the Yaozu can win this tragedy, it will lose a lot.




   "Friends, you should be on the road."


   Looking at Feng Zichen, Tai Yi said lightly.


   This time the demon clan's slashing battle has been time-consuming for a long time, and it's time to come to an end.


   "Too a friend, I admit that you are very strong."


   "But if you want to break through the chaotic array, you alone are not enough!"


   Feeling Taiyi's murderous intent, Feng Zichen smiled lightly, not afraid.


   can't beat, but he can defend!


   As long as he can drag the ancestral witch out of the gate, the crisis of the human race can be lifted in an instant.


   Next, there will be a protracted battle.


   "The sword is coming!"


   Feng Zichen stretched out his right hand and shouted softly.




   Suddenly, there was a great road manifesting, and the entire majestic sword was trembling, wisps of sword light flew out, and gathered in Feng Zichen's hand to form a colorless long sword.


   Dao Sword!


  The sword of innate kendo!


   A sword composed entirely of innate kendo, extremely pure.


With the sword in his hand, Feng Zichen's momentum also changed. An extremely fierce momentum rose from his body and rushed straight out of the clouds.


   The horizontal sword is on the chest,


   Feng Zichen stared at Donghuang Taiyi silently.


  He is gaining momentum.


   The enemy won't move, I won't move.


   If the enemy moves, I will return it with a thunder strike.


"Ha ha!"


   Taiichi only smiled at this.


   Then, I saw him in the form of a rainbow light, hitting the chaotic clock directly at a speed beyond imagination.




   An unprecedented bell sounded from the chaotic clock, and the clock wave swept out, destroying everything.


   Feng Zichen raised his sword to greet!




   only one breath,


   Dao Sword was shattered.


   Feng Zichen's complexion changed slightly, first he sacrificed the Qiankun Ding and stood in front of him.


  The biggest defense is attack!


   As long as the opponent's attack is broken, no one can hurt himself.


   Zhong Bo swept over, and Qiankun Ding was immediately knocked into the air, and the magical powers from Feng Zichen were also shattered one by one.




   A terrifying force broke out, shattering the chaos, and Feng Zichen was shocked to vomit blood.


   But fortunately, after layers of weakening, the power of the Chaos Clock is not much left.


   Feng Zichen seemed miserable, but in fact, he didn't suffer much injury.


   The Chaos Orb is immortal, and the Chaos Array is not broken. After Feng Zichen stabilized his figure, his heart moved, and the damaged Chaos Array immediately recovered.




   Taichi continued to ring the Chaos Bell.


   As if to replay Pangu opening the sky, the chaos vanishes wherever the bell rings.


   But Feng Zichen was in the dark, quietly mobilizing the power of the World Tree.


   This also led to the fact that every time Feng Zichen seemed to be unable to hold it. But after a while, He jumped up alive again.


   Although the World Tree hasn't grown to the level of the Hunyuan Dao Realm, it is infinitely close.


  Moreover, as the chaos spiritual root, he himself has infinite possibilities, allowing him to play some of the characteristics of the Hunyuan Dao realm ahead of time.


   is that by relying on the blessing of the World Tree, Feng Zichen can sustain it again and again under the attack of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.




   So, another hundred years have passed.


   "Why is it still not broken?"


   It has been a hundred years, and the Chaos Array still shows no signs of breaking open, even Taiyi can't help but feel a little anxious.


   "Friends, it seems that you have a lot of treasures!"


   Take back the Chaos Clock, Taiichi said.


   Logically speaking, he should have broken through the chaotic array long ago, but no matter how he attacks, the formation will not break.


   Obviously, there are other treasures on Feng Zichen's body.


   "Too many friends, do you want to fight again?"


   recovered from the injury again, Feng Zichen said.


   Now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just waiting for the ancestor witch to leave the gate, or the battle of the saints outside the sky is over, the crisis of the human race is over.




   When the two were talking, the direction of the Witch Clan suddenly heard violent fluctuations, and an ancestral witch aura that was different from the other ancestral witches rose slowly, which shocked the entire prehistoric witch.


   The thirteenth ancestral witch of the Witch Clan, was born!


"not good!"


   Seeing this, Taiichi's expression changed.


   The thirteen ancestral witches were born, and the plan of the witch clan has been completed. I am afraid that the ancestral witch will be out soon.


   At that time, they would never tolerate themselves staying in the wild land.


  This human race,


   can't fight anymore,


   must leave as soon as possible.


   Anyway, the human race needed to refine the witch slaughter sword, the monster race has almost caught it.


   But just left,


   Taiichi was also a little unwilling.


   Feng Zichen's strength is too strong.


   The power of the Chaos Array is stronger.


   If Feng Zichen is let go today, with his hatred of the demons, the Liches will definitely help the Witches in a decisive battle.


   This will bring unknowable variables to the Wu Clan's decisive battle, which is extremely detrimental to the Yao Clan.

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