Flooded Star Road

Chapter 527: Feng Zichen recommends himself a jade disc



   There is really no way for the Taoist to be mentioned. He has searched for all the reasons that he can find, and there is really no other reason.


   Is it possible that Xuan Qing should really become the emperor of heaven?


   Although a little unwilling, the quasi-tiding Taoist also has to admit that among the three generations of Xuanmen disciples, there is no more suitable candidate than him.


  The matter has ended, it seems that everything is a foregone conclusion.


   But it was at this time that the sage who had been silent for a long time suddenly spoke.


   "Teacher, in the Netherworld, Xuanqing still needs to sit down, he really can't get out of it!"


When    said, the complexion of all three Qings changed drastically.




   How can I forget this.


  Xuanqing is the only power of the profound door in the nether world. If he ran to become the emperor of the heavens, the situation that the profound door was previously in the nether realm, and the situation created with great difficulty would be completely gone.


   Therefore, Xuan Qing must never leave the Netherworld.


   Although the position of the Heavenly Emperor is important, it is clear that the Xuanmen is more important for the planning of the Netherworld.


   in this way,


   Xuan Qing must never become the emperor of heaven.


   As for after becoming the emperor of heaven, sending an avatar to sit in the Netherworld?


Do not make jokes.


   The incarnation of the dignified emperor, went to the Nether Realm to be a prince. Isn’t it saying that the Heaven is inferior to the Nether Realm?


  Whose face is this hit?




   "This kid, it's a pity."


   At this time, Hongjun Daozu sighed, and said with a little regret.


   This is to set the tone for this matter, and must not mess up the Xuanmen's plan for the Netherworld.


   The triumphant expression of the Master Tongtian also began to become a little gray and defeated.


   just a little bit.


  If it is for other reasons, Master Tongtian can refute one or two things, but he can do nothing about it.


   However, in the bottom of his heart, it was secretly that he would secretly hate the sage.


   intends to use the Zhuxian Sword Formation to ask him for advice after leaving the Zixiao Palace. So that he knows that some things cannot be said.


   It was Feng Zichen's gaze that turned towards him, and it also changed. He was hesitating whether to secretly kill his apprentices, so as to teach him an unforgettable lesson.


   He couldn't beat Zhunti, but the apprentice who picked Zhunti couldn't beat him either!


   can't deal with the introduction of Zhunti, he can deal with the Western religion!


   Feng Zichen felt that he had enlightened it since he took Zhun Ti to attack the human race. To deal with shameless people, you are either stronger than him or shameless than him.


   is stronger than the lead quasi-ti. Feng Zichen can't do it for the time being, but he is more shameless than them. Feng Zichen said that he can give it a try.


   After understanding this, Feng Zichen found that he was wrong, and he had set the wrong goal. Retaliation is not necessarily required to be taken against them.


   He can definitely attack the West and his disciples.


  Western teaching is where the painstaking effort to guide Zhunti. Only by ruining it, will both of them feel pain and despair.


   Compared with the destruction of Western religions, the physical harm caused by the connection of Zhunti is of no use other than to make them lose face.


   The saint will neither die nor be injured.


   Besides, is there anything more pleasing revenge than ruining the enemy's painstaking effort?


   These are exactly what Feng Zichen received from the quasi. If it weren't for them to attack the human race, Feng Zichen could not figure out this penguin.


  Others don’t follow the rules, so why do you have to behave?


  Since Zhunti can take action against ordinary people of the human race, he can also take action against disciples of Western teachers.


   The weak abide by the rules, the strong make the rules.




   "It's a pity."


   Everyone also secretly thought it was a pity for Xuan Qing.


   How can a prince in the Nether World be on par with the Emperor of Heaven?


   Xuan Qing this time, it can be said that it is a big loss.


   But how can personal interests be compared with the overall interests of Xuanmen?


   "In the future, I will have Xuanqing's benefits."


   After thinking about it, Hongjun Daozu also felt that Xuanqing was a bit lost, so he promised.


   "Taozu Shengming!"


   Everyone quickly flattered.




   "Taozu, since there is no suitable candidate for the saint, what do you think of me?"


   "Is there any right to seek the position of the Emperor of Heaven."


   Suddenly, Feng Zichen stood up and recommended himself to Taoist ancestors.


  Opportunities are won by myself.


   Whether it succeeds or fails, He will try it.


  That's the way I can not regret it!


   Otherwise, he didn't even try, how dare he say that he has worked hard?


   Besides, what if it will be done?


   Maybe, does God really care about his emperor?


   Everything before is my own guess, what if I think too much? Hongjun Daozu didn't say bluntly that he could not be the emperor of the day.


   So, I still have to give it a try,


   If it succeeds, He will make a lot of money.


   I just failed, and there was nothing to lose.


   But if he missed this opportunity because of his retreat, then he would be in a big loss.


   What's more, in the whole world, even the emperor is reborn, and he dare not say that he is more qualified than Feng Zichen as the emperor of the day.


   Under such circumstances, even if Hongjun Daozu rejected Feng Zichen's self-recommendation, he would also give him great benefits. Otherwise, he would not be able to convince the crowd!






   At this moment, everyone in the Zixiao Palace looked at Feng Zichen with extremely complicated gazes.


This scene,


   is so familiar.


   Before the endless years, there were two people who did the same thing right here.


   took the initiative to ask Hongjun Daozu whether they could become the emperor of heaven and rule the prehistoric land.


   Those two people are Taichi Taichi.


After   , Daozu nodded.


   belongs to the era of Taichi Emperor Shun, and it is here.




   Like a repeat of history, a familiar scene reappears in front of everyone. The difference is that the protagonist of the story has changed.


   was replaced by a younger and stronger god.


   Sadly, they are still supporting roles.


   is also this scene, which reminds everyone, is the emperor chosen?




Can    become a qualified emperor?




   retracted their gaze from Feng Zichen's body, and everyone looked at Hongjun Daozu. Waiting for his answer, is it the same as before endless years.


   "On birth, Ziwei Star is born and is the lord of the stars, dominating the boundless starry sky. It is the same source of heaven and the most noble birth, and it is the most authentic Pangu authentic!"


   "In terms of strength, his realm has entered a half-step Hunyuan realm, and there are few people who can beat the predicament."


   "With the help of Zhou Tian and stars, he can even fight against the saints for a long time without falling under the wind. It can be called the most top-notch great supernatural power."


   "On merit, he has the merit of saving the world."


"If it weren't for the master of Ziweixing to repair the boundless starry sky, how could it be so easy to solve the calamity of the world's extinction."


   "According to this calculation, the origin, strength, and merits of the Violet Star Lord are all perfect, and he is simply the best candidate for the Emperor of Heaven. Even the resurrection of Emperor Jun may not be able to compete with him."




   When Hongjun Daozu was silent, everything about the Master of Purple Star was also slowly narrated by everyone.


  At this time, the talents suddenly realized that what are they still fighting for? The most suitable candidate for the Emperor of Heaven, isn't he here all the time?




   "Speaking of which, you are the most suitable candidate for the Emperor of Heaven. It can even be said that you are a born Emperor of Heaven."


   was silent for a long time before Hongjun Daozu said to Feng Zichen.


   This is the truth,


   But Feng Zichen is not willing to listen.


  Because, the meaning in this sentence has been expressed very clearly, Daozu did not want him to be the emperor.




   Can I just agree directly?


   Why are there so many things?


   Didn't you see that after Hongjun Daozu finished this sentence, Sanqing took Zhunti and the others, did they breathe a sigh of relief?


   "In that case, why didn't Daozu choose me?"


   Feng Zichen had fire in his heart, and he asked directly without making any preparations.


   "It's not that I don't want to, I really can't."


   Hongjun Daozu was not angry. He understood Feng Zichen's current mood very well.




   has reached this point, Feng Zichen really wants to know what reason Hongjun Daozu can make up.


   "Because of Zhou Tian's stars!"


   "During the decisive battle of the Lich, Zhou Tian's stars were damaged so badly that even Heaven's Dao didn't have enough power to repair it."


   "And you, without consuming the source of heaven and earth, forcibly plundered enough power from the great chaos outside the realm to repair the stars of the week. There is even excess power to repair the broken world."


"do you know?"


   "How surprised was Tiandao after seeing this scene? So, from then on, he decided to leave you in the endless starry sky."


   "Because Heaven needs you to repair Zhou Tian's stars, so before Zhou Tian's stars are repaired, He doesn't want you to leave the boundless starry sky."


   "Even when you fought with the saint before, the heavens are estimated to be calculated on you, but also to keep you in the endless starry sky."


   "Therefore, you cannot leave the boundless starry sky. If you cannot leave the boundless starry sky, it means that you are not qualified to be the emperor of heaven."


   Hongjun Daozu's voice sounded in Feng Zichen's sea of ​​consciousness, explaining all this for him.


  Because the answer was too shocking, it involved the plan of the Heavenly Dao, so Hongjun Daozu did not preach it, but directly told Feng Zichen with divine thoughts.




   Feng Zichen was really shocked. He didn't expect that the reason why heaven would not let him become the emperor of heaven was because of this.


   sounds very nonsense, right?


   But Feng Zichen believed it.


   This is like something done by heaven.


  Because heaven does not have wisdom, it just relies on instinct to act.


  What is the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, are all imposed on the Dao of Heaven, and the Dao of Heaven itself does not have these.


  What is good and evil, what is right or wrong, in front of heaven, there are only things that are beneficial to and harmful to the primordial world.


   As long as it is beneficial to the world, no matter right or wrong, heaven will support it. In the same way, as long as it is harmful to the primordial world, even if it is just, heaven will oppose it.


   In the simple thoughts of Heavenly Dao, Feng Zichen can repair Zhou Tian's stars, then he is beneficial to heaven and earth. In this case, it is natural to find a way to keep it in the endless starry sky.


   For this, sacrifice some Feng Zichen's interests, and it's nothing.


  The Way of Heaven is the most selfless and the most selfish. For the benefit of heaven and earth, He can give up everything. Sacrificing a Feng Zichen is nothing.


   "Heaven's way to the public!"


   "If you want me to repair the endless starry sky, it will definitely benefit me, right?"


   After thinking about it, Feng Zichen already understands that unless he can immediately repair the stars of Zhou Tian. Otherwise, before Zhou Tian's stars are repaired, he is afraid that he will not be able to leave the boundless starry sky.


   Therefore, he is out of play in the position of the emperor of heaven. In that case, he has to ask for some benefits to make up for his loss.




   "The best place in the wild, the entire endless starry sky is given to you, what benefits do you want?"


   Hongjun Daozu said angrily.


   That is the endless starry sky, one of the most important places in the wild. It can be said that if you have mastered this place, you already have the capital to dominate the prehistoric, and Di Jun made his fortune with this to counter the Witch Clan.


   The lord of the endless starry sky, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is half the emperor. The owner of Ziweixing can have such a noble identity, that is, he is the master of the boundless starry sky in terms of law.


   "How about the position of Tiandi Yajun?"


   "Second only to the emperor of heaven, it also represents the next emperor of heaven."


   laughed and cursed, Hongjun Daozu said the sincerity of heaven.


"That's it?"


   Feng Zichen is very disdainful of this.


   How can these things be compared with the position of the heavenly emperor?


   "Finally, Pang Dao gives you a copy of his own practice experience over the years. After that, he will give you a piece of jade disc of good fortune."


   "Look, how good is this?"


   From Feng Zichen's expression, we can see his dissatisfaction. In this regard, Hongjun Daozu was a little helpless and had to say it again.


   "Cultivation experience?"


   "Good luck jade disc fragments?"


   "Daozu is really generous, then Ziwei is polite."


   Hearing this, Feng Zichen's eyes lit up, and he nodded in agreement.


   Whether it is the cultivation experience of Taoist ancestors, or the fragments of good fortune jade discs, they are all first-class treasures.


   The former allows Feng Zichen to see the way forward, while the latter is even more remarkable. It is a fragment of the heavenly treasure and contains all the truth.


   Get it, it can be a shortcut.


   Hongjun Dao ancestors are able to unite by relying on this thing.


   It can be seen that UU reading www.uukanshu.com is extraordinary for making jade discs.


"take it!"


   Hongjun Taoist ancestor waved his hand and gave Feng Zichen his own practice experience and good luck jade disc.


   Daozu’s cultivation experience is recorded in a jade volume. The jade album is white and flawless, and it is full of innate Taoist rhyme, and it is also a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.


   I know at a glance that this is a product of Daozu.


   The fragments of the jade disc of good fortune are a small piece of purple jade covered with intricate textures, which makes people feel dizzy at first glance.


   Feng Zichen didn't dare to look more, put the two treasures away, and retreated.


   He still knew the truth that he couldn't get past. The Taoist ancestor even sent out the fragments of the jade disc, obviously reaching the limit.


   If you ask for it again, there will be nothing good, and it will offend people.


   It's better to take a step back. With this kind of affection, he would have to go to Hongjun Daozu for help in the future, and it would be difficult for him to refuse.


   This is better than buying and selling. Generally speaking, there is still some loss, but not too much.


   Returning to his position, Feng Zichen thought of it silently.


   As for what happened just now, I don't know what method Hongjun Daozu used.


   In short, everyone didn't see anything, only knew that Dao Zu had rejected Feng Zichen.

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