Flooded Star Road

Chapter 604: The great wealth and the wind Zichen



   The geomancy map trembled, and endless power poured out of him and poured into the Pangu phantom, making the light spots in the Pangu phantom brighter and brighter.


  In a short moment,


   The brilliance that the light spot bloomed under the power of the prehistoric geomancy map was so dazzling that everyone couldn't open their eyes, and it was so gorgeous.


   And just when the light released by the light spot was extremely bright, it looked like a firework, and the light spot exploded with a "boom".




   Endless brilliance blooms, like stars shining, in front of everyone, a vast starry sky has evolved.


   And just in the vast starry sky, where the original light spot was, in the dimness, suddenly there appeared a number of glorious temples, located in the starry sky.


   Three hundred sixty-five points of light,


   represents three hundred and sixty-five temples!




   Amidst the vast starry sky, there are three hundred and sixty-five magnificent temples, seeming to guard something, suppressing something, and embracing something...


   a magical sight,


   majestic and mysterious,


   gives people unlimited reverie.


   Such a sudden change, I also looked at the human race people who were immersed in excitement.




"This is……"


   "Temple of Zhoutian?!"


   I don’t know those temples, and I’ve never seen them before, but when everyone saw the temples, they couldn’t help calling out their names.


   Zhoutian Temple!


   This is the power of Zhou Tian and the stars. After reaching resonance with the law of heaven and earth, the mysterious vision evolved is a kind of power of heaven and earth, the prototype of a supreme magical power, and a manifestation of the law of heaven and earth.


   Of course, it can be said that this is a projection of the future.


  The boundless starry sky of the future will evolve out of three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples to correspond to the Zhoutian stars. At the same time, it is also to correspond to the new generation of Zhoutian Star God.


   This is a gift from Boundless Starry Sky to the new generation of Star Gods, and it is an innate dojo prepared for them.


   If nothing happens, with the continuous cultivation of Pangu God and Man, Zhou Tianxing's origin will gradually grow, and then it will be promoted all the way.


   Then, one day, three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples will evolve one by one.


   Feng Zichen captured these images from the future, and this has evolved the phantom of the Zhoutian Temple in front of everyone.


   And his purpose is to make people use the phantom of the Zhoutian Temple as a blueprint to create three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian Temples, and then place them on the ground vein nodes to suppress the ground veins.


   At the same time, it is also to protect the earth veins!


   Once the three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian Temples are formed and are located on the ground vein nodes, they can draw the power of Zhoutian stars to come.


   In this way, the Zhoutian Temple will be like a nail, firmly suppressing the ground veins, making it impossible to translocate.


   Even if the world is easier, the years have changed, and the sea has turned into a mulberry field. Under the suppression of the Zhoutian Temple, the earth veins will never move, still maintaining the operation of the "Great Zhoutian", and continue to repair the barren land.




   Because of Zhou Tian’s star power,


   These Zhoutian temples will naturally form a large array, the galaxy cosmic light array, to protect the primordial veins.




   is guarded by the galaxy universe,


   From now on, if someone wants to shake the ground pulse, it won’t be that simple.


   And this is the purpose of Feng Zichen.


   Establishing three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples can suppress and protect the earth veins. It can really be said to kill two birds with one stone.




   Feng Zichen's plan does not end there.


   After the three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples, He also prepared twelve supreme temples, ready to stand on the earth, in order to achieve the goal of completely stabilizing the land.




   those twelve supreme temples,


   are the temples belonging to the twelve ancestor witches!


   As the great life bred by the combination of Pangu essence and blood and the origin of the earth, in addition to the descendants of Pangu, the twelve ancestor witch can also be called the son of the earth.


   The Witch Clan has the power to manipulate the earth.


   They stand on the earth, and their power can be said to be endless.


  Similarly, it is precisely because of the son of the earth that there is a wonderful connection between the twelve ancestor witch and the earth.


  The temple built with their power can resonate with the earth, so that it can easily achieve the purpose of stabilizing the land.




  If the Temple of the Twelve Ancestor Witches was established,


   The fallen twelve ancestor witches can also rely on these temples to condense their true spirit fragments scattered in the wilderness to accumulate the power needed for resurrection.


  This method can help the twelve ancestor witches to resurrect while stabilizing the wild land.


   This is extremely important to the Wu Clan.


   Therefore, when Fengdu told the Houtu Niangniang about this method, while he readily agreed, he also agreed to Feng Zichen's request.










   The phantom of the Zhoutian Temple, not long after manifestation, suddenly shattered, turned into a little bit of brilliance, and sank into Shennong's body.


  In an instant,


  Feng Zichen's plan, as well as the refining method of the Zhoutian Temple, and all kinds of prohibitions, all came to Shennong's mind.


   "Do you use Zhoutian Temple to suppress the earth veins?"


   "It's another big deal!"


   After absorbing these messages, Shennong had to sigh again Feng Zichen's handwriting.


   It's just that, this time, He didn't immediately implement Feng Zichen's plan, but stayed in place and deduced silently.


   He is deducing how many natural treasures are needed to build the Zhoutian Temple.


  With the current background of Human Race, can it be completed?




   "Some trouble!"


   After a while, Shennong stopped the deduction, his face suddenly became a little difficult to look.


   He figured it out.


   With the current background of the human race, it is possible to barely create a Zhoutian temple of 365 Houtian Lingbao level.


   It's just that, if this is the case, the human family has accumulated countless years of family background, it will inevitably be squeezed out, and the background will be consumed.


   The cost of building the Zhoutian Temple is too great, and the Terran can't afford it.


   Even if the Zhoutian Temple is formed, it will bring endless benefits to the Human Race, and the Human Race cannot bet on everything.


   This is like a tens of billions of billionaires. Although they claim to have tens of billions of assets, but if you really let him take out 10 billion, he will definitely not be able to take it out.


   The current human race is just like this tens of billionaires. Although they have the wealth to build the Zhoutian Temple, they are the wealth of the entire human race, and they can't be used all.


   And, more importantly, as the world becomes easier, many innate **** irons are no longer spawned, and they are about to disappear completely.


   And these are very important strategic resources. It can be said that a part is used and a part is less.

  So, how could Shennong take out all of them to refine Zhoutian Temple?


  I am afraid that he is willing, and those under his hands will not be willing either.






   While Shennong was entangled, the prehistoric geomancy map quivered again, spewing out a large amount of celestial essence and various congenital spiritual materials.


   Shennong fixed his eyes and found that these congenital spiritual materials were all the materials needed to refine the Zhoutian Temple.


   When the prehistoric geomancy map no longer spews out innate spiritual materials, the large number of innate spiritual materials in front of everyone has already piled into several mountains.


  According to Shennong's estimation, the value of these **** rail golds spewed out of the prehistoric geomancy map alone has exceeded the value of the human race.


   If all were used to refine the Zhoutian Temple, three hundred and sixty-five acquired Zhoutian Temples could be refined.


   can be seen from this,


   These innate spiritual materials are precious.






   These, of course, were all prepared by Feng Zichen.


   What is the situation of the human race now, does he still not understand?


   In the ancient times, in order to fight against the monster race, the human race can be said to be doing their best. All the resources have been transformed into combat power, leaving no point.


   This also means that the new generation of human races did not inherit half of the material wealth from the ancient ancestors.


  The new generation of human races,


   was born after the Lich's calamity.


   In this era, the world has changed drastically, and resources have become scarce.


   Therefore, even though the new generation of human races have done their best to develop human races. But they haven't gained much, and the human race's background is still very shallow.


   After all, this is no longer the ancient era where innate spiritual materials can be seen everywhere.


   Based on the situation of the human race, it was impossible to refine the Zhoutian Temple. Feng Zichen knew this, and kept the materials needed to refine the Zhoutian Temple in the prehistoric geomancy map in advance.


   Different from the poverty of the human race, Feng Zichen can be said to be quite rich, even if he counts the entire prey, he can be richer than him, it will not exceed the number of one hand.


   In the ancient times, the human race has all its heritage. As the emperor, Feng Zichen is no exception. His accumulated wealth was exhausted in that battle.


   But after this,


   He was in the sun star first, found the private treasury left by Emperor Jun and Donghuang on the sun star, and obtained infinite wealth from it.


   How rich was the monster clan back then?


   occupies the entire endless starry sky, intercepts all the Zhoutian star power, and controls the entire celestial realm.


   How rich is it,


   It can be seen from the fact that the elite hand of the monster clan was an acquired treasure during the Lich War.


   The resources possessed by the monster clan are simply beyond everyone's imagination. It was armed to the teeth with a group of monster warriors, and there was still some leftover.


It can be said,


  This kind of wealth,


   Even if the saint saw him, they would be jealous.


   Under such circumstances, Donghuang and Dijun staying in the private library of Sun Star is naturally beyond imagination.


   By this,


   Feng Zichen soon became the top rich man.


   After this, Feng Zichen has mastered the vast treasure of the endless starry sky, and his wealth has greatly increased as a result.


   Then, in the devil's calamity, Feng Zichen killed countless demons, and even harvested a bunch of power products.


   Finally, when Haotian enters the cycle of reincarnation, when Feng Zichen takes the heaven on his behalf, there are thousands of clan to vote.


   Since the Ten Thousand Clan has come to take refuge in the Heavenly Court, it will certainly not come empty-handed. Naturally, they have to carry a large number of treasures to pay tribute and form a rule.


   And these,


   all entered Feng Zichen's private library.


   With all these kinds of things added together, it is difficult for Feng Zichen to think about not being rich.


   The materials for refining the Zhoutian Temple are nothing more than drizzle to him.


   is not worth caring about at all.






  With the materials, Shennong didn't have any hesitation, so he took many masters of the human race and began to refine the Zhoutian Temple day after day.


   And while Shennong and others were refining the Zhoutian Temple, the changes of the human race also quietly spread among the prehistoric.




   It didn’t take long,


   Ten thousand races know that the human race has figured out a way to solve the innate evil spirit.


   For a time, the hearts of the people of the ten thousand races floated, and they turned their eyes on the human races one after another.


   But it's a pity that the current human race has all energy devoted to building the Zhoutian Temple, and can't spare any extra energy to deal with other things.




  The masters of the ten thousand races stared at the human race,


   Naturally, nothing can be seen.


   Human race does not take the initiative to come forward. In order to solve the innate evil spirit, the ten thousand races have to take the initiative to look for the human race.


   It didn't take long for some races that are relatively close to the human race, their patriarch personally rushed to the ancestral land of the human race, came to see the emperor Shennong, and begged him to pass on the method to solve the innate evil spirit.


   In this regard, Shennong naturally knows everything.


   directly show the whole process of the human race to solve the innate evil spirit, briefly to everyone.


   After a little deduction, the patriarchs understood the principle and praised this method for its wonderfulness.


   But then, they were dumbfounded.


   It is one thing to understand the principle, but the actual operation is another.


   Without the prehistoric geomancy map and the Pangu meridian map, the patriarchs could not sort out the veins at all, let alone the next operation.


   So, the patriarchs asked Shennong for a map of the famine.


   At this time, Shennong began to hesitate.


   He explained to everyone with some embarrassment:


   Said that this wild geomancy map ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is different from the method of solving innate evil spirits.


   The method to solve the innate evil spirit was devised by the Holy Emperor of the Human Race, and it belongs to the Human Race completely. Therefore, the human race can call the shots and directly inform everyone.


   It can be a prehistoric geomancy map, but it is the ultimate treasure of the Witch tribe. His human tribe also relies on the legacy of the holy emperor that year, and this is the treasure borrowed from the Witch tribe.


   Therefore, Human Race has no right to lend this treasure to outsiders. If you want to borrow the geomancy map of the great famine, you can go to the Netherworld to find the Xuanming Ancestral Witch and take this treasure from him.


   (Note: Once reincarnation has begun, the Hou Tu is no longer the witch. Therefore, in the eyes of all living beings, Hou Tu is no longer the ancestor witch. The only remaining Xuan Ming ancestor witch has become the patriarch of the witch clan.)


   After everyone heard Shennong’s explanation, their faces became more difficult to look at.


   Not to mention, today's Netherworld is in a closed state, and outsiders can't get in at all.


  In other words, these races, in order to survive better in the ancient times, have tried every means to get involved with the monster race.


in this way,


   How dare they go to see Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch?


  I am afraid that as soon as they meet, the "remnants" of these ancient monster races will be slapped to death by the furious Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming.


  At the same time, the patriarchs could only plead with Shennong, asking him to come forward and ask for the help of the map.

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