Flooded Star Road

Chapter 491: Siege of Purple Star

The first to be affected is naturally Ziweixing. The star power connected to the Chaos Orb was directly cut off.


   Chaos Orb is therefore greatly reduced in power, and even weaker to resist the sun god. In this way, Feng Zichen took the humane imperial court and was slowly sealed by the monster clan.


   During this process, Feng Zichen did not have the slightest resistance.


   General reason, resistance is useless.


   Such a powerful seal cannot be stopped by the Chaos Array.


   Since this is the case, it is better to save a little energy and give up resistance.


   will not die anyway if it is sealed.


   However, at the moment when the seal was about to be completed, Feng Zichen threw the Qiankun Ding out.


   This is Nuwa's treasure, but it can't be sealed with him.


   Taiyi did not stop this.


  When attacking the human race, the demon race is at a loss, and some are not sorry for Nuwa. If you stop his magic weapon again, then you will really have a vengeance with Nuwa.


   This matter must never be done!


   A dazzling golden light flashed, and the figure of the humane imperial court disappeared from the wild land, and was stamped in the depths of the void by the letter.


   This also marked that the demon clan's conquest of people has officially come to an end.




   "Human Race is really amazing!"


   As the war came to an end, all the great supernatural powers in the wild withdrew their gazes one after another.


   This time, the Human Race really gave them a great shock.




   "Retreat and retreat!"


After    sealed Feng Zichen, Tai gave orders to the demon **** beside him.


   The ancestor witch is about to leave the customs, and those monster tribe army wandering in the wild land, it is estimated that they will never return.


   After finishing speaking, Tai Yi's figure flashed and rushed towards the endless starry sky.


  The trouble of the human race is solved, but there is another huge problem, waiting for the monster to solve it.


   That is Ziweixing!


   Compared with the human race, Ziweixing is the threat that can shake the foundation of the monster race.


   If the problem of Ziweixing is not solved, the Yaozu will have trouble sleeping and eating.




   When Taiyi rushed towards Ziwei Star, Emperor Junxihe and Yiying Demon Clan Quasi-Sage also rushed towards Ziwei Star at the same time.


   Even Fuxi, who couldn't get out of retreat, walked out of the Xihuang Palace and killed Ziweixing.


   Attacking the human race, Fuxi can ignore it on the grounds of retreat. But it is related to the foundation of the monster race, and he has no reason not to take action.


   After all, he is the emperor of the monster race!


   is the character of the Monster Race second only to Emperor Taiyi, and sits firmly in the third position of the Monster Race.


   One Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian-level supreme being, two half-step Hunyuan-level existences, and several quasi-sage great-consummation realm powerhouses, attacking Ziwei Xing at the same time.


   For a time, Feng Zichen is in danger!


   This catastrophe can be called the greatest crisis since He was born.








   With the demon clan warfare coming to an end, the saint war in the chaos outside the sky also came to fruition.


   "Friend Nuwa Daoist, if you don't want to help me in the West, the poor Dao will not bother me."


   The quasi-said Taoist suddenly waved the Seven Treasure Tree to disperse Nu Wa's supernatural powers, then jumped, escaped from the battlefield, and flew towards the wilderness.


   "Want to go..."


   Nuwa was about to chase, let the Taoist Zhunti see how powerful she was, but after a glimpse of him, she just saw Taiyi and others besieging Ziwei Star.


   "Quick mention, today's cause, tomorrow's fruit."


   "You and write down today's move."


   "In the future, Poor Dao will definitely give you a retribution."


   As if thinking of something, Nuwa moved slightly in her heart and let out a cruel remark. She actually abandoned the quasi-speaker and hurried to the endless starry sky.

   Feng Zichen grew up under Nuwa's eyelids, how could he not know the relationship between Ziweixing and Feng Zichen? Seeing Ziweixing in trouble right now, he certainly couldn't ignore it.


   I still have to save him.


   can't protect the human race, it's enough to make Nu Wa feel guilty, and if he can't save Feng Zichen, then he really has no face to meet people.


   As for Zhun mention?


   The saint is free from calamity, eternal and long, and the days to come are long. If you want to give him a retribution, there are opportunities.


   The Nuwa, who has no Lijiao, is much more calm than the other saints.


   On the way to the endless starry sky, Qiankun Ding also returned to Nuwa's hands.




   "Friends of Houtu Dao, I'm leaving the poor road."


   At another place, seeing the result of the battle between the monsters, the lead man made a complaint and left directly.


   Houtu did not stop it.




   can't stop it, and it doesn't make sense.


   "Acknowledge fellow daoists, how can you pay back the two causes and effects that you owe me?"


   Looking at the back of the pick-up, Houtu said leisurely.


   The West owes him a cause and effect, but this time it has tried to block him. This cause and effect can be said to be getting bigger and bigger. It's difficult to get the quasi-request to repay it.


   Houtu is not a red cloud. He is a saint and cannot die. The method of receiving Zhunti to deal with Hongyun is not feasible here.


   From now on, some will get entangled.




   The leading Taoist who was on his way, after hearing Houtu's words, he paused slightly and his complexion became even more distressed.


   His lips moved for a moment, but he couldn't say anything.


   In the end, it seemed that Wuyan stayed here, leaving faster.




   Houtu gave a cold snort and left the chaos outside the sky.


   However, he did not go to the endless starry sky, but to the wild land.


The relationship between    Feng Zichen and Ziweixing is not very clear. Therefore, he rushed to the wild land to see if he could rescue Feng Zichen.




   The endless starry sky.




   Seeing the monster masters approaching him, Feng Zichen didn't dare to fight with them, and hurriedly drove the purple stars towards the depths of the endless starry sky.


   The endless starry sky is naturally vast, connected with the chaos outside the sky.


  If Feng Zichen hides it secretly enough, it may not be impossible to hide it from them.


   As for hiding there ~www.wuxiaspot.com~In his heart, there is also care.


   That's where the Zhoutian stars are located.


   The Heavenly Treasure Zhoutian Star Chart, which has been conceived in the endless starry sky for so long, has not been discovered by others, showing its hidden depth.


   If Feng Zichen could hide there, he would naturally escape the disaster.


   But now, the only problem facing him is how to get rid of the One.


   If you can't get rid of the Taiyi and others, Feng Zichen wouldn't dare to go to the place where the Zhoutian star map is.


   If the monster clan found it there, Feng Zichen would have lost more than one Ziwei star.


   There is also an unborn treasure.


  Feng Zichen certainly wouldn't do such an act of being an enemy.


   Therefore, the prerequisite for him to survive is to get rid of the Yaozu and others.


   "On the purple star, the innate sacredness was born."


   Seeing that Ziwei Star was about to run, the people who were still skeptical before, immediately determined it.


   If there is no innate sacred and secret manipulation, how could Ziweixing behave like this?


   "Want to run?"


   "Did you run away?"


   Tai's expression was cold, and he directly sacrificed the Chaos Clock.

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