Flooded Star Road

Chapter 557: Capture the Chaos Demon

In the moment of thought, Guixu's heart had already made a decision, so he passed on to the demon of the heart, and handed it over to him.


  The heart demon is named after the heart. From this we can see that he is a master at manipulating people's hearts. Spreading news and instigating right and wrong is most suitable for the demons to handle.


  Furthermore, if you want to find the flaws in the magic way, at the very least, you have to have some understanding of the current magic door techniques before you can find a way to improve it.


   The heart demon went out this time, in addition to spreading the news, he also had to collect some magic methods for the study of Guixu.


   And this kind of thing,


   Guixu certainly cannot come forward.


   Otherwise, once the masters of the magic door find the traces of the return to the ruins, the one who greets him will be endless chasing and killing.




  The most important thing for Guixu now is to keep a low profile.


   Gou couldn't come out in Guixu, in order to reduce his sense of existence.


  Until his cultivation level reached the realm of Quasi-Sage Great Perfection, and he could barely stand on the peak of the prehistoric state, he could walk in the prehistoric state. So there is no need to worry about chasing and killing the master of the magic door.


  Since it is not convenient for Guixu to come forward, then I have to let the idling mind move his hands.






   "What has happened to my brother?"


   Seeing Guixu suddenly frowned, Yuan Yu asked curiously.




   "It's just for my brother that it suddenly occurred to me that there are many innate beasts in the ruins at this moment, and the remains of the Chaos Demon God are hidden in them. I feel a little troublesome."


   shook his head, and Guixu said with some worry.


   I told Yuan Yu about the demon door, it was of no use except to increase the troubles.


   Therefore, Guixu did not intend to tell him.


   Fortunately, the return to the market was not peaceful at this moment, and it just gave him a suitable excuse.


   Just as he said, the chaos of the innate beasts, the chaos of the chaos and the devil, has affected the entire prehistoric, even the ruins of the ruins.


   You must know that this kind of environment in Guixu is the most suitable for the survival of innate beasts. Therefore, at this moment, there are a lot of innate fierce beasts gathered in Guixu, and they are making noise everywhere.


   Moreover, at the bottom of Guixu, there are still many remains of the Chaos Demon God.


   These are the goals of the Chaos Demon God.


   Swallowing the remaining wreckage can allow the Chaos Demon God to quickly restore strength, so they will never let it go.


   But fortunately, there is a portal connecting the primordial chaos and the great chaos outside the realm in Guixu, which is one of the most important regions of the primordial land. For this reason, Pangu deliberately left a temple here to suppress the ruins.


   The Chaos Demon God wants to retrieve the wreckage, he must enter the ruins. But because they were not sure whether Pangu had left behind, they did not dare to directly break into Guixu.


   After entangled for a long time, the Chaos Demon Gods came up with a way. They gathered a large number of innate fierce beasts and drove them into the ruins.


  On the one hand, retrieve the wreckage for them,


   On the other hand, it is also possible to test out Pangu’s remaining players here.


   In order to find the remains of the Chaos Demon God, these innate fierce beasts are not easy to toss the hometown.


  The birth of Guixu and Yuanyu so quickly was also affected by this incident. Guixu's will needs them to take action to suppress these innate beasts, so as to return to the market a peaceful place.






   "Those innate fierce beasts are really hateful."


   "Returning to the ruins finally gave birth to some vitality, and it was almost completely ridiculed by them."


   Mentioning the innate fierce beast, Yuan Yu also looked angry.


   They are so destructive that there is no living thing in front of them. Such a character, born with good fortune, would be pleased by Yuan Yu?


   "That's right!"


   "We hadn't been born before, so there was nothing we could do with them. Now that you and I are born, you can't allow them to continue to create chaos and return to the market."


   "These innate beasts should also be cleaned up."


   nodded, and Guixu said murderously.


   How can you allow outsiders to make trouble in your own site?


   Regarding whether or not to kill the innate fierce beast, Guixu said that he has no pressure at all.


   After all, this is the birthplace of him, and the power of returning to the market will be blessed by him, allowing him to exert his power to approach Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


   In addition to Yuan Yu, when the two of them joined forces, the real Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian came, and they might not be able to end well in the return to the market.


   However, for the innate fierce beast, Guixu's heart still doesn't want to kill it.


   That is the first generation of innate fierce beasts. It can only have enough resources. Each head can be promoted to the level of Da Luo Jinxian, or even higher.


   These congenital fierce beasts represent a top combat power.


   If all the innate beasts in the Guixu can be subdued and integrated into an army of innate beasts, wouldn't it be the vastness of the predecessor?


  Thinking about it, it’s beautiful.


   It is very difficult to conquer the innate beasts, and there is almost no possibility of success. But the matter is artificial, without trying it personally, how do you know that it is impossible?


   What if it succeeds?


   Moreover, Guixu and Feng Zichen have one heart and two bodies, and they also bear the mark of three thousand Chaos Demon Gods. With this insight, He may not be unable to succeed.


   "Sister, let's go!"


   had a scrutiny in his heart, and Guixu led Yuan Yu to kill the innate fierce beast.






   On the other side, the heart demon got the message of Guixu and hurried to the west.


   As the base camp of the Demon Gate in the past, it is also the place where the evil spirits are the strongest today. If the Demon Gate returns to the prehistoric, the land of the West will definitely be the first choice.


   Therefore, the current Demon Gate station must be in the West.


  Actually, the main reason why Momen chose the West is because the West is too barren, so that the resources are scarce, and there are almost no masters.


   This also allows the Demon Gate to occupy most of the western land without any pressure.


   If the Demon Gate chooses the Eastern Land, it is bound to usher in a collective counterattack from the Eastern local forces.


   In this way, even if the Demon Sect defeated the eastern local forces and occupied the vast eastern land, it would inevitably be greatly injured.


   This is not worth the gain.


   After all, the magic door needs aura, it's useless!


   Therefore, the original nest, the land of the West has become the first choice.


   Of course, the heart demon came to the west, besides guessing that the demon gate is here, there is another purpose.


  That is to start teaching the West.


   As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers.


  Since there is Western religion in the western land, if the Demon Sect wants to continue preaching in the West, it will inevitably conflict with Western religion.


   What's more, the former ancestor of Momen, Mount Sumeru, has now become the ancestor of Western religion.


   In this case, the magic door is even more unbearable.


   In addition, the magic gate and the Western religion are inextricably linked, and the doctrines that are almost the same, the magic gate and the Western religion are destined to exist only one.


  As the saying goes, heretics are often more terrifying than heretics.


  The two sides coexist in the West, and they will definitely fight.


   With the strength of Western teaching, it is definitely not the opponent of the magic door. But the Western religion is, at any rate, the inheritance of the two saints, and the Demon Gate would never want to take it down for a while.


  As a result, the Western church was temporarily lurking, waiting for the return of the two saints, and arguing about the gains and losses with the magic door.


at this point,


It's something that the demons can't tolerate.


   He can't forget his mission, and he is destined to be entangled with Western religion for a lifetime.


   So, he came,


   To teach the West a retribution.


   Of course, don't get me wrong, the heart demon is not here to help the demon door.


  He is here to develop his power.


  The disciples of the Western Church were taught by two saints hand in hand. Talent may not be very good, but in terms of perseverance, it is definitely good.


   These are all good seedlings of monasticism.


   If all of them fall into the magical way, the scene must be very beautiful.


   At the very least, Zhunti will definitely be mad.


   Yes, the heart demon came here not to kill the Western disciples, but to lure them into the devil's way.


   It is too wasteful to simply kill the Western disciples, and it does not achieve the purpose of venting its anger. It is more for the enemy and will help the demon to rule the West faster.


   Therefore, the inner demon came up with a brilliant idea to lure Western disciples into the demon way.


   Guixu wants to become the new master of the magic door, he must have his own team.


   But where do these teams come from?


   It’s too much trouble to cultivate one by one, and it’s time-consuming and labor-intensive.


   Coincidentally, there are a group of ready-made Western teachers here, and they are all well qualified.


  Furthermore, according to the theory that after the fall of the devil, the aptitude and strength will be improved, these Western disciples will surely increase their strength after being demonized.


   this time,


  Guixu's team, isn't it coming?


   This plan is wonderful.


   can not only gain a great power out of thin air, but also spit out the evil spirit in his heart, take the quasi-lift with a good aura, and gain the power to fight the temporary magic door. It can be said to be three birds with one stone.








   nine quiet places,


   There are only three great supernatural powers, the ghost emperor of the capital city, the leader of the Styx, and the Houtu Emperor.


   One hit was successful, and the three of them immediately withdrew and retreated without daring to stay for a moment.




   "Where to go!"


   "I caught the person I was waiting for and wanted to leave. It was a dream."






   In the depths of the nine secluded areas, when they noticed the actions of the three ghost emperors in Fengdu, all the Chaos Demon Gods were furious, and they shot at them, grabbing them, and they were about to stay behind.


   If this is in front of them, and the three of them join forces to take away a companion, then their faces will be lost.


   It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the shame of a lifetime.


   How can the arrogant Chaos Demon Gods stand it?


   A series of magical powers that cannot be described in words, gushing out from the depths of Jiuyou, blasting towards the three of them.


   Boom boom boom!


   The heavens and the earth are wailing, the ten thousand ways are shaking, and the rules have stopped working at this moment. It seems that they cannot withstand the pressure brought by the Chaos Demon God and are about to collapse.


   don’t look back,


   The three ghost emperors also know that,


   Behind me, how dangerous is it.


   There is no doubt that if they are bombarded by these supernatural powers, they will not be spared the truth.


   Speaking of it, if they were one-on-one, the three of them might not be afraid of the Chaos Demon God, and might even fight back. After all, no matter how strong the Chaos Demon God is, it also belongs to the previous life.


   Now they are just a part of the remnant body and a part of the true spirit, which is not very strong.




   The three ghost emperors of Fengdu are now facing,


   is not the attack of a chaos demon, but the attack of nearly a hundred chaos demon. Even if they are confident in their own strength, they don't think they can survive this attack.


   Even if the saint comes, he will be bombarded into scum.


   "Break to the deity......"


   Just when the three of them retreated quickly, the Chaos Demon God who was suppressed by them was unwilling to be sealed off, struggling desperately, trying to escape from the hands of the three.


   This also made the three people who were escaping have to increase their power to suppress the Chaos Demon God in order to prevent them from getting out of trouble.


   Affected by this, the speed of the three inevitably slowed down, and they were gradually overtaken by the surging magical powers.


   Seeing, the three of them are about to fall under these supernatural powers. In the depths of the Nether Realm, where the six reincarnation discs are, a shocking wave suddenly spread.




   The vast power of reincarnation spewed from the six reincarnation discs, sweeping everything, ignoring time and space, and directly appeared behind the three of them, welcoming the attacking magical powers.


   This is Houtu!


   urged the six reincarnation discs of the Chaos Supreme Treasure, and blocked these supernatural powers for the three of them.


After   , it is much simpler.


   Like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, those amazing magical powers, without the slightest ripples, were swept away by the power of reincarnation. Shattered into the most basic runes, shattered between heaven and earth.


  What is reincarnation?


  From life to death, from beginning to end, from past to future...


  Houtu’s attack seems very simple, but it actually involves the power of time. It is said that the reincarnation of time can bring everything back to the original point.


   No matter how powerful your magical powers are, how much power can I keep if I return it to its original state?


  The power of reincarnation is strange and unpredictable, and it can be called one of the greatest powers in the world.


   Those who jump out of reincarnation can achieve eternity.


  The horror of this power can be seen.


  "Pangu descendant, you..."


   took a deep look at the earth, the Chaos Demon God knew that there was a way to do it, and people could not be saved. Although he was angry, he stopped doing it and continued to fall silent.


   Jiuyou Land fell into calm again.


   There are six reincarnations, unless they return to the previous life cultivation base, otherwise, they are definitely not the opponents of Hou Tu.


   Since this is the case, why bother to humiliate yourself and go back?


   As for the fellow Taoist who was taken away~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he can only blame himself for being unlucky.


   It's okay to go around by yourself?


   No, someone found an opportunity and just took it away.


   is a lesson!


   He can't die anyway.




   In another place, the three ghost emperors of Fengdu returned to the hinterland of the Netherworld with the Chaos Demon God they had captured.


   "Thank you two fellow Taoists."


   After suppressing the Chaos Demon God based on the origin of the Nether Realm, Fengdu Ghost Emperor thanked the two of them.


   This time, it was He who asked Hou Tu and the ancestors of Styx to help him capture a Chaos Demon God to refine the Demon God Banner.


   "You don't need to be polite, but it's just a matter of effort."


   "Furthermore, besieging the Chaos Demon God, this is what I should be waiting for. Even if there is no way I want to invite, I will wait for it."


   waved his hands, and the two replied.


   The Chaos Demon God is a great public enemy. As long as the position is okay, everyone's interests are the same in dealing with the Chaos Demon God.


   "It's a fellow Taoist, why suddenly want to capture a Chaos Demon God?"


   "Is there any use?"


   Old Ancestor Styx asked curiously.

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