Flooded Star Road

Chapter 525: Going out of the world

The whole prehistoric,


   I am afraid that no one can stop it.


   That is the real mortal touch!




   the source of time and space,


   may be the reason for the opening of the sky,


   may be the reason to deal with the Chaos Demon God,


   It is also possible that the Five Saints are too weak in front of him, like ants, not worthy of his attention.


   In short, Pangu seems to have not found the Five Saints, allowing them to leave the long river of time and space.




   Outside, the Five Saints hurriedly rushed out of the long river of time and space, with a slightly embarrassed appearance, which surprised everyone who saw this scene.


   In the long river of time and space, what happened to make the saints so embarrassed?


To know,


   That is the five saints joining forces!


   Its strength is already enough to sweep the land.


   But that is the case, they still suffered a great loss in the long river of time and space.


   It can be seen that there is a great horror in the long river of time and space.


   But, logically speaking, this is without the suppression of Zhoushan, even if the time and space are dangerous, it shouldn't be rare to live with the saints.


   Is it possible that there are more dangerous existences in the long river of time and space than Buzhou Mountain?


   For a while, everyone was curious about the long river of time and space. If it wasn't for the wrong time, I'm afraid they would go directly in to investigate one or two.


   However, the next movement of the saint completely utterly utterly utterly utterly utterly distracted their minds.


   "The long river of time and space is the foundation of the prehistoric, and there is nothing to lose."




   "Pan Dao and others decided to join forces to seal it, so as not to shake the foundation of the prehistoric state."


   Looking at everyone, the Taiqing Saint said in a deep voice.


  He is saving people!


   If the long river of time and space is not sealed, with the character of these great supernatural powers, they will definitely be unable to restrain their curiosity and sneak in to spy.


   One or two is nothing, but if there are too many people, it will inevitably be annoying to Pangu.


   This is like a group of bugs, dangling in front of you from time to time, it will inevitably make people upset.


   When Pan Gu smashed down with an axe, who knows what will happen and how much impact it will have?


   So, let's seal the long river of time and space, it's over.




   "What the brother said is very true!"


   Too clear words, even if they are unreasonable, no one will object to it. What's more, what He said is very reasonable, and everyone will not object.


   is the okay Nuwa, who also walked forward, stood with Taiqing and others, and wanted to work with them to seal the long river of time and space.


   Sealing the long river of time and space is to maintain the order of the prehistoric. The saint is duty-bound to maintain order in the prehistoric times.


   "Do it!"


   The words fell, the six saints all started together, drawing the power of the heavens from the depths of the heaven and the earth, forming a vast seal of the heavens, covering the long river of time and space.


   This seal has exceeded the sage's ability and is at the level of heaven.


   In other words, if you want to break the seal of heaven, at least you have to have power that surpasses Hun Yuan.


   In this way, the long river of time and space is completely stabilized, and no one should be able to break in.




   Actually, it’s okay to break in,


   Isn’t it just being chopped by Pangu?


   should be nothing. . )


   To be honest, the saints have already sealed the long river of time and space at all costs. If there are people who want to rush into the river of time and space, then they are really looking for death.


   don't have to stop, Pan Gu Axe will make him pay the price.




   After sealing the long river of time and space, the Six Saints did not go to the Zixiao Palace, but stayed where they were.


   They, there is one very important thing to do, and that is to eliminate the predecessors and the memories of them.


  There is Pangu, and this gentle method of tampering with the past will not work.


   If this is the case, let's be more violent and directly erase everyone's memory about this matter.


   All Saints joined forces,


   can do this completely.


   But this way, it looks a bit ugly.


   This is the end of the matter, and I have to do it.




   Knowing this a long time ago, I stopped going to the long river of time and space, and directly used the thunder method to erase the memory of the sentient beings in the world.


   really made a big circle, and then came back again.




   The minds of Taiqing and others can't be concealed from Nuwa, but they are both saints, and he must help each other.


   In fact, whether they want to or not, after becoming saints, their relationship is closely connected.


   In the small direction, they have a lot of friction. But in the general direction, they must always be external, even if they are unwilling, heaven will force them to do so.


   Just like now, if the saint loses the hearts of the people, how can he preach on behalf of heaven?


   Therefore, considering from the standpoint of heaven, Nuwa will help anyway.


   "Let's do it!"


   The six sages joined forces, and a supreme power permeated, covering the entire prehistoric world.


   In the next moment, all the creatures of the Great Luo Jinxian who have not yet become the Great Luo Jinxian silently lost a piece of memory.


  , Feng Zichen watched all this quietly.


   He wanted to go forward and make trouble, but after thinking about it, he found it meaningless. It is better to wait for a suitable opportunity in the future to show what is happening now to sentient beings.


  Want to come, at that time, the face of the saint must be quite wonderful.


   "Friends of Taoism, everything is done here, let's go to Zixiao Palace quickly and decide who will be the next emperor."


   After doing all this, the Six Saints rushed to the Ziwei Palace without looking back.


   In this way, in front of everyone, forcibly erase the memory of all sentient beings in the world, even with the face of a saint, and some can't stand it, it's better to leave early.


   Everyone smiled and quickly followed.


   is Feng Zichen, also followed.


   Although he is not the emperor of heaven, he can go and make trouble!


   At the very least, it can also add some barriers to the saint.




   Just as everyone went to the Zixiao Palace, in the northern part of the wild, where Lei Ze was, the incarnation of Feng Zichen had finally arrived.




   I saw a thunder **** man, madly shaking the grand bell, and the strands of the grand spirit fell down, suppressing and refining the true spirit of the thunder devil.


   This Thunder Demon God, using the same abacus as the Star Demon God, wants to seize the fetus of Chen Shen, taking this as the foundation, nibbles the prehistoric step by step, and uses a certain way to seize the fruit of the great road.


  Gou Chen's fetus is indeed not his opponent. If Feng Zichen hadn't sent the Hongmeng Daozhong in time, I am afraid that the Thunder Devil had already succeeded.


   It was by virtue of the Hongmeng Daozhong that Gouchen's fetus reluctantly confronted the Thunder Demon God.


  From this point of view, Gouchen is not the opponent of Thunder Demon God at all. But things have always changed unexpectedly.


   Feeling the invasion of the Chaos Demon God, the whole Lei Ze was restless, a congenital Taoist fruit full of thunder, flew out from the depths of Lei Ze, and merged into Gochen's fetus.


   This is the supreme Tao fruit that Lei Ze has bred since his birth-the innate thunder master Tao fruit.

  Anyone who takes it down can instantly cultivate into the perfect state of the Daluo Jinxian, and achieve the innate thunder master status.


   With the help of the innate thunder master, Gou Chen, who is still gestating, directly enters the mature stage, and is born with the perfect strength of Da Luo Jinxian.


   For a time, Lei Ze vibrated, and countless thunders appeared, turning into a purple eye, falling into the center of Gou Chen's eyebrows.


   This is the eye of the most precious heavenly calamity conceived by the way of thunder, and it is a superb innate spiritual treasure containing forty-five innate gods. Among them, there is a trace of the origin of heaven and earth, and it is a symbol of the power of punishment from heaven and earth.


   is in charge of this treasure, and if he has the power of punishment from the heavens and the earth, it is truly one of the best spiritual treasures.


   But that's the case, Gou Chen shouldn't be much of the Thunder Demon God.


   But after the birth of Gouchen, Lei Ze's origin has sustenance, and he has poured into his body, raising his strength to the limit of the quasi-sage.


   In this way, Gou Chen held the Hongmeng Dao Bell and fought evenly against the Thunder Demon God.


After   , things are much simpler.


   As the sky and the earth recovered calm, Feng Zichen took his hand and directly blessed the incarnation of Goochen with Gouchen Xing, causing his power to skyrocket and overwhelming the Demon God of Lei Ze. This was the previous scene.




   "What magic weapon is this?"


   "Can you actually stimulate the power of Hongmeng?"


   "The deity is not reconciled..."


   Amid the unwilling screams of the Thunder Demon God, the Hongmeng Dao Bell vibrated endlessly, thoroughly refining it and becoming a part of itself.


   It can be seen that on the bell of Hongmeng Daozhong, the mark belonging to the Thunder Demon God is completely virtualized, as if it has come to life, and it is lifelike.


   At the same time, the power of Hongmeng Daozhong has been stronger by a few more points. He even had the atmosphere of the innate treasure, but he had not been promoted to the innate treasure.


   Hongmeng Daozhong’s promotion conditions are very demanding. If you can't find the origin of the five congenitals, even if his power can always increase, or even reach the level of surpassing the congenital supreme treasure, his level can't be promoted.


   It can only be said that most precious things must have their special features.


   But fortunately, Feng Zichen has found a feasible method for how to obtain the origin of the innate Five Tais. Now that he is confined to the endless starry sky, he can try one or two to see if he can upgrade the Hongmeng Daozhong to the innate treasure.


   With the birth of Gouchen, Feng Zichen has added a big help. The plan that was prepared earlier can be followed up.




   In the Zixiao Palace, Feng Zichen's eyes flickered, apparently planning something.


   It won’t be long before the selection of the Emperor of Heaven will be decided, that is, the boy of Hongjun Daozu, Haotian.


   In this way, even if the saint does not say anything, he will definitely not be satisfied in his heart.


   Dao ancestors grow old and become fine, in order to take care of the emotions of the saints, they follow the trend, and under the emperor, another four imperial positions are set up to assist the emperor to control the floods.




to be honest,


   is the power to divide the Bo Tiandi.


   In this way, the saint has benefited, and it is not much for Haotian to become the emperor of heaven.


   For Haotian, although the power of the Emperor of Heaven has been weakened, it is precisely because of this that he is qualified to ascend this infinite position.


   Otherwise, the complete heavenly emperor's throne, it is a treasure that is more noble than the holy throne, how can it be easily given to others?


   Not to mention that Haotian is just a boy, even Dijun is a little unqualified.


   Establishing the Four Royals not only satisfies the saints, but also weakens the power of the emperor. In addition to the emperor, there are four more heaven and earth karma positions.


   can be said to be several things in one fell swoop.


   Hongjun Taoist ancestor can not be said to be unsophisticated.


   Feng Zichen’s goal,


   is precisely these four imperial thrones.


   The position of the Emperor of Heaven, he is out of play, so he had to retreat and take the position of the Four Royals first.


   In this way, it is also in line with the wretched development plan that He originally formulated.


   first occupied the position of the four princes, raised the emperor in the sky secretly, and assisted the emperor to dominate the predominantly on the bright side, so as to attract firepower, and hide behind the awkward development.


   When the time is right, he will do the thing to abolish the establishment, abolish Haotian, and become the emperor of the day.




  The plan is perfect,


   He also prepared enough,


   If nothing happens, there is a great chance of his success.


   But the situation in the primordial land has changed too fast, and his own strength has also improved very quickly. In a blink of an eye, he has become one of the best masters in the primordial land.


   Strong strength breeds stronger ambitions. Feng Zichen directly shelved the wretched development plan, intending to forcibly ascend the position of the emperor with great strength.


   However, reality is often more exciting than fiction.


   Feng Zichen did not expect that he would be kicked out of the candidate of the Emperor of Heaven by Heaven because of being too powerful.


   He is too strong,


   is so powerful that the gods are jealous,


   did not want to let him, who is most qualified to become the emperor of the purple star, become the emperor of heaven.


   Therefore, Heavenly Dao deliberately calculated his hand, extinguishing his hope of becoming the emperor of heaven.


   But fortunately, Feng Zichen's previous wretched development plan is still there. Since the force cannot be achieved, then he will take it out of his mind and continue to implement this plan, occupying the position of the four royals as much as possible.


   As for why the Four Imperial Guards instead of Six Imperial Guards, that is because the Six Imperial Guards were specially set by Sanqing in order to avenge Haotian after entrusting the gods to measure the calamity.


   There is no emperor in the Four Royals. Personally, they are inferior to the emperor of heaven, they assist the emperor to rule the empire, not to divide the world equally with the emperor.


   But Rokuyu is different.


   This includes the Emperor of Heaven.


   He represents the power of the Emperor of Heaven, which is further weakened, falling from the previous half-level person to the same level of existence.


  East, east and west, north and south, the six emperors symbolize Liuhe.


   And Liuhe, there is no distinction between high and low.




   It can be seen from the establishment of Liuyu ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sanqing is indeed a direct disciple of Hongjun Daozu, this technique is simply the same.


   A good position of the emperor of heaven, he was divided into six parts by the pair of masters and disciples.


   Later Haotian called himself the Jade Emperor, knowing that he was no longer qualified to call himself the Emperor of Heaven, so he changed his name directly to avoid being laughed at.




   However, Feng Zichen is still happy to see this.


   If he were the emperor of heaven, of course he would not be happy.


   But the problem is that he is not the emperor!


  Different positions, naturally different perspectives.


   The harder the power of the Emperor of Heaven is cut, the greater the benefits he will get, and he must be happy to be so.


  If the power of the emperor is not reduced, where does the throne of four imperialism come from? Where did the Six Imperial Guards come from? How will His plan be implemented?


   Therefore, the power of the Emperor must be cut, especially the harder the better.




  Feng Zichen is thinking about how to plan for Gouchen to be the emperor.


  As the owner of Ziwei Star, no matter what, the position of Ziwei Great Emperor must be given to him, even if he has fallen now, so is it.


   Therefore, there is no need to worry about the position of Ziwei Emperor.


   It's a bit troublesome to be the emperor, and it takes a lot of planning.

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