Flooded Star Road

Chapter 510: The Birth of the Violet Star Master (4,000 words)

And, what is particularly shocking is that


   The body of this Taoist womb is filled with the aura of heaven, and it is surrounded by a strong and extremely Pangu aura, all showing his extraordinaryness.


   You don't have to think about it, the creatures bred by this congenital Taoist fetus are definitely the topmost existence in the prehistoric times.


  According to the estimation of the Star Demon God, the aptitude of the creatures in that womb is not necessarily much worse than that of the Chaos Demon God.


   If you can get this congenital Dao womb, dove in the magpie's nest, and reincarnate yourself as a creature in the Dao womb, the start of the star demon **** in the land is simply perfect.


  The odds of competing for the Dao Dao Fruit in the future will undoubtedly be much greater.


   Thinking of this, the Star Demon God became more excited, and when he pounced on Feng Zichen, his aura inevitably became a little more fierce.


   Now, the Star Demon God even regrets it. He had long known that there was such a congenital Dao womb in the boundless starry sky. He would no longer divide the true spirit, and came directly with the highest posture.






   "It's really looking for death!"


   Here, Feng Zichen snorted twice at the sight of the Demon God of Stars rushing forward, without paying any attention to it.


   He admitted that just now, when he suddenly saw the Star Demon God, he was indeed frightened.


   But, this is normal!


   The power of the Chaos Demon God is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Dao Zu Hongjun suddenly saw that he had to beware of one or two, let alone his Feng Zichen.


  Yes, it is human nature that he did not react for a while and was frightened by the Chaos Demon God.


   However, Feng Zichen has experienced a lot, and after a little shock, he recovered.


   The Chaos Demon God in front of him is not the Chaos Demon God in the peak state, but a **** in a crippled state. Its strength has already fallen to the bottom.


   Really want to fight, between the two, who is strong and who is weak, it is especially clear.


   Therefore, Feng Zichen was not afraid of seeing the demon **** of stars coming, and even faintly excited.


   This is the star demon god,


   If you can swallow him, it will bring you so much benefit.


   At the very least, after refining the demon **** of stars, repairing the origin of the endless starry sky, there will be.




at the same time,


   The source of his birth need,


   and the last chance that the Zhoutian Star Chart lacked was enough.


   What is the star demon god!


   This is obviously a treasure trove of initiative to send to the door.


   Thinking like this, Feng Zichen became more and more excited, his eyes were full of green light, and he looked at the star demon god's gaze, revealing endless greed.


   "Be good,"


   "This junior, are you sick?"


   "That look is really oozing!"


   The Star Demon God who was rushing to Ziwei Star, suddenly seeing Feng Zichen's eyes, only felt a flurry of hair in his heart.


   However, He didn't care too much.


   He is the Chaos Demon God, the most noble and powerful existence in the world. If even an unborn congenital sacred can not be taken down, then he will have no face to stand in this world.


   Even if his power has already fallen to the bottom, this is true.


   Chaos Demon God,


   naturally has his own arrogance.


   "Avenue oven..."


   In the womb of the purple micropath, Feng Zichen's hands are imprinted, linking the world and the world, displaying the supreme supernatural powers, and the avenue oven.


   This is his great magical power derived from the great magical power, and among his many great magical powers, it is one of the few great magical powers that can cause fatal damage to the Chaos Demon God.


   On the battlefield of mind, Feng Zichen, who has fought with the imprint of the Chaos Demon God for many years, has already summed up a lot of experience on **** the Chaos Demon God.


It can be said,


   Talking about the understanding of the Chaos Demon God,


   Except for themselves,


   in the wild,


   No one else can surpass Feng Zichen.




   On the purple micro-star, the boundless star power converged, and gradually condensed into a huge oven, heading towards the suppression of the demon **** of stars.


   "Good magical power!"


   "Good means!"


   "Junior, the deity underestimated you."


   The Demon God of Stars stopped his body abruptly, looked at the avenue oven dignifiedly, and watched carefully.


  As the Chaos Demon God, the Star Demon God is naturally very familiar with the breath of the Dao Dao. Therefore, at the first sight of the Dao Oven, he understood the nature of this magical power.


   definitely has the ability to injure him, even kill him.


  If he was in his heyday, he would naturally not be afraid of the oven, but the problem is that he is not now.


   Therefore, of course, you have to deal with it carefully to prevent the boat from overturning in the gutter.




   The Demon God of Stars thought for a while, and suddenly he knotted his hands, pulling the remaining power of the endless starry sky, and blasted towards the avenue oven.




   Seeing this, Feng Zichen was shocked and angry.


The endless starry sky is on the verge of fragmentation. If it is blasting against the avenue oven, the terrifying counter-shock force cannot be the last straw to overwhelm the camel, causing the endless starry sky to completely collapse, leading to a series of problems. .


   Therefore, Feng Zichen didn't dare to take it hard, and quickly turned the attack into a stop.




   One side attacked forcefully, and one side threw a rat-avoidance weapon. The ending was obvious, and the avenue oven was blasted to pieces on the spot.


   However, for fear of hurting the Ziwei Dao tire, after the Dadao oven shattered, the Star Demon God also took a bit of strength, and did not let Feng Zichen be harmed.




   Looking at the demon **** of stars, Feng Zichen cursed.


   The Star Demon God was so shameless, it really made him unexpected.


"Ha ha!"


   "Junior, this battle is about life and death. Of course, we must do everything we can."


   "What's wrong with the deity doing this?"


   "It's you, you still need a good student to learn."


   With a big laugh, the Star Demon God continued to rush towards Feng Zichen.


   "The old thief is really shameless!"


   The star demon **** is not ashamed, but rather proud of his expression, really makes Feng Zichen tickled with anger.


   But he is not easy to refute.


  Because they make a lot of sense.


   The battle of life and death, it should be like this!


  What's wrong is that he didn't expect that the Chaos Demon God could be so shameless.


   "Old thief, since you take the initiative to find death on your own, then I will fulfill you."


   Looking at the Star Demon God who took the initiative to pounce, Feng Zichen felt fierce in his heart, and made a decision, and took the initiative to let go of all the defenses, allowing the Star Demon God to enter Ziwei Star.


   As long as the Star Demon God can mobilize the power of the boundless starry sky, it means that ordinary methods are no longer useful to him.


   want to kill him, only with the help of external force.


   And this external force, Feng Zichen has it.


   Ziweixing, what is that place?


  Pangu’s ancestral orifice was transformed into the former abode of his true spirit, and heaven was born from it.


   The noble place like a purple star can be said to be one of the most important places in the prehistoric world. Here, the power of heaven and the power of Pangu are permeated everywhere.


   It can be said that there are crises everywhere.


   The Demon God of Stars rushed in stupidly, even without Feng Zichen taking the initiative to take the initiative, the various powers that permeated this place were able to kill him.


   With his current strength, he can't walk in front of Ziwei Dao Ti at all, let alone dove occupying the magpie's nest and reincarnating.

   Previously, the reason Feng Zichen was unwilling to use this power was because he wanted to fight the Chaos Demon God in a real battle, in order to confirm his path and seek a chance to be one step closer.


   The Chaos Demon God itself is a manifestation of the Great Dao, let alone fighting with it, it is a great opportunity to look at it from a distance.


   Now that Feng Zichen has the opportunity to fight the Chaos Demon God, how can he easily give up?


   If he can play a game with him and fully confirm what he has learned, perhaps his chance to break through the Hunyuan Daluojinxian will be here.




   Star Demon God is not a thing,


   used the endless starry sky to threaten Feng Zichen,


   caused him to change his mind and use the power of Ziweixing to directly kill the demon **** of stars.




   Although, it is a great regret to not be able to fight against the Chaos Demon God.


   But if it could be refined, it would be considered a great opportunity, not as nothing gained.


   is a pity.


   The combination of the two can definitely push him to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


   is only half of it now, and the effect will undoubtedly be greatly reduced. It can only be proved by half a step.


   The Hunyuan opportunity that I got is just gone, and no one is in a good mood.


   Therefore, Feng Zichen vented all the unhappiness in his heart on the culprit of all this, the Demon God of Stars.




   Seeing Feng Zichen let go of all his defenses, the Star Demon God was not suspicious of fraud, or had absolute confidence in his own strength, so he swaggered into Ziwei Star.


   Then, He was tragic.


   Feeling the intrusion of the unfamiliar aura, the power of the heavens permeating the purple star, and Pangu's mighty power, exploded on the spot.


   A wave of terrifying power came from nothingness, and blasted fiercely towards the demon **** of stars.


"not good!"


   In the blink of an eye, the face of the Demon God, who was full of confidence before, changed completely and became extremely frightened.


   Because, from these attacks, he felt a very familiar aura, which was unique to Pangu.


   Although the power of the Heavenly Dao is powerful, the Chaos Demon God doesn't take it seriously.


   can face Pangu, that's different.


   Don't look at the Chaos Demon God, who looks like he is desperately fighting Pangu at any time, but in reality, Pangu is not with them.


   They can naturally blow vigorously.


   But once Pangu really appeared in front of them, it is estimated that they would run faster than anyone else.


   After all, during the opening battle, Pangu left a lot of Chaos Demon Gods too deep. That invincible figure was deeply imprinted in the heart of Chaos Chaos, making them hate and fear Pangu.


   They will have today's fate, all of them were made by Pangu.


   Therefore, after sensing the power of Pangu, the memory of the Star Demon God that was most unwilling to recall deep in his heart was immediately hooked up.




   boundless fear,


   In a blink of an eye,


   filled the heart of the Star Demon God.


  Forcing him, even the thought of resistance, dare not rise up, and hurriedly fled to the outside world.




   That voice was full of horror. It had changed its tone, and even trembling.


   Obviously, for Pan Gu, the Star Demon God is extremely afraid.




   Everyone else was killed by Pangu once,


   But he is the only one who has a unique skeleton and was killed twice by Pangu.


   Can this fear be deep?


   Unfortunately, it is easy to get in, but difficult to get out.


   Especially, on the body of the Star Demon God, the inevitable Qi of the Chaos Demon God is the key point of Ziwei Xing's defense.




   It’s okay if he doesn’t move,


  This movement,


   ushered in a fierce rebound from the power of Pangu.


   For his avatar, he completely marked the end.




   A beam of axe light came from nothing, as if it had crossed the endless time and space, manifested itself, and swiped lightly at the star demon god.




   "Junior, you dare to yin deity!"


   "The deity will never let you go!"


   "Absolutely not!"


   In the unwilling roar, the spirit and wisdom of the star demon god, that axe light extinguished.


   in place,


   only left a group of the most original power.




   "The endless starry sky, I'm saved!"


   Seeing the origin left by the Star Demon God, Feng Zichen couldn't help but smile.


   The boundless starry sky was broken too badly. Most of the space was already swallowed by the chaos outside the sky and became a part of it. If it weren't for the Three Noble Stars, the endless starry sky would be completely gone.


   Originally, Feng Zichen alone could not restore the boundless starry sky. It took everyone to work together.


   But with the origin left by the Star Demon God, he has great certainty that he can repair the endless starry sky alone.


   Don't underestimate this.


   Repair the endless starry sky alone,


   Work with everyone to repair the endless starry sky,


The meaning of    is totally different.


   At the very least, if Feng Zichen repairs the boundless starry sky with his own power, then he is the well-deserved Lord of the boundless starry sky, more justified than Emperor Jun.


   can even refining the entire endless starry sky like a sea of ​​blood refining in Styx.


   When the time comes, the endless starry sky will never die, and Feng Zichen will not die, and even the saints can't help him.


   The endless starry sky, that is so much more important than the sea of ​​blood, no one dares to destroy it.


  Especially after experiencing this catastrophe, no one dared to do so.


   has become the Lord of the Boundless Starry Sky, isn't the position of the Lord of the Stars ready?


   Even if the saint is dissatisfied, he has to pinch his nose to admit it.


   But if everyone works together to repair the endless starry sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there are too many ridiculous places. It is estimated that Feng Zichen's idea of ​​becoming the Lord of the Boundless Starry Sky will be difficult to realize.


   Therefore, it is better to repair the endless starry sky by yourself.


   Thinking like this, Feng Zichen shook the Zi Wei Dao Ti, and issued a huge suction, swallowing all the origins left by the Star Demon God.


   The most important thing at the moment is not to repair the endless starry sky, but to break the purple trowel, and the real arrival is in the predecessor.


   Ziwei Star Lord has been conceived for so long, it is time to be born.


not to mention,


   His greatest threat, Emperor Taiyi, is gone.






   After absorbing the origin of the Star Demon God, the Ziwei Dao fetus was completely mature, and suddenly flew out of the Ziwei Star, ready to welcome the stars of the week and the baptism of heaven and earth, and descend into the world.


  Theoretically, it is unwise for Feng Zichen to choose to be born at this time.


   general reason,


   is facing the catastrophe of the world as it is today,


   The stars of the week sky are even more broken, falling into the wild and falling into the wild.


   Heaven and Earth are completely in chaos, but there is no extra power to baptize Ziwei Dao Ti, and prompt him to be born.

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