Flooded Star Road

Chapter 582: 4 big fierce beast brand energy supply machine



   Mozu Luo Hui will never let go of this opportunity.


   In order to guard against the sudden attack of Demon Zu Luohu, Feng Zichen, these prehistoric masters, must be guarded carefully and watch out for the movements of the predecessor.


   In this way, they couldn't draw out too many masters, and followed Haotian to deal with the four fierce beasts.






   "It has to be said that Luohu, the devil's ancestor, is hiding in the dark, which is really a coup."


   "One person involved most of our energies. It made me restrained everywhere and didn't dare to let go and do my best."


   Saying this, Haotian sighed heavily, and in words, he was very jealous of the Demon Ancestor Luo Huo.


   "The enemy is dark, I am bright, that's it."


   Feng Zichen also agrees with Tao.


  If the Mozu Luohu was in the bright spot, they would not be so jealous. But the devil ancestor Luo Hu couldn't hide in the dark, which was uncomfortable.


   With the power of the ancestor Luo Hu, maybe they can't deal with their cooperation, but they are definitely sure to kill one or two of them.




  A master who is enough to kill them hides in the dark, paying attention to them all the time, who can't be afraid?


  Although, Mozu Luohu can only make one shot. But this time, it was enough for him to kill any master in the prehistoric ancestors except Daozu.


   After this shot, Mozu Luohu will also be besieged by all the masters of the predecessor, and will have to escape the chaos.


   But the person who was sneak attacked by Demon Zu Luohu really fell!


   Although there are many masters in the wild, no one wants to be the one who was attacked by the demon ancestor Luo Hui.


   Everyone has worked hard for hundreds of millions of years and spent countless misfortunes to have the current cultivation base, but I don't want to fall away, so that all my life cultivation base will be turned into flowing water.


   Therefore, everyone is patient, staying in the dojo honestly, being vigilant at all times, and not giving Mozu Luohu a chance to make a sneak attack.




   This time the four fierce beasts are making a big fuss,


   Why no one shot?


  This is the reason.


  Once they face off against the four fierce beasts, it is bound to leave the Mozu Luohu with a chance to attack.


   Therefore, no one dared to move, they were all watching.


   As for why Haotian would make a move, it was because he couldn't help but make a move.


   As the emperor of heaven, it is his duty to protect the prosperity and tranquility, so he has to act.


   Otherwise, the more serious the damage caused by the four fierce beasts to Honghuang, the more miserable Haotian's fate would be after the day after the day was liquidated.


   Of course, from another aspect, Haotian's shot is also popular.


   Everyone used Haotian as a bait to catch the big fish, Demon Zu Luohu.


   Once the Demon Ancestor Luo Hui made a sneak attack on Haotian, the crowd would rush forward, inflicting heavy damage or even killing him.


   Why use Haotian as bait?


   is also related to his identity.


   First of all, he is the emperor of heaven, the supreme ruler in name of the prehistoric, and his identity is precious enough.


  Secondly, Haotian has a big feud with the Demon Sect!


   Nowadays, most of the forces on the face of the Demon Sect were destroyed by Haotian.


   There are only these two points, even if he knows it is a trick, it is enough for the magic ancestor Luo Hui to make a move.


   As for the safety of Haotian, no one cares.


   The position of Emperor Tian is really important. For this reason, there are not a few who want Haotian to fall between heaven and earth.


   And these calculations, Haotian didn't know everything.


   It is not that he is not smart enough, but that he is blinded.


   Under the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, even though Haotian has the power comparable to the five-level realm of Hunyuan, his mental cultivation is still maintained at the original level, that is, the realm of quasi-sage great perfection.


  Such words, in the realm of Saint Hunyuan, secretly calculated Haotian, fearing that he would not be able to react for a while. And this time and a half will be enough to kill him.


   If it weren't for this, he wouldn't run down to the earth stupidly and deal with the four big beasts himself.


  This calculation, fortunately, Feng Zichen has the treasure of Hongmeng Daozhong on his body. Otherwise, at his half-step Hunyuan realm, he would go to death stupidly within the scope of the saint's deceit.


  The masters make tricks and are trapped by the conditions. On the contrary, strength is the second place. Invisible calculations are the most deadly. This time, the saint taught Feng Zichen a lesson.


   In the silence, Haotian, the emperor of heaven, was calculated to death. If it weren't for the Hongmeng Daozhong, Feng Zichen had also almost caught their way.






   "Since the emperor came here to stop me, there must be some way!"


  While Feng Zichen was walking away, Haotian smiled and spoke.




   Feng Zichen nodded and said.


   He stopped Haotian, not a kind reminder. In this predicament, I hope Haotian will fall, and it happens that Feng Zichen is also one of them.


   He shot at this time, but before Haotian was dying, he was the last to use him.


   "The four fierce beasts are the incarnations of rules, and there is no power in the precipice that can completely kill them."


   "And every time they fall, they are for the next stronger new life."


   "So, I plan to suppress the four big beasts in the endless starry sky, so that they will never get out of trouble."


   Without any concealment, Feng Zichen spoke out his plan frankly.


  Suppressing the four fierce beasts in the endless starry sky is precisely his purpose.


   The four fierce beasts cannot be killed, they can only be suppressed.


   If this is the case, where suppression is not suppression, it is better to suppress it in the boundless starry sky. On the one hand, it can eradicate the disaster forever, and on the other hand, it can also strengthen the origin of the stars of Zhou Tian.


   Pangu gods can refine the chaos demon gods, let alone the four fierce beasts.


  According to Feng Zichen's plan, he suppressed the four big beasts in the endless starry sky, and then refined them with Pangu gods to strengthen the origin of the stars in Zhou Tian.


   And this refining is not to refine it to death, but to leave a breath.


  As long as the four big beasts do not die in one day, the negative forces that exist in the prehistoric will continue to gather toward them to enhance their strength.


   In this way, the Pangu God-Man refining the four fierce beasts can always provide power to Zhou Tianxing. This is equivalent to four more energy suppliers in the endless starry sky that will never deplete.


  Four fierce beasts comparable to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, continuously providing power to the endless starry sky, plus the chaotic energy drawn by the Pangu gods, it is estimated that it will not take long for the endless starry sky to return to its peak state.


   At that time, Feng Zichen could jump out of the cage of Heaven's Path and gain true freedom.






   "Suppression in the endless starry sky?"


   "This method is feasible."


   "However, in order to suppress the four fierce beasts, it is bound to involve most of the power of the endless starry sky. Then, in the future, the emperor wants to use the power of the endless starry sky, I am afraid that it will not be as good as before."


   After thinking for a while, Haotian said puzzledly.


  In his view, this method is extremely feasible.


   But for Feng Zichen, there are all harms and no benefits. It is a waste of energy, which is equivalent to restraining oneself, which greatly reduces his own strength, which is really not worth it.


   "It's okay!"


   "It's all for the common people of the world, so what is it for Brother Yu to lose a little strength."

   Hearing what Haotian said, Feng Zichen immediately assumed a righteous look, and said impassionedly.


"Ha ha!"


   "The emperor is indeed benevolent and righteous, and the emperor has thanked the virtuous brother for his great kindness in this generation."


   Haotian made a haha ​​first, and then looked solemnly, bowed a big gift to Feng Zichen, and tried to make an expression of gratitude.


   Of course, for Feng Zichen's words, he would not believe a word. However, he couldn't understand the key point, and he always felt that something was wrong.


   In his impression, Feng Zichen is not the kind of person who can sacrifice his own interests for the sake of the world.


   However, I don't understand what I want, but this does not prevent Haotian from agreeing to come down and settle down on this plan without giving Feng Zichen a chance to go back.


   "The emperor's words are serious!"


   Feng Zichen's eyes twitched when he saw Haotian thanking himself on behalf of the sentient beings in the world.


  Unlike helping people, Haotian is the emperor of heaven, and he is truly qualified to represent all living beings.


   He said that all beings of the heaven and the earth will be replaced. Rather than being like the others, it's just a means to occupy the righteousness.


   This has practical effects.


   Just after Haotian thanked him, Feng Zichen immediately felt a strong power of thought, which surged from the void and blessed him.


   The power of mind is present, if Feng Zichen fulfills his promise, he can get a lot of benefits. But if he repents, then this power of thought will turn into karma and hinder his practice.


   Haotian's move is to completely stop Feng Zichen's repentance. Fortunately, Feng Zichen had no thoughts of repentance, otherwise, he would suffer a small loss this time.


   It's a big announcement, it's really good, it's worth installing, after all, there are many books, all books, and fast updates!


   "Brother emperor, since this method is feasible, then it shouldn't be too late, do it quickly."


   "After all, the longer the delay, the greater the loss of the prehistoric."


   Without worrying about Haotian's careful thoughts, Feng Zichen repeatedly urged him to do it quickly.


   "Don't worry, the emperor, I'm going now."


   smiled, Haotian broke through the void, and rushed to where the four big beasts were.


   As for Feng Zichen, his figure flickered and he returned to Ziweixing.


  According to his plan with Haotian,


   Haotian is responsible for attracting the attention of the four fierce beasts, and he is teaming up with Gochen Leize to mobilize the galaxy cosmic light array and force the four fierce beasts to be suppressed in the endless starry sky.


   This plan must be fast.


  Because it is very likely that the Demon Ancestor Luo Hui will attack and kill Haotian when he is fighting against the four big beasts.


   If it is slow, wait until Haotian is severely damaged, and then want to pull the four big beasts into the endless starry sky, it will not be a simple matter.






   "Naughty animal, die!"


   is worthy of being a Taoist boy who has followed Hongjun Taoist ancestors for endless years.


   I saw that when Haotian was killing the four fierce beasts, his figure suddenly changed, divided into four, and each faced the four fierce beasts.


This is……


   Three corpses incarnate!


   The sentiment of the Purple Cloud Palace for hundreds of millions of years has given Haotian an extremely profound understanding of the Xuanmen Immortal Dao and the method of beheading the three corpses.


   This good and evil clinging to the three corpses,


   is the best proof!


   Ordinary Xuanmen monk, who can kill the three corpses?


   Only those who are extremely advanced in Taoism can do it.


   The extraordinaryness of Haotian is evident from this!




   Boom! boom! boom!


   As soon as the war broke out, it entered a white-hot stage, because every time Haotian made a shot, he tried his best, forcing the four fierce beasts to fight with all their strength to avoid being injured.


   won't die, doesn't mean it won't hurt!


Roar! Roar! Roar……


   For a time, the painful howls of the four fierce beasts resounded everywhere in the precipice.


at the same time,


   Feng Zichen far above the purple star,


   When Haotian used his own power to force the four fierce beasts to fight with all their strength and gradually relax their vigilance against the outside world...


   He, it's shot!




  The galaxy cosmic light array was activated in an instant, and the endless stars burst out, turning into four huge chains, whizzing towards the four big beasts.




   The chain broke through the air, and when the four big beasts were unprepared, they directly put on their necks, and forcibly pulled them to the boundless starry sky.








   Of course, the four fierce beasts were not willing to be captured, and they struggled violently.


   Just, how could Haotian let go of this opportunity?


   Just as the four fierce beasts desperately broke free from the chains, a series of powerful supreme supernatural powers blasted out of Haotian's hands without money, and beat them to the flesh.




   in a place where the four fierce beasts can’t see,


   At the end of the chain made of starlight, four terrifying figures standing on the huge stars are being held in their hands, pulling forcefully.


   Those four stars are Ziwei, Gouchen, Antarctica, and...




   That's right, in addition to Feng Zichen and his two incarnations, the other one shot is Feng Zichen's wife, Moon God Wangshu, who hasn't shown her face for a long time.


   Others please don't move this great god, but Feng Zichen can.


  With the four of them taking action, coupled with Haotian's support, no matter how the four fierce beasts struggled, they were clearly arranged.


   can only watch himself, pulled by the starlight chain, slowly rises from the ground, and flies towards the endless starry sky.






And when Haotian was fighting with the four big beasts, secretly, one after another line of sight was fixed on Haotian's figure, waiting for the sneak attack by the demon ancestor Luohu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but until the four big beasts were captured by chains, Nor did the Mozu Luohu take the shot.


   Gradually, everyone was a little disappointed, thinking that the Demon Zu Luohu would not make a move this time.


   "It seems that the bait is not good this time."


   "Next time, you will have to change to a more hostile target for Demon Zu Luohu."


   Everyone silently considered while waiting for the development of things.


   Having said that,


  Except for Hongjun Daozu,


  Who is more worthy of the hatred of Demon Ancestor Luo Hu than Haotian?


   I'm afraid it's gone.




   On the purple star, although Feng Zichen is pulling the four big beasts, part of his mind is still on Haotian's body, waiting for the appearance of the demon ancestor Luo Hui.


   As a result, I was naturally disappointed!


   "Why didn't the demon ancestor make a move?"


   "If you don't come out, there will be no chance."


   "Is it possible that after a calamity, the demon ancestor's courage gradually became smaller?"


   Mozu Luo Hui didn't make a move, Feng Zichen couldn't help thinking about it.


   However, after his eyes swept through the prehistoric circle, he suddenly had an idea and thought of a possibility.

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