Flooded Star Road

Chapter 610: Reappearance of Ancestral Witch

Twelve top-grade innate spirit treasures, exuding astonishing fluctuations, spread out in the endless starry sky, seem to be able to suppress everything.


   "The twelve capitals of the gods and evil spirits!"


   Observing carefully for a moment, Feng Zichen found that although the Twelve Temples are independent, their breaths are still connected together, and their location distribution faintly conforms to a certain avenue trajectory.


   So that, although the level of the twelve temples is only the high-grade innate spiritual treasure, the aura they exude when they are connected is no less than the innate treasure.


no doubt,


   This is the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals!


   Also only the Twelve Capitals of the Heavenly Swords Array can have such a powerful ability to raise the strength of the arrayers to a great level.


   The Pangu Temple was personally refined by Pangu. The Twelve Temples from which it splits out naturally control the Twelve Capital Tianshen Array.


   "There are twelve temples to suppress the earth veins, and supplemented by the twelve capital gods flags, so, it will be able to protect the peace of the land veins."


   Feeling the power of the Twelve Temples, Feng Zichen couldn't help smiling.


   You need to know that the combined power of the Twelve Temples alone is comparable to a master of the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If you add the Twelve Capital Celestial Flags, its strength is bound to go further.


   At the very least, it is also equivalent to two Hunyuan-level existences, jointly guarding the prehistoric lands.


   And this is still without the power of the earth vein itself.


   Earth veins form a big cycle by themselves, evolving into the shadow of Pangu **** and man, giving birth to infinite creations, and possessing a certain degree of self-preservation. There is also the innate evil spirit refined from the previous earth veins, which are all means to protect the earth veins.


   In the future, if someone has a moving idea, it is bound to pay for it.








   On the purple micro-star, Feng Zichen looked at the wild land from a distance, only feeling that everything was different.


   In the void, there seemed to be the sound of Ruoyoruowu breathing, which was in harmony with the rhythm of heaven and earth, and contained endless mystery, which made people fascinated by the smell.


   That is the breathing of Pangu God!


   I saw that in the wild land, with the endless flow of earth veins, a huge and vague figure, looming, enveloped the entire eastern land.


  He is Pangu God Man!


  Pangu **** man made by the power of the earth veins!


   It can be seen that with the flow of the earth veins, the Pangu god-man is breathing along with it. From the great chaos outside the realm, the chaotic air is drawn into the earth veins to strengthen its origin.


   At the same time, while Pangu God-Man was ingesting, the negative auras such as waste gas and evil that could not be absorbed by Guixu were slowly absorbed and refined by Pangu God-Man as the earth veins flowed, becoming the nourishment for the growth of the earth veins.




   As long as there is no turmoil in the future,


   With the power of Pangu **** and man, it can definitely turn the prehistoric land into a holy place.


   Unfortunately, this is impossible.


   As long as there is an interest, there is bound to be a struggle.


  In the future, there will be countless catastrophes, large and small.


   But there is no doubt that as long as the Pangu God-Man exists, it will inevitably delay the arrival of the immeasurable calamity.




   On the purple micro-star, Feng Zichen released his spiritual thoughts, and went to the Pangu **** and man on the wild land.


   View the world with divine mind, so that you can find a suitable place to place the twelve temples.


   One hundred years later,


   Under the observation of Shennian, Feng Zichen had understood everything about Pangu God and Man, and finally found a suitable place for the Twelve God Temple.


That is:


   The twelve seriousness of Pangu!


   Just in time, a temple suppressed a meridian to protect the peace of the earth.




   After confirming the location, Feng Zichen didn't hesitate much, and directly manipulated the Twelve Temples and landed on the wild land.






   Endless stars gather, opening up a huge channel in the starry sky.


   Twelve glorious temples emerged from the passage, rumbling, falling towards the wild land.


   The ancestral witch aura on his body spread out, alarming the entire prehistoric land.


"what is that?"


   "Why is it so like Ancestral Witch Palace?"


   "An ancestral witch hall of innate spirit treasure level?"


   Looking at the twelve temples falling from the stars, even though the great magical powers were curious in their hearts, no one dared to intercept them.


   just peeping into the endless starry sky, he provokes a warning from Houtu Empress. If he intercepts this innate spirit treasure, which looks like the ancestral witch hall, he may be hit by Houtu Empress, then it will be troublesome.


boom! ! !


   Soon, the Twelve Temples were located on the ground, connected with the surrounding ground.




   Inexplicably, the heaven and the earth seemed to tremble, conveying a sense of excitement, it seems that the laws of heaven and earth have become more active because of this.


  Similarly, with the return of the twelve temples, the vague Pangu god-man has stabilized a lot, and inexplicably changed, the qi of good fortune gushes out of his body, as if something is gestating.


   "To Tenjin flags, go!"


   When the twelve temples stabilized, Feng Zichen took out the twelve-faced celestial banners with one move, and entered the twelve ancestral witch halls respectively.


  In an instant,


  Fresh variables are reborn!


   Endless earth pulse surges, swarming towards the Ancestral Witch Hall, and poured into the capital of the gods in the center of the hall.




   With a tremor of the Dutian God's flag, a large amount of the power of the earth veins was absorbed by it, and then a burst of divine light flashed, and the figure of the twelve-faced God's flag had disappeared.


   is replaced by twelve horror gods and monsters of various forms!


   Twelve Ancestral Witch!


  At this moment, if someone walks into the Ancestral Witch Hall, they will find that the gods and demons that appeared in the temple are the Twelve Ancestral Witches.


   However, their state at the moment is all a bit wrong. Although he had the appearance of an ancestor witch, he looked dazed and stunned when he looked at his spirit.


   Tangible but godless,


   is talking about them.




   Is it so easy for a person as powerful as the Twelve Ancestor Witch to come back again?


   This time, the Dutian God's banner has evolved into the body of the ancestral witch through the power of the earth veins. However, the innate immortal true spirit of the Twelve Ancestral Witch had already been completely broken, and it was not so easy to reconsolidate.


   Therefore, the twelve ancestor witches in front of him would seem dazed.


   They have no real spirits.


   The true spirit's recovery, unless Heaven takes action, otherwise, it can only wait for it to slowly condense.






   As soon as the twelfth ancestor witch appeared on the first day, the terrifying aura swept out, almost trying to suppress everything.


"This is……"


   "Has the ancestor witch come back?"


   Everyone was shocked by this breath, and almost thought that the 12th Ancestral Witch had come back.


   However, as the breath faded, they soon realized what had happened.


   However, this discovery did not restore their mood much. They all knew in their hearts that with the establishment of the Palace of Ancestral Witches, the return of the Twelve Ancestral Witches was a foregone conclusion.


   The only comforting thing is that it will take a long time for them to return completely. And this period of time may allow them to widen the gap with the ancestor witch.



   Feng Zichen didn't know how everyone was feeling, but he was in a very good mood.


   These twelve ancestral witch incarnations, under the blessing of the power of the earth veins, each has a combat power that is infinitely close to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


   Even under the full explosion, it can be comparable to the existence of the Hunyuan level in a short time.


  The primordial veins are guarded by them, and I am afraid that the devil ancestor Luo Hui himself will make it difficult to destroy it in a short time.


   From then on, there is no worries about the ground veins!


   The reappearance of the Twelve Ancestral Witch, in addition to Feng Zichen, there are two other people very happy. Those are the two surviving ancestral witches of the witch clan, Xuanming ancestral witch Yu Houtu empress.


   Before the two of them fell, there is no way to talk about their resurrection. Logically speaking, the Ancestral Witch Palace is useless to them.


   But in reality, it is not. The incarnations of the ancestral witches corresponding to them in the ancestral witch hall, their minds are with them, and they can be regarded as their incarnations.


   these years,


  Who dislikes how many avatars are?


  Especially Hou Tu, he was guilty of incomplete formation of the twelve capital gods because he sacrificed himself to reincarnate.


   Now, with the help of the power of the earth veins, an incarnation of the ancestral witch is condensed in the ancestral vein hall. For him, it is an opportunity to make up for a regret.


  With this incarnation, in the future, the perfect twelve capital celestial evil formations will be able to reappear in the wilderness.


   The significance of this matter to Houtu can be imagined!






  Ancestral Witch Palace,


   Capital Tenjin Banner,


   the power of the earth veins,


   Under the coordination of Pangu God and Man, the three reached a subtle cycle, making Pan Gu God and Man more and more mysterious.


   It can be seen that in the body of Pangu God-man, strands of good fortune are born, hiding in the prehistoric places, silently lurking, as if waiting for something.


   These qi of good fortune are just gifts from the gods of Pangu to heaven and earth.


   If nothing happens, in the future, these natural auras will be bred by Pangu gods, either into innate spirits or innate creatures.


   Even, by chance, they can transform into innate gods and demons, or innate spirit treasures in the acquired age.


  Pangu is the most compassionate, unable to bear sentient beings to completely cut off hope, so, specially leave a trace of opportunity for sentient beings, in order to help sentient beings to follow the innate way.


   Feng Zichen understands this, and he doesn't care.


   These opportunities seem to be quite a lot, but in the entire eastern land, they seem to be few.


   Moreover, these opportunities are also useful for some low-level monks, but useless for Da Luo Jinxian.


   Therefore, this matter does not affect Feng Zichen's plan at all, and of course he doesn't care.


   Besides, it is good to leave a glimmer of hope for all beings. This move can promote the development of the young generation of the ten thousand races, so as to bring enough oppression to the young generations of the human race, so as to force them to work hard.


   Be prepared for danger in times of peace!


  Without pressure, where is the motivation?


  The opponent of the human race has never been the innate race, but the monster race and Western religion, these forces standing at the apex of the prehistoric race.


   If it stops because of some achievements, how do you go beyond the peak of the Lich Clan and get rid of the control of the saints in the future?


  The human race needs pressure to force them to keep improving, becoming stronger and stronger...






   "The current Pangu gods are still not perfect."


   "If the Zhoutian Temple is established to connect the boundless starry sky with the wild land, the Pangu God and Man will surely reach an extremely perfect point and bring more changes to the wild land."


   On the purple star, Feng Zichen sighed.


   At this time, the foundation of the human race has not been smashed, and it is really not a good time to set up the Zhoutian Temple. Otherwise, if the ten thousand races get rid of the human race based on this, it would really be shooting themselves in the foot.


   After all,


   Or the human background is not deep enough.


  If the human race is strong enough, how can there be so many scruples?


  Just like a witch, just push it horizontally.


  The current human race,


   There is no shortage of top masters, and there is no shortage of low-level monks. The only thing missing is the middle-level monks who can carry the main beam.


   But to make up for this, I can only spend a lot of time training, and I can't be anxious at all.


   Therefore, what Human Race lacks most is the least valuable time in the prehistoric times.






   After the innate evil spirits are resolved, the ten thousand races can finally truly cultivate their health. Of course, the process of making the world easier has also accelerated.


   is also at this time, the way of gods and demons finally ushered in the most glorious moment.


   In order to preserve their own innate blood, the tens of thousands of races rushed to practice the way of gods and demons, making the way of gods and demons gradually flourish in the prehistoric times, overshadowing the mainstream of the prehistoric Xuanmen immortality in one fell swoop.


  The Way of Gods and Demons Therefore, luck soars!


   was affected by this. As the pioneer of the Way of Gods and Demons, Feng Zichen received the blessing of Qi Yun in the dark, and he recovered most of his injuries at once.


   Estimate how long it will take to fully recover from the injury and break through to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. This is undoubtedly faster than his estimated recovery time by countless tens of thousands of years.




   There is a kind of induction in the wind and purple Chen,


   As long as the Emperor of the Five Elements reaches Consummation, he can take this opportunity to break into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in one fell swoop.


   In other words, the return of the Emperor of the Five Elements to the throne is where Feng Zichen became a Hunyuan.


  What is Hunyuan Expectation?


   This is it!


   Now that the Qing emperor Fuxi has taken his place, Shennong is about to complete his merits, and he is about to succeed Fuxi as the new emperor.


   There is one of the five emperors who is about to complete, and four emperors of the heavens are still short of them, and Feng Zichen can become enlightened.


   According to Fu Xili's agreement, the term of the Emperor of the Five Elements is only one million years.


  According to this,


   More than four million years later ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the day when Feng Zichen became enlightened.


   Four million years, if it is placed in the future generations, of course it will be a very long time, but it can be placed in the present, but it is nothing.


   For some beings, it's just a time to sleep.


   Four million years, very short.






   After sorting out the ground veins, Shennong finally won the recognition of the patriarch of the ten thousand clan and became the new generation of the co-lord of the ten thousand clan.


influenced by,


  The status of the human race is also rising,


   has a faint tendency to become the head of the ten thousand races.


   Shennong is benevolent, his virtues are as bright as the sun, illuminating the entire predicament, and all races are bathed in his grace.


   It is this kind of character that makes the ten thousand peoples truly live in harmony under the governance of Shennong, with very few disputes.


   The harmony of all races also allows the races to marry each other to show friendship.


  The human race is the most popular in Honghuang because of the reason of being born in Taoism.




   Intermarriage between human race and foreign race,


   is also the most.

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