Flooded Star Road

Chapter 589: Congenital 5 square 5 rows flag

The combination of the two innate treasures, the extinction millstone and the long banner, is only capable of suppressing the humane emperor's seal.


if not,


   Once these two innate treasures are recalled,


   Devil Zu Luohu's situation will be even worse.




  In simple terms, the power of the Humane Emperor's Seal,


   is strong enough, but if you want to use one enemy two to contain two innate treasures, you still can’t.


   The reason why he can really fight against the two top-level innate treasures without falling to the wind is that Feng Zichen secretly urged the power of Chaos Orb.


   After all, the Chaos Bead was once the supreme chaos treasure, even if it has suffered a lot of calamity now, so that its grade has fallen to the innate treasure, but its essence has not changed.


   Just like the Tianjiao among the monks, with invincible strength in the same realm, the Chaos Orb is among the most innate treasures, which is also one of the best.


   It may be difficult to completely suppress the two top innate treasures, but it is easy to do it if they involve all their energy.






   The defeat of the Destroyer Mopan also long flags caused the heart of the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu to slowly sink.


   He was a little miscalculated.


   the opponent’s strength,


   did reach his expectations and can bring him enough pressure to break through.


   Ke Mozu Luohu obviously did not expect that one day, he was completely suppressed by someone using magical treasures.


   is really a big joke in the world!


  If it was before, some people said that they could beat the magic ancestor Luo Hu in terms of magic weapons.


   That Mozu Luohu must be scornful.


   His power is not only in strength, but also in magic weapons. He who inherited the remains of the Chaos Demon God is almost the richest existence in the prehistoric times.


   The spiritual treasure he possesses is beyond the imagination of the world.


   can be today,


   The pride of the ancestor Luo Hu is gone, he is suppressed with magic weapons.


   In order to deal with him, the other party dispatched four congenital treasures and thousands of congenital spiritual treasures, relying on the power of magic weapons to directly defeat him.


   "Damn Hongjun!"


   Looking at the three innate treasures that faintly surrounded him, at this time, the demon ancestor Luo Hu couldn't help cursing the Hongjun Dao ancestor fiercely in his heart.


   Had it not been Hongjun Daozu who had taken away his four Zhuxian swords and suppressed his sharp spear, he had directly lost two extremely powerful innate treasures.


  So today, how could he be so embarrassed, and which one wins and which loses is still unknown.


   In addition to the anger in his heart, the attack of the demon ancestor Luo Hu became more and more frantic.


   Although, judging from the current situation, his defeat will be sooner or later. But in the heart of Mozu Luohu, there is still a faint hope, a hope of turning defeat into victory.


   Between life and death,


   There is great horror and great opportunity!


   The current incarnation of the emperor has been able to bring a fatal danger to the demon ancestor Luo Hui.


   Therefore, fighting against it, the pressure brought to the devil ancestor Luo Hu is unprecedented.


   And this is the driving force for his breakthrough.


   If the Demon Ancestor Luo Hui could use the opportunity of this battle to get a glimpse of the mystery of the Promise Realm.




   He may not have no chance to turn defeat into victory.




   This method is extremely dangerous, like walking a tightrope on the edge of a cliff.


   But at this time, the demon ancestor Luo Hui can no longer take care of that much. In order to make a breakthrough, it is worth paying some price.


   So, He decided to take a gamble!


   Anyway, in terms of his strength, he won't really fall, so how can he not dare to gamble?


In my heart, I decided to let go. The Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, with one move and one move, brought a trace of fearless aura, and his mighty will surged out, forming the three innate treasures together to form a realm that suppressed him, all shocked a little bit. Loose.




   Although the moves of Demon Zu Luohu were fierce, the moves of Feng Zichen and Haotian were even more fierce.


   even Yu, with a bit of a tragic breath.


   That's a totally desperate style of play, and the method of swapping an injury for an injury is just waiting.


  Along with the fight between the two, blood and broken bones splashed out, scattered on the wild land, or formed a lake, or turned into a mountain...


   Endless divinity permeated out, immersed in the mountains and rivers and earth. I wonder how many amazing things it will bring to this place?


   I don’t even know how many strange creatures will be bred by endless good fortune?




   The battle has become more intense, countless Dao patterns permeated, endless divine light blooms, and fragments of the rules of heaven and earth are flying in it...


  All kinds of amazing visions emerged one after another, making the battlefield here completely invisible.


   a vast expanse!






   If it weren't for being forced, there would be no way, Feng Zichen Haotian and the other four would not be so desperate.


   It is really conditions that do not allow them to slack off!


To know,


   They are different from the demon ancestor Luo Hu.


   The strength of the Demon Ancestor Luo Hui, that was obtained by his own practice little by little, and it was real.


   And the power they have now is forcibly promoted with the help of their own karma. It is an external force and is imaginary. It was completely incomparable with the strength of the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu who had cultivated hard by himself.


At least,


   Their power cannot be sustained, it is time-limited.


after all,


   They are not the real emperor, and cannot maintain the incarnation of emperor.


  If Feng Zichen and Haotian and the other four failed to solve the devil ancestor Luo Hu before the incarnation of the emperor disappeared, then waiting for them is definitely not a good end.




   In addition to the limitations of the incarnation of the emperor, there is also an urgent matter that is forcing Feng Zichen to work hard.


That is,


   Soon, the Mi Luo Tian Yuan Shi Pagoda will disappear and return to the future.


   is the innate treasure from the future, even if it is incarnate by the emperor with supreme supernatural powers and forced to stay in this world, the Miluotian Yuanshi Pagoda still cannot stay for a long time.


   Otherwise, Mi Luo Tian Yuan Shi will inevitably be backlashed by the long river of time and space, thus falling into the unknown time and space, disappearing forever.




   Before the backlash of the long river of time and space came,


  Mira Heaven Yuanshi Pagoda is bound to return to his time and space.


   is also the reason for the lack of the Houtu emperor among the five emperors who make up the incarnation of the emperor, so that the emperor’s incarnation is incomplete and unable to exert its invincible power.




  With the strength of the complete incarnation of the emperor,


   can easily suppress the backlash of the long river of time and space, so that the Miluotian Yuanshi Pagoda stays in the world for a long time.






   "Four sires, poor Dao is here to help you!"


   Just when the incarnation of the heavenly emperor and the demon ancestor Luo Hui were inseparable from the killing, a misty voice suddenly came from a distance.


   Then, I saw the incarnation of Yuanshi Tianzun who was fighting against the Chaos Demon God in the void, shook his opponents, took time out, and threw a golden flag toward the direction of the incarnation of the Emperor.


   The flag is more than two feet long, the color of the flag is black and yellow, and the whole body is full of light. When the flag is scrolled, there are more golden lotus looming, giving birth to a boundless atmosphere.

   This treasure is the central Wutu apricot and yellow flag of the Five Flags of Heaven and Earth.


   "Your Majesty, go on!"


   Just after Yuanshi Tianzun sacrificed the Central Wutu Apricot and Yellow Banner, the incarnation of the saint was also shot.


   I saw a blue treasure flag, flying out of his head, following the Wutu apricot and yellow flag, flying towards the incarnation of the emperor.


  The Oriental Blue Baolian Banner of the Innate Five Flags!


at the same time,


   Above the world tree,


   where the thirty-third heaven is,


   In a place surrounded by sacred aura,


   A graceful and noble woman, after seeing the Wutu apricot yellow flag and the green lotus treasure color flag, came out one after another, she suddenly shot a clear light downward.


  The Western Plain Cloud Boundary Flag of the Five Flags of Heaven and Earth!


   And that woman is indeed the current queen, the empress of Yaochi!




   Shouyang Mountain,


   Terran God City Yicheng!


   The Yi Ang clan's mysterious capital, which was suppressing nearby ground veins, suddenly felt in his heart and sacrificed the top-grade innate spirit treasure south of the ground-off flame flag.




   As soon as the flaming flag from the ground appeared, he sensed a call in the dark, and went straight through the air, heading to the incarnation of the emperor, and converging with the other three flags of heaven and earth.


   So far,


  The five flags of heaven and earth have gathered in four!


   The missing Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag is now in the Netherworld, in the hands of Ancestor Styx, the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood.




   "Good! Good! Good!"


   After pushing back the demon ancestor Luohu once again, the incarnation of the emperor did not step forward, but looked at the five flags of heaven and earth that suddenly appeared beside him, and his face was overjoyed.


   The thirty-sixth rank of Chaos Supreme Treasure Chaos Qinglian is broken, and its lotus leaves fall into the prehistoric state, turning into a five-sided banner of the innate supreme treasure.




   I feel that I was born in the wild, the world is not stable,


   The innate five-sided flag is divided into five and turned into five small flags, which fall into the four directions and the earth respectively to suppress the five directions and five elements and stabilize the world.


   And these five small flags are the origin of the innate five-sided and five-element flag. In other words, the integration of these five five-element flags can reproduce the treasure of the innate five elements and the top innate merits and five elements of the five-element flag!


"Ha ha!"


   "With the innate five elements and five square flags, why worry about not destroying the demon ancestor Luo Hui?"


   With a big laugh, the emperor incarnation waved a big hand, and raised the four innate flags of the five elements, and surrounded the demon ancestor Luo Hu.


   "If the five Innate and Five Elements flags gather together, the deity may be afraid of one or two, but the four Innate and Five Elements flags want to suppress the deity..."


   "Junior, are you kidding the deity?"


   Seeing the Innate Five Elements Flag flying one by one, the Mozu Luohu's heart was really nervous.


   Just like what he said, if the Innate Five Elements flags gather, with his current situation, it is absolutely impossible to stop it, and it will definitely be suppressed by it.


   But, when he saw that the Innate Five Elements Flag was flying on only four sides, Mozu Luohu sighed with a long sigh of relief and completely relaxed.


   There is only one difference between the four Innate Five Elements Flag and the Five Innate Five Elements Flag.


   The five congenital five elements gather together, and immediately can form the congenital treasure congenital five elements and five square flags, and lay down the prehistoric top congenital large array, the congenital five squares and five element large array.


   The incarnation of the emperor of heaven is bound to be even stronger with this help. And the demon ancestor Luo Hu, who was already at a disadvantage, would be even more disadvantaged, fearing that he would be directly suppressed.


   But if they are just four-sided five-element flags, then they are just four top-quality innate spirit treasures. Although it is still a bit troublesome for Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, the harm is not fatal, and it is within the scope of his endurance.




   "Four sides?"


   "Not anymore!"


   smiled weirdly at the master possessed Luo Hui, Feng Zichen Haotian and the other four people actually said at the same time:


   "Where is the Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag?"


   "I can't get back to my place quickly!"


   The words fell, the heaven and the earth shook together, intertwined with inexplicable power, sweeping the sky and the earth, spreading across the entire prehistoric land.






   At the same time, the Netherworld!


   The ancestor of Styx, who was confronting the Chaos Demon God, suddenly felt the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag in his hand, shaking uncontrollably, as if he was about to leave.


"what happened?"


   After being shocked in his heart, the ancestor of Styx subconsciously squeezed the Xuanyuan water control flag in his hand, trying to suppress his agitation.


   However, the power is weird and amazingly powerful. Even though the ancestors of the Styx River exerted all their strength, they gradually became unable to suppress it.


   And just when the ancestors of Styx gradually couldn't hold on, wanted to sacrifice the twelfth-grade industry fire red lotus, and forcibly suppress Xuanyuan's water control flag.


   The magnificent voice of the emperor's incarnation blasted like thunder in his ears, making him understand the cause and effect.


   "Where is the Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag?"


   "I can't get back to my place quickly!"


   "I can't get back to my place quickly!"


   "Quickly return home!"






   Old Ancestor Styx thought for a while, released the left hand holding the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag, and let it break away.


   The devil is righteous,


   Ancestor Styx has no reason to refuse.


   What's more, this is just a borrowing of Lingbao, and it is not non-refundable.


   Borrowed, you can get four favors for nothing.


   If you don't borrow, you will certainly offend most of the great supernatural powers.


   the importance of this,


   The ancestor of Styx could not fail to understand, knowing how to choose.








   The northern Xuanyuan controlled the water flag and broke through the boundary, hanging by the side of the incarnation of the emperor.


  What is koukantianxian?


  What is the method of speaking out?


   This is it!


  The emperor of heaven is the most supreme ruler of the primordial land~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His power is endless, almost omnipotent. His will is the will of the heavens and the earth, and he must obey even the heavens and the earth, not to mention everything.


   Any existence that dares to violate his will is undoubtedly against the sky, and it is bound to be disgusted by the universe.


   Since then, luck has plummeted, and bad luck has continued.


   Therefore, a word from the Emperor of Heaven can summon the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag from the hands of the ancestors of the Styx River.




   orders the emperor of heaven ten thousand ways,


   That is the ability possessed by the complete emperor.


   Nowadays, the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven summoned by Feng Zichen Haotian and the others is just a crippled, ability to be marked with many discounts.


   The reason why he was able to summon the Northern Profound Yuan to control the water flag from the ancestors of the Styx River was because he had already grasped the four innate and five-sided flags in his hands.


   It was through the special connection between the five innate and five flags that he was able to summon the northern Xuanyuan to control the water flag, so that the ancestors of the Styx could not hold it back, and almost wanted to get rid of it.


   "Magic Ancestor!"


   "Just let the younger generations,"


   "Send you one last trip!"


   took a deep look at the demon ancestor Luo Hui, the emperor incarnation raised the northern Xuanyuan water control flag.

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