Flooded Star Road

Chapter 521: Heaven's calculation

A momentary loss is really nothing.


   Only those who master the future can win true victory.




   "Star River Zhouguang Great Array, get up!"


   Seeing the face of the saint, Feng Zichen suddenly knew what was wrong, and before they took the initiative to take the initiative, he took the lead, manipulating Pangu **** and man, and blasted towards Yuanshi Tianzun.




  In that moment,


   The emptiness is turbulent, and all paths mourn,


   A fist that outsiders can't detect, carrying incomparable power, blasted towards Yuanshi Tianzun fiercely.


   Feeling this power, Yuanshi Tianzun's face changed on the spot, and he subconsciously sacrificed the Wutu apricot and yellow flag, raised the golden lotus, and guarded him firmly.


   But unfortunately, it's useless.


   The power of Pangu gods is too strong.


That pure power erupted, as if it could destroy the sky and the earth. The Wutu apricot and yellow flag, which is known as the strongest defense, failed to hold on even a breath, and declared a fall. The rising golden lotus shattered and was hit by the fists of the Pangu gods. fly.


With   , Yuanshi Tianzun was also shot and flew out, smashed into the void fiercely, wiping out hundreds of millions of miles of space.


   "Looking for death!"


   got up from the void, Yuanshi Tianzun looked towards Feng Zichen with murderous intent. Under this blow, although he was not injured, he also appeared extremely embarrassed, which can be described as a loss of face.


   How can this arrogant Yuanshi Tianzun be able to bear it?


   In his hands, the Pangu banner suddenly appeared, bursting out an astonishing chaotic sword aura, as if to destroy everything.




   Accompanied by a sound full of killing intent, Yuanshi Tianzun waved the Pangu banner in his hand, blasting out a vast chaotic sword energy.


   Under the violent rage, Yuanshi Tianzun exerted all his strength, and the power of Pangu banners all bloomed.


   This single blow is enough to destroy the world.


   There is no sound and no interest, the void is shattered, and everything does not exist. Only a jet-black chaotic sword aura headed towards the boundless starry sky.


   "Second brother (brother),"


  " Yuanshi Taoist Friends (×3),"


   "You're crazy, stop now."


   Yuanshi Tianzun’s attack did not scare Feng Zichen, but it shocked Taiqing Tongtian and other saints.


   What is this going to do?


   Is it going to destroy the endless starry sky?


  The Great Tribulation of Extinguishing the World has just passed, is Yuanshi Tianzun about to set off the Great Tribulation again?


   Don’t blame the saints for being flustered,


   also Yuanshi Tianzun was dizzy.


   The boundless starry sky has just suffered a catastrophe and has not been completely repaired. How could it be able to withstand the blow of Yuanshi Tianzun. I am afraid that under this blow, it will be broken again.


   In this way, God will never let them go.


   The last time can be said to be malfeasance, but this time there is no reason.


   Therefore, before Feng Zichen resisted, the rest of the saints took action one after another, trying to stop the blow.


   But they are fast, Feng Zichen is faster than them.


   "Good job!"


   Seeing Feng Zichen laughed loudly, using his own supreme supernatural powers to improperly imprint, urged the imperfect mountain that he had collected earlier, and blasted up against the chaotic sword aura.




   The universe is shaking!


   The sacred mountain reappears in the world, standing majestically between the heaven and the earth, the mighty divine power permeates, suppressing the past, the present, and the future.


   Suddenly, the time and space near Buzhou Mountain stagnated. The pitch-black chaotic sword aura was first settled in the void, and then quietly shattered.




   "Bu Zhoushan Fragments can still be used like this?"


   Seeing this scene, Yuanshi Tianzun regretted it in his heart. If he had known that the incomplete mountain had such a powerful force, he said nothing would give it to Feng Zichen.


   "Suppress the Purple Star Master first!"


   Seeing Pan Gu's attack, it failed to injure the endless starry sky, Tai Qing and other saints changed their goals in the first time, and all blasted towards Feng Zichen.


   "The Mystical Tribulation!"


   Feng Zichen's mind moved, and the galaxy Zhouguang's formation was changing.


   Derived from the chaotic air, the power of time and space is surging, a **** and demon with a strong breath, born from the starry sky, displays all kinds of mysterious supernatural powers, and kills the saints at the same time.




   A torrent of magical powers, surging forward surging forward.


   Galaxy is born of all gods!


   Zhoutian stars have different attributes, and each represents a mysterious and unpredictable innate way.


   Feng Zichen used the power of the galaxy universe to circulate time and space, distorting the past and the future, and condensing the power of these innate ways into a powerful **** and demon.


   the endless starry sky,


   contains unparalleled power.


   Mastering this power is enough to be comparable to a saint, or even worse.


  On cultivation base, Feng Zichen is not as good as Emperor Jun. But when it comes to the use of the endless starry sky, Di Jun is obviously inferior to Feng Zichen.




  He can use the power of the endless starry sky to fight against the saints.


   Boom! boom! boom!


   In just a few breaths, Feng Zichen and the saints fought several times. The force of terror raged, almost knocking down the heavens again.


   Click! Click! Click...


   Suddenly, a broken sound came from the endless starry sky.


   But there are some stars, which split again.


   After all, the stars have not fully recovered, are not in their peak state, and cannot support Feng Zichen's long-term high-intensity combat. After several fights, it has reached its limit and has a tendency to break again.


"not good!"


   Feng Zichen was shocked, and the saint couldn't get better there.


   If the endless starry sky really shattered again, they, the culprits, would definitely be indispensable to the heavens.


   During his thoughts, Feng Zichen had the idea to stop. At the same time, the saint did not plan to fight again.


   Both sides looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts, and they were about to end the truce at the same time.


   But at this moment,


   Tiandao Hongjun suddenly appeared.


   saw a transcendent figure, suddenly appeared in the center of the fight between the two sides, turning over, suppressed all six people.




   "Is the way of heaven so strong?"


   This is the only thought that Feng Zichen, Taiqing and others had when they were suppressed by Tiandao Hongjun.


   Heaven is really too strong!


   They didn't have time to react to what happened, they were suppressed by Tiandao Hongjun.


   is really a flip.


   They saw Heavenly Dao Hongjun suddenly appear, and then reached out and turned over, an unstoppable force descended and suppressed them.


During   , no matter how they resisted, there was no effect at all.


too frightening.




  Heavenly Dao Hongjun's hand, let alone Feng Zichen and others, even those great magicians who were watching the battle were also taken aback.


   The five saints and one existence no less than saints were suppressed after turning the hands. Is this really possible at the Hunyuan level?


   "We, I have seen the teacher!"


   was shocked, everyone hurriedly saw Lidao.


   Tiandao Hongjun ignored them, but looked at Feng Zichen and others.


   "Are you waiting to destroy the prehistoric world?"


   looked at the six people silently for a while, before Tiandao Hongjun said blankly.


   Tiandao, there is no expression at all.


   "Don't dare!"


   "Daozu (teacher), I have no such idea."

   The aura of Heavenly Dao Hongjun's body has brought tremendous pressure to the six people, making them afraid to make a mistake, and quickly bowed their heads to admit their mistakes.


   "Then you guys, what were you doing just now?"


   Tiandao Hongjun still said blankly.


   Now, the saints are speechless.


   I really can’t say it!


   It can’t be said that they are afraid of Feng Zichen alone holding the boundless starry sky. This is how they attacked him to weaken his authority, right?


   It's not shameful enough to say this.


   But they have nothing to say,


   Feng Zichen has something to say!


  This matter, when it comes to breaking the sky, He also takes care of it.


   Then, Feng Zichen complained directly:


   "Also ask Daozu to call the shots for the disciples!"


   "Today, the sage Sanqing took Zhunti and others, not thinking about the well-being of all beings in the world, but fighting for power and gain all day long, leaving the world at disregard."


   "Today, it is relying on the strength of the cultivation base to grab the boundless starry sky. The disciples rose up in desperation, and this almost made a big mistake."


   "I still hope that Dao Zu will be the master of the disciple!"


   Feng Zichen's heart and eyes were broken, and while complaining, he hacked the saint by the way.




   is actually not black.


   The sage will really fall to the point where it is today, and the saint is really to blame.




   "Blood spurts!"


   "You obviously did it first!"


   After listening to Feng Zichen's words, the faces of Taiqing and others turned black.


   I can’t recognize it anyway.


   Therefore, they seized Feng Zichen's first move and counterattacked.


   Of course Feng Zichen refused to accept this, and immediately fought back.


   Next, the two sides attacked each other in front of Tiandao Hongjun.


"shut up!"


   "They are all top-notch figures, and they are making a lot of noise here, what kind of style is it?"


   Xu was annoyed by their noise, Tian Dao Hongjun said coldly.


   Both sides stopped talking immediately.


   waits for the decision of Heavenly Dao Hongjun.




   "Today's matter, you and both sides are at fault."


   "If this is the case, I will punish you to wait for each to practice hard work behind closed doors. There will be nothing in the future and you will not be able to intervene in the prehistoric world."


   After pondering for a while, Tiandao Hongjun said slowly.


   "Oops, it was calculated!"


   Hearing this, Feng Zichen's heart squeaked, but he still didn't understand there, he was calculated by Heavenly Dao Hongjun.


   Otherwise, why didn't he appear early and late later, waiting to appear when they were about to stop? This is obviously because I am afraid that I will be late, so I can't find an excuse to trouble myself.


   What a good reason to destroy the endless starry sky!


   A word made Feng Zichen unable to go out of retreat, let alone intervening in prehistoric affairs, and easily cut off his hope of becoming the emperor of heaven.


   is really good calculation!


   As the emperor of heaven, it is bound to go to the heavens and rule the heavens, and keep shrinking in the boundless starry sky, what's the matter?


   Heavenly Dao Hongjun's light and fluttering words made Feng Zichen miss the position of Emperor of Heaven, but he couldn't resist.


  The reason why people use it at home is very legitimate!


   Jiang is really old and spicy. Compared with Tiandao Hongjun, the sage's methods have fallen into the lower level.




   Heavenly Dao Hongjun is also more magnificent than the saints,


   Although he broke his hope of becoming the emperor of heaven, he didn't touch his foundation, let him control the endless starry sky, and let him continue to shine for the predecessor.


   Feng Zichen didn't have much hope for whether he could become the emperor of heaven.


  Probably because he is too strong.


   With the lesson from the past, Emperor Jun, unless Tian Dao's brain has a bag, otherwise, the successor to the throne must be the weakest existence among all the candidates.


   Only the weak can become the emperor.


   In this way, it will not be a threat to the world.


   Feng Zichen's strength is so strong, coupled with his control of the boundless starry sky. If he becomes the emperor of heaven, it is estimated that it will not be long before the entire primordial land will truly fall into his hands.


  At that time, the saint will also surrender to him,


   I'm afraid it's the way of heaven, but I can't help him.


   Therefore, as long as there is nothing wrong with the way of heaven, it is impossible for Feng Zichen to become the emperor of heaven.


   Feng Zichen had already expected this.


   Therefore, he is not very enthusiastic about the position of the emperor.


   But losing the election in this way was really unexpected by Feng Zichen.




   "Follow the teacher's decree!"


   In Feng Zichen's stunned kung fu, Sanqing and other saints have bowed to receive the punishment.


   Heavenly Dao Hongjun's decision can be said to be beyond their expectations. He would have been severely punished for this, but he would have been easily let go.


   This makes them very happy.


   Especially for Feng Zichen's punishment, it made them more satisfied. Can't get out of the boundless starry sky, how can the strength be strong?


   The one who has nothing to do with Honghuang is simply set up for Feng Zichen alone.


   The saints preached on behalf of the heavens, and they are absolutely indispensable for the operation of the land, how could it be all right?


   is Feng Zichen, in the endless starry sky, it is difficult to find opportunities to go out.


   Isn't this trapped to death?




   "Do you want to abide by the decree of Taoism?"


   Recovered, Feng Zichen said blankly.


  I really thought that when he stayed in the endless starry sky, he couldn't interfere in the prehistoric sky?


   is really naive!


  Instructions, Ziweixing is the emperor's star.


   Whenever an emperor is born in the future, there will be a chance for Feng Zichen to intervene in the wild.


   For a time, everyone is pregnant.




  After punishing six people, Tiandao Hongjun looked at the prehistoric world.


   Then, I listened to him leisurely saying:


   "This great calamity was caused by the cultivators' eagerness to win."


   "Therefore, the heaven and the earth are determined to make changes, so as to make the law of heaven and earth easier, so that everyone knows that cultivation is not easy."


   "In the future, I will be more focused on seeking the truth, and there will be fewer disputes."


   Talking~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Heavenly Dao Hongjun formed a mysterious seal and applied it in the wild world.


   Inexplicable, a change, quietly happening in the prehistoric.


"This is……"


   Everyone released their divine consciousness and felt for a while, and their expressions changed drastically.


   In their perception, all the spiritual veins in the prehistoric state are not producing innate aura, instead they are producing acquired aura.


   is not so much, it is the innate qi from the spontaneous transformation of heaven and earth, and the innate qi from Feng Zichen's rotation of the stars of Zhou Tian, ​​which also spontaneously transforms into acquired qi at the moment of entering the desolate world.




   the amount of newly acquired qi,


   is dozens of times more than innate qi.


   But how can the quality of acquired qi be compared with innate qi?


   It is foreseeable that with the passage of time, the innate aura will eventually become history, and the entire prehistoric world will be flooded with acquired aura.


   But fortunately, the process of transforming innate qi into acquired qi does not happen overnight. It takes a long time to change.


   After all, it will be a process of slowly adapting to the endless creatures.


   Otherwise, all the innate auras will be transformed into acquired auras in an instant, which will bring huge disasters to the land.

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