Flooded Star Road

Chapter 551: The Great Dark Demon God who was robbed of his home

However, judging from the current strength of the Great Black Sky Demon God, he should not be the reincarnation of the Night Demon God, but was taken away by the Night Demon God.


   If this weren't the case, after such a long time from the early days of ancient times to the present, his cultivation level would not have been so low anyway.


  Recall that the Chaos Demon God took advantage of the opportunity of oversight of the heavens and was preparing to take away the great supernatural powers. It is not difficult to imagine that the Great Black Sky Demon God should be misfortuned.


   It is because of the integration of a part of the true spirit of the Dark Night Demon God, the strength of the Great Black Sky Demon God will skyrocket in a short period of time, breaking the layers of shackles, and completing the fourfold realm of Hunyuan in one fell swoop.


   Otherwise, even if the Great Black Sky Demon God’s chance is against the sky, it is impossible for his realm to reach such a state, and it can even prevail with one enemy and two.


   The Dark Night Demon God robbed the Great Dark Sky Demon God, and completed the plan of rebirth from the shell, and with this, replaced the Great Dark Sky Demon God's identity in the prehistoric world, and walked the world in his face.


   And the Chaos Lingbao Night, after feeling the master's breath, there is no need to summon the Night Demon God, and he will return to him on the initiative.


in this way,


   The Dark Night Demon God has completely returned.


   It is a pity that the Great Black Demon God, after hundreds of millions of years of painstaking practice, made wedding dresses for his people.


   is really sad!


   The next thing is much simpler.


   Demon Zu Luo Hui, as the spokesperson of the Chaos Demon God in the great wilderness,




   It is also possible that Luo Hui himself is the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God.


   In short, there is a big connection between the Demon Zu Luohu and the Chaos Demon God. Based on this calculation, the Demon Gate and the Chaos Demon God are also inextricably linked.


  Yes, after knowing the return of the Night Demon God, the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu asked him to help the Demon Sect to deal with the Xuanmen. How can the Night Demon God stand idly by?


   in this way,


   created the situation right now.










   Although this matter had been anticipated, Feng Zichen still sighed inexplicably when he saw it with his own eyes.


   How strong is the Great Dark Sky Demon God?


   also crossed an era, with the posture of the emperor.


   Keren was gone, and he ended up in a tragic end, which was really embarrassing.


  Actually, Feng Zichen also guessed in his heart how the Great Dark Sky Demon God was taken away by the Dark Night Demon God.


   Others facing the chaos demon's seizure, may be able to resist one or two, or even fight back. But when the Great Dark Sky Demon God faced the Dark Night Demon God, it could be said that there was no resistance at all.


   It can even be said that the Great Dark Sky Demon God is the container of the Dark Night Demon God.


   Speaking of it,


   This was also asked by the Great Dark Sky Demon God.


   was originally transformed by the remnant body of the night demon, and was born by the night demon.


   He hasn't hurriedly practiced the Majestic Way to erase the traces of the Night Demon God on his body. On the contrary, he doesn't know the way of life and death to cultivate the devil god, deepen the mark of the devil **** on his body, in order to transform into the chaotic devil god.


   Isn't this the one who takes the initiative to find death?


   If the Dark Night Demon God really fell, there is nothing wrong with the Great Dark Sky Demon God doing this.


   This is a majestic road, as long as you practice step by step, in the end, it may not be impossible to become the new Dark Night Demon God and seek the highest realm.


   But the problem is, the Night Stalker is not dead.


   cultivate its way, imitate its body, trace its origin...


   The Great Dark Sky Demon God moved everything about himself to the Night Demon God's body, which is simply a imitation of the Night Demon God.


   In this way, after the Dark Night Demon God broke the seal, it would be easy to seize the Great Dark Sky Demon God.


Even, the Dark Night Demon God does not need to take the initiative at all, but only needs to appear in front of the Great Dark Sky Demon God. Under the attraction of the same avenue, the Great Dark Sky Demon God will not help letting go of everything he has, in order to complete the Night Demon God, offering It replaces itself.


   Those who learn from me live, and those who look like me die, that's how it is.


  Speaking of which, Da Hei Tian Demon God is like this, it can be regarded as seeking benevolence and gaining benevolence.


   Didn’t he want to be the Night Demon God?


   He who is now completely integrated into the Dark Night Avenue, has become a part of the Night Demon God, and it can be regarded as fulfilling his dream.


   When the ancestor of the Dao was still alive, he practiced other people's Dao in an attempt to replace their existence.


   This kind of behavior, from the very beginning, is destined to be someone else’s wedding dress. It is simply stupid and can't be stupid.


   can be called the first in the wild!


   You must know that Feng Zichen was concerned about this, and he didn't dare to completely reverse himself to Pangu.


   His body, soul, and even true spirit are all transforming into Pangu, but his root, the way he cultivates, is completely different from Pangu's way.


   This difference makes the difference between Feng Zichen and Pangu in essence.


   Therefore, he does not need to worry that he will be inspired by Pangu and automatically becomes his incarnation.


  He is Him,


   Human Race Wind Purple Chen,


  The unique Fengzichen.


   Even if the word Pangu is added before his name, it only shows that he comes from the Pangu lineage, not that he is part of Pangu.


   If you want to achieve the supreme realm, you must walk your own path when you reach the end of the road.


  Following the road that others have walked out, it saves effort, but it can never reach the top of the avenue.








   "But trying to escape from the deity's hands on this basis is far from enough."


   Seeing the two men tear the long night apart, although the Dark Night Demon God was a little surprised, it was limited to this.


   Obviously, he didn't think that Feng Zichen and Haotian could escape from his own hands by joining forces.




   "Have you seen the real Yongye?"


   A slightly deep voice came from the mouth of the Night Demon God.


   Then, before Feng Zichen and Haotian reacted, he saw his hand flipping, and the boundless night was rolling, resulting in boundless darkness, sweeping toward the two.


  Eternal night, the precursor of immeasurable calamity.


   In the eternal night, ten thousand ways are extinguished, the law does not exist, everything will fall into despair, and life will be extinct.


   It's terrible, it's so obvious!






   Extreme danger!


   Seeing the darkness that came, Feng Zichen and Haotian felt cold all over, and there was a great fear that could not be suppressed.


   The darkness in front of them is enough to threaten their lives.


   "Never let him get close!"


   At this moment, Feng Zichen and Haotian made a decision almost at the same time, and they must not let this shot down.


   "The Zhoutian star fights, the galaxy Zhouguang, the Pangu **** and man, do your best!"


   "Break it for me!"


   Horrified in his heart, Feng Zichen directly used his strongest means to attract the power of the boundless starry sky to bless him.


  In an instant, the aura on Feng Zichen's body skyrocketed again, breaking into the realm of the third layer of Hunyuan in one fell swoop.


   At the same time, in the boundless starry sky and mysterious and unpredictable space in the distance, the phantom of the Pangu **** and man who was swallowing chaotic air from the chaos suddenly opened his eyes and disappeared from the place.

   In a trance, Feng Zichen only felt that an extremely vast and stalwart power suddenly came and wrapped himself.


   All kinds of mysterious trajectories traversed in front of his eyes, and the mighty power of heaven and earth blessed his body at this moment, raising his cultivation level once more, making it into the realm of the four-fold mixed element.


   In this realm, it happens to be on the same level as the Night Demon God!


   It's a pity, this is not an endless starry sky, and Zhou Tian's stars have never recovered to their peak, so the blessings that can be given to Feng Zichen are extremely limited.


   Otherwise, Zhou Tianxing's strength will increase, and at least he will have to raise Feng Zichen's realm to above the seventh level of Hunyuan.


   With the blessing of Pangu God and Man, it is enough to make him burst out with power that is not inferior to Hunyuan Nine Layers.


   If this is true, why should Feng Zichen be afraid of the Night Demon, being single can suppress it.


   "Weekly star chart, go!"


   At this moment, as Feng Zichen's strength rises to the fourth level of Hunyuan, and then urges the Zhoutian Star Map, the power that bursts out is far beyond the previous ones.




   The star map vibrated, and billions of stars appeared.


   And each star represents a world, and they are connected to each other to form a vast and magnificent realm.


   Open the sky with one drawing!


  As the stars rotate, hundreds of millions of worlds vibrate together, and endless power vents out, forming a vast torrent, crushing everything, and colliding with the coming darkness.




  The power of horror is emitted.


   The universe is turbulent, the universe is roaring, the avenue is rioted, and the chain of order is broken every inch.


   Heaven and earth seem to cease to exist at this moment.


   When the fluctuations cease, the bright stars and the dark eternal night are tightly entangled with each other, and no one can do anything else, falling into a glue.


   Never fall down forever,


   Galaxy can't rush up either,


   Feng Zichen and the Dark Night Demon were so stalemate there.


   At this moment, Haotian also broke out.


   "The power of heaven and earth, do your best!"


   The words fell, the thirty-three heavens shook together, and an incomparably vast force descended from the sky and poured into Haotian's body, directly raising his realm to the third level of Hunyuan.


   And this, it's not over yet!


After    the heavens, the entire prehistoric world shook.


   Next, in the predicament, countless famous mountains, big rivers, and heavens and blessings, no matter the owner or the ownerless, all of them will be separated with strands of power and poured into Haotian's body.


   Even the Netherworld that has long been sealed off, at the moment when Haotian's voice fell, it also separated a source and blessed it on Haotian.


   With an order, the heavens and the earth are in harmony.


   This is the Emperor of Heaven!


   The supreme master of the wild!


   Compared with the saints, and even the ancestors, they have a strong karma position.


   At this moment, Haotian's cultivation level has directly entered the realm of the fifth level of Hunyuan, surpassing Feng Zichen and the Dark Night Demon in one fell swoop.


   This is the reason why Haotian has just become the Emperor of Heaven and has never established prestige in the prehistoric so that his reputation is not obvious. Otherwise, with the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, the realm of Haotian could be even stronger.


   As for how strong it is, it's hard to say.


  Theoretically, the upper limit of the prehistoric is there, and the upper limit of the emperor's strength is there.


  The Emperor of Heaven, represents the strongest of the prehistoric.


How much strength    can exert depends entirely on the level of the emperor this day.


   If he says one thing in Honghuang, he is the real master of heaven and earth. Needless to say, the strength is definitely the strongest.


   If it is just a puppet, and its power is completely emptied by others, then the strength that it can exert is only at the level of Hunyuan.


   It is also the emperor of heaven, even if it is only the emperor of heaven in name, it is also the emperor of heaven.


   Therefore, how much power belonging to the Emperor of Heaven can be exerted by Haotian in the future depends on his methods.






Haotian’s hands were sealed, and the phantom of the thirty-third layer of heaven emerged, turning into the phantom of the one and thirty-third layer of pagoda in the air. Suppressed away.


   This is the Pagoda of Miluotian Yuanshi Pagoda, also known as the Pagoda of Thirty-Three Heavens. It is the distant future, the 33rd heaven, the innate treasure bred in response to the way of heaven.


   Now, with the respect of the Emperor of Heaven, Haotian has exerted supreme supernatural powers, and in the future, he has summoned a projection of him to suppress his opponents.


   There are thirty-three layers of its body, and each layer corresponds to a layer of heaven.


   And in every level of heaven, there is a congenital spiritual treasure to be suppressed.


   This treasure represents the luck of the heavens and contains infinite good fortune.


   One Congenital Treasure, which also contains 33 Congenital Spirit Treasures, once born, it is the top congenital Treasure, second only to the three Open Heaven Treasures.


   This is the innate treasure that belongs to the emperor alone!


  Think about it,


   As the master of the wild world,


   How can there be no innate treasure in the hands of the emperor?


   Moreover, with the vigorous nature of the heavens, it is time to nurture an innate treasure.




   The Miluo Tianyuan Beginning Pagoda was pressed down, as if the thirty-three heavens were crushed down.




   Eternal night shattered, and the Chaos Lingbao night was backlashed. After a tremor, it suddenly shrank and turned into a black banner, returning to the hands of the Night Demon God.




   "The power of this pagoda is so powerful!"


   Seeing this scene, Feng Zichen couldn't help but frown. The power displayed by this phantom alone is almost comparable to Zhou Tian's star map.


   If its body was born, would it be worth it?


   can be shocked and shocked,


   Feng Zichen was not envious in his heart.


  Because he knows that UU reading www.uukanshu.com, this powerful innate treasure, the Miluotian Yuanshi Pagoda, has no chance of being born.


  The future will always be the future.


   No one will allow this, the birth of this innate treasure.


   In short, if I can't get it, it won't let you get it.


   As far as Feng Zichen knew, this pagoda was already in gestation when Emperor Jun ruled the heavens.


   However, at that time, he was not called the Miluotian Yuanshi Pagoda, but the Nine-Chongjuntian Pagoda.


   But it is a pity that until the fall of Emperor Jun, he did not wait for his birth.


After   , the nine days shattered, and the nine-fold Juntian pagoda died before it was born.


   its broken origin, after 33 days of birth, it conforms to the heavens and recondenses to give birth to a new innate treasure, the Mirra Tian Yuanshi Pagoda.


   But, I am afraid that Haotian will not see the birth of this treasure.


   general reason,


  In order to avenge Haotian,


   After the confinement of the gods is over,


   Sanqing moved the Great Thousand Worlds that he opened up in the Chaos Beyond the Heavens, the Great Chitian Taiqing State, the Qingwei Tianyu Qingjing, and the Yu Yutian Qingjing, moved to the heavens to limit Haotian's power.


   In this way, the heavens changed again.


   changed from the thirty-third heaven to the thirty-sixth heaven.

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