Flooded Star Road

Chapter 655: 5 Emperor Consummation

, The fastest update Honghuang Xingchen Dao!

Only living people whose breath pervades the heavens and the earth can make the all directions converge.


"The second time!"

"I don't know what plan this majesty has, he wants to cheat death frequently."

"It is important to know that if he is willing to concentrate on cultivation as his Dao Zun identity, I am afraid that it will not take long to achieve a free and easy Hunyuan Daluojin fairyland."

"It won't be like today, like me, stuck in the realm of half-step Hunyuan."

"However, everything will be different after today. With the help of so much luck, I am afraid that it will be difficult for Emperor Gouchen not to break through."

"It's the same force that comes to the world. Under the impetus of boundless luck, enlightenment. Isn't that easy?"

Withdrawing their gazes towards Gou Chenxing, everyone sighed.

Don't watch, don't watch.

If you look at it again, I'm afraid the heart will not be able to stand it.

This kind of encounter is not envious.


boom! boom! boom!

Gouchen star, in the Gouchen Tiangong, with the boundless luck rushing in, the giant cocoon that Gouchen Great Emperor turned into is beating frantically.

And every time he beats, it seems to resonate with the world of heaven and earth, and it affects the pulse of heaven and earth, and then it becomes rhythmic.

Faintly, the supreme coercion permeated, suppressing the sky and the underground, ancient, modern and future.

This is……

The breath of Hunyuan!

It's a breakthrough!

Emperor Gouchen is about to break through!

He, who was already in a period of transformation, was driven by infinite luck, and finally took that crucial step to cultivate into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

can be seen,

In the huge Gouchen Tiangong, there is boundless air luck, almost condensed into substance, reaching the level that the naked eye can see.


Just when these air transports were condensed to the limit, an inexplicable force emerged.


Just like sparks falling into a pan, these air lucks burned with a "boom" and turned into a dazzling fire, burning violently, releasing unparalleled energy, and rushing to the huge that Emperor Gouchen transformed into. Light cocoon.

Qi Luck is the No. 1 treasure in the wild, and it can do beyond imagination. His power can be said to be the ultimate mystery.

The power of the flame ignited with him as fuel can be imagined.

Absolutely beyond imagination!

can be seen,

Under the fire of luck,

Great changes have taken place in the light cocoon that Emperor Gouchen turned into.

Zi Zi Zi...

Piles of black smoke emerged from it, slowly dissipating into the void.

That's the impurity on Emperor Gouchen!

To be precise, it is the impurity in the incense aspiration force.

At the beginning, in order to restore his strength as soon as possible, Emperor Gouchen chose to use the incense willingness.

He used his great magical powers to turn the incense aspiration power accumulated in the Gochen Tiangong for nearly tens of millions of years into a huge cocoon, and his own true spirit entered into it, reshaping the Dao body with the origin of the incense aspiration power.

This is the origin of the light cocoon in the Gouchen Heavenly Palace, and it is also the means by which the Great Emperor Gouchen resurrected.

Incense aspiration power, a wonderful force born in the hearts of all living beings, has the ability to make dreams come true.

Of course, the speed of reshaping the Taoist body with this power is incredible. However, the power of incense is not without hidden dangers.

As the saying goes, incense is poisonous!

How can the power born in the hearts of sentient beings be so easy to absorb? The incense aspiration power is mainly composed of the thoughts in the hearts of everyone.

They are good or bad, but they all carry the distracting thoughts of sentient beings.

One or two may be okay, but the thoughts of endless sentient beings will attack together, and they are great supernatural powers. I am afraid that they will completely lose themselves under the washing of sentient thoughts!

Even if the incense aspiration power used by the Great Emperor Gouchen has been tempered by the fire, it has eliminated the seven emotions and six desires of the sentient beings.

But after all, the fire is only the fire of the human race, and the power is limited, and it may not be able to completely remove all the impurities in it.

If it is normal,

A small amount of impurities may not affect much.

But it is different when breaking through Hunyuan.

Hunyuan people, Hunyuan is the same, and they emphasize perfection. The slightest flaw is enough to cause the breakthrough to fail.


Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the Great Emperor Gouchen exercised himself with Qi Luck as a fire, so as to completely solve the hidden dangers of incense and willingness in his body.

Qi Luck is the most mysterious power of Honghuang.

If even He can't solve the hidden danger of incense aspiration, then there is really no other way to solve the hidden danger of incense aspiration.

But is it possible?

There may be things that cannot be solved by luck, but it will never be the power of incense.



With the passage of time, more and more qi luck gathered, making the fire of qi luck under the light cocoon even more flaming.

And under the burning of the fire of stronger and stronger air transport, more and more impurities are refined out of the light cocoon.

The Dao body of Emperor Gouchen is even more perfect.

A breath that is very close to perfection, emanating from his body, is extremely mysterious.

He is getting closer and closer to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

It is estimated that in a million years, he will be enlightened.

And a million years later, it is time for him to become the emperor of heaven.

Ascending to the throne of the Emperor of Heaven in the posture of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, I want to come, the scene at that time will definitely be very exciting.

Think about it,


It's really exciting!

Time passed by inadvertently, and the Great Emperor Gou Chen had been silently transforming Gou Chen Xing, looking forward to the day of enlightenment.



In millions of years,

Enough for too many things to happen.

The most famous of these is the human emperor Yao abdicating, and it is passed down to the human emperor Shun.

that's all,

The Human Race ushered in the fifth and last emperor.

And just shortly after the transfer of the supreme power of the human race, the power of the heavenly court has also changed.

On this day, Emperor Xuanqing, who hadn't had any movement in millions of years, suddenly walked out of the heavens and went to the location of the South Pole Star in the endless starry sky.

The purpose of Emperor Xuanqing's move was unknown to the public.

They only saw that three days after Emperor Xuanqing went to the South Pole Star, the South Pole Star suddenly burst into radiant light, which shocked the entire prehistoric land.

Then, the boundless thunder spread out, like an ocean, covering the entire sky.


The thunder roared, endlessly.

Until three years later,

Only then turned into a nine-seven heavenly **** and slowly disappeared.

Also on this day,

The emperor of the Antarctic reappeared in the wilderness, and walked out of the South Pole Star to the heavens, in the name of the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng, in charge of the desolate world.

This also marks the change of ownership of the heavenly court. The era that belonged to Emperor Xuanqing has passed, and today's great famine has ushered in the era of Emperor Xuanqing.


Like a thunder,

The news of Xuan Qing's abdication and the supremacy of Antarctica spread among the great supernatural powers at an astonishing speed.

Soon, almost all the great supernatural powers were awakened by the news, and looked at the heavenly court with uncertainty.

They were wondering why the Emperor Nanji suddenly appeared and encroached upon the authority of the heavenly court. It's just that they can't stop their doubts.

Because, unlike the Emperor and Xuan Qing, Emperor Nanji is the supreme heaven and earth. In the era when the Emperor of Heaven was not coming out, and the other great emperors had escaped from the world one after another, he was the well-deserved Lord of Heaven and Earth.

It couldn't be more appropriate for him to take charge of the heavenly court. In this regard, even the way of heaven is recognized.

In the past, if the heavenly court changes hands and the new emperor becomes the throne, it must be witnessed by everyone to complete the last step and gain the approval of the heaven and the earth.

But Emperor Nanji doesn't need it!

Because, he is the prestigious supreme recognized by the heavens and the earth, so why do you need others to recognize it?

A large number of supernatural powers have the ability to prevent the emperor from becoming the emperor, but they do not have the ability to prevent the four gods from becoming the emperor of heaven.

Outsider Cheng Tiandi, that is called Gao Sheng!

And the four royal gods become the emperor of heaven, it is called fulfilling one's own duties.

If outsiders dare to stop it, it is against the sky, and it will inevitably lead to the wrath of the sky and end in a miserable end.

That's why, with the emperor of Nanji coming to the throne, the great supernatural powers have lost the ability to master the heavens. How the Emperor of Heaven chooses afterwards is a matter for the Four Gods, and it has nothing to do with them.


I can finally retreat!



boom! boom! boom……

Above the heaven,

Countless thunders are ready to go,

Locking on the wild land far away, it seems that the calamity of the world will be brought down, and all vitality will be wiped out.

This vision,

It is the symbol of Emperor Nanji as the emperor of heaven.

The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng, although his name is longevity, but in fact, he is the great emperor who has the power to control the prehistoric punishment, has the mighty power to manipulate the thunder, and is called the lord of the thunder.

It is also called the Lord of the Heavenly Tribulation because of his mastery of the Heavenly Tribulation.

The Emperor of Heaven, who has the power of punishment, thinks about it, and knows what it will bring to Honghuang.

During the reign of Emperor Nanji, it was his duty to maintain the operation of heaven.

Anyone who dared to go against the sky, or committed a heinous crime, or who violated the rules of the sky, etc., will welcome His punishment.

The congenital **** thunder densely dense over the heavenly court was prepared for this.

It can be said,

During the reign of Emperor Lei Ze, it was the best time for public security and the happiest time for mortals.

in this era,

Even if he was as strong as the Da Luo Jinxian, he would not dare to massacre mortals recklessly, let alone ordinary monks.

Otherwise, they will be greeted by the wrath of the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng.

The real wrath of thunder!

By the way, during the reign of Emperor Nanji, there was something I had to say.

That is,

The so-called heavenly rules,

Which is the law against immortals,

It was perfected in the hands of Emperor Nanji.

That is the rule that caused a lot of trouble in later generations, and the rule that Xianfan should not fall in love was also set by the Emperor Nanji.

It wasn't that the Emperor Nanji had a problem in his heart, but that the way of heaven stipulated it.

How lazy Feng Zichen is, how could he deliberately spare a part of the time to deduce the rules of the heavens for the heavens?

Of course it is directly copying the way of heaven, listing all the things that are not allowed by the way of heaven. Isn't this a ready-made heavenly rule?

In this way, there will be a mistake in the future, and it will also be the fault of Heaven, and it has nothing to do with Feng Zichen.

God asks for that, what else can I do?

Of course it was done!

It's impossible,


Still defying the requirements of heaven?


From Feng Zichen's point of view, there is no problem with this provision.

Immortals are not allowed to fall in love, and it is not that immortals are not allowed to fall in love, but immortals are not allowed to fall in love with mortals.

Fairies and mortals,

This is two different species, forcibly combined together, will not be happy.

Think about it,

How powerful the fairy is,

Between gestures, mountains can be moved to fill the sea.

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And what about mortals?

Don't say that the mountain was moved to fill the sea, but it was a slightly larger stone that could not be lifted.

Compared with the fairy,

Mortals are too weak,

How is it different from ants?

I'm afraid to take a breath,

Can kill a mortal.

With such a big gap, can we be happy if we are still together?

It's not good to say,

When the fairy was excited, he applied a little force, fearing that he could tear the mortal into pieces on the spot.

in this way,

Is it to save or not to save?

If you don't save it, you can't make it through.

Saved, then it's really looking for death.

Resurrection from the dead is an act against the heavens, and it is a taboo of heaven at any time.

Da Luo Jinxian can do whatever he wants, and Taiyi Jinxian can do it at some price, but ordinary immortals can't do it.


What he wants to fight against is the whole world.


The combination of immortality and vanity is the beginning of tragedy.


Heaven does not allow this to happen.

Husband and wife harmony,

That's just the plot in the novel.

The reality is that immortals live with mortals, and they must be careful in everything they do, so as not to accidentally kill mortals.

The gap is too big.

Just like people and ants living together, you must always be vigilant, for fear of accidentally killing the ants.

Of course,

If it is true that love is unwavering, it can completely cultivate the other person into an immortal!

The rules of the sky only stipulate that Xianfan cannot fall in love, but it does not stipulate that Xianren and Xianren cannot fall in love.

Want to fall in love with mortals,

Yes, either self-defeating cultivation base, reincarnation, or cultivating the other party into a fairy.

Tian Tiao is so harsh!


No matter how strong the binding force of things like Tian Tiao is, they are only aimed at ordinary immortals. Once they reach the Taiyi Golden Immortal, they can basically ignore it.

after all,

No matter what era,

The strong are privileged.

Big fist is the last word!



Amidst the roar of thunder, the years passed quietly, and before they knew it, one million years had passed.


On this day, the luck of the human race shook violently, and the vast aura spread out from the long river of fate, shocking the entire prehistoric land.

This is……

Human luck is perfect,

Completely sit firmly in the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth.

And the cause of all this,

On the other hand, Emperor Shun had completed his merits, retired from the position of the emperor, and went to Huoyun Cave.

Emperor Shun,

Emperor Zhuanxu’s sixth grandson ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is also the fifth emperor of the human race,

At the same time, he is also the last emperor of the human race.

With the consummation of his merits, the great opportunity set by the heavens for the human race, the three emperors and five emperors, these eight supreme positions, are considered complete consummation.


At the moment Emperor Shun abdicated,

The heavens and the earth lively sense, and there are endless auras that converge and spontaneously infuse the human auras to help them complete the final transformation and completely stabilize the personality of the protagonist of the heavens and the earth.

On this day,

Quake in the wild,

Among the surprised eyes of all beings,

A vast river suddenly manifests itself, vast and mighty!

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