Flooded Star Road

Chapter 606: Temple return

The actions of those tribes, although it is possible to seek greater benefits for themselves. But their actions undoubtedly violated the interests of almost everyone except them.


   Under the desire for profit,


   so much so that they guilty of anger.


   People who have committed public anger have never had a good end. Unless their strength is strong enough to crush all races, then even if they commit the anger, these people will be fine.


   But obviously, they do not have this strength.


   Their fate must be torn to pieces by the angry races.


   Shennong had anticipated all of this, and he seemed not so concerned about sorting out the veins of the wasteland.




   He knows,


   Driven by interests,


   Wanzu will give him a satisfactory answer.




   Regarding the next action of the Ten Thousand Clan, although Shennong had guessed it, he did not come forward to stop it.


  Those races are all races at the apex of the innate tens of thousands of races, each of which has a power that is slightly inferior to or comparable to that of the human race.


   Keeping them is always a threat to the human race. Similarly, their existence is even more a stumbling block for the human race to reach its peak.




   Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,


   Shennong intends to use the hands of the ten thousand races to destroy these races in one fell swoop, taking advantage of the trend to weaken the backbone of some ten thousand races, so as to completely clear the obstacles on the way of the human race.


  The dissatisfaction of those tribes with the human race has been accumulated in their hearts for a long time. When the first emperor Fuxi was in power, they could still be suppressed.


   But since Fuxi ascended to the sky, they have not concealed their dissatisfaction with the human race, but directly exposed it to the bright face, turning a blind eye to the orders of the emperor.


   The prestige of the human race has plummeted, and most of the reason lies in them. In this way, Shennong's aversion to them can be imagined. If it weren't for the fear of the ten thousand races, Shennong would have killed them with a slap in the face.




   It is hard to find a chance to destroy them, Shennong is too happy to be too late, how can he stop it?


   (It's also strange that the human race is too weak. If the human race can be as strong as the monsters and witch races, what about destroying them? Ten thousand races still dare to say "no"?


   will not be like it is now, for fear that the ten thousand races will give birth to the sad heart of rabbits and foxes, and when they do things, they will appear to be helpless. )








   What happened next was just as Shennong had guessed. With a heavy heart, the representatives of the Ten Thousand Clan groups first persuaded those opponents for the last time.


After   , after persuading to no avail, the masters of the ten thousand races made an angry move and killed those opponents at the same time.


   With many enemies and few, plus a sneak attack, those opponents would not be the opponents of the masters of the ten thousand races, and in a moment, they were killed without their helmets and armors, and fled in a hurry.


  It’s just that, since the masters of the ten thousand races chose to shoot, how can they give them a chance to survive and leave themselves a huge hidden danger?


  The masters of the ten thousand races are also afraid of their revenge!


   Therefore, seeing the opponents fleeing, the masters of the ten thousand races directly chased them up, vowing to destroy them all.


   At this time, those opponents, it is impossible to surrender, and the masters of the ten thousand races will not give them this opportunity.


  Leave them a way to live,


   means to leave a huge hidden danger to oneself and one's own race.


   If you don’t make a move,


When    is shot, it means there is no turning back.


   The strength of the enemy and ours is too far apart. When the opponents were beaten by the masters of the ten thousand races, they were defeated steadily, or even surrounded, blocking the entire time and space, and there was no chance to escape.


   can only choose to fight to the death!


  I believe that it will not take long for these opponents to be wiped out by the masters of the ten thousand races.




   And at the time of the battle between the two sides, the ancestral land of the human race also ushered in a happy event.


   That is, after thousands of years of refining day and night, the three hundred and sixty-five acquired Zhoutian Temples were finally built.




   "This is the cornerstone of my human race!"


   Refining Equipment Hall, looking at the three hundred and sixty-five stars of Zhoutian Temple in front of him, Shennong could not hide the excitement in his heart, his face was full of joy.


   According to Feng Zichen's plan, the three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian Temples will be placed on the ground vein nodes to gather the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, transform the aura of the eight directions, and produce countless good things.


  In other words, when the three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples merge with the earth veins and take over the power of the Zhoutian stars, they will transform into three hundred and sixty-five cave heavens.


   That is three hundred and sixty-five caves!


   You need to know that what can be called Dongtianfudi, the last one can also provide for a big Luojinxian.


  What is this concept?


   That is to say, these three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples can at least provide for the human race three hundred and sixty-five Daluo Jinxian.


   Remember, it is the least!


  There are caves and blessings, not only can support one big Luo Jinxian, he can support several, even dozens of them.


   Not to mention, after the completion of the Zhoutian Temple, it may not be impossible to continue to promote.


  Bathing in the endless starlight is also a kind of cultivation for the Zhoutian Temple, which can cause it to change, and it may not be possible to take one step closer.


   In addition, the veins are not immutable, he will also be promoted!


   And these,


   will all be transformed into the background of the human race, so as to cultivate more Da Luo Jinxian for the human race.


   has three hundred and sixty-five Da Luo Jinxian, although it will not let the people reach the level of powerful Lich II clan, but in this era of easier world, it is more than enough to sweep the ten thousand clan.






   Under the agitated mood, Shennong personally took part in offering sacrifices to the Zhoutian Temple, comparing the Zhoutian Star Map and the Prestigious Geographies, placing them in their respective corresponding ground vein nodes.


  What kind of cultivation is Shennong?


   Its strength is comparable to that of a master of the Dzogchen Dzogchen level, and it can be called the pinnacle of the wild.


   With a movement of divine mind, it is an exaggeration to say that it covers the entire prehistoric land, but it is not easy to say that it covers the entire human territory.


   Therefore, under the control of Shennong's divine mind, the Zhoutian Temple soon took its place and settled firmly on the ground vein node.


   "The Zhoutian Temple has returned to its place. Then, the next step is to use the Zhoutian Temple as a medium to attract Zhou Tian's star power and arrange the galaxy cosmic light array!"


   Carefully inspected it again, and after finding that there were no mistakes or omissions, Shennong began to use the Dao Seal handed down by Feng Zichen to urge Zhou Tian Temple to attract Zhou Tian's star power.




   Following Shennong’s seal, one after another mysterious runes emerged from his hands, flying towards the Zhoutian Temple.


   Then, I saw the Zhoutian Temple trembling violently, and the whole body released a terrifying suction, swallowing all the spiritual energy released by the surrounding earth veins.




   The dazzling light bloomed from the Zhoutian Temple and turned into a beam of light that stretched straight into the sky, connecting with the distant Zhoutian stars.



   "Has it started?"


On    Ziwei Xing, after feeling the fluctuation of Zhoutian Temple, Feng Zichen woke up from the retreat, opened his eyes and looked towards the human race.


   What you see in your eyes,


   is a shining temple.


"very good!"


   nodded, Feng Zichen easily formed a seal.


   Suddenly, it seemed that a valve had opened, and the entire endless starry sky was trembling, and the power of the endless stars flowed along the pillars of light to the Zhoutian Temple.


   You must know that after the decisive battle of the Lich, the star of Zhou Tian was broken too badly. In order to repair it as soon as possible, Feng Zichen directly closed the endless starry sky.


   In this way, apart from the star power released by the stars normally, no one in the wilderness can mobilize even a trace of the star power without the permission of Feng Zichen.


   This also led to the fact that the prehistoric formations related to Zhou Tian's stars gradually became legends.


   Unable to borrow the power of the stars, the power of the star formation will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, basically it is considered useless, no one will use it.


   Over time, the star formation has naturally become a legend.


   But today, it's different.


  Countless years have passed. With the help of the Pangu Gods, the situation of the endless starry sky has undoubtedly improved a lot. Although it has not returned to the peak period, it has half the level of the peak period.


   Therefore, after sensing the call of the Zhoutian Temple, Feng Zichen didn't even think about it, so he let go of the restrictions on the endless starry sky and let his star power sway the world.


   That is to say, from now on, the primordial sentient beings once again have the ability to mobilize the power of the stars, and the brilliance belonging to the star formation will gradually reappear.


   One of the reasons why the demon race was degraded was because of the interception of the Zhoutian star power, which formed great cause and effect with all living beings, so that endless karma was added.


  With this lesson, Feng Zichen naturally did not dare to be like a demon clan, and firmly locked Zhou Tian's star power.


   Previously, there was a reason to repair the endless starry sky. Feng Zichen could block the endless starry sky without any scruples.


   But now, the Boundless Starry Sky has almost recovered. If the Boundless Starry Sky is blocked, it is a bit unreasonable.


   If you can't say that that day, God will come to him for trouble.


   Therefore, Feng Zichen took this opportunity to directly let go of the restrictions on the boundless starry sky, and took advantage of the trend to pour into the human race the star power accumulated from the boundless starry sky for so many years.


   is regarded as the first emperor of his human race, giving benefits to his people.








   The boundless star power, like a rainstorm, poured down, washing away the lead of the human race, and creating a large area of ​​spiritual land.


   However, the star power scattered in the territories of the human race, after all, is only a small number, more, it is still absorbed by the three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples.




   It can be seen that after absorbing the star power hanging from the endless starry sky, the Zhoutian Temple has undergone tremendous changes.


   has become more glorious and majestic, surrounded by dazzling divine light, and also accompanied by rumbling voices, unusually miraculous.


   In the center of the main hall, countless runes are flying, forming a mysterious Tao map in the air, surrounded by a bright ball of light.


   That is the projection of Zhoutian stars, formed by the converging of boundless star power, and is enshrined in the center of Zhoutian Temple.


   It symbolizes the connection between Zhou Tian and Zhou Tian, ​​and is the center of Zhou Tian Temple. If you have mastered it, you will wait if you have mastered the Zhoutian Temple.




   The projection of the Zhoutian stars has been trembling since it condensed and formed, and it continues to release a very mysterious power, trying to reach resonance with the rest of the Zhoutian stars.




   And at the moment when all Zhoutian star phantoms reached resonance, the endless divine light bloomed from the Zhoutian Temple and poured in all directions.


   In a blink of an eye, the rays of light released by the three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples became one piece, forming mysterious traces on the earth.


   Like a star trail, like a road mark!




   Galaxy Zhouguang Great Array!


   There is no doubt that from the moment when all the Zhoutian Temples are connected together, they spontaneously form the prehistoric top-level formation Galaxy Zhouguang Array.




   The large array was running spontaneously, gathering all directions of star power, and gradually formed an extremely vague figure on the ground.


   This is Pangu phantom!


   To be more precise, it should be an existence similar to Pangu God and Man.


   It's just that the terrestrial veins of the human race are far less powerful than the endless starry sky. Therefore, the Pangu god-man condensed from this is naturally extremely vague, far less clear than the one sitting in the endless starry sky.


   However, in a sense, the Pangu god-man here in Human Race is more perfect than the one in the endless starry sky.


after all,


   The Pangu god-man in the boundless starry sky is just purely condensed from the stars of Zhou Tian.


   And this Pangu god-man of the human race, in addition to the Zhoutian star power, also incorporates the power of the earth veins, making the body more textured and giving people a kind of impact on strength.


  On the Pangu god-man, the power of the earth veins and the power of Zhoutian stars perfectly merged together, forming an extremely high power-chaos vitality.


   This is the initial power,


   has the power of good fortune beyond imagination.


   The power of Zhou Tian and stars, in essence, is more biased towards innate freshness.


   The strength of the earth veins is undoubtedly more biased towards congenital muddy qi.


   Therefore, the chaotic vitality will be born under the fusion of these two powers.






   With the formation of the Pangu gods, the acquired qi in the Zhoutian Temple began to transform into innate qi.


   At the same time, there are also strands of chaotic vitality, born from nothingness, blending into the newborn innate aura, in order to enhance its essence.


   Although the chaotic vitality that Pangu gods refined is not much, it is already a remarkable thing to be able to refine the chaotic vitality.


   This is the most top-notch cave world, that is, the dojo of those top-level supernatural powers, and the treatment they have just received.




   In the Zhoutian Temple, there are invisible laws manifested, if looming, and accompanied by the misty Dao sound, it seems to be explaining the mystery of the Dao, giving people an endless reverie.


   There is no doubt that there is this vision, which means that it is easier to enlighten by practicing in the Zhoutian Temple.


   Great luck!


   The star of the week is just formed, and there is a bit of atmosphere of the heaven and the blessed land. If it is fully integrated into the earth veins, it is not known how much surprise it will bring to the human race.


   "The next thing to consider is how to deal with these temples."


   After being happy, Shennong started to have a headache.


   There were three hundred and sixty-five more caves and blessings all at once, and the impact on the human race can be imagined.


   is just how to allocate, which is a big problem.

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