Flooded Star Road

Chapter 597: The sun was fate, Shennong came to the world



   This time the world is easier,


   not only did not affect the heavens, but instead caused the innate energy content of the heavens to continue to rise, greatly improving his status, not to mention, it also made the weight of the heavens in the prehistoric realm heavier.


   has truly become the center of the prehistoric world, the place where the good luck of heaven and earth is known. The innate aura lingers like clouds and mist, covering the entire heaven, visible to the naked eye, boundless, and worthy of the name of the fairyland.


   This kind of cultivation environment is the predecessor of the law of heaven and earth that has never been easier, and it is far from being comparable.


   The conditions are a bit more than the famous mountain Daze in the ancient Lich period. It can fully meet the daily cultivation needs of the great Luo Jinxian, and there is even some excess.






   For now, Da Luo Tian, ​​the top-notch cave heaven and blessed land, and the heavens are the three best choices of Da Luo Jinxian.


   Da Luo Tian, ​​the highest heaven, is also the closest place. Cultivating here is of great benefit to practice, and breakthroughs are easier than in other places.


   The prestigious and top-notch cave heaven and blessed land is the dojo of the top-level supernatural powers. Cultivating here can get the guidance of the great supernatural powers. You can avoid many detours and save a lot of time on the way of cultivation.


   And where is the heaven?


  Cultivating here does not have as many advantages as the first two paths. But the key is that the heavens are big enough, countless times bigger than the Great Thousand Worlds.


  The larger the space, the higher the degree of freedom.


   Moreover, the heaven is the center of the prehistoric, the place where the heaven and the earth converge. There is endless good fortune here, and there are countless opportunities. Cultivating here, you can't say that when the chance comes, you can fly into the sky.


   These three roads have their own advantages and disadvantages, but in general, it is definitely better than staying in the land. How to choose depends on your own choice.


   Of course, in addition to these three roads, the Underground Nether Realm can also provide for Da Luo Jinxian. The world is easier this time, and the Nether Realm has not been affected.




  Netherworld is a very cold place, a world belonging to the dead, shrouded by the way of death, and very different from the environment of the prehistoric world, not everyone can adapt to the environment of this place.


   Therefore, the Netherworld is not suitable for the public and is not listed as one of the choices.








   "The brilliant era will finally come to an end!"


   Among the big Luotian, Feng Zichen looked inexplicable.


   When Da Luo Jinxian is no longer present, the prehistoric has really changed, and the figure of the former will become a legend. The strength of the entire world will show an overall downward trend.


   This is the general trend of the world, which cannot be changed and cannot be violated. It started with the appearance of Da Luotian and ended when Da Luo Jinxian escaped from the world.


   standard marks the end of a glorious era.


   This is always a bit sad to the old guys, but it is undoubtedly a good thing for the great world, and even all living beings.




   With the retreat of Da Luo Jinxian, the safety of the prehistoric will undoubtedly explode geometrically.


   The destructive power of Da Luo Jinxian is amazing.


   Every time a fight, its power bursts out, not to mention destroying the world, it can also wipe out the vitality of one party.


   From ancient times to the present, the great mountains and rivers and the fallen innate creatures that have been destroyed by the great battle between the Great Luo and Jinxians can be said to be countless.


   Da Luo Jinxian is the biggest unstable factor in the prehistoric world.


   Taking advantage of this opportunity of changing the world, the heaven and the earth evolve into the great Luotian, and all the great Luojin immortals will be moved away, so as to leave a relatively safe living environment for all living beings.


   Although the battle between the Taiyi Golden Immortal can be overwhelming, compared with the battle between the Daluo Golden Immortal, the gap is as big as a mortal and an immortal, and it is completely incomparable.


   Therefore, without the great Luo Jinxian, although Hong Huang would not be able to completely get rid of the danger, it is undoubtedly safer than before.






   "After the heavens and the earth became easier, the heavens felt that it was difficult for all beings to seek the way, so I opened up the great Luotian and thought that all beings would have a chance to prove the way!"


   "That's why, anyone who has the ambition to achieve Hunyuan can enter the Da Luotian for cultivation."


   On this day, Feng Zichen's voice resounded throughout the entire wilderness.


   At the same time, it is easier to talk about the heavens and the earth, so that the great earth can no longer support the heavenly secrets of Da Luo Jinxian, and it will be exposed to everyone.


   For a time, there was an uproar!


   This is to force them to make a choice!


   The secret of heaven did not show what would happen if you insisted on staying in the wild land, but thinking about it, you also know that there will never be a good end if you continue to stay.


   At the slightest level, the cultivation level cannot be advanced, and at the worst, it enters the blacklist of heaven and earth, and is targeted by the heavens.




   It's time to make a choice.






at this time,


   The easier process of heaven and earth is not yet obvious. The wild land can still support the Golden Immortal Daluo.


   Therefore, most of Da Luo Jinxian did not act rashly, but remained on the ground, watching the current situation, looking forward to the emergence of variables.


   Among the small part of Daluo Jinxian, the part that has access directly took refuge in the great supernatural powers, relying on their dojo.


   But there is no way, but after the initial hesitation, either entered the Daluotian or went to the heaven to live in seclusion.


   Of course, there are even more amazing.


   Some ruthless people saw that God’s will was hard to violate, and went straight into the chaos outside the sky, and left the world...


   As for the innate clans like the dragon clan, they don't care about it. Because their background is so profound, this time it is easier for the heavens and the earth to not affect them at all.


   The three congenital tribes control the four poles, the witch tribe has a mysterious Pangu Temple, and the demon tribe has a pool of transforming monsters...


   There is no need to worry about the human race.


  Heaven and Earth is easier to refer to the transition from the innate age to the acquired age. For the human race, there are only benefits and no harm.


It can be said,


   This era,


   Just now is a good time for Human Race to show off their talents.




   Feng Zichen did not interfere with everyone's choice.


   In fact, he can't interfere. He can't force everyone to enter Da Luotian!


   With Feng Zichen's strength, if he is desperate, he can indeed do this. But in this way, He is bound to offend those people to death, and have a huge cause and effect with them.


   If you don't do it, not only will the prestige accumulated before will disappear in an instant, but if you don't say it, it will become an enemy of the world and end up under siege.


   was afraid of Feng Zichen's strength at this time, and he didn't choose to make a move. But when it is strong in the future, it is bound to settle today's cause and effect.


   ask for help!


   asks for the understanding of one idea.


   Heart failure, shortness of breath,


   still begging for a fart.


   Therefore, if Feng Zichen dared to persecute everyone, his fate would be terrible.


  This kind of self-destruction of the Great Wall, with Feng Zichen’s wisdom, of course would not do it.


   So, He just announced the news. As for how everyone makes a decision, it depends on their heart, and it has nothing to do with Feng Zichen.




   Because there is no external pressure, the vast majority of Da Luo Jinxian chose to stay in the wild land without any movement.


   Feng Zichen said that it doesn't matter.


Not leaving now, because the heaven and the earth are still in the process of transformation, and when the heaven and the earth are more easily completed, if they want to continue to cultivate, then they have to leave.






   The years have passed by, and before you know it, hundreds of thousands of years have passed.


at this time,


   Fuxi has been in power for more than a million years,


   is almost the moment when the destiny is fulfilled.


   Feeling this, Feng Zichen walked out of the retreat and personally escorted Suiren's innate immortal true spirit to the reincarnation.




   In the depths of the purple micro-star, Feng Zichen, with the help of the power of the Pangu **** and man, opened up a channel of reincarnation and sent the true spirit of the Suiren clan into it.


  Moreover, in order to ensure that Suiren can succeed to the throne smoothly and achieve the throne of the emperor.


   When Feng Zichen entered the cycle of reincarnation, he intercepted part of the sun's origin from the sun star, and merged it into the true spirit of the Suiren clan to enhance his life.


   An emperor purple qi, coupled with the origin of the sun star, is enough to make the Suiren clan's life style rise to the highest level, fully qualified to assume the position of the emperor.






Soon after the   suiren clan entered the cycle of reincarnation, a human tribe on the Jiangshui River gave birth to a baby.


   This baby,


   is sacred by nature,


   When he was born, first a red dragon appeared, and then there was the shadow of the big sun rising and falling, which was extremely sacred.


   Everyone was shocked, thinking that he was born sacred, and he must have something to do in the future.


   This baby is the reincarnation of the Suiren clan. At this time, He also had a new name, and was named Shennong by the tribe leader.




   Shennong is truly sacred by nature. Since he has practiced with the gods and demons, he has made rapid progress, but in Jiazi time, he has become a god, and his progress has been rapid.


   However, he was not happy.


  Probably because of that, the innate evil spirit that was previously suppressed by Feng Zichen with Zhou Tianxing, has come back with a stronger posture than before, and has the potential to swallow the predecessor.


   The innate evil spirit is permeated, making the prehistoric cultivation environment even worse.


   If you are not careful, you are in danger of being caught.


   Everyone cultivated, and they all became cautious. But that's it, there are still many people who have been exploited by innate evil spirits, eroded their minds, and reduced to monsters who only know how to kill.


   In addition to the inherent evil spirits, the human race has another trouble.


   At this time, the easier process of heaven and earth has entered the middle stage, and a large number of innate spiritual plants, because they are not adapted to the changes in the environment, slowly wither, and then completely die.


   is cruel,


   But this is the truth.


   The so-called "natural selection of things, survival of the fittest", in the changing times, animals and plants that cannot adapt to the environment will be eliminated by the times.


  Unfortunately, the congenital five ears of grain that the human race depends on for survival is the one that has not adapted to the changes in the environment and is gradually withering.


   The population of the human race is too much.


   If there is no congenital Wusuihe, then I don’t know how many people will die because of hunger.


  Compared with the food crisis, the congenital evil disaster that has affected the entire predicament is nothing for the time being.


   Shennong is sad about this.


   It’s not good if you don’t worry!


   Don't think Shennong is young, but he has become the leader of the tribe. There was a large-sized person under his hand, so he pointed to him to eat.


  If the food crisis cannot be resolved, his tribe will not be far from collapse.






  East China Sea,


  Penglai Fairy Island of Sanxian Island!


   Xuan Qing, who is in retreat, knows the current situation of the human race by pinching his fingers. Therefore, after he made some preparations, he set off to the Jiangshui River.




   Xuan Qing came to Shennong's side.


   "Boy from the human race, what are you worried about?"


   Looking at Shennong, who was frowning, Xuan Qing asked pretendingly.




   There was a sudden voice around him, and Shennong's body immediately became tense, and he looked at the source of the sound vigilantly.


   Soon, the vigilance on his face disappeared without a trace.


  Because, He recognized the identity of the person who came.


   "Disciple Shennong, I have seen the fairy master!"


   bowed respectfully to Xuan Qing, and Shennong saw the courtesy.


   In the past years, Xuan Qing continued to inherit the human race, which brought the human race to a period of rapid development. In order to appreciate his favor, the human race respected him as an immortal teacher and worshipped him for generations.


   Therefore, all mortal children, when they see Xuan Qing, they must see Xuan Qing with the courtesy of the teacher, in order to show respect.


   The same, for the convenience of worshipping Xuan Qing.


   Almost all human tribes have portraits of Xuan Qing.


   And as the leader of the tribe, Shennong, of course, has seen the portrait of Xuan Qing, and only then can he be recognized at a glance.


   "Get up!"


   "You haven't answered the poor question yet!"


   reached out his hand to lift Shennong up, Xuan Qing said.


   "Report to the immortal master that the disciple is worried about human affairs."


   Then, Shennong told Xuan Qing that the congenital Wusuihe could not adapt to the environment, which led to the food crisis in the human race.


"I see."


   Hyun counted and nodded.


   Then, there was a moment of silence.


   "Shen Nong,"


   "Have you ever wondered why the Innate Wusuihe can't adapt to today's environment?"


   Xuan Qing took the lead in breaking the silence and asked Shennong.


   "The disciple has studied."


   "In today's era, the heavens and the earth are easier, and the innate qi gradually turns into the acquired qi."


   "While the congenital Wusuihe is a congenital spiritual plant, it cannot survive in the acquired environment. Therefore, it will slowly wither."




"Easier heaven and earth is the general trend~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although the disciples have the intention to reverse, but their strength is not enough, they are unable to return to heaven. I can only watch the innate five ears and grains withering, without the slightest way. "


   "It hurts my heart!"


   After thinking about it, Shennong replied feebly.


"Well said."




   "Why can other congenital spiritual plants adapt to changes in the environment, but congenital five ears of grass cannot."


   shook his head, Xuan Qing asked.


   Shennong’s thoughts, he expressed understanding, but he didn’t agree with it. We all know that it is the general trend, and the first reaction should be to follow the trend, not to go against the trend.


   The trend is irreversible,


   People who go against the trend have never ended well.


  Since the Innate Wusuihe couldn't adapt to the easier of the world, he should find a way to make him adapt, rather than go against the trend stupidly.


   "This is because those innate spiritual plants are all transforming to the nurture. Therefore, they can continue to survive in the heaven and earth easier."


   For these, Shennong has done research.


   "Since this is the case, why not let the congenital five ears of grass also turn into an acquired thing?"


   "In this way, won't the congenital Wusuihe be able to survive?"


   smiled, Xuan Qing said.

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