Flooded Star Road

Chapter 541: Heart demon advancement



   Their chance has finally come.


  Because of the great chaotic changes outside the realm, Heaven has no time to look at the wild world, which gives the Chaos Demon Gods an opportunity.


   When they took advantage of the distraction and suppression of the innate fierce beast by a large number of supernatural powers, they suddenly took action, trying to swallow its true spirit to replace it.


  Of course, those great supernatural powers, who have been able to stand up and down for so many years, and are not vegetarian, how can they be easily succeeded by the Chaos Demon Gods.


   After a brief shock, they immediately recovered and fought with the Chaos Demon Gods.


   Although the original Chaos Demon God was extremely powerful, after being weakened several times, their strength was not much left, and they were on par with the great supernatural powers.


   In addition, the battlefield takes place in the body of the great supernatural powers, and they occupy the home court advantage. The remnant spirits of the Chaos Demon God belonged to the away game and did not have an advantage or even a disadvantage.


   Therefore, the Chaos Demon God may not be able to successfully seize the great supernatural powers.


  Maybe, the remnants of the Chaos Demon God will be swallowed by the great supernatural powers and become their aspirations to a higher realm.


   So, in the end, it's not necessarily true who achieves who!


   However, one thing is certain.


   After the battle between the Chaos Demon God and the Great Supernatural Powers is over, no matter who wins the final victory, a large number of Hunyuan level masters will emerge from Honghuang.


   If the Chaos Demon Gods win, their strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds, there is no doubt about it.


   If the great supernatural powers win, they will inevitably get the origin of the Chaos Demon God, and the cultivation base will naturally advance by leaps and bounds.




   soon after,


   Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is in the wilderness,


   will never be as scarce as before.


   At that time, it was the real world.


  In the midst of the predicament, the Hunyuan Dao master frequently appeared, fighting between the heaven and the earth, and even the saints could hardly conceal their brilliance.


   I'm afraid it will be difficult when the saint is thinking about dominating the prehistoric times.


   However, it is precisely because of this that the energy of the great supernatural powers is all placed in the battle with the Chaos Demon God, and they have no extra power to deal with the innate beasts.


   This also made the innate ferocious beasts more and more powerful in the predicament, the magic door became more and more arrogant, the human race and the innate alliance gradually became difficult to control the situation, and they were pressed and beaten by both sides.


   is the third generation of Xuanmen disciples, and under the pressure of the second generation of Demonmen disciples, they have to retreat to the Sanjiao ancestral court.


   It is not that the three generations of Xuanmen disciples do not give much strength, but that the magic door does not abide by the rules and sends out the masters of the older generation to bully the younger generation of Xuanmen. If the Xuanmen disciple can beat him, that's a hell.


   So, the chaos between the innate fierce beasts and the demon door broke out completely.


   The predecessor has now entered a situation where the magic rises and disappears.




   Just when the precipitous situation is getting more and more dangerous.


   Heaven, moved!


   Tiandi Haotian, Ziwei the Great Ziwei, Gouchen Great Zichen, Nanji Emperor Leize.


   One heavenly emperor, and three gods, a total of four half-step Hunyuan realm existences, join the lower realm, travel to the prehistoric land, and suppress the chaos between the innate beasts and the demons.


   The heavens are light and agile, so they live high in the sky, so they are the closest to the heavens.


   Therefore, amidst the devastating chaos of the Great Desolation, the heavens can remain calm as always, and have not been affected by the turmoil.


   Because of this, the heavens can draw out most of their power and go to the wild land to calm the chaos.


   The opposite is the Netherworld.


  Netherworld, located in the deepest part of the wild land. Below him, there is a bottomless land of Nine Netherworlds.


   No one knows how many secrets are buried under Jiuyou. But one thing is certain is that there is definitely the remains of the Chaos Demon God inside.


   Even if it is as powerful as a prehistoric, it is impossible to completely transform the incompleteness of the Chaos Demon God.


   Therefore, the remains of the demon gods that have not been transformed by their original origins, and those that are worthless, have all sunk into the ruins of the ruins and treated them as waste products.


   is still valuable, but sinking into the Nine Nether Land, using the power of the years to slowly refine it, in order to enhance the origin of the prehistoric world.


   Originally, this was a perfect plan.


   But as the Chaos Demon God’s True Spirit broke the seal, it became a huge pit.


   Almost at the same time, dozens of Chaos Demon Gods rushed out from the Nine Nether Lands and stormed the Netherworld.


   If it weren't for Hou Tu to prompt the six reincarnation discs in time to suppress these chaotic demon gods, I am afraid that the Netherworld will change hands today.


   It's just that it's still a bit reluctant to suppress these Chaos Demon Gods with six reincarnation discs. It's not that these Chaos Demon Gods are too strong, nor is it that the Six Paths of Reincarnation are too weak. It's the six reincarnation discs, and the pressure to endure is too great.


  As the treasure of reincarnation in the prehistoric world, the six reincarnation discs are not in operation all the time, in order to maintain the rebirth of the prehistoric and all souls.


   Given the greatness of the predicament, how many creatures are going to reincarnate every day?


  The reincarnation of life requires strength.


  The more creatures there are, the greater the power needed.


   On weekdays, in order to maintain the entire reincarnation of life and death, for the six reincarnation disc, it is already a big burden. Even if he is the treasure of chaos, it is the same.


  Especially, with the outbreak of the Chaos of Innate Beasts, and the Chaos of Demon Gate, more creatures have fallen in the predicament. The pressure on the six-dimensional reincarnation disc is also increasing, and more efforts have to be made to maintain the normal operation of reincarnation.


  Under this situation, he had to suppress dozens of powerful Chaos Demon Gods. Even with the help of Hou Tu, he gradually seemed to be unable to do so.


   For this reason, the incarnation of Hou Tu Huang Dizhi, as well as the ghost emperor of Fengdu and the ancestors of the Styx, had to jointly mobilize the power of the source of the underworld to assist Hou Tu in suppressing the Chaos Demon God.


   However, just when they were in a stalemate with the Chaos Demon God, a large number of strange and fierce beasts suddenly poured out of the Netherworld, which launched an impact on the Netherworld.


   Their strength is extremely powerful, and they have no fixed body, like a soul, their body shape can change at will, and they are good at attacking the soul.


   Ordinary means can't hurt them at all.


  Moreover, among them, the number of fierce beasts of the ethereal golden immortal level is the largest, but there are also fierce beasts of the Daluo Jinxian level and even the quasi-sage level.




   Fortunately, after the Lich War, the ancestor Xuan Ming took the surviving members of the witch clan and went to the Nether Realm to defect to Hou Tu.


   It is precisely because of this that he can take action in time when this alien beast is attacking the Netherworld, leading the only remaining master of the Witch Clan to stop these alien beasts from outside the Netherworld.


   Otherwise, under the circumstances that the high-level group of the Nether Realm cannot take action, a large-scale and powerful alien beast suddenly attacks the Nether Realm, which will inevitably bring huge disasters to it.


   It’s just that, although the Nether Realm has blocked this disaster, it has no extra power to support the barren land.


   All they can do is to try their best to defend the Netherworld and prevent these powerful monsters from spreading to the wild land, so as not to add fire to the wild land that is in crisis.




   And just when Feng Zichen and them were in the lower realm, in the depths of the void, a pond exuding a little bit of colorful light quietly revealed its traces.

   The void cracked silently, and this colorful sacred pond appeared in the prehistoric.


  In that moment,


   The weather changes between heaven and earth,


   Endless and colorful atmosphere, converging towards this sacred pond.




   It was like boiling water. The water in the pool made a snoring sound. A lotus flower in bud appeared slowly in the center of the pool.


   Suddenly, the innate Taoist rhyme is permeated, and the endless rules are manifested, entwined by his side.


   Obviously, this mysterious lotus is a congenital thing, and it is still a superb product, otherwise it would not have such an extraordinary vision.


   This mysterious lotus flower, the whole body is shrouded in colorful glow, and the whole body exudes a dreamlike color, giving people a very illusory feeling, as if it doesn't really exist.


   But he is really beautiful. One glance can make people fall into it unconsciously.


  Experiencing the various states of life in a dream, realizing the beauty of the seven emotions and six desires, and can't wake up anymore, thus dying silently and without interest.




   This is a very strange lotus flower!


   He is not a divine lotus, but a magic lotus, a complete magic lotus, a born magic lotus!




   It can be seen that with the appearance of the congenital magic lotus, the water in the colorful **** pool disappears at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming the nutrient for the growth of the magic lotus.


   At the same time, the colorful energetic aura flowing from heaven and earth also poured into this congenital magic lotus to accelerate his growth.


   With the help of these two forces, it didn't take long for this congenital magic lotus to completely enter the maturity stage and slowly bloom.


   The huge flower bud is divided into nine petals, and it blooms slowly toward the surrounding area. Suddenly, an intoxicating vision, and even a very dreamy smoke, filled the surroundings.


   At this time, the congenital magic lotus bloomed completely. In the center of the bud, on the platform, a handsome man dressed in colorful xia robes and holding a magic mirror gradually appeared.


   He was born extremely beautiful, without any flaws in his whole body, like the most perfect artwork in the world.


   His temperament is complex and changeable, sometimes like a god, sometimes like a demon, and sometimes like a ghost, changing all the time.


   But none of his temperament, they all give people a very close feeling, and people can't help but believe in him.


   And, if you look closely, you will find that his face and body are not immutable.


   Just like his temperament, his appearance and body are also changing all the time, without a fixed form.


   This is not a god, this is a demon!


   A born demon!




   "My name is a heart demon, invisible and invisible, without life and death. It is born with seven emotions and six desires, and exists in the hearts of all beings."


   "Seven emotions are immortal, six desires are not known, I will neither die nor die!"


   Suddenly, the demon stood up and announced his existence to the prehistoric world.




   The heavens and the earth made a huge buzzing sound, seeming to celebrate the birth of a new innate **** and demon.


   At the same time, the seven emotions and six desires that escaped between the heavens and the earth, as if they had found their master, happily gathered toward the heart demon to enhance his strength.




   The depths of the void, the mysterious and unknowable place, and the long river of destiny, have changed again with the birth of the inner demon.


   Among the countless tributaries of destiny, one of the huge but extremely dark tributaries suddenly branched out a branch again and flowed towards the unknown.


   That huge dark tributary represents the luck of the magic door. The tributaries separated from him represent the luck of the inner demon.


this means,


   Tiandi recognized the identity of the heart demon,


   From the luck that belonged to the magic door, he separated a strand and handed it to the inner demon.


   At this point, the heart demon has gained the luck of the magic door and became the overlord of the magic road in one fell swoop.


   Well, a demon overlord who came from outside the demon gate and does not belong to the demon gate.






   Sensing that the magic door's fortune was impaired, the magic door giants were naturally furious, and they came out with their spirits, looking for this madman who dared to split the magic door's fortune.


   But how can they find it.


   The heart demon is invisible and invisible, without life or death, and exists in the hearts of all beings.


   Unless the seven emotions are eliminated and the six desires are eliminated, no one can escape the parasitic of the heart demon.


   He only needs to move his mind to hide in the hearts of all living beings, making it impossible for people to perceive his traces.


"Ha ha!"




   Before the magical thoughts of the great demons swept over, the inner demon smiled faintly, and then disappeared in the same place, nowhere to be seen.


   No matter how the demon giants calculate, apart from the name of the heart demon, there is no other information, let alone his whereabouts.


   "Heart demon?"


   "The deity remembers you."


   "Dare to plunder my magic door fortune, no one can save you in this heaven and earth."


   After pressing down a few ruthless words, the magical thoughts of the magic road giants slowly withdrew.




   "The breath of the world-destroying Taoist?"




   "The deity is worried that he can't find your whereabouts, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to show up."


   "It's so destiny, it's time for you to fall!"


   After the magical thoughts of the great demons left ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the void suddenly twisted, and the figure of the inner demon appeared again.


   It’s just that, unlike before, he has a strange smile on his face.


  Because, he found the breath of a long-lost enemy, destroying the world, the black lotus, and the Taoist!


   This time the great famine broke out, the old enemy of Feng Zichen, the Taoist, finally couldn't help showing up.




   Heart Demon, is the incarnation of Feng Zichen!


   is the incarnation of the condensed innate gods and demons with the Qi of seven emotions and six desires, supplemented by the origin of innate good fortune.


  The incarnation of the heart demon is the incarnation of Feng Zichen specially designed to deal with the Western Gate.


  On the eve of the battle of the monsters and butchers, he plunged the pool of seven emotions and six desires into the depths of the void, waiting for the opportunity to be born.


  Unexpectedly, as the situation of demon rising and disappearing gradually formed, the incarnation of the heart demon was born ahead of schedule in response to the luck of the demon, and became the overlord of the demon.


  The matter of chance,


   is really confusing!


   Since the heart demon is the incarnation of Feng Zichen, then that magic mirror, of course, is the best innate Lingbao Hongchen mirror.


   And that 9th-Rank Congenital Demon Lotus is the companion spirit treasure given by heaven and earth to the heart demon.


   As for the colorful Xia Yi on the heart demon?

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