Flooded Star Road

Chapter 585: Hibiscus tree out

As an incarnation, how can you be afraid of death?


   As long as the deity is unobstructed, even if these incarnations are beaten into nothingness, they can still be reunited.


  Yes, these incarnations of all the saints, when fighting against the Chaos Demon God, completely ignored their own safety, and did not hesitate to adopt a life-for-life style of play, but also severely inflicted the Chaos Demon God, even leaving them behind.


   Although the strengths of the two sides are equal, they have scruples on the one hand, and ignore life and death on the other. Isn’t it obvious who has the upper hand?


  Under the fierce attack of the incarnations of all the saints, the Chaos Demon God gradually fell into a disadvantage, and his heart was even more miserable, but in order to block them, he had to persevere.


   Chaos Demon God is uncomfortable, and the four fierce beasts are also uncomfortable.


   It's not that Wangshu and Lunar Laurel are too ferocious, but because, in order to face such a complicated situation, Feng Zichen had to reveal a hole card in advance.


   On the sun star, the hibiscus tree, which has been hidden for a long time, walked out of the dark and urged the power of the sun star to suppress the four big beasts.


   In the early years, the hibiscus tree came out for transformation, and at the cost of surrender, Feng Zichen agreed to condense an embryo of the **** of the sun for him to form.


   Since Feng Zichen traded with the hibiscus tree, it took a long time for the hibiscus tree to have fulfilled its wish and was able to transform into an innate Taoist body.


However, in order to leave a hole card for himself, so as to facilitate the future Yinren, Feng Zichen used the galaxy Zhouguang Array to isolate the vision associated with his birth when the hibiscus tree was born, and asked the hibiscus tree to hide his identity as much as possible. Expose oneself.


   Therefore, apart from Feng Zichen and the Hibiscus tree themselves, no one knew of his existence.


   This is a chess piece that Feng Zichen laid out early to prevent someone from hitting the sun star.


   But now, the situation in the great famine has suddenly deteriorated. Feng Zichen was thinking of the safety of all beings in the world, and in desperation, he opened his hidden dark hand and built the mulberry tree.


   After all, at this time, every additional point of combat power will give one more advantage.


   Although the strength of the innate hibiscus tree can only reach the half-step Hunyuan state, there is still some distance from the real Hunyuan Dao, but things are not so calculated.


   Although the congenital hibiscus tree is not strong, the sun star is strong! As the innate gods and demons bred by the origin of the sun star, plus its body is one of the ten great spiritual roots, and has suppressed the sun star for many years, its imprint has already been closely connected with the sun star.


   Therefore, the congenital hibiscus tree has the ability to manipulate the origin of the sun and stars. And under the blessing of the origin of the sun star, it is enough to make the congenital hibiscus tree burst out of power comparable to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


   Of course, the reason why Feng Zichen let the congenital hibiscus tree shoot is not that.


   As the saying goes:


   Taiyin Sun, weak and strong?


   Yin and Yang work together, the world is the king!


   The lunar sun is the most essential power between heaven and earth, once it merges, it will burst out extremely terrifying power.


   In the midst of the wilderness, the power of yin and yang is expounded to the extreme, it is the lunar star and the sun star.


   Coincidentally, on top of these two supreme stars, there is a top-quality innate spiritual root growing.


   Innate laurel tree and innate hibiscus tree!


   In the past, Emperor Jun and Xihe joined forces to evolve the same scene of the sun and the moon. The power of the sun and the power of the lunar dynasty came out with great power. The power can be described as shocking the predecessor, and even the saints must avoid it.


   And now,


  Feng Zichen sent the innate hibiscus tree in order to let him join hands with the innate laurel tree to interpret the power of the wheel of the sun and the moon and reproduce this great power.


   These two congenital **** trees have been rooted here since the birth of the Sun Star and the Lunar Star. It can be said that they have grown up with them, and the relationship is not deep, and they can easily mobilize the original power of the two supreme stars.


   Together, the power that the two of them exploded might not be weaker than that of Emperor Jun and Xihe.


  If this were not the case, Emperor Junxihe would not be afraid of the congenital hibiscus tree and congenital laurel tree, and would not help them emerge from life and death.






   As soon as the congenital hibiscus tree shot, the congenital laurel tree far away on the sun star immediately gave birth to a sense.


   This is also a very normal thing.


   hibiscus tree and laurel tree, one represents the way of the sun and the other represents the way of the lunar yin. They are yin and yang poles for each other, and they are both the ten great spiritual roots of the primordial world, and they must have a sense of each other.


   What's more, the quasi-sage's thoughts are endless. Although the distance between the sun star and the lunar star is far away, it is not too large for the quasi-sage's thoughts.


   Since the beginning of the world, the two congenital sacred trees have been able to sense each other. The two sides must have communicated with each other and forged a deep friendship.


   If it is said that when the cultivation base is low, the two parties have not made contact, maybe it is possible. But it would be ridiculous to say that after their cultivation level came up, they had not communicated with each other.




   Congenital Hibiscus and Congenital Laurel,


   can be said to be an old friend.


   There is a certain tacit understanding between each other.


   Therefore, when the congenital hibiscus tree urges the sun star, the congenital laurel tree also started.


   I saw that he took over the control of the Lunar Star from Wang Shu's hand, and fully urged the Lunar Star to echo the Sun Star.




  At some point,


   The Sun Star and the Lunar Star have achieved a certain resonance, which inspires great power.


   For an instant, the entire prehistoric world was covered with the brilliance of the Sun Star and the Lunar Star.


   The sun and the moon shine together!


   At this moment, all sentient beings have seen a rare wonder that has been rare in billions of years. All the stars are covered by the brilliance of the sun and lunar stars, and it is difficult to see their traces.


   Like the entire endless starry sky, there are only two stars, the Sun Star and the Lunar Star.




   The hot and domineering solar star power flows out from the sun star, covering half of the starry sky.


   The cold and cold Taiyin star power, flowing from the Taiyin star, also covers half of the starry sky.




   The two most extreme forces in the world, the Taiyin Sun, meet in the void.


   like fusion, like intersection...


   Two extreme forces, entangled with each other endlessly in the starry sky.




   Yin and Yang are in harmony, good fortune begins to be born.


   Yin and Yang revolve, thunder is sprouting!


   A series of extremely terrifying thunders, conceived in the place where the power of the lunar sun converges, carrying the mighty power of destroying the good fortune, and slashing towards the four big beasts.


   The thunder slashed down, as if the sea of ​​thunder was tilted, and billions of thunders fell.




   is like heaven and earth beating the drums,


   again like the avenue is shaking,


   The area where the four fierce beasts were located turned into a sea of ​​thunder in an instant. The four fierce beasts that had been struggling before were bathed in the sea of ​​thunder.




   was too weak to be electrified.




   The power of yin and yang is changing, gradually changing from the previous cycle to slowly merging.


   Then, the sea of ​​thunder disappeared, and the boundless qi of good fortune derives into four huge chains, which firmly traps the four beasts and pulls them toward the endless starry sky.


   This time, the four fierce beasts were severely injured by Lei Hai, and there was no resistance at all. So, soon, they were drawn into the endless starry sky.


   Before entering the endless starry sky, there is no power to resist, let alone after entering.

   They have completely lost their freedom.


   I saw the small mountain standing in the center of the stars in the endless starry sky. It was lightly shaken, and a horrible aura that suppressed the past, the present and the future was released from him, firmly suppressing the four beasts.


As the largest fragment of Buzhou Mountain, coupled with the power of Zhoutian stars and the nourishment of Pangu gods, Xiaobuzhou Mountain is not only inadequate in power, but in other aspects, it can be said that it is a perfect inheritance of Buzhou Mountain. everything of.




   Xiaobu Zhoushan’s suppression not only restricted their freedom, but also unified and suppressed all of their time and space, will, and so on.


  In other words, after this, everything about the four fierce beasts has stayed at the moment before they were suppressed, and nothing has changed.


  Time stopped flowing in them, and the will also fell into stagnation.






  In the endless starry sky, the four big beasts have lost everything.






   It's not right to say that.


   After the four fierce beasts were suppressed by the endless starry sky, they were not completely deprived of the means to save themselves.


At least,


   The evil thoughts that originated from the hearts of all beings,


   is still gathering on the four fierce beasts continuously to enhance their power.


   If you talk about this situation, let it go on without stopping it.


   Then, one day in the future, the strength of the four fierce beasts will eventually rise to an unimaginable level, thus breaking the suppression of the endless starry sky.




   This situation will never happen.


  Because, after suppressing the four fierce beasts, the galaxy Zhouguang Great Array and the Pangu Gods began to operate one after another.


   Among these, the most dynamic is the four major constellations of the Big Dipper galaxy.




  With the rotation of the stars,


   Canglong, Suzaku, White Tiger, Xuanwu,


  The phantoms of the four sacred beasts slowly manifested,


   each selected a fierce beast and suppressed it.


after this,


   Endless stars gather,


   turned into four huge cauldrons,


   slowly swallowed the four fierce beasts.


   At the same time, Pangu gods took the chaos gas from the great chaos outside the world, and used it as a material to ignite a raging fire, burn it to the four great cauldrons, and begin to refine the four great beasts.


  This fire,


   extraordinary fire,


   is not a fairy fire,


   is not a congenital fire,


   is the fire of chaos!


   a powerful flame from the boundless chaos.


  This fire,


   is incredibly powerful and hard to find in the wild.


   Feng Zichen tried to promote this fire, but it also ended in failure.


   Actually, it's not him.


   is as powerful as the ancestor witch Zhu Rong, who is known as the Lord of Fire, and he cannot display the fire of chaos.


   can be seen from this,


   How difficult it is to make chaos fire.


   But this is just for others.


  In the hands of the Pangu gods, it is the fire of chaos, and it can also be sent and received in the heart, completely changing with his own mind, without the slightest difficulty.


   After all, to some extent, Pangu God Man is equivalent to the projection of Pangu, basically possessing all of his abilities.


   Chaos fire is nothing.


   is the remaining treasure,


   like Xiantian Lingbao, Chaos Shenshui and so on,


   As long as Feng Zichen is willing to spend the price, he can also condense it with the help of Pangu God and Man.


   All things in the prehistoric world are transformed by Pangu. As his projection, the Pangu **** and man, at the expense of a certain price, undergo material transformation, which can naturally nurture some extremely precious treasures.


   is the price, a bit big.






   Boom boom boom!


   The fire of chaos burned violently, which greatly strengthened the refining power in the cauldron.


Soon, there will be a large amount of origin power refined from the bodies of the four fierce beasts, and then refined by the Pangu gods to transform it into the purest origin power, blending into the Zhoutian stars, and repairing the damaged ones. origin.


   The four fierce beasts whose will is stuck in a stagnant state, let alone struggle to resist, they can't even the most basic perception, but are unconsciously refined by the endless starry sky.




   Under the refining of the endless starry sky, the power of the four fierce beasts passed quickly, and in almost no time, they fell from the Hunyuan level to the Quasi-Sage Dzogchen level.


   Also at this time, I felt that the threatening power of the four fierce beasts was greatly reduced, the chaotic fire gradually began to shrink, and the power of refining was greatly reduced.


   When the refining speed of the endless starry sky, and the power pouring into the body of the four fierce beasts, gradually equalized, the fire of chaos finally stopped shrinking, and the power of refining also stabilized.


   So far, the power of the four big beasts, every point that increases, the endless starry sky will refine one point, and the power of the four big beasts has always been maintained at the level of quasi-sage great perfection.


   This realm is just right, neither too weak nor too strong, nor does it threaten the stability of the endless starry sky.


   When the four fierce beasts are completely suppressed by the endless starry sky, the congenital hibiscus tree and the congenital laurel tree can also free their hands, urging the lunar star and the sun star to blast towards the chaos demon god.


   With this help, the pressure on the incarnation of the saints has been relieved a lot.






   In the battle in the boundless starry sky, the predecessor gained a huge advantage and completely suppressed the Chaos Demon God.


But the key to the victory of this battle is not here, but on the World Tree~www.wuxiaspot.com~. The battle between Feng Zichen, Haotian and Demon Zu Luo Hui is the key to determining the future of the great desolate. Where.


   Mozu Luohu, why does it need someone?


  The first master of the ancient primordial land, pressing Hongjun Daozu everywhere, forced him to invite masters to join forces to besiege the demon ancestor Luo Hu, only to defeat him.


   such a master,


   naturally has its arrogance.


   Therefore, when he saw Feng Zichen and Haotian rushing, although the demon ancestor Luo Hui guessed their thoughts, he did not stop them.


   Of course, it is not only the reason for arrogance, but also the reason for the pressure he felt. The current Mozu Luohu needs too much pressure.


   The strength has reached his level, and it is almost at the top. It can be said that it is extremely difficult to take one step closer.




   Demon Zu Luohu needs enough pressure to force him to take a step closer.




  With the old enemy of Hongjun Daozu, the demon ancestor Luo Hu can feel enough pressure to compete with him, so that he can stand out among the congenital gods and demons.


   It's a pity that after the battle of Dao Demon, although the two sides are one step closer together, they are all promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but it is difficult to fight against each other.


   General reason, Hongjun Daozu is in harmony.

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