Flooded Star Road

Chapter 750: Melee

The chaotic clock leaves the wild world and enters the great chaos outside the world, which is just like a fish in water, very pleasant.

   Amidst the great chaos outside the realm, the chaos clock spontaneously runs, gathering the chaotic energy from all directions, condensing the origin of the chaos, for the purpose of recovering from the injury of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

   In this way, with the help of Chaos Clock, Donghuang Taiyi quickly regained consciousness.

   Taiyi, who had recovered his consciousness, did not rush to return to the wild world, but concentrated on recovering from his injuries in the great chaos outside the world.

   And waiting for him to reunited in his body and fully recovered from his injuries, it was not known how many years later. It was also at this time that Taiyi suddenly realized that he, who had been wandering in the chaos outside the world for countless years, was lost.

   He can't find the way back to the wild world.

   In desperation, Tai Chi is cultivating while looking for a way back to the wild world.

   Under the protection of Chaos Clock, Taiyi is not afraid of encountering any danger, nor does he have to worry about encountering Chaos Demon God or something. The Chaos Clock still has the ability to shield the perception of the Chaos Demon God.

   In this way, Taiyi was alone, wandering around in the chaos outside the realm.

  Countless years have passed. Although Taiyi has not found a way to return to the prehistoric world, his strength has been fully improved, from the Hunyuan Triple Heaven to the Hunyuan Six Heaven.

   The strong mixed element is the Tao.

   The process by which they become stronger is to continuously improve their way. Learn knowledge from ten thousand ways to strengthen one's own way.

   Therefore, even in the chaos, Tai Yi does not have to worry about blocked roads. Without the Dao of Heaven, he would directly perceive the Dao and realize the principles of the Dao to improve his Dao.

   Of course, it is a little harder to understand the great way than to understand the heaven. But this is not a problem for Taiyi.

  Because his talent is very high, he can be called the strongest among the innate gods and demons. Coupled with the help of the Chaos Clock, it is not too difficult for him to realize the avenue.

   Peerless talents, peerless magic weapons, it is precisely because of these that Taiyi's progress can be so rapid, and he has cultivated the realm of the Sixth Heaven in the chaos.

   Moreover, there are no years in the chaos, and only tens of millions of years have passed in the predicament, but who knows how many years have passed in the chaos?

   I can’t say, Taiyi has cultivated in the chaos for hundreds of millions of years before he has the realm he is now.

   In short, it is a huge opportunity to go to the Great Chaos Outside the Realm as long as you don't die.


   Following Taiyi's narration, everyone gradually fell into his story and began to fantasize about Taiyi's encounter in the great chaos outside the world.

   At this moment, when everyone was distracted, he moved too much, and saw him jumping straight into the crater, where the back hand left by Emperor Jun was.

   He wants to take this opportunity, one step ahead of everyone, and take away the innate origin inside.

   Those innate origins were left by Emperor Jun to revive Tai One. But now, it has been resurrected too early, so naturally I don't need it anymore.

   can be used by too one, it does not mean that others cannot use it.

   With so many innate origins, the great supernatural powers present, refining by themselves, can enter the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   This is the chance of enlightenment.

   is not used for enlightenment, these innate origins are enough to do a lot of things. At once

   For example, resurrect Emperor Jun.

   can revive Taiyi's power, and naturally it can also revive Emperor Jun. Because, as everyone knows, Di Jun's strength is not as good as Taiyi.

   Now, Taiyi's purpose of grabbing these innate origins has already been very clear.

   is to revive Emperor Jun!


   Seeing, Tai Yi was about to rush into the volcano, keeping an eye on his Feng Zichen, and shot.

"go back!"

   Offering a sacrifice to the Humane Emperor's Seal, Feng Zichen smashed towards Taiyi fiercely.

   At the same time, Emperor Ziwei and Taiqing Saints also took action.

   The Zhoutian Star Chart and the Taiji Chart appeared at the same time, each exuding earth-shaking fluctuations, and stopped in front of Taiyi.

   There were Zhoutian stars and Taiji charts before, and later there was a humane emperor's seal. For a while, Tai Yi fell into a situation of being attacked by the enemy. The innate origin is right in front of him, but he can't get close to half a step.

   Of the three who attacked him, except that Feng Zichen was not his opponent, the other two, whether it was Emperor Ziwei or Taiqing Saint, were not weaker than his existence, even slightly stronger.

   The three of them work together, even if they are as strong as Tai One, they can only barely resist one or two, and it will be a matter of time before they lose.

   In this case, He still wants to obtain those innate origins, which can be said to be idiotic dreams.


try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   was staggered again by the Taiji Tu, Taiyi reluctantly stood up, and suddenly looked up to the sky with a long roar.

   In an instant, an invisible wave, centered on the One, spread in all directions.

   "No, stop him!"

   Seeing this, the three Feng Zichen thought about a possibility, but their complexions changed, and they pounced on Tai Yi more vigorously.

   At the same time, the three of them did not forget to roar towards the Five Saints: "What are you still doing in a daze? Don't you want to destroy that group of innate origin."

  As I spoke, I saw the depths of the volcano, the variables regenerating.

   That group of innate origins trembled violently, and then, vaguely you could see a vague figure slowly emerging.

  Looking at its appearance, it was actually very similar to Taiyi's face.

   is Taiyi's clone!

   The innate origin of the group was originally prepared by Emperor Jun for the resurrection of Tai One, and it was naturally connected with Tai One's breath.

   Now, Taiyi is driven to a desperate situation by the three Feng Zichen. In order to take away the innate origin, Tai Yi used his connection with the innate origin to forcibly transform it into his own clone.

   In this way, once the clone is conceived, no one can stop Taiyi from taking away the innate origin.

   It was thought of this possibility that Feng Zichen and the other three people changed their expressions greatly.

   "Damn it!"

   At this time, All Saints also noticed the changes in their innate origin, and their complexion also became difficult to look at.


   Almost without any hesitation, the Five Sages directly joined forces, once again displayed their magical powers, and blasted toward the innate origin.

   At this moment, only those saints dared to make a move, and those with great magical powers would never dare to make a move at this moment.

   Taiyi’s fierce name is deeply imprinted in their hearts.

  In the ancient times, there were the most great supernatural powers belonging to the one kill. How did you come from when those innate origins came from? Overkill.

   How can he not make people scared?


   The five sages’ supernatural powers blasted, and the ancestor phantom lightly brushed his hand and destroyed those supernatural powers.

   The attack of the Five Saints failed again.

   However, they were not discouraged either.

   After hearing it again, the Five Saints once again mobilized their mana, displayed their magical powers, and blasted over again.

   Although the magic weapon left by the Dao ancestor is strong, it is not the Dao ancestor himself. There is a limit to being strong. Even if it blocks one or two times, can he block it three or four times?

   Boom! boom! boom!

   A wave of magical powers blasted, and the phantom of Dao Ancestor became lighter and lighter, until it finally disappeared.

   Also at this time, without the obstacle of Dao Ancestor Void, that saint’s supernatural powers slammed onto the innate origin.


   But when a shocking sound rang out, the group of innate origins burst into pieces, turned into sky fragments, and was about to merge into the world.

   But, at this moment, in the void, huge roots suddenly stretched out, sweeping toward the broken fragments of innate origin.

   is the world tree!

   It’s Sekaiju that made the shot!

   So many innate origins, if they were allowed to merge into the world, wouldn’t it be wasted? It might as well be swallowed by the world and become a resource for promotion.

   Until the world tree is promoted in the future, it can better replenish the world.

   This is truly sustainable development.

   At this point, while fighting with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Feng Zichen did not forget to communicate with the World Tree secretly, telling him to devour these innate origins.

   Seeing the roots that suddenly rushed out, swallowing the fragments of the innate origin, everyone's first reaction was to break them.

   But at the moment of the shot, everyone suddenly recognized the origin of the World Tree.

   "No, it's the World Tree. Get it off quickly. Don't hurt him. Otherwise, the trouble will be big."

   In the exclamation, everyone hurriedly stopped, but they did not dare to shoot at the roots of the World Tree.

   As everyone knows, the World Tree is the only spiritual root of Primordial Chaos, it is also the root of Primordial Realm, and it is the thing that Heavenly Dao attaches great importance to.

   After hurting him, he will face the thunderous wrath of heaven. In an instant, even if the sky is imminent, you will also peel off if you don't die.

   is to shoot against the saint, but not against the world tree.

   His identity is so important.

   In the eyes of heaven, the world tree is much more precious than the saint. After all, with the existence of the world tree, Honghuang would not be completely shattered anyway.

   Even with the growth of the World Tree, Great World will also be eligible for promotion.

   Such a treasure, how can God allow others to destroy it?


try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}  ……

   "Damn it!"

   Seeing that the congenital origin was broken by the sages, Dong Huang Taiyi was furious, and slammed the Chaos Clock in front of him.

   Immediately, there was a sound, the Chaos Clock and the Humane Emperor Seal, Zhoutian Star Diagram, Taiji Diagram, three congenital treasures violently collided with each other.


   The waves that ruined the heavens and the earth came. In an instant, everything melted, everything disappeared, and everything turned into nothingness.

   The four innate treasures, after the fierce collision, each flew back upside down.

  噗! puff! puff! puff!

   The Four Treasures flew upside down, and the terrifying counter-shock power came, and the four of them immediately spewed a mouthful of blood from the sky, each being traumatized.

   Among the four, Donghuang Taiyi's injuries were the most serious. His body almost collapsed, like broken porcelain, and his entire body was covered with cracks.

   After all, the three of Feng Zichen have endured one part of the counter-shock force, but he has endured three parts in total.

   After the four, it was the great gods who were injured. In order to prevent the fighting of the four from spreading to the prehistoric world, everyone has been trying their best to seal off this battlefield.

   But this time, the four of them all used their full strength, and the aftermath of the magical powers produced far exceeded the limit they could bear.

   As soon as they contacted, they were seriously injured, and they broke through their defense.

  If it weren't for the critical moment, the other saints would help out and spread the aftermath of supernatural powers, fearing that they could directly destroy the prehistoric world.



   With the opportunity of being shaken off, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi finally came to the depths of the train, and saw his big sleeve waving, and he began to compete with the World Tree for the fragments of its innate origin.

   At this time, every time a piece of innate origin fragments are collected, in the future, the time it will take for Tai Yi to resurrect Emperor Jun will be reduced by one point.

   Seeing this, the three Feng Zichen also ignored the siege of Tai Yi, and joined the battlefield fighting for the innate origin.

   The innate origin left by Emperor Jun is really too much, and its value is not much weaker than the innate treasure. If this is not the case, how can the Supreme One be resurrected?

   Such a treasure, let alone a stranger, even a saint, is also heart-moving.

After the three of    Feng Zichen, the rest of the saints also joined the scramble.

   For a while, the scene became more chaotic.

   As time went by, somehow, rushing to fight, everyone started fighting.

   A melee broke out.


   Taichi shook the Chaos Clock abruptly and blatantly killed the Saint Zhunti. At the same time, Yuanshi Tianzun shook the Pangu banner and directly slammed Feng Zichen.

   Here, seeing Yuanshi Tianzun killing Xiangfeng Zichen, Emperor Ziwei was about to rescue him, but beside him, the Taiqing Saint suddenly came and killed him holding a Taiji diagram.

   In desperation, Emperor Ziwei had to sacrifice the Zhoutian Star Map and fought against the Taiqing Saints.

   At another place, Hou Tu saw this, and was about to get up and go to help, but before he left, the Master Tongtian had already killed him with the four swords of Zhuxian. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

   sighed, Houtu Empress sacrificed the phantom of six reincarnation discs, and greeted Zhuxian's Four Swords.

   As for the introduction of the saint, the moment Donghuang Taiyi had always mentioned the saint to take action, he had already ran over to help. Join forces with the sage Zhunti to fight against the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

   Otherwise, just mentioning the saint is definitely not the opponent of Donghuang Taiyi.

   As for the Nuwa Empress, he did not appear in this battle. His identity is too embarrassing. The Wa emperor of the demon clan in the past, even if he quit the demon clan, still has a passion for incense.

   It's not good to deal with Donghuang Taiyi.

   Therefore, He will not show up at all, so as not to embarrass each other.

   Of course, Nuwa Empress has so much affection with the demon race. After avoiding Donghuang Tai a few times, this incense affection is completely broken.

   At that time, they are just fellow daoists, not the same fellows of the past.


   However, I said that I would not make a move, but at this moment, the Nuwa Empress also had to make a move.

   I saw the Qiankun Ding hanging down from the sky, exuding the aura of suppressing the universe, and working with the great supernatural powers, to peel off the battlefield where Feng Zichen and others were located, and plunge into the chaos beyond the sky.

After   , I saw the Great Ding Hing between the heaven and the earth, suppressing the restless earth, fire and water, and re-stabilizing the prehistoric order.

   And when the Nuwa Empress made her move, the few people who were fighting also felt it, and they were very cooperative, allowing him to strip away the void.

   It is precisely for this reason that Nuwa Empress and other talents will so easily separate the battlefield from the predicament.

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