Flooded Star Road

Chapter 507: Pangu's calculations

On the edge of chaos, more than 4,000 great witches of the Wu clan came forward, like a moth battling the fire, and rushed towards the door.


   A series of mysterious imprints appeared on the door, simple and vast, exuding extraordinary power, and stabilized the door.


   "Your Majesty, I am waiting to accompany you!"


   The witch clan sacrifices himself, and the monster clan is not behind. Except for the ten great monster gods, the other four thousand monster gods have sacrificed themselves and merged into the Taoist gate.


   The demon clan still needs the protection of demon gods, so the ten great demon gods cannot fall.




  In that moment, Daomen's body bloomed with purple light, and it was completely integrated with the surrounding heaven and earth barriers, regardless of each other.


   At this time, the door became extremely hard, and the whole body exuded an aura of immortality, no matter how the Chaos Demon attacked, it could not damage half of it.


   However, the opened portal, under the crazy attack of the Chaos Demon God, made it impossible for everyone to close it anyway.


   This is where the gate is not as good as the barrier between heaven and earth.


   No matter how strong the door is, it is also a door for people to enter and exit. As long as it can't be closed, it's no different from nothing.




   Looking at a great witch, demon god, sacrificing his life to make up for the lack of heaven, the great magicians present were a little moved.


   "The Lich Clan is certainly guilty, but judging by what it has done today, it can be considered a big deal. It is a sin that is no matter how serious it is, and it should be offset."


   "Lich, don't kill it!"


  As everyone talked, the fate of the second family of Lich had quietly changed.


   Originally, the sins of the Lich Clan were enough to make them completely ruined.


   But nothing is better than saving lives.


  Today, the Lich Clan uses the power of the whole clan to supplement the barriers of heaven and earth in order to save the empire.


  According to this calculation, this is a life-saving grace to Honghuang.


   is the big sin, after the Lich II sacrificed like this, it should be completely written off.


   Especially, Bu Zhoushan was not overthrown by the Lich Clan, but by all the great supernatural powers of the predecessor.


   This also makes the guilt of the Lich II family not as great as imagined.


   At the very least, even though the Lich Clan was guilty of this great catastrophe, the guilt was not entirely due to them, and the rest of the great supernatural powers should also be recorded.


  The sins are not all of the Lich Clan, but they have given everything. This is merit!


   The merits and demerits are equal, and it is normal to let go of the Lich Clan.


   What's more, without the big witch and the second family of the Lich, the demon **** is sitting in the town, it is difficult to make any waves in the prehistoric, it is no longer worthy of the attention of the heavens and the saints.




   deep in the void,


   Mysterious and unknowable place,


   where is the long river of fate,


   The destiny tributary representing the second family of the Lich has long been covered by a strong resentment, and it is completely dark.


   But today, as the second clan of the Lich clan fills up the sky, this very dark tributary of destiny has changed.


   There is a ray of light, born out of nothingness, piercing the darkness, and illuminating the way forward for the Lich Family.




   The resentment that hung over the tributary of the fate of the Lich Clan, encountering this ray of light, seemed to melt like ice and snow, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.


   The future of the second family of Lich is rejuvenated.




   Outside the Lich’s Gate, the Chaos Demon God saw that the barrier between heaven and earth was stable, and suddenly knew that this gate was the only way to enter the prehistoric land.


   At the moment, the attack is getting more and more frantic, and he must not let the opponent close the door.




   That door was transformed by the Lich Clan, so everyone called it the Lich’s Gate, praising the Lich Clan for its contribution to the prehistoric.


   Without the masters of the Lich Clan, the strength of the prehistoric side suddenly plummeted. Facing the increasingly crazy Chaos Demon God, the pressure they were enduring became more and more fierce.


   But it’s okay,


   Although Taiyi Dijiang has fallen,


   But their magic weapon is still there.


   The chaotic clock vibrates endlessly, and the incomparably stalwart power erupts, suppressing the fire, water and wind, and destroying the chaos.


   The map of the wild land trembled, and a magnificent world slowly unfolded, exuding an extremely heavy aura, crushing everything.


   Because of these two innate treasures, the pressure faced by everyone is greatly eased, and everyone can persevere under the crazy attack of the Chaos Demon God.




   The wildness, not Zhoushan!


   "Damn it!"


   once again killed the Seven Saints, the Chaos Demon God cursed with an ugly face.


   With the passage of time, the originally powerful Chaos Demon gradually fell into a disadvantage.


   Although it can still kill the Seven Sages, it is far less relaxed than before, and it even costs blood to kill it.


   The final reason is that the Seven Sages can continuously resurrect.


  With the backing of the Great Dao of Heaven, the Seven Sages can always be in the most peak state.


   But the Chaos Demon God is different.


   Their physical bodies have long been beheaded by Pangu, leaving only the immortal true spirits. After that, even after being suppressed by Bu Zhoushan, I don't know how many years, the strength can't be replenished, and it has already fallen to the freezing point.


   has just broken the seal now, and before he can replenish his strength in the future, he is caught in a bitter battle with the Seven Sages.


  This has led to their strength, which has been declining, gradually losing to the Seven Sages.


   "There are so many ways in the wild and heaven."


   "Dear fellow daoists, leave!"


"When the strength is restored in the future, it will not be too late to settle with them."


   "If you drag it any longer, it will not be good for us!"


   The Chaos Demon God is not stunned, and when he sees things he can't do, he has the thought of leaving.


   "Okay, then go!"


   Without hesitation, the Chaos Demon Gods took advantage of the resurrection of the Seven Sages, rushing towards the sky, trying to rush back to the Great Chaos outside the realm.


   It's a pity that at the edge of chaos, nearly all the masters of Honghuang are there. The Chaos Demon God glanced from a distance, then turned around and left.


   I have fought, but once I was dragged there, I waited to be consumed by the people of the predecessor.


   Therefore, the Chaos Demon God did not entangle them much, and turned around and left.


   "Friends of Taoism, you can't go."


   "Well, we reincarnated into the predicament and made him upside down."


   "Furthermore, Pan Gu Nao broke through the chaos and opened up a great wasteland in order to evolve the supreme Taoist fruit."


   "We can completely lurch in the predicament. When the Dao Dao fruit is mature, we will **** it away and take the good fortune of Pangu. Let its countless years of hard work make all our wedding clothes for us."


   "Or destroy it, making Pangu's painstaking efforts for countless years turned into running water."


   "Only in this way can I dispel the hatred in my heart."




   a chaotic demon said bitterly.


   This is the Wisdom Demon. Among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, the strength is not top-notch, it can only be said to be at a medium level.


   But he is also a figure among the Chaos Demon God.


  The general reason is that he is not based on strength, but based on chaos with wisdom.


   Relying on his supreme wisdom, he made himself at the upper level of the Chaos Demon God with an ordinary level of strength.


   It's a pity that his life was not good, and he encountered Pangu who was so strong. All conspiracies and tricks are vulnerable to absolute strength.


   Let you do a lot of calculations, I will break it by myself.


   Therefore, the Wisdom Demon is a tragedy. Before his wisdom was used, he was smashed to death by Pangu with an axe.




   "What the wise daoists say is reasonable."


   "Anyway, now we are inseparable from the great famine, it is better to reincarnate directly and take the good fortune of Pangu."


   "No way, Pangu has worked so hard, and everything has made us."


   The words of the Wisdom Demon, quite like the hearts of the Chaos Demon. Making Pangu pay the price is what they have been obsessed with since they were beheaded.


to this end,


   Chaos Demon God is willing to pay all the price.




   The Chaos Demon God took action one after another.


   "Friends of Taoism, I feel the world that my remains have turned into."


   "I want to rush there right away and take away the dominance of that world in order to restore my strength and prepare for revenge against Pangu in the future."




   A Chaos Demon God felt it carefully for a while, then suddenly turned his head and said to the Demon Gods.


   Then, without looking back, he flew in a certain direction deep in the void.


   There is a certain great world.


   And that Great Thousand World was transformed by the remnant body of this Chaos Demon God. It is precisely because of this that he can find the traces of this great world under the shield of heaven.


   Dayan fifty, forty-nine into the Dao, escape one of them. Therefore, the way of heaven is not complete, and everything has a ray of life.


   Heaven’s way is not complete, how can the Chaos Demon God’s perception of his body be shielded?


  Yes, this is where the chaos demon's vitality lies.




   can't say,


   This is a means left deliberately by the Great God Pangu.


   You must know that if the Chaos Demon God is reincarnated in the Primordial World, it will definitely increase the origin of the Primordial World and bring unimaginable benefits to this world.


   is the Pangu Evolution Dao Fruit, after the Chaos Demon God reincarnated, it will also increase the success rate a lot.


   Such a huge benefit, I can definitely think of it in the realm of Pangu, and I will never let it go.


   The purpose of suppressing the Chaos Demon God at the foot of Buzhou Mountain may be to force the Chaos Demon God to reincarnate.


   Otherwise ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With Pangu's means, there should be many ways to deal with the Chaos Demon God, how can it be suppressed under the mountain of Bu Zhou, leaving such a huge hidden danger to the great land.


   For Pangu, pursuing the eternal realm of the great road is his lifelong desire.


   For this, He gave up everything about himself.


   Therefore, in order to seek a breakthrough, it is not impossible for him to use the power of the Chaos Demon God.


   And the Chaos Demon God?


   They may not be fully aware of Pangu's calculations.


   But they have no other choice.


   Want to be free, can only follow the route that Pangu has arranged for them, bite the bullet and walk down.


   But the Chaos Demon God,


   must be unwilling in my heart.


   But they are not in a hurry.


   It's not a big deal to fall into the wind now, when the prehistoric world evolves to the extreme, Dao Dao Guo is born, that's a good time to tell the winner.


   Dao Dao fruit represents the extreme realm of Dao Dao, no matter who refines it, it can be cultivated into the eternal and immortal Dao realm.




   is the ultimate goal of Pangu to open up a great wasteland.


   As long as the Dao Dao Fruit is taken away, Pan Gu’s good fortune can be taken away, and everything Pan Gu has done will become His man’s wedding dress.

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