Flooded Star Road

Chapter 574: Xuanqing

Compared with before, Hongmeng Daozhong has not changed much, and it still maintains the form of Daozhong. It's just that the occasional rune of Hongmeng, which shows his extraordinary.


   With a move of mind, Feng Zichen took the Hongmeng Daozhong in his hand. At the same time, all the information about Hongmeng Daozhong came to his mind naturally.


   Innate Supreme Treasure Hongmeng Dao Bell, or Chaos Lingbao Hongmeng Dao Bell, was born following the way of Hongmeng, and has the great power of shattering time and space and destroying all paths.


   And the Hongmeng Dao Bell, which was still the best innate spirit treasure, has the ability to smash the vacuum and destroy all laws.


  Comparing the two, after being promoted to the innate treasure, the power of Hongmeng Daozhong has indeed increased to a point beyond imagination.


  Vacuum and time and space, ten thousand dharma and ten thousand ways, the difference of one word, the impact is indeed very different.


   And, just from these descriptions, it can be seen that Hongmeng Daozhong seems to have added so much more than Chaos Clock.


   Chaos Clock has great power to suppress time and space and destroy chaos.


   and Hongmeng Daozhong shatters time and space.


   One suppression, one smash, it seems that Hongmeng Daozhong is indeed stronger.








   "Why did you stop?"


   At this time, Feng Zichen, who was looking at the changes of Hongmeng Daozhong, suddenly realized that something was wrong, and couldn't help but speak in surprise.


   However, after being promoted to the Innate Supreme Treasure, Hongmeng Daozhong stopped all his actions and stopped absorbing the Qi of Chaos Origin.


   How can this work?


   Feng Zichen looked at the surroundings, and there was still one third of the Primal Qi of Chaos, driving Hongmeng Daozhong to fly towards them.


   The Primal Qi of the Chaos here is transformed by almost all the innate beasts after their deaths, and it is beyond imagination.


   Even if Hongmeng Daozhong swallowed a lot in order to be promoted to the innate treasure, he still left one third.


   And these,


   are all resources for Hongmeng Daozhong's continued promotion.


   has just been promoted, Hongmeng Daozhong is just a low-grade innate treasure. If it swallows all the chaotic origin qi, it will not generate a **** forbidden and promote it to middle-grade innate treasure.


   This kind of opportunity, the entire prehistoric, is just one time, you can't miss it.




   What surprised Feng Zichen was,


   No matter how he urges the Hongmeng Dao Bell,


   Hongmeng Daozhong ignored those chaotic origin qi, and did not have the momentum of hungry tigers rushing for food.


"what happened?"


   Suspicious in his heart, Feng Zichen released his spiritual thoughts and probed towards Hongmeng Daozhong.


After   , a message was sent from Hongmeng Daozhong and passed to Feng Zichen's heart.




   The next moment, Feng Zichen's face turned black.


   After being promoted to Innate Supreme Treasure, the Primal Qi of Chaos can no longer satisfy Hongmeng Daozhong. If you want to continue to upgrade, you need more advanced power.


   This is the meaning of the message sent by Hongmeng Daozhong.


   It's no wonder Feng Zichen's face has changed.


   The Primordial Qi of Chaos is already one of the most primitive forces in the world. It is more advanced than Feng Zichen, as far as Feng Zichen knows, there are only three things:


   The origin of chaos,


   Hongmeng Purple Qi,


   and the origin of the main road.


   these three powers,


   one is bigger than the other,


   are treasures that cannot be sought after,


  If Feng Zichen had the ability to get it, he would have become a golden fairy of Hunyuan Daluo, and he would not be stuck in the realm of Hunyuan for a long time as it is now.


   Be good!


   This Hongmeng Dao Bell is really amazing!


   To be promoted to the Innate Supreme Treasure, you need to use the Innate Five Tai Origins. Feng Zichen rummaged through the entire wilderness, but never found it.


   In desperation, I thought of replacing it with the Qi of All Things Origin Qi, the Qi of Chaos Origin.


(Note: The Innate Five Tais are the five processes of the transformation of Chaos Qi into Innate Qi. Therefore, if the origin of the Innate Five Tais cannot be found, one can find a higher power, their source, the origin of Chaos. Replacement of Qi.)


   I thought that this requirement was already difficult enough, but I didn't expect that the harder one was yet to come. Now if you want to continue to upgrade, you need more advanced power.




   It's not so difficult for a strong man.


   The origin of chaos is in the depths of chaos. It is almost impossible to find because of its greatness.


The origin of    Avenue, it is a treasure that even Pangu can't get, and it is also a treasure that Feng Zichen can't even dream of.


   There is no possibility of getting it at all.


   As for Hongmeng Ziqi?


   This is hopeful.


   As we all know, the Seven Sages (including the Hou Tu) are all enlightened by the grandiose and purple energy. As long as you can kill one of them, you can force the Magnificent Purple Qi from its body.




   Kill the saint, Feng Zichen thought, but he couldn't do it at all.


   Saints may not be truly invincible in Honghuang, but they can definitely be truly immortal. Therefore, in Honghuang, no one can kill a saint.


   Unless, Feng Zichen can deceive the saint to the Great Chaos outside the realm.


   "It's really a headache!"


   Looking at Hongmeng Daozhong, Feng Zichen frowned tightly. He thought about it and found that he couldn't get any of these three powers.


   Is it difficult,


   just gave up?


   Let Hongmeng Daozhong stay at the low-grade innate treasure level.


   In fact, the innate treasure of the lower grade is enough for Feng Zichen to use.


   You should know that the innate treasure is in the prehistoric, but it is a rare thing, even the saint has not been able to manage one.


   Feng Zichen alone has several innate treasures, and he should be content.


   However, human desires are often insatiable. Get good, you will yearn for better. Who would dislike the innate treasures in his hand?




"and many more!"


   "It's not impossible."


When    was lost in his heart, Feng Zichen had an inspiration and really came up with a way.


   That is the Chaos Demon God!


   Chaos Demon God, that is a great existence bred by Chaos.


   Their origins are the combination of the origins of chaos and the origin of the Dao. They are the highest power in the world and absolutely meet the promotion requirements of Hongmeng Daozhong.


   As long as the Chaos Demon God is swallowed, Hongmeng Daozhong may not have been promoted to the day when the Chaos Supreme Treasure.


   "This is forcing me and the Chaos Demon God to die to the end!"


   Thinking of this, Feng Zichen muttered to himself.




   does not matter anymore.


   Regardless of whether there is Hongmeng Daozhong or not, it is impossible for him and the Chaos Demon God to coexist. One more Hongmeng Dao Bell just increased his determination against the Chaos Demon God.




   With caress in his heart, Feng Zichen put away the Hongmeng Daozhong.


   Dealing with the Chaos Demon God is not anxious, it needs a good plan. Otherwise, who is the prey in the end is really not certain.




   "Pangu god, Zhou Tianxing, practice!"

   After putting away the Hongmeng Dao Bell, Feng Zichen once again urged Zhou Tianxing to refine the remaining Qi of the Primordial Chaos to restore Zhou Tianxing.


   Since it cannot be used to promote Hongmeng Daozhong, it is used to repair Zhoutian stars. After all, this is also the foundation of Feng Zichen's prehistoric existence.


   Moreover, repairing Zhoutian stars can also bring many benefits to Feng Zichen. For example, if Zhou Tianxingchen was repaired one day earlier, then Feng Zichen would be able to escape from the cage of heaven one day earlier.


   In addition, every time Zhou Tianxingchen repairs a point, the strength that Pangu God can exert can be strengthened by one point. This undoubtedly greatly increased Feng Zichen's life-saving ability.


To know,


   The Demon Gate was severely damaged in his hands. Is there any reason why the Demon Ancestor Luo Hui should not retaliate?


  The reason why he still doesn't make a move now is because the devil ancestor Luo Hui was caught by something. But once he waits for him to free his hands, he will inevitably launch **** revenge on Feng Zichen.


   With Feng Zichen's current strength, he will definitely not be the opponent of Demon Zu Luohu. But now, Hongjun Daozu is not in the prehistoric ancestors, and he can only rely on Pangu God and Man.




   Every time the strength of the Pangu God-Man increased by one point, afterwards, Feng Zichen would be more calm when facing the demon ancestor Luo Hu.


   Of course, when the Four Royals work together, there is no need to fear the Demon Zu Luohu. If you add the Emperor of Heaven, you can even defeat it.


   But I'm afraid I'm afraid,


   What tricks Luo Hui, the ancestor of the devil, used,


   makes it impossible for the five to join forces.


   That would be a little troublesome.


   Therefore, it is always right to prepare more backs for the old yin force of the ancient times like Luo Hu, the demon ancestor.






   Zhoutian and stars are moving slowly according to an inexplicable trajectory. And with the rotation of Zhou Tian's stars, an invisible force spread, refining all the chaotic origin qi floating in the starry sky.




   The Primordial Qi of Chaos is worthy of being one of the most primordial powers. As it merges, Zhou Tian and the stars become brighter and brighter.


   its origin has become more and more vigorous.


   More star power is radiated from the stars, which makes Pangu god-man stronger.




  Pangu god-man breathed and breathed, more chaotic aura poured out from the sky, turning into the purest power to expand the origin of the endless starry sky.


   Even the star banner of Zhou Tian, ​​which was sent by Feng Zichen into the core of the stars and bred again, received a lot of benefits as the origin of Zhou Tian's stars improved, slowly transforming into the Xiantian Lingbao.


  Everything is developing in a good direction!


   And when Zhou Tianxing was refining the Primal Qi of Chaos, Feng Zichen was not idle, he looked at the wild land.


at this time,


   He designed to pit and kill the innate beasts,


   More than 10,000 years have passed, and Honghuang has already undergone earth-shaking changes.


   First of all, I want to talk about the magic door.


   Under the combined suppression of Haotian, Lei Ze, and Gouchen, Hong Huang can hardly see the trace of the magic door.


   Once the Demon Sect masters appeared in the prehistoric land, it was a joint blow of three masters who were comparable to the Hunyuan Dao Master to greet them.


   In this case, where the master of the magic door dare to appear, I don't know where to hide.


  Secondly, I have to talk about Human Race.


   With the prestige of sweeping the innate fierce beasts, Fuxi became the co-lord of the prehistoric races and accepted the worship of the races in the ancestral land of the human race.


   And at the moment when the ten thousand races surrendered to Fuxi, where the long river of fate lies, the destiny that was being conceived, after absorbing the luck of the ten thousand races, completely matured.


   drifting down from the long river of fate, into the human luck.


   So far,


  The human race has the destiny to add to it,


   Fuxi's strength also took advantage of the trend to enter the realm of a half-step Hunyuan, completely restoring the cultivation base of the previous life.


   At the same time, all the people of the human race have also become closer. When practicing, the speed is undoubtedly much faster than before.


   Also from this time, the human race has entered a period of rapid development, and its strength has gradually surpassed the innate races, and it has a tendency to become a prehistoric overlord.


   The magic gate is hidden, the innate beasts are killed and wounded, and the predicament presents a peaceful atmosphere. If it weren't for that day and the earth, there was still a strong innate evil aura, Feng Zichen almost thought that the chaos of the innate fierce beast had completely passed away.


   But anyway, with the joint efforts of Feng Zichen and others, Honghuang finally ushered in a long-lost peace.


   As the prehistoric land gradually calmed down, the disciple of the profound sect who had been beaten by the master of the magic sect to guard the mountain gate, finally dared to show up in the prestige.


   began their missionary journey.


   If you talk about preaching, you have to talk about Xuan Qing.


   He walked out of the East China Sea and came to the ancestral land of the human race, where he set up a college to teach the human race's innate talisman, formation, alchemy, tool road, and the ancient magical powers of the human race buried in the years.


   It’s also time to pass on the dazzling civilization of gods and demons created by the sages of the human race in the age of the ancient lich to the human race today.


   The glory of the ancient human race cannot be buried!


  The efforts of the ancient human race can't be wasted!


   Therefore, everything about them will be inherited by a new generation of human races and will be carried forward.


   And the name of this academy is called Zichen Academy. Its meaning is to commemorate the great emperor of the human race, Feng Zichen.


   also means to mourn an old friend.


well known,


   Xuanqing and Feng Zichen are best friends,


   In order to commemorate his friends, he set up a college in his name, so that he can teach the inheritance of the human race, and there is no problem at all.


   As for Xuanqing, why is there a human inheritance?


   That's even simpler.


   It must be the Dao Zun who couldn't do anything when he saw things, and he specially handed it over to Xuan Qing to preserve it, in order to protect the inheritance of the human race.


   There is one thing I have to say, because Xuan Qing returned the human inheritance and passed down his own orthodoxy. Nowadays, the human race respects him as an immortal teacher, as a show of respect.




   is the teacher of immortality;


   Terran Immortal Master~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the Master of Terran Immortal Dao.


  In other words,


   Nowadays, all human beings who practice immortality must be called Teacher Xuan Qing Yisheng.


   In the future, if the immortal Dao flourishes in the human race, then Xuan Qing can naturally become the ancestor of the immortal Dao and enjoy the luck of the immortal Dao.


   Its status is second only to Sanqing.


   Of course, the benefits of becoming a fairy master are far from that. One of the biggest benefits is that you can get a part of the human luck.


   The luck of the protagonist of heaven and earth, even the saints are jealous, and even end up fighting in person without hesitation.


  From this we can see the importance of human luck.


   This alone can guarantee that Xuan Qing will be blessed by heaven and earth in the future.






   On the precipitous eastern land, the tens of thousands of people have entered the stage of self-cultivation and nourishment. In the Western Holy Land Mount Xumi, an earth-shattering event happened.


   That day,


   The whole western land suddenly rained blood,


   There is even more boundless evil spirits surging up, wantonly destroying everything around him.


   Immediately afterwards, before everyone in the East had a reaction, I heard a sound of sorrow resounding on Mount Sumi, the ancestor of Western religion.

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