Flooded Star Road

Chapter 638: Pangu shot

The 638th chapter Pangu shots

Heaven has come!


The vast will gushing out of nothingness, and in a blink of an eye, he swept all the Zhoutian temples.

Also at this time,

Everything about the Zhoutian Temple,

Even the plan of Feng Zichen and others,

All were sensed by Heaven.

But God, don't care at all!

He only knew that with the erection of three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples, the land of the great land would become more stable, and that was enough.

As for Feng Zichen and others, are they selfish?

Does this matter?

In the eyes of Tiandao, the stability of the prehistoric is more than anything else. The rest, compared with it, are just subtle details, not worthy of attention at all.

Therefore, as long as the establishment of the Zhoutian Temple is confirmed, it can bring benefits to the great land. Whether that Feng Zichen and others can make personal gains from this matter, Tiandao doesn't care at all.

Just now,

The reason why Tiandao scanned Zhoutian Temple was to determine whether its existence was good or bad for the great land.

And the result is obvious!

Establishing the Zhoutian Temple, in the vast land, there is no harm in a hundred miles!


This matter, God allowed it!




A ray of divine light bloomed from the Zhoutian Temple, shining incomparably, straight into the nine layers of clouds, and made an inexplicable connection with the Zhoutian stars above the distant sky.


At this moment, the stars vibrated, each bursting into bright light, unparalleled star power gushing out of its body, and each poured into the Zhoutian Temple corresponding to itself.

Ho Ho Ho...

With the blessing of Zhou Tian's star power, Zhou Tian's temple is undergoing changes, a series of vague figures slowly appearing in the temple, ancient and mysterious, as if strolling from the past to the present.

That is……

The phantom of Zhoutian Star God!

Every star of the week will give birth to an innate star god, who are the children of the stars and the natural masters of the stars.

At this time, the phantom of the Zhoutian Star God was born in the Zhoutian Temple, which shows that they have been recognized by the Zhoutian Star and can draw on the power of the Zhoutian Star Origin.

at the same time,

This also represents,

The Galaxy Universe Array has taken shape!



Before the Ziwei Temple, Shaohao looked at the divinely shining Zhoutian Temple, his hands were suddenly sealed, pointed at the void, and said:

"Star River Zhouguang Great Array, get up!"

As soon as the voice fell, the change was alive.

The rushing divine light on the Heavenly Temple of that week suddenly began to shrink, and in a blink of an eye, it all retracted into the body of the Temple.

Immediately afterwards, as if compressed to the extreme, the divine light burst out, accompanied by countless mysterious runes, sweeping towards all directions.

The divine light was dazzling, and the runes were endless, but in the blink of an eye, the entire prehistoric land was flooded.


Above the sky, the stars vibrated, and the endless star power fell down and was absorbed by the Zhoutian Temple.

With the help of that magic light rune, its momentum soared, and it became a piece in an instant.


Amazing changes have happened!


The entire prehistoric world was buzzing, Wan Dao was also trembling, as if trembling, and as if excited, a series of amazing visions were born.

And in those amazing visions, a vast, ancient and stalwart phantom quietly descended.

Pangu phantom!

Do not,


It's Pangu God Man!

He appeared so abruptly, standing silently above the three hundred and sixty Zhoutian Temples, silently guarding the wild land.

But that's it,

At the moment when Pangu God and Man appeared,

His stalwart figure still makes it impossible to look directly at him.

Yes, unlike Feng Zichen's reconstruction of the boundless starry sky, Shennong re-organized the veins, and the pangu **** and man faintly disappeared.

This time, the phantom of Pangu God and Man clearly appeared on the wild land, so that all races, great supernatural powers, and even the Chaos Demon Gods could clearly perceive his existence.

This was done deliberately by Feng Zichen!

Its purpose is to deter people with ulterior motives.

He just wants to tell the world clearly:

The wild land is guarded by Pangu gods, and anyone with ulterior motives will put out the thoughts that shouldn't be there.


Under Pangu's axe, there is death but no life!



"That is……"

"That is……"

"Father Pangu?"

Suddenly seeing the appearance of the Pangu gods, not to mention the masters of the ten thousand races, the great magical powers who secretly watched here were all startled.

In Honghuang, no matter who it is, there is an unreachable peak in his heart, that is Pangu.

In the hearts of all living beings, Pangu Father God, that is the invincible existence. The known, the unknown, wherever exists, no one can compete with it except the avenue.

It can be seen that

Pangu's position in the minds of all living beings.


Suddenly seeing the manifestation of Pangu God and Man, everyone's hearts are inevitably a little excited.

Those with great supernatural powers are okay, because they are old enough and have experienced many catastrophes.

Therefore, they have more or less seen the manifestation of Pangu phantom. Therefore, in their hearts, surprise is greater than excitement.

But all sentient beings are different.

With the several changes of heaven and earth, those creatures who have seen Pangu phantom have either already proclaimed the Dao, or died in the catastrophe and turned into dust.

Therefore, all beings in the world today are all new generations of beings. Most of their understanding of Pangu Dadao Zun originated from legends, and they have never personally experienced himself and his greatness.

But now, with the manifestation of Pangu God and Man, the legend has become a reality, and the excitement in everyone's hearts can be imagined.

"Meet Father Pangu!"

Unbearable excitement, everyone paid homage to Pangu gods to express their excitement.

For a while,

The name of Pangu,

Resound throughout the prehistoric!






Perhaps it was the expectation of sentient beings, and when it worked, the Pangu will in the dark actually responded.


An incomparably vast force suddenly broke out in the depths of the void, spreading at a speed that surpassed time and space and beyond thinking.

In an instant, it swept the entire prehistoric land!


At this moment, time and space seem to be still!

Everything fell into stagnation.

It was not until an angry roar resounded loudly throughout the entire wilderness that everyone came back to their senses.


A pangu, endless grudges, and the unwillingness and hatred contained in his voice are moving people to hear.

"It's the Chaos Demon God!"

After the voice fell, Feng Zichen made a judgment for the first time, it was the voice of the Chaos Demon God.

Obviously, this time Pangu took advantage of the opportunity to respond to sentient beings and gave the Chaos Demon God a ruthless one.

He just didn't know what he did specifically to make the Chaos Demon God so unwilling.

But there is no doubt that the Chaos Demon God will never feel well when he is hit by Pangu. Otherwise, their voices would not be so harsh.

Perhaps, it was Pangu who took the opportunity to break the grand plan of the resurrection of the Chaos Demon God, maybe.

No matter how,

Pangu's shot is always a good thing.

I believe that after this incident, the Chaos Demon God will definitely be scrupulous, and will not act as unscrupulous as before.



There are many thoughts in his heart, but Feng Zichen's hand movements are not slow, almost the moment that voice disappeared, he shot.

Majestic spirit,

Well out of his body,

Covering the entire prehistoric world, trying to find out the whereabouts of the loud Chaos Demon God. This person was hit by Pangu and would never feel well.

And this is Feng Zichen's opportunity.

As the saying goes, take advantage of his illness and kill him!

At this time, it was a great opportunity to destroy this Chaos Demon God.

at this time,

Not only Feng Zichen thinks like this,

The rest of the great supernatural powers, holding the same mind as him, released their spiritual thoughts one after another, searching the world, trying to find the person's location, in order to avoid future troubles.

But it is a pity that they are all disappointed!

No matter what method they used, they could not find out the whereabouts of the Chaos Demon God.

Obviously, the other party is not a fool, knowing that his state is wrong at the moment, it is very likely that everyone will be surrounded and killed, so he left early.

"The Chaos Demon God is worthy of being the son of Chaos, but there are many methods."

Feng Zichen didn't find anyone, and Feng Zichen was not too disappointed.

Because he and everyone knew that the current situation of the Chaos Demon God would definitely not be better. Pangu Dadao Venerable will not make a move for no reason. Since he shot the opponent's Chaos Demon God, it shows that the opponent must have paid an unimaginable price.

Just because they are too low-level, it is impossible to see what the cost is.

But it doesn't matter. With the passage of time, one day, the loss suffered by the Chaos Demon God today will be exposed to everyone.



Putting the matter of the Chaos Demon God aside, the great changes are still continuing, but it is not Shaohao who is pushing this change, but Feng Zichen on Ziwei Star.

Pangu Will continued to fall into a deep sleep after the shot. Affected by this, Pangu God and Man also gradually disappeared, disappearing before everyone's eyes, and Zhoutian Temple was thus restored to calm.

Everything is back to normal.

As before, nothing has changed. But everyone knows that with the establishment of the Zhoutian Temple, everything is different.

At the very least, the acquired air that flowed between the earth and the day became smoother.

No change can be accomplished overnight, especially this kind of change that affects the entire primordial land, even less likely to be completed in a short period of time.

This is as easy as heaven and earth, slowly changing with the passage of time.


After the galaxy universe was launched,

The patriarchs of the ten thousand clan left and went back to the clan, waiting for the changes in the world.


Before everyone left,

Heaven also gave them their due rewards.

Soon after the Zhoutian Temple was established, above the sky, auspicious clouds gathered in the sky, and the golden light was shining brightly, shining endless mountains and rivers.

That is Xuanhuang merit!

The appearance of the Zhoutian Temple is conducive to the stability of the great land, and it also promotes the development of the heaven and the earth, which can be said to be a contribution to the heaven and the earth.

And if there is merit, there is reward!

Xuanhuang merit,

It is the best return to them.

The boundless merits fall, half fall into the human race, and half are divided equally by the ten thousand races.

So far,

Shaohao and Ten Thousand Clan, both have accomplished their merits and virtues.

But their merits are consummated, and Feng Zichen is not consummated by merits. With the establishment of the Zhoutian Temple, on that day, on the ground, and on the ground, the three of them were already seated by the gods of Pangu.

The fulfillment of this condition can help Feng Zichen to promote the process of the great famine.

See you,

On the purple star,

Feng Zichen got up suddenly,

Fully inspire the endless starry sky!

At the same time, the power of Pangu gods bloomed silently, covering the entire endless starry sky, covering up the fluctuations of the endless starry sky, making it impossible for outsiders to notice.

"Just use it,"

"Come and verify my way!"

With a whisper, Feng Zichen urged the power of the boundless starry sky to resonate with the Zhoutian Temple on the ground and the spiritual veins of the earth underground.


In that time and space that no one noticed, the Pangu god-man in the boundless starry sky, the Pangu god-man on the prehistoric world, and the underground Pangu god-man quietly emerged.

Heaven is god, earth is air, man is essence,

These three Pangu gods and men, the trinity, symbolize the spirit of spirit, and when they meet, they will give rise to endless good fortune.


In a trance, the three Pangu gods and men suddenly merged into one, turning into a clearer and more mysterious Pangu **** and man.

at the same time,

With the fusion of the three Pangu gods and men,

The entire prehistoric world seems to be more vivid.

Hunyuan is like one!

The fusion of the three Pangu gods and men has made the prehistoric world more and more complete~www.wuxiaspot.com~ more vibrant and more mysterious.


The Pangu **** opened his mouth, and sucked a wave of chaos from the great chaos outside the world.

The chaotic energy entered the body, first circled in the endless starry sky, and then flowed into the wild land, after twelve seriousness, slowly poured into the dantian.

After that, Dantian generates fire, cultivates Qi and transforms God, refines God to return to Void, reverts to Void, and combines Dao, refines it into the purest origin of heaven and earth, and slowly merges into Da Luo Tian.

During this period, part of the Qi of Chaos was refined and blended into the Twelve Serious Sutras to enhance the origin of the earth and sublimate the earth veins.

The Zhoutian Temple, as the hub of the acupuncture point and a place to transform the Qi of Chaos, also received some benefits. Some of the chaotic air of the sky remained, which became the foundation of Zhou Tian's stars to support the Golden Immortal Daluo.

In this process, the ones that benefit the most are the Boundless Starry Sky and Da Luotian.

The refined Chaos Qi, while restoring Zhou Tian's stars, all flooded into the Daluo Heaven to maintain its status as the highest heaven.

The more vigorous the origin of Da Luotian, the more masters he can accommodate, and Feng Zichen, who is a god, can also get more benefits.

At the very least, if Da Luotian becomes the source of ten thousand ways, Feng Zichen can gain a glimpse of ten thousand ways and achieve the status of Lord of ten thousand ways.


The qi of chaos flows from the endless starry sky into the wild, flows to the earth, goes through a circle, returns again, and merges into the big Luotian.

It is a big cycle!

It belongs to the big circle of heaven and earth!

At this time, if someone looks at the wild land from the chaos, they will find that on the wild land, a huge figure faintly emerges, breathing in the air of chaos from all directions.

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