Flooded Star Road

Chapter 499: 2 Teiseido

Boom boom boom...


   The battle between the two prehistoric and top-ranking battlefields caused too much damage.


   The entire starry sky was trembling, and there were stars falling from the starry sky and smashing into the wild land. The devastation of the land was riddled with holes, and I do not know how many innocent creatures were affected.




  The battle lasted for hundreds of years, and the decisive battle of the Lich also entered a climax. The monster race controlled the Zhoutian Star Fighting formation and the twelve capital gods transformed by the ancestor witch, and slammed into each other fiercely.


   At this moment, Zhou Tian and stars shook together countless ancient stars, the starlight shining in the wild, the terrifying power exploded, and the body of Pangu was shattered, and the twelve ancestor witches vomited blood.


   So far,


   The twelve capitals of the Witch Clan, the gods of the gods, break it!




   broke through the twelve capitals of the heavenly gods, and the Zhou Tianxing Dou formation did not achieve any benefits. The huge counter-shock force struck, and the life and life Zhou Tianxing Dou formation collapsed.


   The demon gods who presided over the big formation were also backlashed by this, and one after another was seriously injured.


   But this is not the most serious.


   With the collapse of the Zhoutian Star Array, except for the Lunar Star and the Sun Star, the rest of the Zhoutian stars and countless ancient stars have suffered unimaginable trauma, and they have begun to break apart.




   with the stars,


   fell towards the wild land.


   For a time, the stars fell like rain, and the prehistoric land ushered in a disaster of extinction, and countless creatures were turned into ashes.


   The world is full of doomsday scenes.


   Such a horrible scene, even the great supernatural powers did not dare to go out at will, and quickly activated the mountain guard formation to guard the mountain gate firmly for fear of being affected by the falling stars.




   After a shocking duel, both sides of the lich were injured, and the town clan formation was also broken at the same time, and it was impossible to use it in a short time.


   But, their fighting power is still there!


   Without any hesitation, the top masters of both sides pounced on each other almost at the same time.




   Taiyi relied on the profound cultivation base, and sacrificed the chaos clock and blasted directly towards Wu XIII, the weakest cultivation base.


   The cultivation base of Wu Shisan who was only a newcomer to the quasi-sage, relying on the large formation of the twelve capitals, the gods and evil spirits, was barely able to compete with the demon sage of the demon clan. Now that the great formation was broken, he was instantly beaten back to his original form.


   Therefore, how can Wu XIII, who was in the early stage of the quasi-sage, be able to defeat the Taiyi of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm.




   only heard a scream, Wu Shisan was shaken by the chaotic clock and turned into powder.




  Wu Shisan, who was in the early days of the quasi-sage, was killed by Tai Yi one by one.




   All the great supernatural powers who saw this scene were shocked and gasped.


   Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian, too strong!




   Wu Shisan fell too fast.


   Before the rest of the ancestral witches could react in the future, he was killed by a single blow.


   When the other ancestor witches reacted, it was too late to save.




   The rest of the ancestral witches cried out, and they were about to kill Taiyi.


   But at this time, Dijun started.




   The words fell, Tu Wujian came out of its sheath.


   I saw a **** light flashing, cutting the space, and slashing fiercely on the body of the ancestor of poison, Wu Shebi corpse.




   She Bi Zhe was stunned for a moment, with a dazed expression in his eyes, then raised his hand to point at Di Jun, as if to say something.


   But before his words could be spoken in the future, his body was strangely divided into two halves and returned to the world.


   She is dead!


   Beheaded by Dijun with a sword!


   This is more shocking than Tai's killing Wu Shisan with one blow.


   After all, Wu Shisan was only the early cultivation base of the Quasi-Sage. There were not many people who could kill him in a flash, but there were still some.


   can be extravagantly different than a corpse, that is a figure of the quasi-sage Dzogchen level, almost standing on the top of the prehistoric state. There are many who can defeat him, but there are not many who can kill him, let alone a shot.


   This is something that even a saint can't do.


   But Dijun did it.


   When everyone was shocked, they all looked at Emperor Jun, wanting to know what realm he had stepped into, so that he had such power.




   is still a half-step Hunyuan,


   Although strong, but not particularly strong.


   "It's the sword!"


   "It can restrain the ancestor witch."


   In the blink of an eye, everyone found out the key to Dijun's killing of the corpse-Tu Wujian.


   "Witch, it's difficult."


   The sudden change has reversed the situation of the Lich, and also affected the heart of the Great Supernatural Power.






   With the fall of Shebi’s corpse, Houtu finally couldn’t sit still, and was about to step out of the Samsara Hall, fight on the battlefield of the Lich, and help the witch race.




   "Friends of Houtu, please stay!"


   Thirty thousand miles of purple air is permeated, and the Taiqing saints come by riding a bull, blocking the path of Houtu.


   "The battle of the Lich depends on God's will for life and death, and I hope that fellow Daoists should not interfere."


   hit Houtu as an inspector, and the sage Taiqing said blankly.


   The saint preached on behalf of the heavens, preaching on behalf of the heavens, and stopped any behavior that dared to go against the heavens.


   It is God's will to die with the Lich.


  Any existence that dares to interfere with this matter is an enemy of heaven and a saint.


   "Looking for death!"


   Knowing the purpose of the Taiqing Saint, Houtu didn't talk nonsense, and directly killed it.




   The phantom of the six reincarnation discs emerges behind Houtu, releasing the power of the runner’s life and death and reversing time and space, making people daunting.

   This is all the power that Hou Tu can mobilize after leaving the Netherworld.


   Don't underestimate this phantom.


   In terms of the level of the six reincarnation discs, it is a phantom that can also explode with power no less than the innate treasure.




  The power of reincarnation is mysterious and unpredictable. The sage of Tai Chi didn't dare to underestimate it.




   "Extravagant than a corpse!"


   Seeing the fall of Shebi's corpse, the eyes of the rest of the ancestor witches were red.


   Luxury is not comparable to the corpse of the witch thirteen. He is the orthodox ancestor witch, who grows up with the rest of the ancestor witch, and has endless friendship.


   "Dijun, I want you to die."


   Dijiang made a voice with hatred, the power of terror radiated, and even the avenue was distorted.




   The space suddenly became chaotic, and Di Jiang's figure also blurred.


   After that, countless emperor rivers appeared, surrounded the emperor Juntuan, and killed him at the same time.


   These figures are real.


   Dijiang folded the space, transforming one thousand into one, and at the same time killed Dijun.


   "Taiyi, take your life!"


   Tian Wu, Xuan Ming, Qiang Liang, Ji Zi, Feng Yu Lei Dian and the four great ancestor witches came out, and joined forces to kill Tai Yi.


   The four people work together, wind, rain, thunder and lightning gather together, and a force no less than Hunyuan's level erupted, urging the innate treasure, Hong Kong, and fighting with Taiyi fiercely.


   "Fu Xi Daoist, please!"


   Zhujiuyin stepped forward and met Fuxi.


   These two people are both in the half-step Hunyuan realm. In the battle, it can be said that they meet each other and meet the talents. It is hard to separate.


After   , Wu Gonggong, the ancestor of water, killed Kunpeng.


  The ancestor of fire Wu Zhurong confronted Xihe.


  The ancestor of gold Wuling and the ancestor of wood also found their opponents.


   A quasi-sage melee broke out.


   At the same time, the battle between the Great Lich and the Demon God began.




   Nearly ten thousand Daluo Jinxian and the melee between dozens of quasi-sages, the power that erupted was too terrifying, and it directly shredded the heavens.


   Even the wild land was also affected, and huge cracks emerged one after another, as if they were going to be torn apart.


   The longer the war lasts, the more destructive it causes.


   It didn't take long for the entire void to shatter, the earth, fire, water and wind were surging, and the atmosphere of destruction overflowed, intertwined with a series of world-destroying storms, and the sky and the earth were already showing signs of instability.






   "Today, let us have a break between you and me!"


   After another fight, Di Jun changed his body and revealed a huge emperor's image, and started his promotion.




at this time,


   Emperor Jun will make another breakthrough to achieve the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


   The heavens and the earth shook, all kinds of visions appeared, and they came to the emperor.


   "Haha, I'm afraid you won't make it!"


   Seeing this, Di Jiang laughed, and he actually started a breakthrough.


   In fact, as early as tens of thousands of years ago, Dijiang had a sign of a breakthrough.


   He is the eldest son of Pangu. He has an extraordinary understanding and strong aura. In addition, he has cultivated the way of gods and demons. He has long understood the way forward and hoped for enlightenment.


   But in order to lay down the twelve capitals of the gods, Di Jiang Shengsheng suppressed the desire to break through, which was delayed.


   But now, the twelve capital gods' evil formation has been broken, and he is not obstructed, and he has directly begun to break through.




  Pangu's blood is surging, making a sound like a stormy sea.


   That is the bloodline is purifying, constantly shed the Kaitian Qiqi, and transform into the purest Pangu bloodline.


  The ancestor witch became the Dao, and the bloodline was transformed, and naturally, it was transformed into the purest Pangu bloodline.


   Because of this, the ancestor witch who became Tao, cannot join hands with the unenlightened ancestor witch to lay down a large array of the gods of the next week.


  Because, the unenlightened ancestor witches, their Pangu bloodline is not pure, far inferior to the ancestral witches who became Dao.




   The Tao of Space made a huge buzzing sound, resonating with Dijiang.


   A huge phantom of the demon god, as if the way of space descended, manifested behind Dijiang.


   Its appearance is as good as Dijiang.


   The path chosen by the Twelve Ancestral Witch is different from Feng Zichen.


   As early as when they were born, UU read www.uukanshu. Com Pangu chose a good path for them, and as long as they follow that path, they will inevitably achieve extraordinary achievements.


   Therefore, the Hunyuan of the Twelve Ancestor Witches is not reversing Pangu's body, but sublimating themselves.


   turns oneself into Tao.




   is to become Tao,


   is Tao in itself.




   Two rays of light that shook the past and the present emerged, and Dijun and Dijiang surpassed the long river of time and space at the same time, and achieved Hunyuan Daluo's golden fairyland.


   After this, the true spirit is boundless, the sun and the moon decay and I am immortal, the heaven and the earth are destroyed but I am immortal.


   This is the real great freedom, great freedom!






   As soon as the two broke through, they didn't care about experiencing their own changes, and went crazy to deal with them.


  Dijun constantly wielded the witch-slaughtering sword, intending to destroy Dijiang's body.


   But, the Dijiang body merges with the void, it seems to be everywhere, and it seems to be nowhere. No matter how Di Jun attacks, he can't be hurt.




"how come?"


   The breakthrough of Dijun and Dijiang completely exceeded the sage's expectations.

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