Flooded Star Road

Chapter 543: Pass

The Taoist Destroyer has come in this life,


   either for transformation or for cultivation,


   I don’t know how many congenital spirits have been swallowed.


   Among these, more precious than Lei Jun Jiuxiao, there are not a few. If it weren't for this, it would be impossible for the World Destruction Taoist to cultivate into the Quasi-Holy Realm so quickly.


   You must know that he has suffered severe damage to Feng Zichen's hands several times, so that his origin has been greatly damaged.


  According to normal circumstances, let alone his cultivation level, he is one step closer, but it is extremely difficult to maintain his current strength.


   But the reality is that, instead of regressing, the strength of Taoist Destroyer has taken a few steps closer, breaking from the realm of Daluo Jinxian to the realm of quasi-sage in one fell swoop.


   Obviously, he used external force.


   relied on devouring many innate spiritual things to make up for the lack of origin.


   is also the only way to heal the wounds of the Taoist Taoist in a short period of time, and make his cultivation progress by leaps and bounds.




   How can innate spirits be so easy to swallow?


   Every congenital spiritual creature is born from the heavens and the earth, with great luck and great luck.


   Although not as good as the innate gods and demons, it is also quite loved by the world.


   The killing is unknown.


   Of course, in terms of the aura inherited by the Taoist Destruction from Good Fortune Qinglian, swallowing some innate spirits is nothing, and it will not have much impact on him.


   But everything has a degree.


   Like the Taoist of the World Exterminator, he swallowed the innate spiritual things without any scruples. No matter how strong it is, it can't stand this way!


   It can be said that the fall of the Taoist Exterminator is the hand moved by Feng Zichen. In fact, he had exhausted his breath and was abandoned by heaven.


   Otherwise, do you really think that Taoist Destroyer is so easy to kill?


   This is the innate **** and demon with the remains of chaos and green lotus, and it is lucky. When it comes to identity, even if it is not as good as the Sanqing Ancestor Witch, it is not far away.


   has the characteristics of becoming auspicious in the event of a disaster, and turning a good fortune in every sorrow.


   If it hadn't been for the gods to give up the world-killing Taoist, even if Feng Zichen's cultivation base was much higher than him, he would not be able to keep it today, and it would not even be a chance for him to do this.


   was also made by himself, which gave Feng Zichen the opportunity to kill him.






   Put away the twelfth-grade black lotus, Feng Zichen used his magical powers, and after all traces of this place had been wiped out, he hurriedly left.


   The Twelfth-Rank Destroyed Black Lotus is important, and it is the treasure of the magic door. Losing this treasure will definitely cause great turbulence.


  Maybe, even the demon ancestor Luo Huo, who has disappeared for many years, will also show up.


   Feng Zichen is not a fool either, it is impossible to stay stupidly in place, waiting for the master of the magic door to come and seek revenge.


   The benefits are in hand, of course it is better to slip first.


   Holding the Twelfth-Rank Black Lotus in his hand, Feng Zichen didn't even dare to wait any longer, and hurriedly returned to the South Pole Star, which was relieved.


  The Demon Master is not afraid, but he is afraid of the Demon Ancestor Luohu!


   This is the real strongest person in Honghuang, the character who once suppressed Hongjun Daozu.


   Against Him, who can't be afraid?


   Feng Zichen Now, even Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian is not, of course he dare not face such a person directly.


   I still hide in my own base camp, with the endless starry sky, which is safer. The presence of Pangu God and Man can at least guarantee his safety.




   "You have to find an opportunity to deliver this twelfth-rank black lotus to Xuanqing's hands."


   Even if he returned to the endless starry sky, Feng Zichen was still a little worried. I feel that this world-destroying black lotus is really a big trouble, and I must not keep it in my hands.


   Otherwise, if the Demon Ancestor Luo Hui followed his breath to find him, wouldn't it be uncomfortable?


   Even if the Demon Ancestor does not make a move, this treasure remains in his hands, and sooner or later it will be exposed.




   must send away the twelfth-grade exterminating black lotus.


   No, it is better to destroy it.


   Just in time, the good fortune green lotus was in the hands of Xuan Qing, and he sent this twelfth-rank exterminating black lotus over and swallowed it so that it could become the resource for his promotion to the innate treasure.


   Now, in Feng Zichen's hands, there are the twelfth-grade pure white lotus, the twelfth-grade extinct black lotus, and a pool of meritorious golden lotus he has obtained from the Eight Treasure Pond of Mount Sumi.


   If good fortune Qinglian swallows all of these innate lotus flowers, I am afraid that it will become the best of the innate treasures in one fell swoop, and the power will catch up with the three great heavenly treasures.


   thought of this,


   Feng Zichen couldn't help feeling a little excited.


   It turned out that he had already collected so many chaotic green lotus fragments without knowing it.


   If you plan properly, you may not be able to gather the four congenital lotus platforms in the future to reproduce the magical power of the chaotic treasure, the chaotic green lotus.




   "Hongmeng Daozhong, come!"


   With a slight movement in his heart, Feng Zichen summoned the Hongmeng Dao Bell, and put away the Twelfth-Rank Destroying Black Lotus.


  In an instant,


   the breath of the twelfth-grade extinct black lotus,


   completely disappeared from the prehistoric land.


   No matter how the magic masters searched, they couldn't feel the slightest breath of him. Even if the Demon Ancestor made the shot himself, it was the same.


   The power of the Hongmeng Daozhong is not a joke. It can even cover the way of heaven, let alone the demon ancestor.


   However, in this way, Hongmeng Daozhong can no longer be used. Otherwise, once the Hongmeng Daozhong is used, it will reveal the breath of the twelfth-grade extinct black lotus that he suppressed.


   But it doesn’t matter, because immediately, the Twelfth-Rank Destroyed Black Lotus will become the resource for the promotion of Qinglian Qinglian to the Innate Supreme Treasure.






   With a stroke of his hand, Feng Zichen tore a gap in the space and sent Hongmeng Daozhong in.


   On the opposite side of the gap in space is the Sanxian Island in the East China Sea.


   At this time, all the saints are not there, and the heavens are unable to take care of Honghuang. It is the best time for Good Fortune Qinglian to be promoted to the innate treasure.








   While Lei Ze incarnation was busy dealing with the twelfth-grade extinct black lotus, Feng Zichen's other two incarnations were not idle either.


   Gouchen's incarnation first took out the Humane Emperor's Seal from the Little Prehistoric World, and then hurried to the ancestral land of the Human Race.


  At this time, the ancestral land of the human race is being besieged by a group of innate beasts.


   This group of innate fierce beasts has millions of heads, and each of them has a realm no less than the golden fairy. Among them, there are tens of thousands of innate fierce beasts of the Taiyi Golden Immortal level, as well as dozens of beast kings in the realm of Daluo Jinxian.


   The most horrible ones are the six leading congenital fierce beasts. Their bodies are huge. The power is even more terrifying, and it has the power comparable to the mid-stage quasi-sage.


   Under the siege of this group of innate fierce beasts, the guardian enchantment that Empress Nuwa laid down at that time inevitably became shaky, and seemed to be broken at any time.


   The barrier is really going to be broken, and the human race is about to usher in an extinction disaster.


  If the cultivation base is less than Da Luo Jinxian, how can he survive under the siege of a million innate beasts?


   If all the bottom and middle layers of the human race are killed in battle, then the upper layer is retained. What can be done?


  How is this different from extermination?


   Therefore, the human barrier cannot be broken.

   With this idea, Fuxi resolutely walked out of the human barrier and fought against the six quasi-sage level innate beasts to relieve the pressure on the human barrier.


  If Fuxi is still at its peak, let alone the six-headed quasi-sage mid-term innate beast, it is the six-headed quasi-sage-dzogchen innate beast, he will not be afraid.


   But it is a pity that Fuxi's cultivation base at this time has only been restored to the quasi-sage stage, and without the body of the congenital gods and demons that has been polished for hundreds of millions of years, the cultivation base is not much stronger than the congenital fierce beasts.


   You can win against one or two heads.


   It's a bit reluctant to deal with three or four heads.


   can be like now, with one enemy six, it is not an opponent at all.


   The six-headed quasi-sage mid-term congenital fierce beast did not use any other means at all, only relying on the extremely powerful congenital body to defeat Fuxi steadily.


   I have to say that as the innate beasts transformed from the remnants of the Chaos Demon God, their bodies are really too strong. Fuxi's magical powers, hitting them, can only scratch a little skin, and cannot cause harm to them at all.


   Fortunately, Hetu Luoshu is now in Fuxi's hands. It is precisely with this treasure that Fuxi Fang can barely persevere under the siege of the six beasts and pose a threat to it.


   However, that was the case, as time passed, Fu Xi could hardly support it anymore.


   The best innate Lingbao,


   is not so stimulating,


   Every time He Tu Luoshu is fully urged, it is also a huge burden for Fu Xi.


   The power of the quasi-sage is not endless. When Fuxi's power is exhausted, it will be when he falls on the hands of the six evil beasts.


   If it is normal, Fuxi can run without a fight, but at this time, behind him is the human race.


   If he leaves, the human race is all over.


   Therefore, in order to protect the human race, even if he died, he could not go.




  Finally, after killing two congenital fierce beasts in succession, Fuxi's power was also exhausted. In the powerless to urge Hetu Luoshu, confront the remaining four innate beasts.




   "I can't think of Fuxi, I have today."


   Looking at the four fierce beasts getting closer and closer, Fu Xi first smiled like self-deprecating.


   Then, there was a ray of madness on his face, and he was about to burn his own origin and die with the four fierce beasts in front of him.


   This is the only thing he can do for the human race right now.




   Strands of brilliance bloomed from Fuxi's body, and a terrifying aura permeated, turning the surrounding void into fragments.


   He is desperate!


   Innate origin is burning madly.




  Even the four fierce beasts with no intelligence, at this moment, under the influence of Fuxi's aura, they can't help but utter an uneasy roar.


  The prediction of danger is the instinct of all living things. It is the congenital fierce beast, and it is no exception.




   With a ruthless heart, Fuxi is about to rush to the four fierce beasts.


   But at this moment, the Humane Emperor's Seal suddenly fell from the sky and landed on Fuxi's head, setting him in place.


   Suddenly, a dazzling humane brilliance dropped from the emperor's seal and poured into Fuxi's body, calming the source of the restlessness in his body, and repairing his injuries by the way.


   There is no doubt that this is Feng Zichen's move.


  At this critical juncture, Fuxi was saved by offering a sacrifice to the emperor of humanity.


   Actually, Feng Zichen arrived when the innate fierce beasts besieged the human race, but he did not help.


the reason is simple,


   He wanted to see how Fuxi's mind was.


   After all, Fuxi was from a monster race, not a pure human race.


  Who knows what kind of position the human race is in his heart.


   Therefore, when Fuxi fought against the six innate beasts, Feng Zichen chose to stand idly by. Quietly hiding in the dark, waiting for Fuxi's choice.


After   , when he saw that Fuxi decided to die with the innate fierce beast in order to protect the human race, Feng Zichen confirmed his disposition, and then rescued him.


   It's no wonder Feng Zichen is so careful.


  Because, next, he will pass the innate treasure of humanity to Fuxi.


   This move represents the transfer of the supreme power of the human race, and also represents that Feng Zichen recognized Fuxi and determined to pass on the position of the head of the human race to him.


   Unsure of Fuxi's true thoughts, how dare Feng Zichen pass the humane emperor to him?


   It's about the rise and fall of the human race, so you can't be too careful.


   Fortunately, Fuxi's actions were approved by Feng Zichen.


   willing to die for the human race,


  He is qualified to be the head of the human race!




   After curing Fuxi's injury, the humane emperor Xi suddenly shot a divine light straight into Fuxi's eyebrows.


   This is acknowledging the Lord!


  At this moment, Fuxi became the owner of the innate treasure of the Emperor Human Seal.


   Of course, the so-called "master" Fuxi still has some water.


   He only has the right to use the humane emperor's seal, not the ownership.


   The ownership of the humane emperor's seal is naturally still in Feng Zichen's hands.


  Think about it, too, no matter how generous he is, he can't give away the innate treasure for nothing. It was just loaned to the later patriarch of the human race to use it.


   If Feng Zichen needs it, he can still take this treasure back at any time.


   Moreover, it is not without purpose that He left this treasure.


   The name of the Emperor of Humanity bears the word humanity, but its main power is derived from the Chaos Pearl, which is indeed a bit of a misnomer.


   Therefore, Feng Zichen intends to borrow the hands of the three emperors and five emperors to refine treasures for him.


  With the eight highest emperors of the human race, plus him, a total of nine emperors, nourish the emperor of humanity. Thinking about it, he can make him complete his deeds and completely become the treasure of humanity.


   In this way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Emperor has benefited, and he has also benefited. It is the best of both worlds.




   "Is this the innate treasure-the emperor's seal of humanity?"


   "What a powerful force!"


   Looking at the Humane Emperor's Seal in his hand, Fu Xi's mood is very complicated.


   He has been the emperor of the Yao Clan for hundreds of millions of years. Although he is extremely glorious, he has never obtained the innate treasure.


   After he reincarnated and returned, but he had been the emperor of the human race for tens of thousands of years, he had the innate treasure to come to recognize the lord.




   Fuxi was speechless for a while.


   But soon, his thoughts were pulled back to reality by a violent roar of the beast.


   The four congenital fierce beasts, seeing that Fuxi hadn't moved for a long time, became impatient in his heart, so he took the initiative to attack.




   Her heart sank slightly, Fuxi sacrificed the Humane Emperor's Seal and blasted towards the four fierce beasts in front of her.


   Innate treasure is in hand, Fuxi's strength can be said to explode geometrically.


   These four innate fierce beasts of the quasi-sage mid-term are no longer his opponents.




   An extremely stalwart power suddenly poured out of the Humane Emperor Seal, distorting the laws and shaking the universe.

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