Flooded Star Road

Chapter 494: Xiaopan Gufeng Zichen

The realm has not reached the Daluo Jinxian, and only by staying in the big world can you continue to be promoted, and it is the safest.


   Of course, the higher the level of the world, the better the effect of this.


Although   dongtian is a sacred place, it is even better than some great worlds in some respects. But after all, it is not a big world, it has no rules of its own, and no complete world will.


   After all, the cave sky still exists by relying on the prehistoric world. Usually there is nothing, but once you leave the land, you will inevitably have all kinds of restrictions.


   It’s better to have a big world, and it’s more free.


   "Big Thousand World?"


   Thinking of this, Feng Zichen's mind suddenly had an idea.




   If there is a big world, all the problems Human Race is facing now, won't they all be solved?


  It doesn't matter if there is no big world, He can open up one.


  Pangu can open up the world in chaos and create a wild world.


   As a descendant of Pangu, Feng Zichen, even if he is far less powerful than Pangu, but with Zichen Cave Sky as the foundation, he may not be able to open up a great world.


   In the midst of the wild, there are only six saints who opened up the world in the chaos.


   This is not to say that only saints have the ability to open up a great world, but only saints can open up a great world at the cost of harmlessness.


   In fact, the quasi-sage has the ability to open up a vast world, but the price that needs to be paid is too great, and it is very likely that he will have to pay his own life.


   This alone is enough to stop all the quasi-saints of the Primordial Kingdom.


   But Feng Zichen doesn't care!


   His physical body is equivalent to the realm of the quasi-saint Dzogchen, fully capable of opening up a great world.


   As for whether it will fall?


   It doesn't matter.


   Anyway, his physical body is trapped here and can't get out. It's better to open up a great world and leave a place for the human race to settle down.


   "This method seems to be very good!"


  The more I thought about it, the more Feng Zichen felt that this method was feasible.


   There are so many clones of him, and one of them falls, and he doesn't care very much.


   What's more, it is a sealed clone.






   Just when Feng Zichen was thinking about it, his mind suddenly trembled, and all kinds of scenes about the outsiders came to his mind.


  , however, was a matter of the external human race being sealed by the monster race, and it was passed on to Feng Zichen through the unconscious connection.


  The anger in Feng Zichen's heart rushed out with a single brush, and he wished to blast Taiyi's seal now and fight against the Yaozu.


   But the seal cannot be broken.


   Even if he is enlightened, he may not be able to break it.


  Because the sun **** is forbidden to connect with the sun.


  Theoretically, if the sun is immortal, there is no possibility of this seal being broken. The only way to break the seal is to destroy the sun.


   But obviously, this is impossible.


   Destroying the sun is as difficult as killing a saint.


   Moreover, the power of this seal will continue to strengthen over time. The longer it is sealed, the harder it is to break it.


   From this point of view, Feng Zichen has no possibility of breaking the seal, and can only stay in the seal forever.


   This is also Taiyi's purpose, to seal Feng Zichen forever.


   But there is nothing absolute, Feng Zichen has already thought of a way to break the seal.


   That is to use the power of humanity.


After    and others redefine humanity, the power of the imperial court of humanity will all bloom and become the carrier of humanity in the world.


   In this way, with the complete Chaos Array, the seal can definitely be broken.


   But whether it is to complete the Chaos Array, or to wait for the human race to redefine humanity, it will be a long time later.


   Therefore, his priority is to solve the current difficulties.


   Of course, as to how to solve the current difficulties of the human race, Feng Zichen still has a simple way, that is, to use the time and space gate in the Chaos Orb to go to the great chaos outside the realm, and then return from there.


   sounds very simple.


   However, the great chaos outside the world has no squares up and down, and no time and space pass by. Sometimes, one step is hundreds of millions of miles. Sometimes, traveling for a million years is just spinning around in place.


   Therefore, this method is not advisable!






   "Now I can't deal with you, but I can add some obstacles to you!"


   Squeezing the anger in his heart, Feng Zichen thought for a moment, and thought of a way to deal with the monster race.


   That is to strengthen the strength of the Wu Clan.


   As a deadly opponent, the stronger the Wu Clan's strength, the more uncomfortable the Yao Clan will be.


   This is the only thing He can do now.




   "No hurry, no hurry!"


   "Everything that the human race has experienced today is the hardships that must be experienced on the way to growth, it is the resource for growth, and the driving force for progress..."


   "If the human race wants to become the protagonist of the world, how can it be smooth sailing!"


   "It is the monster clan. Before becoming the overlord of the world, he was bullied by the Wu clan for countless years. This is how it is today."


   "The experience is not better than the human race."


   After a while, Feng Zichen comforted himself.


   After the wind and rain, I started to see a rainbow.


   In fact, whether it is the sun **** forbidden, or the seal placed by the demon clan on the human clan, it is not a problem for Feng Zichen.


   The problem is Yaozu.


   In the world, where is there an eternal and immortal seal.


   It is probably because the strength of the monster clan is too strong, which led to the power of the seal, which is also extremely powerful.


   If the demon clan falls, the power of the seal will naturally fall with it.


   At that time, there was no need for Feng Zichen to unlock the seal for the human race. As long as they set foot on the road of cultivation again, they would be able to unlock the seal.

  The Way of Gods and Demons is divided into three realms and nine stages, which just corresponds to the nine seals in the human race. Break one seal at one level, and when the nine calamities are complete, the nine seals will be fully opened.


   Terrans can also use this opportunity to rebel against the innate and achieve the realm of heavenly immortals.


  Furthermore, after Tai Jun Taiyi fell, Feng Zichen had to put the sun star under his control no matter what.


   In this way, the threat of the sun **** forbidden is greatly reduced.


   The danger of the human race also disappeared.


   It's just that all of this is based on the decline of the Yaozu. If the monster race becomes stronger and stronger, the seal in the human race will not only not weaken with the passage of time, but will become stronger and stronger.


   That human race is really over.


   Therefore, the monster race must be destroyed.


   is not for the great power of heaven, but for the human race.




   Of course, how to deal with the monster race, that is the other vest business, what Feng Zichen is doing now is to evolve Zichen Cave Sky into a great world.


   Compared to others, this is the top priority.




   "Everyone, after leaving alone, the human race will be handed over to you."


   Zichen Before the cave, Feng Zichen was confessing to the next generations to the Nine Kings of the Human Race.


   Forcibly opened up a great world with his strength, it is still a top great world, and it is inevitable to fall.


   Therefore, it is better to explain some things clearly in advance to avoid troubles later.


   "There is nothing to be sad about."


   "Da Luo Jinxian is immortal, and death is nothing but a long sleep. Just wait until you sleep alone."


   After confessing to the future generations, Feng Zichen couldn't help but say when seeing the sad faces of everyone.


   is not a complete death, there is nothing worth sorrowing.


   "Okay, go alone!"


   After finishing speaking, before everyone reacted, Feng Zichen stepped forward and came to the center of Zichen Cave.


  Open the world,


   For Feng Zichen, this is the first time.


  Speaking of which, this is still a chance!


  The process of opening up the world is to confirm one's own way. Regardless of success or failure, as long as you can survive, there are boundless benefits.


   "The old **** Pangu was in the chaos and opened up a prehistoric world."


   "In the future, the younger brother Feng Zichen will not be talented, and he wants to imitate the Father God to create a world and open up a small realm."


   Feng Zichen straightened his clothes, first saluted respectfully in the direction of Bu Zhou Shan, and then took out an axe.


   That's right, it's Pan Gu Axe.


  Pangu axe of the best innate spirit treasure level.


   Qiankun Ding has been in Feng Zichen's hands for so many years, how could he hold back the treasure?


   But what kind of treasure should I refine?


   Feng Zichen thought for a long time, and finally decided to refine Kaitian Zhibao.


   is not the three treasures of Chaos Clock, Taiji Diagram, and Pangu Banner, but Pangu Axe, the good fortune of Qinglian.


   These two chaotic treasures are the real treasures of opening the sky.


   I have to say that Feng Zichen has reached the pinnacle in terms of fraud.


   He took nine pieces of Pangu axe from the treasury of the Witch Clan, and combined them with the chaotic **** gold he found in the great chaos outside the realm to refine an imitation of the Pangu axe.


   Because of the inclusion of Pangu axe fragments, this treasure is the best innate spirit treasure when it is born.


After   , from Xuanqing, he wanted to make the lotus seeds of Qinglian, plus the fragments of Qinglian he had collected for many years, and successfully refined the imitation of Qinglian.


   is also the best innate spirit treasure.


   But unfortunately, the fake is fake.


   This fake good fortune green lotus is just a dead thing, unlike the real good fortune green lotus, it is an innate spiritual treasure as well as an innate spiritual root.




   is like that,


   Feng Zichen is also very satisfied.


   Stepping on the green lotus of good fortune, holding the god-opening axe in hand, and adding the Pangu Taoist body, it is so majestic.


   A little Pangu alive!


   "Unexpectedly, the magic weapon that was refined in order to satisfy my own evil tastes is really going to come in handy today."


   Feng Zichen's feet, good luck Qinglian automatically appeared.


   His current situation is so similar to Pan Gu, the same Taoist body, the "same" magic weapon, the difference is the cultivation.


   No wonder he named the world he opened up as Xiaohonghuangjie.




   Feng Zichen waved the Pangu axe and split the sky of Zichen Cave into pieces.




   After a loud noise, Zichen Dongtian completely turned into a cloud of chaos~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Feng Zichen stood in the chaos.




   It's going to open up!


   Silently visualizing the scene when Pangu opened the sky in his heart, Feng Zichen raised the "Pangu Axe" in his hand to split the chaos.


   But suddenly, He stopped.


   When Pangu opened the sky, three thousand demons came to hinder the way. Now it was Feng Zichen's turn to open the sky, but there was nothing. He felt a little awkward for a while.


   At this time, he is simply Xiao Pangu!


   To do a feat of groundbreaking.


   Wouldn’t it be a big pity if there were no three thousand demon gods coming to hinder the way?


   So, He stopped to make up for this defect.


   His Feng Zichen is not weaker than others in his life. Since he wants to open the sky, there must be a demon **** to hinder the way.


   With a heart move, Feng Zichen took out three thousand chaotic jade stones. On it, there was the imprint of the chaos demon **** when he was idle and bored.


   Originally, He intended to give these things to others in order to forge a good relationship with others.


   But he thought about it later, and felt wrong, this is simply looking for death!


   There is a way for wealth to be undisclosed. He gives away the mark of the Chaos Demon God casually. Isn't that plain telling others that he has the inheritance of the Chaos Demon God?

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