Flooded Star Road

Chapter 531: Candidates recommended by Nuwa

At the same time, chaotic and disorderly messages flooded into Feng Zichen's sea of ​​knowledge frantically, making him dizzy.


   After a long time, Feng Zichen was relieved, and after finishing a while, he discovered that the information that came in was exactly the list of the cultivators who had crossed the robbery this time.


   With the greatness of the predicament, the creatures who are about to cross the catastrophe are more than billions of billions. With so much information flooding in, it is no wonder Feng Zichen is dizzy.


   looked at it for a while, and Feng Zichen blocked the information.


  So many creatures are going to cross the calamity, if he ran over to drop the calamity one by one, wouldn't he be exhausted?


   Even if I'm tired, I don't think I have time to deal with other things.


   Therefore, unless a very special person or thing appears, Feng Zichen will not come forward to surrender the calamity in person.


   As for the calamity of these people?


   Let's leave it to Heaven to deal with it.


   On the contrary, he is quite happy.




   "Heavenly Tribulation?"


   "This is a good way."


   "If the monks' good looks are uneven today, the Daoist Lei Ze set up a catastrophe at this time, it is really a great ability to follow the sky and the Tao."


   "From now on, those who have little fortune and morality, and the inferiority cannot be eradicated, I am afraid it will be difficult for them to achieve something."


   "It's the extreme, the extreme!"


   "Cultivation is to go against the sky. If you can't even save the tribulation of the sky, how can you cultivate some immortals, and what do you ask for?"


   "It is better to leave as soon as possible to lighten the burden for the world."




   In the Zixiao Palace, everyone admired Lei Ze's tribulation.


   is Hongjun Daozu, and he can't help smiling, obviously he is very satisfied with it.


   After having the catastrophe, when the monks started to act, they would have scruples in their hearts. If they didn't dare to be as lawless as before, it would surely make the cultivator less right and wrong.


   As for the catastrophe, will it affect their disciples?


   That won't.


  Being able to become the heirs of the great supernatural powers must have extraordinary powers, and it is only natural that they can't help them.


on the contrary,


   If there is a disciple of a great supernatural power, and die under the catastrophe, it is estimated that this great supernatural power will not admit that he has this disciple, so as not to become a ridiculous laughingstock.




   The Sea of ​​Calamity,


   After many pains, Feng Zichen's Heavenly Tribulation Eucharist was finally transformed.


  Power, an incomparably powerful force, agitated in his body.


   Although his realm has not changed, he is still in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian's consummation. But his power, under the blessing of the power of heaven, has reached the ultimate quasi-sage.


   This is the benefit brought by the authority of heaven and earth.


   As long as the power of authority is mastered, even a mortal can burst out incomparable power.


   And, in this realm of cultivation, the cultivation base is also progressing rapidly, just like opening up.


   After getting acquainted with his own power, Feng Zichen put away the remaining power of the Sea of ​​Tribulation, and Shi Shiran returned to Lei Ze.


   Then, He picked up Lei Ze and flew to the South Pole Star Region.


   "Heaven is here!"


   "Today, I am Lei Ze, in the Antarctic Star Territory, turning Lei Ze into the sky of nine heavens, setting thunder roads for nine days, and totaling the sky and the earth!"


   Standing on the Antarctic star field, Feng Zichen vowed.




   The words fell, Lei Ze broke into pieces and turned into nine huge fragments.


   At the same time, between the heaven and the earth, there are endless thunder manifestations, converging here, and an inexplicable Taoist rhyme emerges, constantly blending with the broken thunder.


   That is the way of innate thunder!


  He appeared in person,


   helped Lei Ze evolve into the gods for nine days.


   hum! Hum! Om...


   South Pole Star,


   and within the Antarctic star field,


  All the stars governed by the name of the South Pole star,


   At the same time, they all shined brightly, releasing endless starlight, and gathered towards the nine Lei Ze fragments.




   Void trembles, thunder is breeding, and nine huge sky faults emerge from the thunder one upon another, towering above the Antarctic star field.


   Reze is becoming history.


   At the time when Lei Ze was about to completely transform into the nine heavens of the gods, in the depths of Lei Ze, nine majestic palaces appeared one by one.


   Nine Heavens Thunder House!


  The innate soul treasure bred by Lei Ze!


   Every god's mansion is a top-grade innate spirit treasure, and the nine god's palaces together are the top-grade innate spirit treasure.




   Jiuxiao Thunder Palace flew out, each sitting in town for a day, announcing the establishment of Shenxiao Jiutian.




   In the midst of the predicament, thousands of thunders screamed.


   Accompanied by countless inborn gods of thunder, the way of innate thunder is manifested, and it is mutually confirmed with the gods and nine heavens to celebrate his birth.


   There are heavenly Dao hanging down the **** pattern, turning into an endless glow, and nine innate Dao patterns evolved, which are named for the nine days of Shen Xiao:


   are respectively:


   Shenxiao, Qingxiao, Bixiao, Danxiao, Jingxiao, Yuxiao, Langxiao, Zixiao, Taixiao.


   Among them, the heaven of the nine heavens is respected by the gods, and Lei Ze lives in the thunder mansion of the gods and gods, and commands the thunder of the heavens.


  Thunder Dao was completed in nine days, but Feng Zichen did not stop there. Instead, he mobilized all his mana and used the supreme supernatural power to move in the void.


   From the thirty-three days, thirty-six fragments of the heavens were arrested.


   Then he took away 36 pieces of land from above the wild land.




   Looking at the 72 pieces of heaven and earth fragments in front of him, Feng Zichen raised his hands and shot out hundreds of thousands of thunders, which turned into innate thunder and fire, and blasted towards them.




   Thunder and fire boiled, surging out infinite power, raging around everything, and shattering the seventy-two pieces of heaven and earth.


   The fragments of the celestial realm shattered, turning into innate freshness and permeating.


   The fragments of the earth shattered and turned into congenital turbidity.


  Clear and turbid encounters, life and good fortune.


  The earth, fire, water and wind were born, the yin and yang of five thousand boiling, and the chaos surging, the mystery of the great world is undoubtedly revealed here.




   When the fragments of heaven and earth were completely shattered, Feng Zichen seized the opportunity to use thunder as an axe to chop the innate clear and turbid air, hoping to evolve into the heaven.




   The thunder flashes, running the power of yin and yang development.


   The innate clear and turbid qi separated again, spawning a wonderful little world, falling into the nine heavens of the gods, and fusing with the origin of the thunder.


   This is not a small world, it is a cave, it is also a thunder hell, and it can also be called a **** of heaven.


   Thirty-six small caves, namely thirty-six thunder prisons, thirty-six heavens prisons, were specially developed by Feng Zichen. From now on, when anyone who has a world of cholera is born and kills him, his immortal spirit will be suppressed here.


   In case it is resurrected, it will continue to create chaos in the wild.




   Shenxiao was born in nine days,


   Thirty-six Thunder Prison opened,


   At this point, Feng Zichen's trip is considered a complete accomplishment.


   Next, the merit came.


   The three merits are added together, and the merits are naturally indispensable.


   A golden light flashed between the sky and the earth, and all the virtues fell like rain.


   But Feng Zichen did not accept these merits, but divided them into nine parts and sent them to the depths of the nine heavens of Shenxiao.


   There are nine extremely illusory marks of true spirits. It was the nine thunder kings of the Nine Heavens who died prematurely after being devoured by the black lotus.

   At that time, Feng Zichen, in order to condense the incarnation of Lei Ze, had promised them revenge. But to this day, even though he has repeatedly inflicted heavy damage on the Taoist people, but there is no way to completely kill the Taoists.


   Even if his current strength is almost standing at the peak of the prehistoric state, it is the same.


  Because, He could not find a trace of the Taoist.


   The hidden magic gate is too deep.




   If they weren't hidden deeply, they would have been found by the master of the profound sect, and they would have been completely wiped out.


   There is no way, the oath cannot be completed, and Yu Dao Xin is obstructed, which will affect the progress of the cultivation base.


   Therefore, Feng Zichen thought about it and thought of a compromise. That is to help Lei Jun Jiuxiao resurrect, to come to cause and effect.


   no matter how great the cause and effect,


   is not enough to save lives.


   As long as Lei Jun Jiuxiao is resurrected, Feng Zichen will not be needed for revenge. Wouldn't it be better and more enjoyable for them to avenge themselves?


   Moreover, the nine Nine Heavens Thunder Lords represent the nine top innate gods and demons. These are the future Da Luo Jinxian, but also Lei Ze's team.


   Lei Jun Jiuxiao was born in the nine heavens of Shenxiao, he was born inextricably linked with Feng Zichen, and he automatically fell under his influence.


   The nine great Luo Jinxians can be regarded as a powerful force in any era.




   In the Zixiao Palace, the will of heaven manifested again, and a talisman gradually took shape.


   Hongjun Daozu opened it casually, and it said that it was the canonization of Lei Ze:


  "Canonized the **** of Lei Ze as:


  The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng, the Tianyuan Shengtianzun,


   is always in the ten poles, dominates all things,


   is the ancestor of thunder, the source of thunder god,


   Infinite and boundless, heaven and earth are respected together. "




   "Lei Ze Daoyou set up the tribulation to heaven and earth, he is the Great Emperor of Antarctica, and I will be convinced."


   Everyone didn't have any opinions about the canonization of Lei Ze as the longevity emperor by the way of heaven.


   After all, this merit is too great.




  The Heavenly Dao Talisman shattered, and a little light filled it, passing through the layers of space, turning into an emperor robe and draped on Lei Ze's body.




   Between the heavens and the earth, another noble breath permeated, and various visions appeared.


   "A tribute to the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng!"


   "Satisfy the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng, and reunify Tianyuan Shengtianzun!"


  "Go up to the god's night house, concentrate on the palace.


   will meet the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty to distinguish the truth, and should be civilized in response to the nihility of the Miaodao.


   is above the nine heavens, and governs the heavens.


   is always in the ten poles, dominating all things.


  Proclaim the golden talisman and the light and suffering, and give benefits to the zhaomin.


   Enpu Qianyuan, benevolence and catastrophe, great compassion and great wishes, great sage and great kindness. The Great Emperor of Antarctica, the Tianyuan Shengtianzun. "


The sound of    Baogao is between heaven and earth, praising the greatness of the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng.


   At the same time, a vast palace appeared automatically on the Antarctic Star, which was the residence of the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng.


   This is the rhyme of heaven and earth, with supreme mystery, and the same as heaven.


   Although it is not a congenital spirit treasure, it is even more mysterious than a congenital spirit treasure.


   There are four imperial emperors, but heaven and earth prepared them for them.




   With the determination of the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng, the atmosphere in the Zixiao Palace has become more solemn.


  Because, at this time, everyone discovered that none of the three newly appointed emperors was a member of the Profound Sect.


   This really shocked everyone.


  Xuanmen What's wrong with this?


   Is it going to fall?


   You must know that since Dao Ancestor preached in the Purple Heaven Palace, the authority of the prehistoric world has always been in the hands of Xuanmen.


   But in the current situation, there are three great emperors, and none of them came from the Xuanmen.


   Is this showing something?


   The extremely prosperous mysterious door, after all, can't escape the laws of heaven and earth movement, is it going to enter the predicament of prosperity and decline?


   For a while, a trace of worry arose in everyone's heart, worry about the future of Xuanmen.


   Almost at the same time, everyone made a decision, that is, the final position of Emperor Gouchen, in any case, cannot fall into the hands of outsiders.


   The Four Royals have lost three of them. If this last one is lost again, it is bound to have a huge blow to the prestige of the Xuanmen.


   "Take the position of Chen, can someone choose?"


   Hongjun Taoist ancestor is still there, so people can't see what he thinks.




   For a while, everyone looked at Sanqing. This time, as long as the candidates recommended by Sanqing are a little more reliable, they will recognize them by gritting their teeth.


   But at this moment, Sanqing is also a little bit blind.




   There is really no suitable candidate.


   As long as the cultivation base is higher than the Da Luo Jinxian, he blocked all the choices of Sanqing.


   Yi Ang's cultivation base is here.


   But as the only disciple of the Taiqing saint, he is the continuation of his orthodoxy, and it is absolutely impossible to send it out to the emperor of the day.




   At this time, Nuwa suddenly smiled and stepped forward and said:




   "Here, disciple, there is a choice."


   "Whether it is status, strength, or merit, it is the best choice. Not to mention that it is the emperor of Chen that is the emperor, and even the emperor is qualified."


   When she said these words, Nu Wa's Yu Guang also cast a look at Feng Zichen, as if to signal him.




   Feng Zichen was stunned, and then guessed what Nuwa meant.


  If he guessed right, the person recommended by Nuwa is...




   Before Hongjun Daozu could speak, Yuanshi Tianzun asked with some doubts. Even the rest of the people looked over with puzzled eyes.


   No wonder everyone is like this, it is really Nuwa who said too much. In their long memory, there are not many people in Honghuang who can be praised by Nuwa~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Isn’t it Fuxi?


   A thought emerged in the hearts of everyone.


   It’s very possible if you think about it,


  , Fuxi and Nuwa are brothers and sisters, and the relationship is enough.


  Secondly, Fuxi does have the talents of the heavens and latitudes, and he has enough qualifications to become the emperor Gouchen.


   After three years, Fuxi has fallen into the Lich Tribulation, and it takes a long time to recover if he wants to resurrect. But if he was allowed to ascend to the throne of Gochen Emperor, with the blessing of Heaven and Earth, it is estimated that he could be resurrected and returned soon.


  Nuwa recommended to Him, it is entirely possible.


   Thinking of this, everyone has a decision in their hearts.


  If this is the case, don't blame them for refuting Nuwa's face.


  Because of the Lich's fault, everyone suffered a big loss, and even almost became the sinner of the world. With this cause and effect, would they not hate Yaozu?


   Fuxi, as the Demon Emperor, is naturally among their hatred, and how could it be easy to return.




   "It seems that my brother is temporarily unable to return."


   How can everyone hide their minds from Nuwa? He just thought about it for a moment, and guessed it.


   Fortunately, the person he recommended this time was not Fuxi, but someone else.

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