Flooded Star Road

Chapter 564: Chaos Demon's Trump Card

Obviously, the power he has now is not obtained by his own painstaking practice, but with the help of external forces.


   This way, although it is still shocking, it is not so unacceptable.


   "Okay, leave them alone."


   "The power of the Demon Flag is about to reach its limit, and the innate beasts will be attracted immediately. This is the focus of our attention."


   Just as Feng Zichen and Fuxi were talking, on the Demon God's flag, there was a loud roar that shook the sky.


   Then, a terrifying shadow of the demon **** gradually turned from virtual to real, and appeared above the demon **** flag.




   Great fear!


   The power of the Demon God Banner is fully deployed, which is equivalent to the arrival of a complete Chaos Demon God, and the impact it will bring to the great land can be imagined.


   The heavens and the earth dimmed in an instant, and an unspeakable depression filled the space between the heavens and the earth, hitting the hearts of sentient beings.


   The power of the demon **** is too vast and majestic, like a shadow that appears in the hearts of all living beings, pressing them completely speechless, and the world lost its voice and fell into absolute silence.


   And in this absolute silence, Feng Zichen made a move.




   I saw that his hands were connected and imprinted, and with the power of supreme magical powers, he manipulated the shadow of the demon **** that had just emerged on the banner of the demon god, in order to draw the endless innate beasts distributed in the wild.


   Following Feng Zichen's Dao Seal, after hitting the Demon God Banner, the aura of the Demon God's shadow above gradually gradually changed, becoming less depressed, and instead exuding inexplicable fluctuations.


   "Ho Ho Ho Ho..."


   The next moment, the shadow of the demon **** moved and let out a huge roar. As a result, the void rippled in layers, spreading in all directions, and gradually spreading to the entire prehistoric land.


   As the ripples spread, wherever they passed, all the innate fierce beasts seemed to lose their spirits, and ran toward the canyon quickly.


   It seems that there is an invisible big hand in the dark, manipulating them, letting them meet in the direction of the Demon God Banner.


   It didn't take long for the innate fierce beast that was a little closer to the canyon to have rushed over, and was desperately rushing to the Demon God Banner, where Feng Zichen and Fuxi were.




   In response, Feng Zichen did not urge the formation, but snorted coldly.




   The void trembles, the invisible ripples spread, and the innate beasts that rushed in, even before they can participate in the future, they turned into blood mist in an instant.


   The power of a snort, terrifying!


   Innate beasts, how can they be Feng Zichen's opponent, no matter how many they are.


   It can be said that as long as Feng Zichen is willing, all the innate beasts of the predecessor can be wiped out in an instant.


   The power of Hunyuan is so terrible!


   This is a power that transcends the law. It really belongs to the power of Tao, conceptually and cognitively obliterating the enemy. It is really difficult to resist if the strength is not in this state.


   The strongest congenital fierce beast is only a half-step Hunyuan, how can he withstand this force?


   You must know that Feng Zichen's Hunyuan-level combat power is not the only one. If a few people make a concerted effort, there is absolutely no possibility that the innate fierce beast will be spared.


   But in this way, the price they have to pay is really too great.


   is very likely to cause all sentient beings in the prehistoric beasts to be buried with the innate beasts.


   Honghuang is not a great chaos outside the world. He has rules and bottom line.


   It is impossible to fight between masters, but if you attack the cultivator at the bottom of the enemy, you will be a taboo, and it will be easy to force the opponent to die.


   You think, Feng Zichen and others on the front foot just killed the congenital fierce beast. After that, the demon gate dared to die and break the net and wipe out the predecessors.


   Feng Zichen and the others, the reason why they didn't take action to obliterate the innate beasts was because they were worried about this.


   But the situation is different now.


   This is the innate fierce beast actively attacking Feng Zichen, and then being killed by Feng Zichen, no one can fault it.


   As for the layout to kill the innate beasts!


   This is the wisdom used, not the power beyond the rules, the magic door can only pinch his nose to recognize it.


   It’s okay if you don’t accept it, then the magic gate can also come up with a plan on its own to set up a plan to kill all living beings.


   In this way, Feng Zichen and others can't tell if it is.






"not good!"


   Seeing the innate fierce beast rushing, the Demon Sect Third Avenue Master, who was fighting against Lei Ze Haotian, couldn't help but his expression changed drastically.


   Then, they directly performed the secret technique and notified the magic master to come and support.


   If you don't come to support, you really want Feng Zichen's plan to succeed, and the innate fierce beasts will be all over. This is not a heavy blow to the magic door.




   "It's really annoying."


   once again wiped out the innate fierce beast that rushed forward, and Feng Zichen gradually became impatient.


   Then, I saw him wave his big sleeves, and a transparent light curtain emerged, covering the entire canyon, blocking all the innate beasts attracted by the Demon God's flag from outside the canyon.


   Right now, there are still too few innate beasts, and it is not the best time to launch the formation.


   Therefore, Feng Zichen did not activate the formation, but allowed the innate beasts to enter the canyon. However, these innate fierce beasts, attracted by the Demon God Banner, would often rush over desperately.


   Although, no matter how the congenital fierce beast impacts, it can't hurt Feng Zichen the slightest, but this time of impact will inevitably make people feel bored.


   For this reason, Feng Zichen set up a defense outside the canyon to prevent the innate beasts from entering the canyon.


   Of course, Feng Zichen has not forgotten his own purpose. This defense is not invincible. It can still be broken by the power of some innate beasts.


   bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...


   The attraction of the Demon Flag is too great, even if it is blocked outside the canyon, the innate beasts still rushed into the canyon, hitting the defense desperately, trying to smash it.


   But unfortunately, with their current strength, they can't do this at all.


   And it is even more pity that when more innate beasts are attracted by the Demon God Banner, they have the power to smash the canyon defense.


   That formation has also reached the time to start.


   In other words, the moment the defense under the Fengzichen was smashed by the innate beast was the moment when the formation was activated.


   At that time,


   the life of the innate beast,


   will usher in the final countdown.






  With the diffusion of the devil's breath, every breath, there are a large number of innate beasts, from all over the prehistoric place, madly impacting the barrier outside the canyon.


"very good!"


"very good!"


   "I believe that after this incident, the remaining congenital fierce beasts will no longer be able to make waves in the wilderness."


   Looking at everything that happened before him, Feng Zichen nodded secretly.


  Everything is going on as He imagined it.


   Next, waiting for the formation to activate, use the flesh and blood of the innate fierce beast to test the effect of the blood altar to see if it has the same ability as in his deduction.


   However, even if this return to the blood altar fails, Feng Zichen is not a loss if he can destroy the innate beasts alone.



   "Looking for death!"


  While Feng Zichen was thinking, he suddenly felt an inconsistency in the void, and then without thinking about it, he punched the void in front of him.




   The majestic divine power exploded, the world trembles, the universe trembles, the vast expanses of the void are shattered, and a weird shadow is blasted out of the void by Feng Zichen.


   "The dignified Chaos Demon God, even doing a sneak attack, is really eye-opening."


   Looking at the demon shadow in front of him, Feng Zichen mocked coldly.


   This person actually wanted to take advantage of his unpreparedness and quietly destroy the Demon God Banner, in order to destroy Feng Zichen's plan and rescue the innate beast.




how to say.


   If this thing is done by a master of magic sect, Feng Zichen can fully understand it. But it was Chaos Demon God who shot, which made Feng Zichen a little shocked.


   The arrogant Chaos Demon God would actually do something like a sneak attack?


   is really depraved!


   It seems that after the reincarnation, the Chaos Demon God lost not only the invincible power, but also the arrogance in his bones.


   Is the effect of losing power so big?


   You have to know that when the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods faced Pangu, even if they knew they were lost, they went to the fight dignifiedly instead of using any sly methods.


   The gap between before and after is too big!




   This is what worries Feng Zichen the most.


   What worries him most is what he will do when facing the Chaos Demon God in the future.


   You should know that when the master has no lower limit, the difficulty factor will increase several times when dealing with it.


   From this moment on, Feng Zichen understood that in the future, he must be careful when facing the Chaos Demon God.


   They started to use their brains.


   Of course, beware, beware, this does not prevent Feng Zichen from satirizing Chaos Demon God.




   "Junior, what do you know."


   "Strategy is also a kind of own strength."


   The Chaos Demon God's face changed several times before he reluctantly hummed.


  Actually, the Chaos Demon God did not want to do this, they were also forced!


  If his power is still there, how can he use sneak attacks like this?


   Just push it straight.


   There is no other way.


   Those who lost their invincible power, gradually remembered their forgotten brains.


   Then, they began to use wisdom.






   "So much nonsense!"


   said lightly, Feng Zichen turned his head and said to Fuxi:


   "You are here to guard the devil's banner, and I will deal with them."


   As soon as the voice fell, Feng Zichen raised the Zichen sword and rushed to the Chaos Demon God. At the same time, he didn't forget to sacrifice the Ten Thousand Swords, inspiring countless sword lights, and swept toward the void in all directions.






   In the void, first there were two muffled sounds one after another, and then the countless sword lights were wiped out by two sudden surges of power.


   Obviously, in the surrounding void, there are still two demon dao masters, ready to destroy the demon **** banner at any time, but at this moment, they are forced out by Feng Zichen's sword.


   This is also normal, after all, today's magic door has six Taoists. It is based on this point that Feng Zichen will make a trial and attack towards the void.


   And this temptation turned out to be a problem.




   "Haha, two Daoists of the Demon Sect, now that they are here, why hide in hiding? Why don't you just let me talk about it."


  While speaking, Feng Zichen urged Wan Jiantu with all his strength, and the unparalleled sword intent broke out, encumbering the three people, and hurried towards Lei Ze Haotian.


   Although he is very confident in his own strength, he does not think that he has the ability to single out the three demon masters. If it is two, he may be able to try it, but three, it is better to avoid it.


   Therefore, Feng Zichen intends to join Lei Ze Haotian to deal with the Dao Master of the Demon Sect together.


   In this way, although it is three to six, but under the blessing of the emperor's authority, they may not lose.




   Feng Zichen four people joined the battlefield, making the already fierce battle even more intense.


   Nine Hunyuan Dao master level master melee, even if only a ray of aftermath is leaked, it is enough to kill ordinary quasi-sage masters.


   If this hits the wild world, the damage to the world can be imagined.


   For this reason, the nine people were in a tacit understanding and moved the battlefield to the deepest part of the void, so as not to spread to the prehistoric world.


   Among them, Feng Zichen and the other three are naturally worried about the prehistoric world. And the Six Demon Daoists would naturally not be so kind. The reason they moved was because they were afraid of spreading to the innate beasts.


   You know, it's just outside the battlefield, but a lot of innate beasts have gathered.


   If the aftermath is leaked, the prehistoric world will naturally not fall well, but those innate fierce beasts will not end well.




   "Get an idea and join hands!"


   In the depths of the void, after several rounds of fought against the six masters of the Demon Gate, the three of Feng Zichen saw that they could not take advantage, so they planned to join forces to summon the phantom of the real emperor and kill the six in one fell swoop.




   The three of them glanced at each other, and they all reached a consensus, and then they released their power of authority with all their strength to let them fuse in the air.




   The vast coercion pervades!


   A vague emperor's shadow appeared, and the whole body was shrouded by the projection of the wild world, releasing an extremely terrifying aura.


   It’s just that, compared to the last time I dealt with Mozu Luohu, this time, because of the lack of Emperor Ziwei, the power of the Celestial Shadow ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is weaker than that.


   appears more vague.


   And the vast phantoms all over his body, except that the Nether Realm has not been manifested, now there is no trace of the endless starry sky.


  The power dropped from the height of the twelfth floor of the Hunyuan to the ninth floor of the Hunyuan. Although it was still extremely strong, it was much weaker than before, and it was not at the same level at all.


   But that's the case, with the power of the six masters of the Demon Gate, it is far from being able to contend.




   The three of them manipulated the phantom of the heavenly emperor, and then killed the six of the Demon Sect.


   Ke Feng Zichen and others have a joint attack method. As the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God, how can they not have the corresponding hole cards?


"That's it?"


   "You guys have this ability, and you dare to even want to kill me."


   "It's really looking for death!"


   Seeing the phantom of the heavenly emperor blasting over, not only did the six great Hunyuan Dao masters of the Demon Gate not be afraid at all, but instead smiled coldly, as if he didn't put it in his eyes at all.


   "Friends of Taoism!"


   "Join hands to summon Chaos Will and kill them all."


   "Let these prehistoric creatures know that the majesty of the Chaos Demon God cannot be offended."


   A Chaos Demon looked at the three of them and said coldly.

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