Flooded Star Road

Chapter 628: Immortal

Under the blessing of the glory of humanity, the power of Xuanyuan's attack was raised to the limit, breaking Xing Tian's almost invincible body.


   That's it, and it's useless!


"Ha ha!"

   "Pain, it's a long-lost feeling!"

   The body was broken, Xing Tian was not annoyed, but became more excited.

   Because, under Xuanyuan's attack, he felt the pressure that he hadn't felt since the decisive battle of the Lich.

   and pressure,

   is the driving force that forces him to progress.

   "The battle, this has just begun!"

   After hearing Xingtian's whisper, he saw his body, and suddenly there was boundless mana entangled in the sword wound.

   Then, amazing changes took place. I saw that the remaining sword intent at Xingtian's wound where the magic power passed, seemed to have been hit by a huge blow, and they collapsed one after another.

   His broken flesh and blood was born again.

   In a flash, Xing Tian's injuries completely recovered, and there was no trace of injury.

  Only the torn clothes still hung on Xing Tian's body, as if to prove the existence of the previous battle.

"This is……"

   "The flesh is immortal,"

   "The supreme supernatural power of blood rebirth?!"

   In the void in the distance, Xuanyuan couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice when he saw the changes in Xing Tian's body.

   Such methods are very familiar to him.

  Because, this is not the supreme supernatural power inherited by the Witch clan, but the supreme supernatural power that is naturally possessed by the way of the gods and demons after they have cultivated to an extremely deep state.

  After practicing the Way of Gods and Demons to a very deep state, the physical body will blend with the Dao, thereby having some of the characteristics of the immortal true spirit, thus achieving the state of immortality.

   Even if the body is shattered and wiped out by humans, wherever there is a trace of blood remaining, it can be used to reconsolidate the body.

   The reason why Xuanyuan is familiar with this supernatural power is because the two emperors before him, Fuxi and Shennong, could easily do this.

   In other words, the physical body is entrusted to the avenue in order to reach the immortal state. That is the realm of the gods and demons to cultivate to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and only after gaining Pan Gu Zhen can do.

   This is the symbol of God, Demon and Taoist Lord!

   It is precisely this point that makes Xuanyuan surprised at this time.

  Because Xing Tian's current strength is infinitely close to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but no matter how close it is, he is not really Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he is always a little behind.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   That's why, logically speaking, Xing Tian should not have this ability.

   In fact, Hong Huang truly relied on his own strength to reach this point, and he was only Dijiang alone.

   is the current Feng Zichen, and it is impossible to do this without the help of external forces.

   From this we can see how difficult it is to do this step.

   Feng Zichen, the founder of the Way of Gods and Demons, could not do something, how can Xing Tian do it?

  I can’t. His achievements in the way of gods and demons are even higher than the pioneer of Feng Zichen?

   I'm afraid that even Xing Tian is special, and he can't do this.

   There must be something wrong with this.




   "If Xing Tian can really do this without cost, I am afraid that he has long cultivated Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, how can he be trapped in the half-step Hunyuan state as he thinks now?"

   A move in his heart, Xuanyuan felt that Xing Tian's method of repairing his body must have some flaws, rather than being costless.

   Otherwise, if there is really no limit, he would have been enlightened long ago. This method is really the same as Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


   Thinking like this, Xuanyuan waved the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, igniting the dazzling sword light, and slew towards Xing Tian from a distance.

   He wanted to hurt Xingtian's body again, so that when he repaired his body, he could see the flaws in this method, or the price he needed to pay when he performed this method.

   The sword light is dazzling, and the power is unmatched. At a speed that surpasses time and space, he came to Xing Tian.


   is this extremely powerful sword, but it didn't work. He was blocked by Xing Tian.

   The same moves,

   With precautions,

   How can Xingtian be hit for the second time?

Just now,

   It was Xuanyuan's sudden eruption, and Xing Tian was caught unprepared, and was cut by Jianguang, so that his body was injured.

   Now that Xing Tian is prepared, if he is hit by Xuanyuan again, then he will really become a joke.



   Xing Tian shook the Xing Tian axe in his hand, and he saw an extremely terrifying force, accompanied by strands of innate evil aura, gushing from the axe, and went straight towards the sword light.

   In a blink of an eye,

   completely submerged and swallowed it!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  "Kill!"

   After smashing the sword light, Xing Tian didn't see any joy on his face. Instead, he became more and more frantic. He raised the axe in his hand and went straight to Xuanyuan.

   It has always been His Xingtian suppressing others to beat, when is it someone else's turn to suppress Him to beat?

   can't bear it!


   Seeing Xing Tian kill, Xuanyuan released his sword energy to block his footsteps, and at the same time withdrew and retreated quickly, pulling the distance between himself and Xing Tian.

   He still remembers,

   There is still a chance of winning in the long battle,

   Fight him up close, he will definitely lose!

   Xing Tian is stronger, but this place is in the depths of the void after all. He can't stand on the earth, so he can't get a steady stream of power from it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Its power has its limits.

   But Xuanyuan is different. With the blessing of human luck, his power is really endless. Long-distance exhaustion, Xingtian really can't exhaust him.



   One side wants to fight close, and one side wants to fight far, so the two sides are just like you chasing me, pulling in the depths of the void.

   In a blink of an eye,

   One thousand years have passed.

  In other words,

  The two sides have been fighting for a thousand years.

   As the millennium has passed, the gap between the two sides has also emerged.

   It can be seen that when the two sides are fighting, when Xing Tian dances the giant axe in his hand, he can no longer be as handy as before.

  He is tired!

   The high-intensity battle that lasted for thousands of years, even with the intensity of Xingtian, was a bit unsupportable.

   Every time he swings the Xingtian axe, he feels his arms are extremely heavy and he needs to spend more energy.

   Xingtian’s mana is about to bottom out.

   At this point in the war, Xing Tian was able to persist because of his unwavering faith.

   Belief does not fall, Xingtian does not fall!

   And Xuanyuan?

   His situation is the opposite of Xingtian!

   After thousands of years of fighting, Xuanyuan is not tired, but more energetic.

  Moreover, his moves are more comfortable than before. The mastery of supernatural powers has also exploded a lot more than before.


  After thousands of years of battle,

   Xuanyuan's strength has been fully improved.

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