Flooded Star Road

Chapter 631: Change again

, The fastest update Honghuang Xingchen Dao!

In Honghuang,

Only Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian,

Fang is the foundation of a clan's everlasting prosperity.

As long as Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has appeared in the clan, then this clan can survive forever.

Even if the calamity comes, the era changes, the world is turbulent...As long as the prehistoric world is not completely destroyed, then this clan will never be in danger of extinction.

Just like the second family of the Lich and the three innate families, even if they are now declining, who would dare to destroy them?

No one dares to do it!

Because behind them, there is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Even if it is the fallen Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is also Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, with a very powerful deterrent power, enough to shelter the family, so that no one dares to do that genocide.

Therefore, although the second family of Lich, and even the third family of innate have fallen, they have not been annihilated.

Moreover, the so-called decline is only temporary, once they are allowed to find opportunities, they will rise quickly.


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It is to have the confidence of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!


Xuanyuan hopes so urgently that the Human Race has a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian of his own.

The human race at the moment seems to be prosperous, but in fact there are hidden dangers. The so-called Daxing is just an illusion deliberately created by the saint according to the will of heaven.

This is completely false, it has no foundation, it is like a bubble, and it breaks at the touch of a button.

If one day, the way of heaven will no longer support the human race. Then, in an instant, the human race will be beaten back to its original form and become a feast for the great supernatural powers.

But if the Human Race had Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, everything would be different, which means that the Human Race has the qualifications to get rid of the Dao of Heaven.

Beyond the world, represents the infinite possibilities!




"at the moment,"

"I can only pin my hopes on Zi Chen."

"He is the first genius of my human race, and also the strongest person of my human race, and he is the closest existence of my human race to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

"He is the only human race, and it is most likely to become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If he can't break through, then human race..."

In melancholy, Xuanyuan thought of Feng Zichen, thinking that he was the hope of the human race.

After all, the series of achievements He has made are so dazzling that even the glory of the saints is obscured by Him.

If such a character can't be enlightened, then Xuanyuan really can't think of anyone who should be enlightened and transcend the world.


"A saint,"

"Two Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian,"

"What a marvellous good fortune is the Witch Clan!"

After talking about himself, when Xuanyuan raised his head to look at Xing Tian, ​​he couldn't help but feel jealous again.

It's so enviable!

A saint is enough to suppress the prehistoric, but in addition to the saint, the Wu clan also has two Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, how can this not be jealous?

It's simply too strong...

Of course, Xuanyuan was afraid that he didn't know the situation of Xuanming Ancestral Witch. If he knew it, he would be even more envious.

The Twelve Temples are not made in vain. They stand on the wild land, gathering true spirits for the fallen ancestral witches and accumulating their origins. But this does not mean that the living ancestor witch cannot benefit from it.

Because of the reason Xuanming Ancestral Witch had never fallen, the origins that belonged to his temple and gathered will naturally gather in him to enhance his strength.

It can be said that in the future, even if Xuanming Ancestral Witch does not need to do anything, Xuanming Temple itself can help him cultivate and push him all the way to the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The uniqueness of the twelve ancestor witches is here, with the origin of the earth.

This is an opportunity that outsiders can't envy.

With the help of Xuanming Temple, Xuanming Ancestor Witch He Chou couldn't break through Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

That is to say, this matter is relatively secretive, and not many people know about it. Otherwise, if it is spread out, it will attract the envy of a large number of people.


Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, three thousand years of time have passed hurriedly.

In other words, three thousand years have passed since Xingtian's transformation began.

And after three thousand years of transformation, Xing Tian has also reached a critical juncture.

I saw him shrouded in divine brilliance, and countless mysterious runes continued to rise and fall in it, as if expounding the heavens and the earth, the mysterious and unpredictable.

That is Xing Tian's body, the expression of Pangu blood urging to the limit.

Under the blessing of the humane emperor's seal, the power of Pangu's bloodline has been maximized, and it has overwhelmed the power of the Chaos Demon God in one fell swoop. It has now suppressed all of it and is waiting to be slowly wiped out.

Under the suppression of the Pangu bloodline, the power of the Chaos Demon God no longer has the strength to stir up trouble. And without the interference of the power of the Chaos Demon God, the connection between Xing Tian's body and head began to gradually recover.

A strange force emanated from Xing Tian's neck, trying to recall the severed head.


In the distance, the head of Xing Tian, ​​who had fallen into silence since being cut off by Xuanyuan's sword, finally reacted to the call of Xing Tian's body and trembling slightly.

"Head over..."


"Head over..."

"Head over..."

After sensing the breath of the skull, Xing Tian called out unconsciously, almost instinctively.


Under the call of Xing Tian's body, Xing Tian's head trembled more violently, and he slowly floated from the air, flew to Xing Tian's body staggeringly, and wanted to reunite with him.

Hunyuan is like one, the road is complete!

After Xingtian's head is reunited with his body, he will gain some kind of "consummation" and his consciousness will wake up.

At that time, nothing happened to Xuanyuan, and he could leave.

Next, it was Xing Tian's own business. Return to Pangu Temple, enter the deepest level of enlightenment, to complete the final transformation, and break through to become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.



This battle,

Xuanyuan was tempered,

Xing Tian can see the way forward and get the chance to enlightenment.

Everything is so perfect, fully in line with Feng Zichen and Houtu's plan.

Just wait for Xingtian's head to return to his position, and the matter can end perfectly.


God’s way is still flawed,

What's more, this world?

In the world,

There is no such thing as perfection.

So, an accident happened!

At the moment when Xing Tian's head was about to fly back to his body, an accident happened.

There is an inexplicable power, born from nothingness, powerful and terrifying, attacking Xingtian's head directly.

Unprepared, the head of Xing Tian who was hanging in the air was directly hit by him!

With a bang, the power of terror erupted, and the head of Xing Tian was beaten into powder by this power on the spot, and turned into a rain of blood.

But this is not over yet!

Seeing that the terrifying power did not fade after smashing Xingtian's head, but spreading in the void, turning into a rain of blood after Xingtian's head was broken, and swept away.

Judging from its posture, it is to completely obliterate it, so as to cut off the possibility of Xing Tian's head reuniting!

Stable, accurate and ruthless!

have to say,

The one who shot,

Really seized a good opportunity.

Seeing that the accomplishment is about to be completed, Feng Zichen and the others will inevitably relax their vigilance a little. If that person makes a move at this time, can he not make a contribution in one fell swoop?

Smashing and obliterating Xing Tian's head, although it can't stop Xing Tian's promotion to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it can delay his breakthrough.

Hunyuan, what pays attention to is consummation.

If the head is broken by someone and the body becomes crippled because of this, won't you lose Consummation?

It is true that with Xing Tian's power, after removing the power of the Chaos Demon God, a new head can be reborn at any time. But how can the newly born head compare with the head that has been polished for endless years?

This requires a long period of time to get in touch with each other to achieve coordination with the original body.

And this time of running-in, isn't it delayed? The time of enlightenment will naturally be delayed for a while.

And the longer the time, the greater the variables.

Who knows what will happen to Xingtian during that time?

Therefore, those who secretly act are not vicious. I just can't stop you, and I'm going to disgust you too.



Faced with the sudden change, before Xuanyuan would react, two bursts suddenly sounded when he went underground that day, at about the same time:

"Thief, dare!"

Before the two voices fell, I saw the boundless star power hanging down in the starry sky above the sky, turning into countless sharp swords, like heavy rain, falling toward the depths of the void.

At the same time, in the underground Netherworld, the power of reincarnation rolled out, exuding waves that destroy everything, and swept toward the power that wanted to destroy Xingtian's head.

These two people,

Naturally, Feng Zichen and Houtu.

When they saw someone attacking Xingtian, the anger in their hearts can be imagined.


They were interrupted by others at the happiest moment.

The feeling of not going up or down is like a knuckle in the throat, making the anger in their hearts, especially flaming, almost geometrically skyrocketing.

Therefore, without hesitation, they immediately shot at the fastest speed.

One shot from the sky,

One shot from the ground.

A kill to the depths of the void to block the escape route of the sneak attackers,


One kills to Xingtian's side to protect Xingtian's head.


Reincarnation is impermanent, cyclical, indeterminate...

Its good fortune is endless, and its power is endless.

Almost as soon as it appeared, the inexplicable power that killed Xingtian's head was wiped out.

However, although Houtu made a quick move, it was a step slower than the sneak attacker after all. And it was the difference in this step that made the blood rain that Xingtian's head had wiped out, about three or four layers.

In this way, although Xingtian's head was preserved, Xingtian's head would inevitably be severely injured, and it would take some time to recuperate.

It stands to reason that the timing of Xing Tian's breakthrough will inevitably be delayed due to this severe damage.

However, the power of reincarnation is worthy of being one of the most powerful forces in the prehistoric world, and its power is strange and far beyond imagination.


In the void, Houtu's cold voice suddenly echoed.

The voice just fell,

See you,

The rolling power of reincarnation,

Suddenly turn.

In an instant,

Time and space are distorted.

The part of Xing Tian's head that had been wiped out before, unexpectedly resurfaced from the void.

This is the greatness of the power of reincarnation!

Distorting time and space, messing up the past, the present and the future.

Once the force was applied, the part of Xingtian's head that had been completely wiped out was robbed back from the past.


Houtu is shocking, Feng Zichen is not bad.

Seeing the sword rain floating down in the sky, in an instant, it completely wiped out the stubbornness of the void and turned it into a state of "nothing".

It was also at this time that a weird shadow escaped from here in an embarrassing manner.

And at the moment this weird shadow emerged from the void, on Ziwei Star, Feng Zichen's eyes had already locked him firmly.

It can be seen that at this moment, Feng Zichen's eyes have completely turned into the color of purple and gold.

This is the state where the gods of the heavens are fully open.

He is using this method to peep into the true identity of the weird shadow, so that he can find it out, behead it thoroughly, to vent the anger in his heart, and to frighten some people with ulterior motives.



"Incarnate outside?"

"That's right, how can you let the deity come forward after doing this snoring thing?"

"However, it doesn't matter. When the widow takes down your external incarnation, I am not afraid of not knowing your true origin."

On Ziwei Star, Feng Zichen frowned, but he saw the origin of the weird shadow, which was the external incarnation of a certain powerful existence.

Think about it, this is also normal.

This kind of thing, once done, will clearly offend Hou Tu to death. In this way, if the true identity is exposed, it is bound to be chased to death by Hou Tu, and others will find no reason to intercede.


The avatar outside the body becomes the best cover.

Why is it necessary to refine the external incarnation? Isn't it what it is used to give the deity back the pot at the critical moment?

Just like temporary workers in later generations, problems are all done by the incarnation (temporary worker) outside the body, and has nothing to do with the deity (regular employee).

"Ha ha!"

"Your Majesty Ziwei, your strength is indeed strong enough, not inferior to a saint. It is easy to defeat the poor Dao. But when it comes to capturing the poor Dao, it is not that simple."

After hearing Feng Zichen's words, the weird shadow laughed and replied confidently.


"Then give it a try!"

"Let the widow witness what you can do."

In response, Feng Zichen just smiled faintly, and directly reached out his hand and pressed it towards him far away, hoping to suppress it in one fell swoop.

At the same time, in order to prevent the shadow from exploding, Feng Zichen also secretly set up the Hongmeng Purple Clock. As long as it has a tendency to explode or become self-defeating, he will sacrifice the Hongmeng Dao Bell to freeze this time and space.

With this preparation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Feng Zichen's heart does not think that the other party will explode.

As for why Feng Zichen thinks so, there is a reason.

The Witch tribe has dominated the prehistoric land for many years, and there are not one or two great magicians who have offended them.

But dozens or hundreds of them.

When the Wu Clan is strong, these great magicians can't do anything with them.

But right now, the Wu clan has fallen.

Under this circumstance, how could they allow the Wu Clan to have one more Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and re-emerge?

Therefore, they will take action to block Xing Tian Cheng Dao, so as to cut off the hope of the rise of the Witch Clan.


The rise of the Witch Clan is not seen, but it is not only these great supernatural powers who have enemies with it.

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