Flooded Star Road

Chapter 517: Target sun star, hibiscus tree

As the name suggests,


   The twelfth-rank pure white lotus, as the top innate spiritual treasure of the way of purification, possesses the ability to purify all the filthy air in the world.


   This is precisely the nemesis of karma!


  Karma is also a kind of dirty air.




   District Karma,


  Hyunqing, why is he afraid of it?




   That monstrous karma, not yet close to Xuan Qing, the golden light of merit shrouded in him, naturally gave birth to induction.


   The bright golden light blooms, warm but not hot, peaceful and not violent. Wherever it passes, all the darkness and filthiness are like ice and snow exposed to the sun, retreating quickly.


   In the blink of an eye, the surging karma disappeared in smoke under the counterattack of the golden light of merit.


   During this period, Xuan Qing didn't even make any movements at all, only relying on the voluntary counterattack of the golden light of merit, solved the karma that made the saint frown.


   Merit is sometimes so easy to use.




   Xuanqing has a lot of merit, and he can have no fear of karma, but the rest of the Four Sect disciples have no such good luck.


   I saw the boundless karma, coming from nothingness, and spreading to all the disciples of the Four Teachings.




   Not all the disciples are contaminated with karma.




   Duobao has the merit of creating a formation,


   Yi Ang has the merit of protecting the family,


   They have a body of merit, and they were able to survive this disaster that affected the pond fish.




   is really pitiful!


   these disciples,


   I clearly did not commit any mistakes,


   was inexplicably affected by the teacher, so that he was contaminated with karma at a young age.


   Don't underestimate the effect of karma.


   Among the many disciples of the Four Sects, except for Xuan Qing and Yi Ang, the rest have not been proved to be Daluo Daoguo and cultivated into Daluo Jinxian.


   are all in the realm of the golden fairy, or the realm of the Taiyi golden fairy.


   Originally, they all had a great future. Under the protection of the saints, there was a great chance that they could cultivate into the Daluo Jinxian.


   But now, a sudden accident has caused one's karma to be entangled. If these karma cannot be eliminated, I am afraid that there will be no hope of proving Da Luo Jinxian in the future.


   This is not bad luck,


   Then what is bad luck?




   Sage disciple, it's really miserable!






   "No wonder, no wonder!"


   "I said that in the later generations, among the disciples of the saints, no one can fight. It turns out that this is the reason."


   At this time, Feng Zichen's face looked astonished.


   In the future generations, the strength of the saint is really terribly tight. But their disciples, their performance was somewhat unsatisfactory.


   can even be said to be very bad.


   Except for Dubao, there is no one who can fight.


   It turns out that the root is here.


   With so much karma, they will suffer in the days to come.


   Do not say that it is one step closer to strength, that is, it is not easy to maintain the current strength.


  It is no wonder that after the disciples of Chanjiao became a Western teacher in later generations, their strength began to improve by leaps and bounds.


  Probably because of the lack of resources for Western teaching.


   Therefore, they found a new path on the path of practice, focusing on accumulating merit, supplemented by refining qi.


  With more merit, the karma naturally disappears. The disciples of the interpretation and teaching with extraordinary aptitude have been suppressed for so many years, can their cultivation level not be able to do so quickly?


   By the way, Feng Zichen also found one interesting thing.


  That is, the punishment of the saints by heaven is the same.


   That is to say, the karma assumed by the six holy places is the same.


   But the number of disciples is different.


   At this time, who really has many disciples, and who is infected with the bargain.


  Tongtian hierarch has tens of thousands of disciples. That monstrous karma is coming. You divide a little, I divide a little. In fact, not many have fallen on everyone.


   Taiqing saint has only one disciple, and he has a lot of merit, so it is relatively simple to protect.


   But things like Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti are a bit more troublesome.


   When confessing the gods and measuring the robbery, it is better to explain and teach disciples than to intercept disciples. This may not be without this reason.




   After the heaven and earth returned to normal, Wan Dao returned to his position, and the heaven and earth baptism that should have given Feng Zichen finally appeared.




   The heavens and the earth roared endlessly, the ten thousand ways appeared, and the stars of Zhou Tian also expressed endless joy.


   is the way of heaven, and a ray of eyes dropped.




   in nothingness,


   There are thousands of brilliance emerge out of thin air,


   is extremely gorgeous, releasing mysterious power.


   That is the essence of the avenue, the essence of the world, and it has power beyond imagination.




   With the emergence of the essence of ten thousand ways, a kind of vision is born in the void.


   rushed towards Feng Zichen together.


   This is a blessing!


   Boom boom boom!


   Zhoutian stars are also trembling, strands of origin flew out, rushing to Feng Zichen.


   This is a blessing for the stars.


   is the high heavenly way, and it also represents the heaven and the earth, giving a source of heaven and earth.


   Heaven and earth blessings!


   The entire prehistoric world is celebrating the birth of this great existence, Lord Purple Star.


   Ten thousand ways are all together!


   At this moment, Feng Zichen felt that he was extremely powerful, as if he had infinite power. Even the saint, I am afraid he is not his enemy of one unity.


   This is not an illusion,


   This is the truth.


  The current Feng Zichen has received the blessing of the ten thousand ways, the blessing of the heaven and the earth, and the enemy of him is the enemy of the whole heaven and the earth.




   How great is the power of the wild world?


   If he is an enemy, even if the Chaos Demon comes to him, he can hardly escape the fate of being suppressed.


   Not to mention a saint.


   It can be said that Feng Zichen at this moment is an invincible existence in the prehistoric world.


   However, it is a pity that this power is only temporary, and when the blessing power of heaven and earth fades, Feng Zichen will be beaten back to its original shape.


   But that's enough!


   Such a powerful force, even if it is only temporary, is enough for Feng Zichen to accomplish something that should have been done long ago.


   That is, take the power of the sun star!


next moment,


   Feng Zichen’s divine mind engulfed the majestic power of the heavens and the earth, bursting out, surging towards the sun and stars.


   Sun Star,


   One of the three most prestigious stars!


   If you want to truly control the endless starry sky, the first thing is to control the three supreme stars in your own hands.


  Only in this way can it be considered to include the endless starry sky in the bag.


   As for the other stars, they are not so important compared to the three supreme stars.


   Ziweixing is Feng Zichen's natal star.

   Lunar Star, in a sense, is also in Feng Zichen's grasp.


   Only the sun star, has nothing to do with Feng Zichen.


   Therefore, when his power is strong enough, he naturally has to attack the sun star at the first time and hold it in his hands, so as not to be swiftly ascended by others.




  The distance of hundreds of millions of miles, under Feng Zichen's mind, seemed to be non-existent. In the blink of an eye, he came close to the sun star.


   Then, he ignored the real fire of the sun, and rushed directly to the core of the sun star.




   The closer you get to the depths of the sun, the more hot the surrounding sun is.


   In the end, the real fire of the sun has already possessed the form, or the form of the fire crow, or the form of the heavenly dragon, and the shadow of the fire tree...


   all kinds of things.


   But they have one thing in common, that is, after seeing Feng Zichen, they all burst into flames like the sun madly, and rushed toward him desperately, trying to kill the invaders.




   Seeing this scene, Feng Zichen's face was cold, and he hummed slightly, and the terrifying coercion came out, instantly bashing these elves in the fire into flying ashes.


   These creatures are all elves bred by the real fire of the sun, they can be called elves in the fire, and they are all masters of playing with fire.


   It's just that, under Taiyi Emperor Jun's suppression, these elves in the fire, let alone transformed into form, couldn't even give birth to spiritual wisdom.


   It is precisely because of this that the real fire of the sun burned for endless years, but not even a creature was born.


   But that's it, Taiyi and Dijun never let them go. The two of them brothers used great magical powers to imprison these fire elves in the sun star, turning them into guards and guarding the safety of the sun star.


   Now that Tai Jun Taiyi has fallen.


   The forbidden laws they imposed on the elves in the fire have not diminished in the slightest. They are still playing a role, so that the elves in the fire can firmly abide by their duties.


  Think about it, too, as the Sun Star, as the foundation of the Taiyi Emperor and Jun brothers, is it so easy to break in? Inside, there must be many methods deployed by Taiyi, Emperor and Jun.




   In the depths of the sun star, the strength of the fire elves is stronger, and even has power no less than that of Da Luo Jinxian's fire elves haunt.


   But the Feng Zichen at this time is invincible, let alone Da Luo Jinxian, even if the quasi-sage has come, it is far from his opponent.


   Therefore, Feng Zichen relied on his powerful strength to rampage all the way, and directly focused on the core of the Sun Star.


During the    period, anyone who dared to block the way was bombarded and killed by Feng Zichen.




   "Hibiscus tree?"


   Looking at the big golden tree in front of him, Feng Zichen frowned.


   The core of the sun is just behind this tree.


   In other words, this tree is the final pass where Feng Zichen went to the core of the sun.


   This old tree is not easy to deal with!


   Hibiscus tree,


   one of the ten great innate spiritual roots,


   grows on the sun star to suppress the restless real fire of the sun.


   His cultivation is at least in the realm of Quasi-Sage Great Perfection.


   There were rumors in later generations that the hibiscus tree had already been taken away by Emperor Jun and became his clone. After its fall, he walked in the wild world under the name of Emperor Jiuyang.


   If it was the meeting that had just crossed, Feng Zichen might believe it. But now it seems that this statement is simply nonsense.


   Not to mention that the hibiscus tree has suppressed the Sun Star for many years, and has a profound virtue. It is so hard to think about it. Are you afraid that you can't provoke Tianzhu?


   By the time I die, I don’t know how to die!


  Furthermore, the hibiscus tree is one of the ten great innate spiritual roots. If it is so easy to take away, it would be too bad for him.


   Not to mention, with the difficulty of transforming the innate spiritual root, it is estimated that it will be difficult for the emperor to take the hibiscus tree.


   Among the ten great innate spiritual roots, only two have emerged.


   Of the two, one is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and the other is a saint. It can be seen how extraordinary the ten spiritual roots are.


   is also so extraordinary that the ten innate spiritual roots are almost intransformable.


   Therefore, in any case, Emperor Jun will not seize the hibiscus tree.


   Once it comes, He may not be able to succeed.


  Secondly, even if he succeeds, he may not get any benefits, and it may even cause life danger.


   Such a thankless thing, how could Emperor Jun do it.




  Since the hibiscus tree has nothing to do with Emperor Jun, why did he stop his way?


   He cannot transform,


   It's useless to want this sun star!


  Moreover, as a **** that suppresses the real fire of the sun, no matter who controls the sun star, the status of the hibiscus tree will not be shaken.


   Even later, the Sun Star Lord would have to treat him with courtesy so as not to offend him.


   Feng Zichen's heart did not intend to embarrass the mulberry tree, and even had some thoughts to please.


   But the hibiscus tree is blocking the way at this time, which is somewhat intriguing.


  Is it possible that after years of company, he and the two brothers of Emperor Juntai have a relationship, and after they die, they will guard the sun and star for them, so that they will not return?


   Various speculations surfaced in Feng Zichen's mind.




   "Poverty to help sang, I have seen the owner of Ziweixing!"


   Just in Feng Zichen's doubts, the hibiscus tree spoke, and bowed to him.


   "I have seen fellow Fuso!"


   "I don't know what is the purpose of your friend appearing here?"


   Feng Zichen replied and asked directly.


   As he spoke, a terrifying aura rose from his body, locking the hibiscus tree. It seems that if the other party can't tell him a satisfactory result, he will greet him with a thunderous blow.


   Now that he has the largest fist, he naturally does not need to reason with others. Because his doctrine is the greatest doctrine of the prehistoric.


  While making a roundabout, unable to get to the point for a long time, it is a situation that only appears when the strength is close. If there is a big difference in the strength of the two sides, of course it is the strong side, and it is what it says.


   Not to mention, Feng Zichen didn't have extra time to talk with the hibiscus tree.


   It’s better to go directly to the topic~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His current power, who knows how long it will last. It is better to save some time as much as possible.


   There must be the means left by Emperor Taiyi in the core of the sun.


   There is still a tough battle to be fought.


   "The star lord must not misunderstand, the old man is here, and I really have something to ask for."


   The hibiscus tree gave a wry smile and said.


"what's up?"


   Feng Zichen replied in a terrible speech.


   "The old man knows that the star master came here to control the sun and stars."


   "But at the core of the sun, there is a mark of life left by Taiyi Emperor Jun, and with his full burst, he can even display the strength no less than the deity."


   "So, the trip of the star master may not be very smooth."


   "However, if there is old help, the star master will definitely get what he wants."


   The hibiscus tree did not say his request, but he went in a circle with Feng Zichen.




   Feng Zichen still said horribly.


   He was not afraid of Taichi's mark.


   Not to mention the two marks, even if the two of them are resurrected at this time, I am afraid that they will not be the opponents of Feng Zichen today.

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