Flooded Star Road

Chapter 547: The temptation of the world tree

The Demon Flag is the treasure used by the Demon Gate to drive the innate beasts.


   If it weren't for this treasure, even if the Shadow Demon was a quasi-sage Dzogchen monk, he would not have the ability to gather millions of innate beasts to besiege the human race.


   No wonder Demon Zu Luohu was so nervous about this treasure. In order to prevent it from falling into the hands of others, he even left a piece of his own will inside the Demon God Banner.


  Probably because of this, this is the root cause of the evil beast chaos launched by the Demon Sect. If this treasure falls into the hands of others, you can use this command to order the innate fierce beast.


   At that time, it would be much easier to quell the chaos of the congenital fierce beasts.


   Holding the demon flag, directly let the innate beasts kill each other, even if the innate beasts cannot be quelled, the strength of the innate beasts can be greatly reduced.


   In this way, the strength of the innate fierce beast is not enough to threaten the prehistoric.


   The chaos of the congenital fierce beast is solved.


   Without the help of innate fierce beasts, the power of the magic door alone could not stop the counterattack of the great forces. The situation of demons rising and disappearing can be reversed in an instant.


   It can be said that the treasure of the Demon Flag is enough to change the current situation of the land.


   Therefore, Demon Zu Luohu will never let him fall into the hands of outsiders.


   But it's a pity,


   He underestimated Feng Zichen too much.


  If the Demon Flag falls into the hands of others, perhaps others can see its effect, but it is extremely difficult to imitate it.


   Ke Feng Zichen is different.


   Other treasures he dare not say, but if it is the devil flag.


   Feng Zichen, who has dealt with the Chaos Demon God for many years, can imitate it even if he can't completely imitate it even if he can't completely imitate it when he has mastered his forty-eight **** forbidden.


   The Demon Flag is built on the way of the Chaos Demon God, and if we understand the Chaos Demon God, Feng Zichen can be ranked in the top three.


   Therefore, he has such a great grasp of the imitation of the Demon Flag.




   Countless mysterious runes emerged from Feng Zichen's eyes, arranging continuously in the void, gradually forming a forbidden god.


   If the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu is here, he must be able to recognize that these acquired **** forbiddens are exactly the **** forbidden of the Demon God Banner composed of the Demon God Banner.




   One after another, the gods forbidden appeared one after another, and gradually formed a black flag in front of Feng Zichen's eyes, which was the Demon God Banner.




   Suddenly, just as the forty-ninth post-God Forbidden was about to take shape, the phantom of the Demon God Banner in front of Feng Zichen, after shaking for a moment, exploded directly, turning into countless runes and disappearing into smoke.


   "It seems that this last post-acquisition ban is the most important part of the Demon Banner."


   Seeing this, Feng Zichen couldn't help frowning.


   When he sacrificed the demon **** banner just now, he only mastered the forty-eight hindu **** forbidden. Therefore, after these forty-eight ways, God forbidden, he evolved easily.


   But the last most important ban, before he could comprehend it in the future, he was directly blasted out by the will of the demon ancestor Luo Hu.


   Originally, Feng Zichen still felt that it didn't matter if he had mastered the last ban.


   With his wisdom and he has mastered the forty-eight gods, it should be easy to push the forty-ninth gods.


   But in fact, he was wrong.


   The forty-ninth path is forbidden by God, and what he deduced is completely useless.


   The first forty-eight divine bans were all fine, but when Feng Zichen deduced his forty-ninth ban on the gods and imprinted it on the banner of the demon god.


   An accident happened,


   is the scene just now,


   The Demon Flag exploded completely.


   Obviously, this is the result of Feng Zichen's deduction of the Houtian God Forbidden, which is not compatible with the original Houtian God Forbidden of the Demon Flag. This caused a fierce conflict between the two sides, causing the ghost of the Demon Flag to explode.




   "It's me who underestimates the world."


   "The devil's ancestor was able to overwhelm the entire world and became the first person in the ancient times. Naturally, he has a means far superior to the world."


   Although Feng Zichen was a little disappointed about this, he was more relieved.


   The magic weapon refined by the ancestor Luo Hui, if it is so simple, would have been imitated by him, he really has some doubts whether there is fraud in it.


   After all, that is the Demon Zu Luohu!


   Even Hongjun Daozu was a person who was inferior to him.


   The more difficult the imitation process is, the more the authenticity of the matter can be guaranteed.


   But this is difficult,


   Still can't help his Feng Zichen.




   With a move in his heart, Feng Zichen broke through the space and rushed to the Innate Alliance.


   If there is no accident, there should still be a demon flag there.






   When Feng Zichen rushed to the Innate Alliance, Fuxi was showing great power there, sweeping the Quartet with the innate treasure and humane emperor's seal, suppressing a group of innate beasts.


  I believe that after this battle, the Innate Alliance will no longer dare to be an enemy of the human race.


   The days when the human race is coming to the wild are not far away.


   When the congenital fierce beast chaos is eliminated, the human race will surely become the first race in the wild.


   However, Feng Zichen did not show up to meet Fuxi.


   Now Fuxi's limelight is in full swing, if he suddenly appears, it will inevitably be suspected of stealing Fuxi's limelight, so it is better to continue to hide in the dark.


  Furthermore, Feng Zichen's purpose here is not to meet Fuxi, but to take away another demon flag.


   quietly released the spirit, Feng Zichen carefully explored the surrounding void, trying to find the trace of the master of the magic door.


"it's here!"


   Suddenly, Feng Zichen found something wrong and looked towards the void somewhere.


   There is a figure of evil spirit lurking there.




  In that moment, on Feng Zichen's body, the galaxy turned, the universe light flowed, and the power of time rolled out, turning into a huge wheel of time and space, rolling towards the lurking figure.


   The supreme supernatural power of time and space:


  The Wheel of Time and Space!


   can suppress all time and space!




   With the rotation of the wheel of time and space, time and space stagnated at this moment, and the master of the magic sect was suppressed in place by Feng Zichen before he could react in the future.


  All the time and space that belonged to him were suppressed.




  Walking to the person, Feng Zichen lightly hooked his hand, and the Demon Flag flew out of the person's body automatically and hung in the air.


   learned the lesson from the last time, this time Feng Zichen did not make a sacrifice to the demon **** banner. If the will of the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu was brought back, he would not get anything this time either.




   A dark yellow light slowly rose from Feng Zichen's sea of ​​knowledge, and gradually formed a dark yellow treasure mirror behind his head.


   good luck jade disc!


   This is the power of good fortune jade discs.


  The jade disc of good fortune is transformed from the origin of the prehistoric, it can be said that it is the carrier of the heavenly way. It records all the truths of the prehistoric and has an unimaginable magical effect.


   one of the abilities,


   is to reflect all the avenues.


   No matter what the magic weapon, as long as it is placed in front of the jade disc of good fortune, all the principles contained in it will be reflected by it.


   Even if it is the treasure of chaos, it is no exception.


  Of course, this was when the good fortune jade disc was consummated, and now he does not have this ability.

   However, the good fortune jade disc is not at its peak, but the demon flag is not the treasure of chaos!


   A mere acquired treasure, no matter how extraordinary it is, it can't escape the reflection of good fortune jade disc fragments.


   A mysterious yellow light shot out from the treasure mirror made from the fragments of the jade disc of good fortune, and brushed on the body of the Demon God Banner.


   In the next moment, the materials, structure, refining techniques, and bans of the Demon Flag were refined...Everything about the Demon Flag appeared clearly on the mirror surface.


   "The breath of good fortune jade disc, the deity sensed the breath of good fortune jade disc."


   "Is that you? Hongjun?"


   At this time, the voice of Demon Zu Luo Hu suddenly heard from the inside of the Demon God Banner.


   At the same time, a trembling breath swept out, smashing the whorl of time and space, and the surrounding time and space resumed its flow.




   Seeing this, Feng Zichen cut it off with a sword.


   Suddenly, the vast sword light vented out, evolving into hundreds of millions of stars, shining incomparably, the demon **** flag and the demon master who had just returned to his mind were stirred into fragments.


   After finishing all this, Feng Zichen immediately withdrew and retreated, fleeing towards the depths of the void.




   At the moment when Feng Zichen left, a huge black handprint suddenly appeared in the void, and it was severely printed toward his original location.




   The air of destruction surged out, the void was annihilated, the law was broken, and the avenue was beaten to pieces by this palm.


   Strong, absolutely strong!


   If this handprint is hit on Feng Zichen's body, even if he is immortal, he will be hard to recover from severe damage.




   "Looking at the power of this handprint, the realm of the demon ancestor must be at least higher than the 9th level of Hunyuan, or even stronger."


   In the depths of the void, Feng Zichen carefully watched this scene, trying to deduce the true strength of the devil ancestor Luo Hu from it.


   Unfortunately, there is so little information.


  From this handprint, he can only see that the strength of the demon ancestor Luo Hu is really very strong, far from what he can compare. Even a saint may not be his opponent.




   Feng Zichen is not without gain.


   At the very least, he was sure that the devil ancestor Luo Hu was really caught by something, which made it impossible for him to truly descend into the prehistoric land.


   Otherwise, the matter just now cannot be solved with one palm.




   Leaving here, Feng Zichen took out the fragments of the jade disc of good fortune, which clearly recorded everything about the Demon Flag. The forty-ninth path of innate **** forbidden is also listed impressively.


   "Is this the Demon Flag?"


   "Wait, after a while, I will give you a big gift to the magic door."


   After getting everything he wanted, Feng Zichen turned his head and flew towards the Netherworld.


   As for why go to the Netherworld?


   That's because the best material for refining the Demon Flag is the remains of the Chaos Demon God.


   Coincidentally, there happened to be many Chaos Demon Gods dragging their remnants in the Netherworld, rushing out from the depths of the Nine Nethers.


   Demon ancestor Luo Hui used the innate spiritual objects contaminated with the blood of the Chaos Demon God as the main material to refine the main body of the Demon God Banner.


   Then, he entered a special set of acquired **** forbidden, bringing the devil spirit remaining in the blood of the devil **** to the extreme.


   makes the sacrifice of the demon **** banner, just like the real demon **** is resurrected.


   In this way, coupled with some unique heart control techniques of the magic door, it can drive the innate beast.


   Congenital fierce beasts originated from the Chaos Demon God, and they have a natural fear of them. Of course they will be afraid when they face the aura of the Chaos Demon God in full bloom.


   did not dare to resist at all.


at this time,


  The magic gate secretly guides with the secret technique,


   can naturally control these innate beasts temporarily.


   Use the fear of the innate beasts to the Chaos Demon God to control them.


   is really a genius idea.


   But, now he belongs to Feng Zichen.


Isn't    the Chaos Demon God?


   There are at least dozens of statues in the Netherworld.


   Just grab one, and you can refine an innate spirit treasure level demon flag.


   That is the Chaos Demon God!


   no matter how weak it is, its incompleteness can also refine innate spirit treasures.


   In this way, even if the Demon Sect still has the Demon Flag, it cannot stop the Demon Flag in Feng Zichen's hand.


   The gap between innate and acquired is still very large.


   is also a coincidence. If the Chaos Demon God hadn't broken the seal, Feng Zichen could not find the remains of the Chaos Demon God.


   This is fate!


   The magic door is destined to be unable to make a big fuss!






   Just when Feng Zichen’s Gouchen incarnation was heading to the Netherworld. His deity, Ziwei Great Emperor, is joining hands with Emperor Haotian, lying in ambush next to the World Tree.


   "Friends of Haotian Daoist,"


   "Who do you think the Demon Sect will send this time?"


   Boring idle, Feng Zichen asked Haotian beside him.


"do not know!"


   "But one thing is certain, the coming person's cultivation base must not be weak."


   Haotian shook his head, and said with a serious look.


   Listening to the tone of these two people, it seems quite certain that the master of the magic door will come.


you do not say!


   The world tree is the pillar of heaven and earth. Once something happens, it will inevitably endanger the whole world and make the prehistoric situation even more chaotic.


   This is undoubtedly more beneficial to the magic door.


   The more chaotic the land, the greater the benefits they will get.


   Of course, even without this, the World Tree alone would be enough to attract masters of the magic sect.


   As mentioned earlier, the World Tree is a natural innate treasure embryo, as long as it is cut down, its body can be directly refined into the innate treasure. UU reading www.uukanshu.com


   This alone is worth the adventure of the magic gate master.


   You must know that although the Demon Sect has the innate treasure, the Killing Spear, it is similar to the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.


  This makes the magic door anomaly needs a normal innate treasure to suppress air luck.


   It just so happened that the World Tree satisfies this point.


   More coincidentally, because of the restraint of the Chaos Demon God in the Great Chaos, Heaven did not have the energy to look after Honghuang, which gave the Demon a chance to do it.


   The Dominant Domain around the World Tree can block the Daluo Jinxian and the quasi-sage, but it definitely cannot block the half-step Hunyuan level powerhouse.


   Besides, the World Tree is not protected by the Domain of Doom, it is only used to drive away flies.


   The real defense of the World Tree is the attention of heaven.


   Originally, this was the most powerful defense.


   But who could have thought that Heavenly Dao would suddenly not be able to make a move?


   At this time, there are few opportunities to take a shot against Sekaiju.


  I believe that the master of the magic door will never let go of this opportunity.


   Even a lot of the three thousand guests in the Purple Cloud Palace, and even the strongest of the ancient times, are secretly spying on the World Tree.


   The temptation of an innate treasure is enough to make many people take risks.

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