Flooded Star Road

Chapter 571: The true purpose of the Chaos Demon

Only when the spiritual wisdom is awakened can it be regarded as a real resurrection.


   It didn’t take long,


   A ray of light representing wisdom emerged from the eyes of the demon, representing that the demon has come back to life.


   is also at this moment,


   The heavens and the earth all trembling suddenly,


   Unparalleled power came, oppressing the demon on the blood altar.


   At the same time, the air of unknown was trembling, turning into the poison of the avenue, flooding like a demon.


   This love and this scene,


   It seems like the last time the scene is present.


   But unlike the last time, this time, Feng Zichen has already prepared.


   Seeing that the mighty power of heaven and earth was about to come, Feng Zichen suddenly sealed his hands, making sacrifices, and offering sacrifices to the heaven and earth with the chaotic origin energy that permeated him.


   "Pangu Ziwei, the Great Ziwei, hereby announces the great world:"




   "I would like to sacrifice the aura of the origin of chaos and return the dead in return."


   "May the world answer!"


   Just as Feng Zichen was chanting the prayers, the chaotic origin energy around him decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.


   is obviously absorbed by heaven and earth.




   see here,


   Feng Zichen couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.


   I am not afraid that he will absorb it, but that he will not want it.


   As long as Heaven and Earth absorb it, it means Heaven and Earth have accepted his bribe and allowed the dead to recover.


   As expected,


  As the source of chaos decreases,


   The mighty force of heaven and earth that came under pressure, no longer moves forward. Moreover, its power is slowly fading.




   "Hongmeng Daozhong, town!"


   solved the problem of the backlash of heaven and earth, then the next step was to get rid of the poison of the avenue.


   Normally, Feng Zichen should use enough innate origin to consume the poison of the Great Dao in exchange for the safe return of the dead.


   But because of the presence of Hongmeng Daozhong, Feng Zichen felt that he could try another method. That is to forcibly suppress the poison of the avenue!


   Hongmeng Qi is the initial power, the beginning of the change, and the manifestation.




   In this world,


   Anything that exists,


   are all in His forgiveness.


   is the poison of the avenue, and it is no exception.


   That is to say, the spirit of Hongmeng is the nemesis of everything. In the case of the same level, no force can defeat the Qi of the Great Mengmeng.


   Although the poison of the Great Dao in front of us is powerful, it is clear that it is not stronger than the Hongmeng Daozhong. Therefore, it is destined to be defeated by Hongmeng Daozhong, not its opponent.




   The road bell rang lightly, and the scent of the cosmic air hung down, and at the moment when the poison of the road was about to touch the demon, it was completely wrapped, suppressed, and forcibly pulled into the bell.


"Ha ha!"


   "The deity is back!"


   "Fuxi, go to God, the enemy of murder, the deity will return a hundred times, you wait!"


   At this time, the demon yelled with hindsight.


   Actually, he is not to blame.


   Because, He really didn't know what happened just now.


   In terms of Feng Zichen's realm, it has reached the point where time can be ignored. Therefore, everything that happened just now, which seemed extremely long, actually happened in a static time and space.


   Time does not circulate again until everything is over.


   It was also at this time that the demon knew that he had been resurrected. As for why he was resurrected, and what happened during the resurrection, he did not know at all.


   He can’t even think about it,


   Because of the joy of being born, he has filled his heart, so he has no extra thoughts to think about these reasons.


   This also caused the scene before me to happen.


   "Ignorance is also boring!"


   Hearing the happy voice of the demon, Feng Zichen just smiled faintly.


   Then, I heard a bell ring.




   The demon head exploded directly and turned into a sky full of Harmony Qi, which was absorbed by the Harmony Daozhong.


   to death,


   He didn't even realize what happened.






   is the endless starry sky,


   is the stronghold of Feng Zichen.


  Here, the saints are not Feng Zichen's opponents. When facing him, you must be careful.


   It is too easy to kill a half-step Hunyuan realm demon, it can be wiped out with a finger.








   Feng Zichen stretched out his hand, and the Hongmeng Dao Bell was spinning round and round, flying from a distance, and falling into His hand.


   "Is this the poison of the avenue?"


   Holding the Hongmeng Dao Bell in his hand, Feng Zichen shook it slightly, and saw a small gray-black crystal falling from his body and into Feng Zichen's hand.


   is the poison of the daunting avenue.


  It's just that, now this terrible poison of the Great Dao, the whole body is enveloped in the aura of the cosmos, completely isolating him from the possibility of contact with the outside world.


   The ability to corrode all roads can't be displayed at all.


   "Things are good!"


   "Unfortunately, it's useless for Hunyuan!"


   took the poison of the avenue in his hand and looked at it for a moment, and Feng Zichen put it away with little interest.


   The level of the poison of the Great Dao is still a bit low, and it has never reached the level of Hunyuan.


   Although the power is good, it is for people under Hunyuan, but for people who have achieved Hunyuan realm, the effect is not so good.


   can cause some trouble to it, but it is far from fatal.


   is the existence under the realm of Hunyuan, when you encounter this poison, it is really mortal if you touch it.




   This thing is useless to Feng Zichen.


   His current opponents are all Hunyuan-level existences, and this poison has no effect at all.


   And the characters under Hunyuan are not his opponents at all, so they don't need this poison.


  For Feng Zichen,


   This thing is chicken ribs,


   Food is tasteless, but it is a pity to discard it.






   "The blood altar, it really succeeded."


   At this time, Feng Zichen finally focused his attention on the blood altar.


   The blood altar at this time, after the resurrection of the demon, has exhausted all its power, the whole body is dull and full of cracks, and it has completely lost its charm, just like an ordinary stone, it will shatter at any time.




   This does not mean that the blood altar is really ruined. He is just running out of power. After that, as long as the power is poured into the power again, the blood altar can return to normal.


   However, in the future, the only one who can use this blood altar is the demon.


  As a thing against the sky, the blood altar naturally has various restrictions. Once it recognizes the master, it can only resurrect its master, and can no longer use it for other people.


   a blood altar,


   only recognizes one master in his life.


   So, in the end, this blood altar will also be destroyed.




   Do you keep the resurrection demon?


   But that is the case, Feng Zichen looked at the blood altar, still with joy.


   The resurrection of the demon just now,


   means that he succeeded.


   This god-defying fetish, which only existed in the novel in the previous life, was manifested in the prehistoric state by him.

   This is a remarkable achievement!


   Especially, with the blood altar, Feng Zichen can use this object to resurrect some deceased people and let them walk in the wilderness again.




  The blood altar is also equivalent to a kind of heritage,


   can revive masters in the clan at any time.


   This means,


   In the battle with foreign races, Human race has more maneuverability.




  The blood altar still has some shortcomings,


   That is, the cost of resurrecting a person is too great.


  According to Feng Zichen's estimation, the cost of resurrecting a person from the blood altar is four times that of that person's origin.


   This is also the result of Feng Zichen's use of the Hongmeng Daozhong to suppress the poison of the Dao.


   If according to the normal method, the innate origin is used to offset the poison of the avenue, then the cost will be more than five times.


   In other words, if you want to resurrect a big Luo Jinxian, the price you need to pay is five big Luo Jinxians of the same level.


   Among these five times, at least two times are dedicated to heaven and earth.


   I have to say, the world is really dark!




   With a wave of the big sleeve, Feng Zichen destroyed the broken blood altar, then moved the starry sky again and returned to the canyon.


   At this time, thousands of years have passed since Feng Zichen was planning to kill the innate beasts.


   During this period, I don't know how many innate beasts swarmed and were killed by the formation in the canyon and Fuxi hiding in the dark.


   No matter how many innate fierce beasts are in the wild, they have been killed for nearly a thousand years, and it is almost time to kill.


   At the very least, innate fierce beasts above the level of Da Luo Jinxian are almost damned.


   After all, Honghuang was in greatness, and in thousands of years, Luo Jinxian was big enough to rush over.


   As for the ones who did not come, it is estimated that they were not affected by the Demon God Banner.


After   , it won’t come.


   However, it doesn't matter, after all, there are only a few who haven't come. As long as most of the innate fierce beasts are killed, the remaining innate fierce beasts will not be a cause for concern.


   Standing at the top of the canyon and looking down, you can see that the innate beasts that came here at this time are not coming in groups like before, they are also sporadic, and I haven't seen one for a long time.


   can be seen from this,


   in the wild,


   There are not many innate beasts still alive.


   There are still others, and most of them are cultivation bases below the level of the Daluo Jinxian.


   So far, the congenital fierce beast chaos is half settled. Next, as long as its influence on the prehistoric is wiped out, it will be a complete quelling of the congenital fierce beast chaos.




   Nowadays, that evil spirit is all over the land.


   After the death of the previous congenital beast, the land that was eroded by it needs to be governed.


   There is also the source of this congenital fierce beast chaos, that group of chaotic origins flying from the great chaos outside the realm also needs to be purified.




  The spiritual veins and earth qi in the primordial world will continue to be contaminated by it, so as to generate endless evil qi and new innate beasts.




   If these are not resolved, the congenital fierce beast chaos will not be settled, and it may break out again at any time.


   Moreover, the most worrying thing is the origin of the chaos that has disappeared since it came to Honghuang.


  He is the greatest threat to the prehistoric.


   If he is allowed to continue to erode the primordial spiritual veins and earth qi. Then, one day, the primordial aura of heaven and earth will all be contaminated with innate evil aura, making it impossible for monks to absorb it.


   This will be a huge blow to Honghuang.


   It's really that time,




   has really become the only choice for all beings.


   Polluting the primordial spiritual veins and earth qi, making the primordial monks unable to practice, and not to modify the magic way. This is the true purpose of the Chaos Demon God.


   What innate beasts, chaos demon gods, everything is a cover. Just to cover up the hidden deepest calculations.


   This principle is also the case of Feng Zichen, who traveled through the prehistoric times.


   Seeing that in today's predicament, the evil spirit is becoming stronger and the spiritual energy is becoming less and less, and countless monks fought to fight for some cultivation resources, and suddenly realized.


   want to understand this, then they naturally want to prevent this scene from happening.


   at this point,


   Everyone has the same interests.


after all,


   What they cultivate is the innate aura, not the evil aura.


   And the Chaos Demon God’s move is undoubtedly shaking their foundation.


   It’s just that, unlike the Chaos Demon God in the Primordial Chaos, the Chaos Demon God in the Great Chaos Outside the Realm is obviously too much stronger.


   Their calculations are far beyond what Feng Zichen and others can crack.


   In other words, no matter how Feng Zichen and others searched, they couldn't find the trace of the origin of the chaos.


so awkward……


   But being weak is the original sin!


  Who makes them weak?


  Weakness requires preparation to pay the price.




   Of course, people are forced to be anxious, and they can think of any way.


   has been unable to find the source of chaos, Feng Zichen and others finally thought of a way that was not a solution.


   Now, the only thing they can be sure of is that the source of the chaos is hidden in the spiritual vein.


   But Feng Zichen and others don't know the specific hidden in that spiritual vein. Because the origin of the chaos has been in a state of irregular movement.


   That’s why,


   No one found his trace.


  The method that Feng Zichen and others thought of was related to spiritual veins.


  Since I can't find it, I will find a way to reset the spiritual veins of heaven and earth, comb through inch by inch, and always force it out.


   But resetting the heavens and the earth’s spiritual veins is a big project. In the current predicament, there are internal and external troubles. Obviously, it is not suitable for such a big move.




   I have an idea,


   But how to implement it will have to wait until the famine is completely settled down.


   I want to come, not too short of this time.


   As for how to operate, Feng Zichen also had his own thoughts in his heart.




   The enlightenment merits of the future earth emperor of the human race~www.wuxiaspot.com~ should be here.


   However, no matter what the future is, one thing is certain is that after this incident, the evil spirits are rising in the predicament, the disaster is raging, and the innate spirit is almost destroyed.


   Its tendency to transform to acquired is completely irreversible.


   Originally, there may be a glimmer of hope.


   But now, it is really gone.




Quietly concealing his figure, Feng Zichen used his supernatural powers to move the galaxy universe and the blood and flesh of the innate beasts into the boundless starry sky, drawing a complete picture for the action of killing the innate beasts. period.


   On the other side, Fuxi appeared blankly, looking at the center of the empty canyon.


   But fortunately,


   Soon, Feng Zichen’s Gouchen incarnation walked over and explained to Fuxi:


   "Fuxi, there is no need to panic, it was Brother Ziwei Dao who took the action to take away the Galaxy Zhouguang Array."


   "You have seen it too, now there are not many innate beasts coming."


   "It can be seen that the innate fierce beasts in the predicament have almost been slain,"


  "So, this operation should also end.


   At the same time, you should also perform your duties. "

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