Flooded Star Road

Chapter 560: Xuan Qing breakthrough

One thing to say is that Xuan Qing's method of cutting the past and the future has absorbed a lot of the essence of the method of cutting the three corpses.


  The method of cutting the three corpses pioneered by Taoist ancestors is exquisite and one of the easiest ways to become enlightened.


   In addition to the heart outside, the method of cutting the three corpses can also let people have three powerful incarnations.


   What’s even more amazing is that with these three powerful incarnations, you can save a lot of time needed to break through the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


   You have to know that in order to break through the Hunyuan Dao realm, you need to have enough source support after the realm is reached. Just like the Demon God of Jidu, although the realm is reached, but the innate origin is not enough, it is still not considered as a golden fairy of Hunyuan Daluo.


   The three corpses are used to increase the origin.


   The three corpses become one, achieving Hunyuan.


   With the origin contained in these three powerful incarnations, the monk can become the Golden Immortal Hunyuan Daluo at the fastest speed.


   Xuan Qing intends to absorb this advantage.


   To be precise, Xuan Qing didn't change the method of cutting the three corpses handed down by the ancestor Dao. He just replaced the three corpses of good and evil with the past, the future, and the present.


   The rest, basically unchanged.






   With an idea in his heart, Xuan Qing directly used the Hongmeng Daozhong to deduce this method.


   "It's time to break through!"


   stood up silently, Xuan Qing took out the twelfth-grade good fortune green lotus and the twelfth-grade pure white lotus.


   The method of cutting the three corpses requires an innate spirit treasure to entrust, and the method of cutting the past and the future, born from this method, naturally also needs an innate spirit treasure.


   Moreover, this innate spirit treasure cannot be chosen casually. It is related to one's own future path, and one needs to be cautious. It is best to be an innate spirit treasure that fits your own avenue.


   Xuanqing's choice is to make Qinglian good fortune.


   Although this treasure carries the word good fortune, it is inextricably related to chaos and can fit all the Tao of the world.


   With Him as the sustenance, the most perfect.


   What's more, Xuan Qing has other thoughts about using his good fortune Qinglian as a sustenance.


   Nowadays, there are four great congenital lotus flowers, and he has got two plants, plus one plant of good fortune green lotus that is not among them, this is three plants.


   These three congenital lotus plants share the same vein, and all of them are the top congenital spirit treasures. Once they are integrated, they can directly become congenital treasures, and their level will not be too low.


   Not to mention, to a certain extent, Chaos Qinglian is also regarded as a holy artifact of the opening of the sky, and its contribution to the prehistoric world is not much lower than that of the opening of the sky.


   Calculated according to this, the good fortune green lotus that represents part of the origin of the chaotic green lotus, in a sense, can also be regarded as the heavenly treasure.


   Even if it is not as good as the three treasures of Kaitian, it is not far away.


   In other words, Xuan Qing now has the possibility of possessing an innate treasure at any time, and it is the innate treasure that can catch up with the three great heavenly treasures.


  Think about it,


  In the future,


   Xuanqing stands on the green lotus of good fortune,


   Just wait if you are born invincible.


   Almost no one in the prehistoric land can break through the defenses of Qinglian.


   there is this treasure,


   Hyun Qing can be said to be worry-free!




   Is the picture beautiful?


   is simply too beautiful.


   But Xuan Qing did not dare to promote Qinglian fortune to be the innate treasure.


   because it is too strong!


   There are so many luck in Kaitian, and it has been divided by the three great treasures of Kaitian. Coupled with some fragmentary innate treasures, the remaining good luck is gone.


   If Xuan Qing comes up with another Heaven-Opening Treasure, this move, not to mention that Heavenly Dao agrees or disagrees, even Sanqing might not agree to it.


   Kaitian Zhibao was born, where did Kaitian luck come from?


   is naturally divided from the three great treasures.


   Very good, the three great treasures of the open sky have become the four great treasures of the open sky. With some luck, how can the owner be happy?


   Of course not happy.


   Putting Feng Zichen on his body, he was not happy either.


   Therefore, as soon as the innate treasure-level good fortune Qinglian was born, the two sages of Taiqing Yuqing would definitely have the induction to destroy this treasure.


   is the sage of the Shangqing, it is estimated that he will also shoot.


   Not for anything else, just for Qingping Sword, and I can do it.


   The treasures of the Sanqing's Taoism are all transformed by the green lotus of good fortune, and they are naturally restrained by them. As a saint, how can you tolerate the existence of things that restrain yourself, and naturally you will do everything possible to destroy it.


   is the owner of this treasure is Xuan Qing, and this is no exception.


   Sanqing alone is enough to make people headache, not to mention, add a heaven that does not allow the existence of green lotus.


   Then no one can stand it!


   Therefore, even if Dao and Sanqing are not in the prehistoric times like today, Xuanqing did not dare to merge the three lotus and promote the good fortune Qinglian to the innate treasure.


   This treasure is a disaster.


Once    is born, it will inevitably attract the hostility between Heavenly Dao and Sanqing.


   So, for the sake of safety, it is better not to let it be born.


   But faintly, Xuan Qing was a little unwilling.


   The innate treasure is right in front of me, but I can't take it out due to various concerns.


   is really suffering!


   Forced to do so, Xuan Qing thought of a way that was not a solution.


   That is to take the good fortune green lotus as the sustenance, and use its origin to cut away the past, the future and the present.


   Even if it is the innate treasure, after being cut three times, he can't retain his original grade.


   In this way, although Xuan Qing did not get the innate treasure, he had three more powerful incarnations.


   Moreover, after Xuan Qing broke through and became Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the three incarnations were united, and he could directly obtain the Innate Supreme Treasure level Qinglian.


   At that time,


   Xuanqing is in charge of Qinglian with Hunyuan’s power,


   there are not so many scruples.








   Just do it when he thinks of it, and Xuan Qing sacrifices the Hongmeng Dao Bell, and directly collects the good fortune green lotus and the Jingshi white lotus.


After   , Xuan Qing also entered Hongmeng Daozhong.


   Hongmeng Daozhong isolates everything, and the outside world cannot get anything done inside.


   Inside the Hongmeng Daozhong, in the boundless purple space, three huge lotus flowers stand, one green, one white, and one black, each emitting a bright light.


   is the twelfth-grade good fortune green lotus, the twelfth-grade extinct black lotus, and the twelfth-grade pure white lotus.


   "Good luck Qinglian, get up!"


   After arriving in the purple space, Xuan Qing directly sacrificed the twelve-grade creation green lotus, letting him swallow the remaining two congenital lotus.




   Thick roots protruded from the roots of the good fortune green lotus, rolling towards the extinct black lotus and the pure white lotus.


  The black lotus of exterminating the world and the white lotus of the pure world perceive the danger, so they instinctively have to resist. However, Xuan Qing reacted more quickly, and shot directly, cooperating with the good fortune Qinglian to suppress the two innate lotus flowers.




   Jingshi White Lotus and Extinction Black Lotus are entangled by the roots of the green lotus, making an unwilling buzzing sound.


   But unfortunately, in the face of Xuan Qing's suppression, they were unable to resist, they could only watch their own innate origin, a little bit of loss.


   Wow! Wow! Wow...


   Good Fortune Qinglian swallowed the innate origin of the extinct black lotus and the pure black lotus, while shaking with excitement, the whole body revealed a joyful emotion.


   With the passage of time, the Daoguang on the extinct black lotus and the pure white lotus became dimmer, while the Daoguang on the good fortune Qinglian became more and more dazzling.



   Fortune Qinglian had one more petal on his body, which turned into a thirteenth-rank lotus, while the extinct black lotus and the pure white lotus each lost one petal.


"very good!"


   Seeing this scene, Xuan Qing nodded in satisfaction, then closed his eyes, and gradually sinked into the long river of time and space, and began to look for the shadow of her own past.


   The first thing to be cut is the past!


   Based on the long river of time and space, Xuan Qing looked back and saw that everything he had experienced since his birth appeared before his eyes.


   Then, Xuan Qing looked towards the future again, and saw countless pictures spread out to explain the possibilities of the future for him.


   Finally, Xuan Qing lowered his head and looked at the long river of time and space. Inside, his appearance was clearly reflected.


   This is now!




   Xuanqing pointed it into a sword and swiped it lightly behind him. Suddenly, those countless memories were all shattered and turned into a figure that was as indistinguishable as Xuan Qing, and appeared in front of Xuan Qing.


After   , Xuan Qing did not stop, continuing and pointing into a sword, slashing towards his feet.




   calm water,


   suddenly there are layers of ripples,


   A figure slowly emerged from the water, standing behind Xuan Qing.


   A past, a present.


   Within a few breaths, Xuan Qing slashed two corpses and entered the realm of the post-quasi-sage stage.


   With the half-step Hunyuan realm of his deity, it is naturally not difficult to cut off the two corpses of the past and the present. But wanting to cut off the future is a little troublesome.


  The future is elusive, and there is no conclusion. It takes some chance to cut it off.


   However, Xuan Qing was already very satisfied after cutting two corpses.


   In his capacity, the cultivation of the two corpses is just right, and if it goes further, it will be a bit dazzling.


   Mind left from the long river of time and space, Xuan Qing looked at Good Fortune Qinglian.


   At this time, He has already bloomed eighteen ranks, and the whole body is surrounded by a strong innate Taoist rhyme, exuding the coercion that belongs to the innate treasure.


  The eighteen treasures of innate treasures of Qinglian.




   Seeing this, Xuan Qing used the shadow of the past as a knife to severely cut down the eighteenth-grade good fortune Qinglian.




   An invisible blade slashed across, and the eighteenth grade of good fortune green lotus was directly missing the sixth grade, and it was re-transformed into the twelfth grade of good fortune green lotus.


   And the six petals, after spinning in the air for a while, suddenly turned into a man in Tsing Yi with a face similar to Xuan Qing.


   At the same time, a twelve-grade good fortune green lotus slowly bloomed on top of his head, exuding the coercion of the top innate spirit treasure.


   This is Xuan Qing's past body.


   "Poverty green lotus, I have seen the deity."


   Qinglian stepped forward and said to Xuanqing in courtesy.




   nodded, Xuan Qing put it among the human flowers, and used his own way to improve his cultivation.


   The past body was born, but Daluo Jinxian's cultivation base should be improved as the primary goal at present, otherwise it is really difficult to use it.


After   , Xuan Qing began to close his eyes and rest.


   Condensing the past body really took a lot of his mind. Next, there is a current body to condense, if it doesn't recover quickly, if it can't cut out the avatar, it will be a bit funny.


   In a blink of an eye, another few years have passed.


   The twelfth-rank good fortune green lotus once again transformed into the eighteenth-rank, while the twelfth-rank pure white lotus and the twelfth-rank exterminated black lotus were completely swallowed by the twelfth-rank good fortune green lotus, and there was no trace of existence.


   about this,


   Xuanqing didn't think it was a pity either.


  Using two superb Congenital Lingbaos for a powerful Congenital Supreme Treasure, no matter how you count it, you won’t lose.




   With a move of mind, Xuan Qing used his current body as a blade to cut once again.




   The eighteenth-grade good fortune Qinglian returned to the twelfth-grade, and the six petals that had been cut off turned into Xuanqing's present body.




   Breath, appearance, strength, etc., are exactly the same as in the past.


   is slightly more mature.


   Of course now is more mature than before!




   So far, Xuan Qing's breakthrough is over.


  The black lotus of exterminating the world and the black lotus of purifying the world disappeared, turning into two green lotus for good fortune.


   This is not to say that the power belonging to them has disappeared.


   Compared with the four congenital lotus terraces and the congenital five-element banner, the good fortune green lotus is the son of the chaotic green lotus and inherits everything from him.


  In other words, all of their abilities, good fortune, Qinglian can be used.






   With the completion of Xuan Qing's breakthrough, Hongmeng Daozhong broke through the void and quietly returned to Feng Zichen's hands.


   "The realm of the late quasi-sage, barely touched the threshold of the great supernatural powers, and placed in the prehistoric state, it can be regarded as a small master."


   After trying her soaring strength, Xuan Qing said with a smile on her face.


   At this level of strength, he can barely squeeze into the top of the predecessor, break away from the category of chess pieces, and have the qualifications to play chess.


  In the prehistoric times, the quasi-sages were called great powers in the early and middle stages, and the quasi-sages and above were called the great supernatural powers.


   and the first entering the quasi-sage is the early stage of the quasi-sage,


   slashing a corpse is the quasi-sage mid-term,


   Slashing the two corpses is the quasi-sage late stage,


   Slaying the three corpses is the quasi-sage Dzogchen,


   The three corpses are connected as a half-step Hunyuan,


   The three corpses can be enlightened, and it is the golden fairy of Hunyuan Daluo.






   "Finally calculated!"


  Under the world tree,


   Feng Zichen let out a long sigh of relief.


  He, who is responsible for guarding the world tree, is naturally not idle when others are busy.


   He is deducing the blood altar.


   With the help of the world tree, the jade disc fragments of good fortune, and the three treasures of the Hongmeng Daozhong, Feng Zichen took thousands of years to finally put the blood altar, a supernatural power that can be called against the sky, into a performance.


   It is not easy to say that this magical power appeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~.


   The world tree is called the first spiritual root of the primordial world, with supreme mystery. Practicing under the world tree makes it easier to get closer to the avenue.


   The jade disc of good fortune, known as the origin of all things.


   Hongmeng Dao Bell, can improve comprehension.


  The combination of the power of these three, coupled with the identity of Feng Zichen Dao Zun, is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first in understanding, even Dao ancestors can't match it.


   That's the case, Feng Zichen also experienced several failures before pushing it to the show.


   can see its difficulties.




   bring the dead back to life,


   had violated the law of heaven and was destined to be intolerable by heaven and earth. (Note: The deceased here refers to the kind whose true spirit is broken, not the kind whose soul is reincarnated.)


   The magical power of the blood altar, logically speaking, should not exist. Even if it appears, it will be destroyed by heaven in the first place.


   But Feng Zichen chose a good time.


   In the current prehistoric, even the Chaos Demon God dared to appear in a big way, and one more sky-defying technique is nothing.


   Of course, in order to prevent Heaven from returning to the prehistoric world, after autumn, after the fall, the blood altar was wiped from the world.


   Feng Zichen still had to add a piece of insurance to the blood altar, so that Tiandao could recognize the existence of this technique.

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