Flooded Star Road

Chapter 537: reason

"how come?"


   Recovered, Feng Zichen's face was full of incredible color.


   He, a blood descendant was born?


   OK, how is this possible?


   Like his existence, unless he deliberately does it, he will never give birth to offspring.


  The cultivation base has reached the realm of Feng Zichen, if you can't even master your own body, then what kind of Taoism will you cultivate?


   I'm ashamed to lose!


   Therefore, Feng Zichen can be sure that he, Chang'e, and Ao Xue have absolutely no children born.


   But, what's going on now?


   That throbbing from blood, but it can’t be faked.


   Doubts in my heart, Feng Zichen's divine thoughts, following the connection in the darkness, looking in the direction of the blood.


"That is…"


   "Ao Xue?"


  I saw it, but she was a human woman who looked exactly like Ao Xue.




   "It's not Ao Xue."


   "Ao Xue's cultivation base is not so weak, let alone, Ao Xue is a dragon, not a human."


   Seeing this woman's appearance, Feng Zichen subconsciously thought she was Ao Xue. But after another thought, I felt wrong again.


   Not to mention Ao Xue's cultivation level, it is said that he is currently practicing in a retreat in the Wa Palace, how can he appear in the human race, or appear as an ordinary human woman.


   It's just that this woman who resembles Ao Xue is indeed carrying a creature in his blood.


   The feeling of blood connection comes from the belly of this woman.


   But what is going on here?


  The age of this woman is only two decades old. Feng Zichen didn't say that she had a relationship with her, but she had never even seen it.


   "God and God, open!"


   The words fell, Feng Zichen's purple eyes suddenly burst into brilliance, and there seemed to be countless lines in the process.


   In an instant, everything is different.


   The identity of the woman was also clearly reflected in Feng Zichen's eyes.


   "Ao Xue?"


   At this time, Feng Zichen is sure, and the person in front of him is Ao Xue.


   To be precise, it is the clone of Ao Xue.




   Taking a deep breath, Feng Zichen forced herself to calm down and ponder the truth carefully.


   And as he calmed down, that keen intuition returned to him again, and all the threads about this matter gradually unfolded in his heart.


   At the same time, the methods Nuwa used to cover the secrets of heaven began to fail.


   I understand it all.


  Everything is very clear, unfolding in front of Feng Zichen.


"I see!"


   After understanding what was going on, Feng Zichen's expression became extremely weird, all kinds of complex expressions intertwined on his face, and finally Tong Tong turned into a helpless sigh.


   this thing!


   was made by Nuwa.


   In order to stabilize Fuxi's emperor's position, his old man really worked hard, and he has even reached the point where he can do everything.


   Nuwa was worried that a ray of fire and an emperor's purple qi would not be enough to stabilize Fuxi's position.


   Therefore, he hit Feng Zichen's head with his idea.


   If you are adding the status of a personal emperor's son, then Fuxi's position should be completely stabilized.


   Nuwa thinks so, and actually does it.


  The son of the koren emperor is not so easy to be born. Not everyone is eligible to be pregnant with the heirs of the Emperor.


   Nuwa thought about it, and finally found a suitable candidate, that is Ao Xue.


   Actually, in terms of identity alone, Wangshu is more suitable. This is the human empress recognized by the human race.


   But in terms of relationship, the relationship between Nuwa and Ao Xue is far better than that of Wangshu.


  In addition, in her heart, Nuwa was still a little guilty of Ao Xue, but he forced Ao Xue to leave Feng Zichen on his own initiative.


   Therefore, based on the above considerations, Nuwa chose Ao Xue. Give this great opportunity to Him.




   the mother of the emperor,


Isn't    just a chance?


   Besides, relying on the relationship between Ao Xue and Feng Zichen, even if Feng Zichen was dissatisfied after the incident, he did not dare to say that it was wrong.


   In fact,


   is just as Nuwa thought.


   Even if Feng Zichen had a fire in his heart, he did not dare to vent to Ao Xue, and even when he endured it, he still had to comfort him.


   is really so depressed and depressed.




   "I don't know what Nuwa said to persuade Ao Xue, how can you let Ao Xue agree to accompany him to fool around?"


   "Also, there is one more thing!"


  "艹" (noun, a kind of plant)


   "I don't know who it is. It was so boring back then. Collecting the blood of the true dragon that I shed."


   "Go on, don't let me find out who it is, or it will definitely make you look good."


   At this time, Feng Zichen's heart was filled with fire. No matter who is calculated by someone to have an extra son out of thin air, the mood will not be good.


   Especially, when he knew the origin of the innate essence that appeared in Lei Ze, his mood was even worse.


  It has been so long in Honghuang, how can Feng Zichen not know the miracle of Honghuangtian.


   is really an ancient blessing. In Honghuang, everything can be transformed.


   There are only things you can't think of, nothing you can't do.


   is a drop of blood, a hair, or even a drop of tears of the strong, as long as it falls on the innate aura, it is extremely likely to emerge.


   It is for this reason that for a certain period of time, in the midst of the predicament, from time to time there will be great power, and people who are sought after will come to the door.


   For this reason, those powerful people must not have more heirs or disciples.


  In this case,


   Until everyone is prepared,


   was able to get better.


   After knowing this, how could Feng Zichen be unprepared. As early as after his cultivation, he used methods to make everything in his body directly lose all vitality after being separated from the body.


   Well, the rest of the great supernatural powers did the same.


   These are all lessons!


   It's a pity that Feng Zichen has done everything, but he has forgotten that when he was in the dragon gate, he had shed part of his blood out of his body.


   That is the blood of his true dragon.


   At that time, Feng Zichen succeeded in leaping over the dragon gate. A mysterious force descended on him and wanted to transform it into a real dragon. It's just that at that time, he was thinking of Pangu Taoism, and he didn't want to transform into a dragon.


   Therefore, all the blood of the real dragon is discharged from the body.


   Feng Zichen at that time can be said to be a little white in the spiritual world, and he doesn't understand anything. After the blood of the real dragon is discharged from the body, it is not taken care of.


   But he didn't expect that the blood of these real dragons would be preserved. After that, somehow, the blood fell into Nuwa's hands again.


  Nuwa was able to get Ao Xue to be pregnant with Feng Zichen's child through this blood.


   Although this part of blood is true dragon blood, it is actually real, and it is his blood that flows out of Feng Zichen's body.




   "It's really troublesome."


Although    was unwilling in his heart, Feng Zichen couldn't ignore Ao Xue. He only scored a ray of spiritual thoughts and paid attention to her to avoid accidents.


   As for this "son", it doesn't matter if he admits it.

   Anyway, when Fuxi's true spirit awakens, all cause and effect will be broken.


   I really thought that the human race reincarnated as a son for you, but only with the help of his identity.


   After paying attention to Ao Xue, Feng Zichen continued to retreat and deduced the secret.


   After some deduction just now, he still faintly figured out that the cause of the change did not come from within the primordial land, but from the Chaos Demon God.


   However, today's Chaos Demon God is divided into two waves. The small but powerful Chaos Demon God is now in the great chaos outside the realm.




   but the weaker Chaos Demon God,


   is now in the middle of three thousand big thousand.


   What Feng Zichen has to calculate at this time is whether this change came from the three thousand worlds or the great chaos outside the world.


   These two strengths,


  Although they are both the Chaos Demon God,


   But when it comes to dealing with it, it's completely different.


   If you don't know which side is making the shot, it's difficult to make targeted defenses.


   Yes, in the war with the Chaos Demon God, the predecessor has always been in a defensive state.


   The general reason is that the Chaos Demon God is too old compared to the prehistoric.


  The time of the existence of the Great Desolation is nothing more than a relatively eye-catching wave in the long years experienced by the Chaos Demon God.


   For Da Luo Jinxian and the masters above, time is of course not very important. But when the time is long to a certain extent, it becomes particularly important.




  Actually, in Feng Zichen's heart, he is more inclined to the crisis coming from the great chaos outside the world. But guessing is after all guessing and cannot be used as facts. Otherwise, if you make a mistake, the loss will be huge.


just in case,


   is just in case,


   Both sides shot at the same time?


  In everything, we still have to plan for the worst.






  Time flies,


   In a blink of an eye, twelve years have passed.


   Huaxu was pregnant for twelve years and finally gave birth to a baby boy.


   It's just that this baby boy is different from ordinary people.


   He has double horns on his head and a dragon's tail on his body.


   is a natural innate Taoist body.


   Fuxi, was born!


  The heavenly emperor was born, and the movement is naturally very important.


   The endless divine light rose from Fuxi's body, illuminating the entire wilderness, enough to compete with the sun.


  Various visions appeared, and the road roared endlessly, as if celebrating the birth of Fuxi.




   these visions,


   Only fairies can see.




   Originally, according to the legend of later generations, after Huaxu gave birth to a monster, he would be expelled from the tribe by the tribe and let it fend for itself.


   But the human race now is completely different.


  According to Feng Zichen's requirements back then, every tribe of the human race must have at least one golden immortal as a town.


   This incident was recorded by Feng Zichen in the fire, even if the civilization of the human race is cut off, as long as the fire is not extinguished, future generations will naturally know.


   is the current human race, far from being as powerful as the ancient lich period, and it is impossible for every tribe to have a golden immortal sitting in town. But a Xuanxian, a number of Tianxian, can still be obtained.


  The tribe where Huaxu is located has a Xuanxian and four Tianxians sitting in town.


   When they were so close, they naturally saw the vision in Fuxi.


   was shocked at once.


Oh no,


   is heaven and human.


   Actually, it doesn’t matter if you don’t see the vision. To be able to cultivate into an immortal way, the most basic vision is still necessary.


   Fuxi's body is a dragon's tail, and the whole person is like the word "Tao". The characteristics of the innate Taoist body are so obvious that if they can't recognize them, they will appear to be a little false.




   Knowing that Fuxi is not simple, the tribe leader sent someone to inform the ancestral land, and at the same time he took the mother and son back, so that they could settle down.


   It’s just that, before someone from the ancestral land, outside of the Huaxu tribe, there was an old man riding a bull.


   Taiqing saint is here.


  The matter of the great prosperity of the human race is extraordinary. In order to prevent accidents, the sage of the Taiqing decided to come and sit in the town personally, and by the way accept Xi as a disciple.


   Of course, this is all external rhetoric.


   The real reason is that apart from the Taiqing saints, no one else is qualified to teach Fuxi.


   After all, Fuxi is also the elder brother of Nuwa, the top supernatural power in Honghuang. If it is arranged for a second-generation disciple to come and accept Fu Xi as a disciple.


  Whose face was that hit?


  It is estimated that before that disciple walks in front of Fuxi, he will be beaten out by the furious Nuwa.




   Taiqing saint had to come forward in person.


   The head of the Six Saints, this identity is enough to teach Fuxi.


   If you want to come, Nuwa will not be dissatisfied.




   Although the human masters cannot recognize the true origin of the Taiqing saint, from the innate Taoist rhyme permeated in him, and the extraordinary strength of the green cow that he sat on, we can see that the old man is not simple.


  So, seeing that he wants to accept Xi as a disciple, everyone is too happy, so why would he refuse?




   Fuxi followed the Taiqing sage and started her school career.


   As for Feng Zichen?


   is carrying the Zichen sword, pointing to the Beiming Demon Master's Palace.


   Fuxi’s treasure of proof, Hetu Luoshu, should also be recovered from Kunpeng’s hands.


  As far as Feng Zichen is concerned, the recapture of Hetu Luoshu is not only for Fuxi.


   His significance to the human race is even more important!


  He Tu Luoshu, although it is the companion spirit treasure of Emperor Jun, it represents the prehistoric water veins.


   If the human race obtains this treasure, they can obtain the air transport of the prehistoric water veins, and the benefits are self-evident.


   In addition, as we all said, Hetu Luoshu is the companion spirit treasure of Emperor Jun, and it is also the most important spiritual treasure. If the two treasures can be taken away, and Emperor Jun will return in the future, his strength will definitely be affected.


   has so many benefits, how can Feng Zichen not retrieve the Hetu Luoshu?


   Besides, this matter is not difficult for Feng Zichen.


   In the past, Kunpeng was not his opponent, and now, it is even less.


   Therefore, Feng Zichen intends to salute first and then fight.


   First explain to Kunpeng what is going on, and ask for Hetu Luoshu, if he is not interested, it will not be too late to grab it.




   "Daoist Kunpeng, how's the Hetu Luoshu comprehension? How mysterious is it?"


  The Demon Master's Palace, the ancestor Kunpeng who was in retreat to comprehend the Hetu Luoshu, suddenly heard Feng Zichen's voice in his ears.


"It's you!"


   "Zi Chen's!"


   "You really are still alive, and you escaped the seal under the one cloth."


   Hearing this familiar voice, the ancestor Kunpeng instantly recognized the identity of the speaker.


   "Haha, fellow Taoist Kunpeng, it's been a long time."


   In the sound of laughter, Feng Zichen walked out with a sword.


  It's just that his body is extremely illusory, obviously not the real body.




   "It's been a long time since then."


   Looking at Feng Zichen, Kunpeng ancestor's complex color on his face.

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