Flooded Star Road

Chapter 578: Turbulent situation

But don't underestimate the fact that Zhunti is a descendant of the Chaos Demon God. The impact it brings is really too great.




   Everyone is making trouble, fighting and fighting.


   But everyone is the descendant of Pangu after all, with the imprint of Pangu on their body, they are all the innate gods and demons of Pangu.


   But who knows,


   The guide mentioned that they were not unexpectedly, but the opponents of the Pangu God System, the descendants of the Chaos Demon God.


   This makes people angry!


   If you compare the prehistoric times to a big family, then the endless beings born in the legacy of Pangu are considered members of this family. The descendants of the Chaos Demon God are called outsiders.




   then leads Zhun to mention these two outsiders,


   not only rises in the wind and water, but also becomes the supreme saint.


  The Pangu **** family member who learned the truth, how can he tolerate this situation?


   Honghuang is descended from Pangu, not from the Chaos Demon God. Allowing him to live in the wild is already for the sake of God's virtue, but if he is allowed to occupy a high position...


   the huge prehistoric,


   Actually want two outsiders to be the masters.




   As long as they are members of the Pangu **** family who are still a little bit bloody, they will not tolerate this happening.


   This is a matter of principle!


   If this situation becomes the norm, wouldn't the sacrifices of the ancestors be wasted?


   The descendants of the Chaos Demon God, the dispute with the descendants of Pangu has a long history. It can be traced back to the time when the world was first opened and life was just born.


   At that time,


   The first creatures born in Heaven and Earth are divided into two camps, namely the innate gods and demons of the Pangu God system and the innate evil gods (beasts) of the Chaos Demon God camp.


   They are natural rivals, and they are destined to not exist together. Therefore, afterwards, there was the outbreak of the Tribulation of the Primordial Beasts.


   This is the war between the descendants of Pangu and the descendants of the Chaos Demon God.


   In the end, the descendants of Pangu won the final victory after paying a huge price. After that, there was no trace of the descendants of the Chaos Demon God in the prehistoric land.


   I never thought about it,


   There are actually two fish slipping through the net in front of me,


   and became one of the masters of heaven and earth.


   The world that the ancestors finally managed to conquer, is not to let the enemy's descendants dominate their own children.


   this kind of thing,


   absolutely cannot tolerate,


   It is necessary to explain.


   Therefore, everyone from Honghuang surrounded Zhunti. This is not because they are harmful to the prehistoric, but because of their identity.


   Everyone is not stupid, of course, they don’t think that the two of them will give up the holy position that they have finally obtained, betray the prehistoric, and join the chaos demon’s camp because of the chaos demon’s small words.


   surrounds them because of their position. As a descendant of Pangu, one cannot tolerate a descendant of the Chaos Demon God.






  On Mount Xumi, when Haotian and others gradually surrounded the incarnation of Zhunti, the atmosphere in the distant sky gradually became more subtle.


   The four Nuwas of the Sanqing Dynasty teamed up, and at the same time they looked at the Daozu Hongjun, faintly trying to force the palace.


  If there is no answer to this matter, they will never let it go.


   Of course, they are not targeting Hongjun Daozu, but the heaven in charge of everything. Regarding the allocation of holy positions, it is obvious that Hongjun Daozu cannot be the master, and the real master is the way of heaven.


  If Hongjun Daozu can be the master, there is no way to lead Zhun to mention the two of them. I've long been there to stay cool.


   "Master, what do you want to say about this?"


   There was a long silence, the leader of the crowd, the saint of Taiqing said in a deep voice.


   The four of them can be said to be the rulers of the Pangu God System. Especially Sanqing, even more professed as the authentic Pangu. There is no reason for them to stay out of this major event related to the fundamentals.


   is to face the way of heaven, they also have to bite the bullet.


   Amidst the wild, only Pangu is supreme!


   Although the Dao of Heaven is big, it is not as big as Pangu!


   occupies the righteousness, that is, facing the heavenly way. The four women of Sanqing and Nuwa are not afraid of them, and even dared to directly question them.


   "Although the prehistoric world was developed by Pangu Dadao Zun, it has swallowed too many Chaos Demon Origins during its birth."


   "Therefore, heaven and earth have formed a cause and effect with the Chaos Demon God."


   "In order to repay this cause and effect, I promised to have two saints, descendants of the Chaos Demon God."


   I don't know when, the will of Heaven has already occupied the body of Daozu Hongjun, and he explained to the four indifferently.




   Hearing this, the four of them were a little silent.


   cause and effect,


   is cause and effect again,


   I really can't get around or escape.


   The power of cause and effect is beyond imagination. Even if a saint can avoid karma, he cannot escape the constraints of cause and effect.


   Actually, it's not like a saint, even as powerful as Pangu, but also living within the constraints of cause and effect, and cannot be detached.


   All living beings, as long as they have not achieved the highest realm of the Great Dao, cannot be regarded as true perfection and detachment, and they must live within the constraints of cause and effect and reincarnation.






   "What about from now on?"


   "Can there be the descendants of the Chaos Demon God stealing high positions?"


   After a long silence, the Taiqing Saint asked again.


   However, looking at his attitude, he recognized the existence of Zhunti.


   There is no other way.


  Heaven said that this is cause and effect, so what do they do?


To know,


   wherever cause and effect,


   No matter how big or small, you have to pay it back, and you must pay it back as soon as possible.


   Otherwise, as time goes by, cause and effect continue to be involved, so that it gets bigger and bigger, and if you want to repay it, the price will be higher.


   In order to stop the loss in time, Heavenly Dao directly granted two saints to the descendants of the Chaos Demon God to understand the cause and effect of the Primordial World and the Chaos Demon God.


   Even if it is Sanqing Nuwa who is dissatisfied, it is hard to say anything.


   Because this is the best solution.


   However, after the incident, Zhunti's life in the prehistoric times was not easy.


   At the very least, the rest of the saints, as well as the great supernatural powers, will no longer have any good looks when they see them in the future.


  Although everyone had disputes before, they just looked down on the West and felt that it was too barren, and even disapproved of the two saints' practices.


   But after all, I won’t do too much.


   But now, with the introduction of Zhunti's heels and feet, his position has changed, from his own family to an outsider, and the previous harmony will not be maintained.


   In the future, the six people working together, I am afraid it will not happen. Even the Sanqing Nuwa will join forces to secretly suppress the introduction of Zhunzi and hinder the development of Western religion.






  "The evolution of the prehistoric world has consumed too much of the origin of the Chaos Demon God.


   "Yes, with this merit, the descendants of the Chaos Demon God are also a member of the prehistoric. Whether they can occupy a high position in the future depends on the means!"


Tiandao Hongjun said indifferently.


   In his words, he did not deny the possibility of the descendants of the Chaos Demon God becoming the mainstream of heaven and earth.


   just as he said.


   Honghuang has its current scale, and the Chaos Demon God has also contributed. They have contributed to Honghuang.


   Therefore, his descendants are also members of the Primordial Land and enjoy the same power as the Pangu God System.


   As for whether they can become high-ranking prehistoric people, it depends on the ability of your Pangu God System. Allowing you to take action to suppress the descendants of the Chaos Demon God is to completely crush them to death, and Heavenly Dao will not intervene.


   On the contrary, under the suppression of the Pangu God System, the descendants of the Chaos Demon God still rose up, and Dao would not act to hinder his enlightenment that day.


   The rise of the descendants of the Chaos Demon God depends on the means of the Pangu God System.


   Anyway, as long as the two sides don't want to destroy the prehistoric world, then the gods don't care who is in charge of the prehistoric world.






   "I will find out later."


Withdrawing their sights, the four of Sanqing Nuwa secretly made up their minds, and when the matter was over, after returning to the land, they must carefully search the land and find the descendants of the chaos demon gods, and determine their karma Kill or send into reincarnation.


  " Everyone, please rest assured,


   "Since Jiyin (Zhunti) was born in the prehistoric, it will naturally focus on the prehistoric and will not merge with the Chaos Demon God."


   At this time, the lead Zhunti said aloud at the same time.


   They are also very helpless!


  'S birth is not something they can decide.


   said that they do not want to be descendants of Pangu, yes, but the conditions are really not allowed!


   At this time, Zhunti's heart was also extremely bitter. After that, the two of them were completely isolated in the great wilderness. The Pangu God System is self-contained and has already excluded both of them.






   "The past is like the clouds and mists of the past. The two brothers of the poor Taoist masters know neither the Chaos Qingxinlian nor the Chaos Wisdom Tree. They only know the prehistoric congenital Qingxinlian and the congenital Bodhi tree."


   "The poor way leads,"


   "Poverty roads should be mentioned,"


   "I have seen six fellow Taoists!"


   While moving in mind, he took Zhunti's will, crossed the boundless chaos, descended on the body of the avatar, and said to the chaos demon god.


   to show that he has nothing to do with the Chaos Demon God, and completely draw a line from it. So as not to cause misunderstanding of the prehistoric sentient beings and cause unnecessary trouble.


"Ha ha!"


   "The descendants of Chaos will eventually return to the embrace of Chaos."


   "This is destiny and fate, and you can't escape it.


   "One day, you will understand."


   "You and them are different in the end."


   Seeing the lead Zhunti refused to return to the embrace of the Chaos Demon God, the six Chaos Demon Gods were not angry, but the gods and gods made a prediction.


   implied that the introduction of Zhunti, no matter how they rejected the Chaos Demon God, but in the end, they will eventually join the Chaos Demon God's camp.


   about this,


   The lead is noncommittal.


  Who knows the future?


   At the moment, they decided to draw a clear line from the Chaos Demon God.


   "Six Taoists, this cause and effect, the need to end."


   In order to prove his determination to draw a clear line from the Chaos Demon God to all the people, Zhun Ti did not care about the huge gap between the two sides. He gritted his teeth and rushed directly to the Chaos Demon God.


   Boom boom boom!


   A terrifying battle broke out.


   Six Chaos Demon Gods of the Hunyuan Realm, fighting against four incarnations of saints whose combat power is comparable to the Hunyuan Realm.


   As a result, it was natural that the incarnation of the saint was crushed and beaten by the Chaos Demon God. After all, the incarnation is not the deity, the strength gap is too big.


   "Everyone, take it!"


   Seeing that the four incarnations of Zhun Ti were about to be killed by the Chaos Demon God, Sanqing and others hiding in the dark finally couldn't stand it anymore and decided to help.


   Even if they are no longer dissatisfied with the lead, they cannot sit and watch their avatars be killed by the Chaos Demon. Isn't this forcing the opponent to rely on the Chaos Demon God?




   The incarnation of Sanqing, together with the incarnation of Nuwa, combined with the combat power of eight Hunyuan realms, emerged from the void and slew towards the Chaos Demon God. (Note: Three in Taiqing, two in Yuqing, two in Shangqing, and one in Nuwa.)


   Twelve Hunyuan-level combat powers, when they shot together, the Chaos Demon God was incapable of being able to fight, and quickly pulled away, fled into the void and disappeared.


   "Thank you fellow daoists for your help!"


   suppressed the injury, took the avatar of Zhun Ti, and thanked the avatar of Sanqing Nuwa.


   "No need to be polite!"


   "All for the predicament!"


   waved his hands, indicating that he didn't need to care, and then each was speechless.


   Finally, the four of Sanqing Nuwa gave them a deep look and left.


  This is the end of the matter, and both parties don’t know what to say, let the years prove everything!


   It’s just that, during the whole process, they didn’t notice at all, attracting the deep and strange light hidden in the eyes of the saint.


   Just when the two of them were crushed and beaten by the Chaos Demon God, all kinds of inheritance about the Chaos Demon God, through the magical powers they attacked, passed to the heart of the sage.


   In other words, the Chaos Demon God quietly passed on various inheritances about himself to the receiving saint by the opportunity of fighting against him.


   This move is very secretive, not to mention the people watching the battle, but the Zhunti saint on the side didn't even notice it.




   is very weird!


   Why does the Chaos Demon God pass down the inheritance?


   It is not clear to introduce the saint, but he understands that the inheritance passed on by the Chaos Demon God can just solve the current dilemma.


   recruit disciples, reorganize the orthodoxy!


  Because of this, the recruiting saints will accept the inheritance of the Chaos Demon God.


  This temptation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He can't refuse.


   However, the lead saint also understands that the things of the Chaos Demon God are not so easy to handle. In the future, He will definitely pay a higher price for this.


   But for him at this time, how to reorganize the orthodoxy is the most important thing. As for other things, they are secondary.


   Originally, it was difficult for them to recruit disciples from the West, but after this time, it will become even more difficult. It can even be said that they can no longer receive disciples, and no one wants to worship the Western church.


   Even the disciples can’t receive it, so how can we reorganize the orthodoxy and reinvigorate the Western religion?


   But at this time, the Chaos Demon God provided them with a direction to solve the problem of not receiving disciples for Western religions.


   So, how can the introduction of the saint refuse?


   Even if he knew he was seeking skin with a tiger, he would grit his teeth and agree.




   The huge loan, like a mountain of impunity, puts huge pressure on them, not allowing them to breathe for a moment.


   To accept the inheritance of the Chaos Demon God, the introduction is also a last resort. If this action causes some damage to Honghuang in the future, then blame it, blame Heaven!


   If it were not for a huge loan, how could the two of them live so hard?


   Lower the bottom line step by step?

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