Flooded Star Road

Chapter 708: Gouchen Tiangong move

   Chapter 713

  Being executed outside the Nantian Gate, the beings of the Three Realms, anyone with a bit of cultivation, can clearly see the scene of the execution.

  When sentient beings are afraid of this, they naturally act as a warning.

   However, setting up Zhanxiantai outside the Nantian Gate can alert sentient beings, but it also gives some people an opportunity to take advantage of it.

  For example: Robbery Field!

  Outside the Nantian Gate, even if it’s out of the Heavenly Court. Working here is naturally much more convenient than working in the heavenly court.

  Do you think those disciples who explain and teach are sure to successfully rob the field and rescue Yang Jian and his mother? It's not because Zhanxiantai is outside Nantianmen.

  Once they succeed, they can directly escape into the wild land, which can be said to be very convenient.

  If Zhanxiantai is in the heavenly court, then they have to think hard about whether to rob the magic field.

  Because, in the heavenly court, even if they successfully rescued Yang Jian and his mother, it is not easy to get out, and there is a high probability that they will be suppressed by the heavenly court.


   "Kneel down!"

   Pulled Yang Jian onto the Zhanxian Platform, and the soldiers pressed hard that day and pressed him to kneel on the ground.

   Then, there was a long wait.

  There is no need to pick a good time to kill people in the heavenly court, but since you want to warn sentient beings, you must choose when there are many people to start in order to maximize your goal.

   Waiting now is just time for sentient beings in the Three Realms to react, so that they can look at this place.

  In a blink of an eye, an hour has passed, and the world has passed a month.


  The two war gods, the North and the South, who were the supervisors, felt that the people here were almost there, and they gave the execution order.

   gave an order and cut the Xiantai platform, and blood suddenly rose. Then, I saw infinite blood gathering, turning into a **** long sword, and cutting it towards Yang Jian's head.

   was also at this time, in the void, a large formation suddenly shrouded, covering the entire Zanxiantai.

  At the time when Yang Jian was about to die, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Explanation and Education finally took action.

In the    formation, the wind and thunder appeared, the flames intertwined, bursting out with great power, and smashed the **** long sword condensed in Sendai to smash.

   "You thieves really came, and it's not a waste of us to make so many preparations in advance."

   Seeing someone coming to rob the magic field, the two gods of war between the north and the south were not surprised, and immediately mobilized the back hand that he had prepared in advance.

  Obviously, they had planned for someone to rob the law court.

   is also right, Yang Jian is also a three-generation disciple of Chanjiao anyway. How can Chanjiao be killed easily by the heavenly court, so he naturally wants to save him.

  The second-generation disciples who explain to teach are notoriously brave, and they act without scruples. They can completely do things like robbery.

  Since there was a guess in his heart, the court side naturally had to make arrangements early that day, so as not to be robbed of the practice ground and lose face in front of the sentient beings of the Three Realms.


   Soon after the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Interpretation of Education took the initiative, a large number of celestial generals suddenly rushed out of the Nantian Gate and surrounded Zhanxiantai.

  Take a closer look, there were as many as 100,000 soldiers that day!

  One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers!

  This time, in order to deal with the Twelve Golden Immortals, the Heavenly Court dispatched a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, and they were all elites among the elite.

  Don’t underestimate these 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers and Generals. The Heavenly Court is not the Heavenly Court of the Westward Journey Period. The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals are all weak chickens.

  These heavenly soldiers are all selected from the innate races that inhabit the heavens, and each one is the better child of their race.

  Among them, the weakest is in the realm of golden immortals. As for the generals, they have the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal. Its commander, like the Twelve Golden Immortals of Explanation and Education, is the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

  These 100,000 heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals are united together, and in cooperation with the innate great array specially prepared for them by the heavenly court, their power can even temporarily trap the quasi-saint power.

  Daluo Dao Zun fell into it, and it was hard to escape being suppressed. Let alone explain and teach the twelve golden immortals.

  It can be said that this time, in order to deal with the Twelve Golden Immortals, the Heavenly Court has paid a lot of money.

   "Get up and kill!"

  It seemed to have drilled countless times. As soon as the one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers formed an encirclement, they formed a formation directly and killed the twelve golden immortals on the platform of Zhanxian.


  The soaring air of war broke out, swept everything, and directly impacted the formation of the Twelve Golden Immortals, which smashed the fragments.

  However, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chenjiao are disciples of saints after all, and they are born of innate gods and demons. Naturally, it is impossible for them to be besieged and killed by the heavenly soldiers so easily.

  " Yuanshi Great Formation, get up!"

  At the moment that the great formation was broken, the twelve golden immortals moved in a distorted form and once again formed an innate great formation-Yuanshi great formation!

  Although this array is named after Yuanshi, it was created by the joint efforts of Sanqing. This is the formation that was specially tailored to explain and teach the twelve golden immortals in the Sanqing Dynasty.

   Yuanshi Great Array can not only maximize the power of elucidating and teaching the twelve golden immortals, but also condense an incarnation of Yuanshi Tianzun to display some of his powers.

   Explains the reason why the twelve golden immortals are full of confidence, that is, relying on this indomitable battle method.

As soon as the incarnation of Yuanshi Tianzun appeared, how many people could compete with it?


   Yuanshi's great formation was 10%, and immediately there was a supreme and majestic power permeating, and then, I saw a supreme phantom, slowly appearing in front of everyone.


  In an instant, an unspeakable force struck everyone's hearts, making their hearts shake, and there was an immediate sign of instability in the court that day.

   "The thief, dare to be presumptuous!"

  "Do you really think I have no one in heaven?"

  At the critical moment, the Gouchen Temple, which had already fallen into silence, suddenly rushed out ten tall figures, and the violent breath surged!

That is……

  Go the guard of Emperor Chen!

  At the same time, they are also strong in the human race.

  As a **** of one party, Emperor Gouchen is also the emperor of a family, the ancestor of one family, how could there be no one available under his hand?

  In fact, Emperor Gouchen’s subordinates were the most and strongest among the great emperors of Heavenly Court.

  As the Taoist ancestor of the Way of Gods and Demons, if a monk who practices the Way of Gods and Demons joins the Heavenly Court, he will naturally belong to his name.

  And besides the gods and demons, he is also the innate master of swordsmanship, and the swordsman monk is naturally his subordinate.

  In addition, Gouchen the Great is still the holy emperor of the human race, and the power of the human race in the heaven naturally belongs to him.

   In the days of Emperor Wufang, it can be said that there are human masters everywhere in the heavenly court.

  After the five heavenly emperors abdicated, it was of course impossible to take away all of these human masters. Naturally, these human masters fell under the command of Emperor Gouchen.

  Holding so much power, Emperor Gou Chen was just the most powerful person in the Heavenly Court.

  However, the great emperor Gouchen possessed strong power, but since his fall, his men have gradually quieted down, without contact with outsiders, silently waiting for the return of their majesty.

  Because of his facelessness for a long time, many people ignore this power.

  This time, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao did not take this power into consideration. Because they really haven't shown up for too long.

  But they have forgotten that they are different from others, they are disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun. And the Great Emperor Gouchen fell in the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun.

  In other words, the Twelve Golden Immortals have an enmity with Gouchen the Great.

  And still deadly enemies!

  Looking at the enemy flaunting his might in front of him, how could Emperor Gouchen’s men not react at all.

  Immediately, ten people rushed out.

  These ten people cultivated the way of gods and demons, and each of them reached the realm of Taiyi Daojun.

  Taiyi Daojun,

   is the Taiyi Golden Immortal who cultivates the innate way.

Although    is named Taiyi Golden Immortal, its power is not weaker than Da Luo Jinxian, and even better.

"Ha ha!"

  "The Yuanshi Great Array, it looks good, I wonder who can be better than the Chaos Array of my human race?"

  After the ten celebrity masters came in front of the Twelve Golden Immortals, they did not talk nonsense, and directly used the strongest formation of the human race, the Great Chaos Array!

  At the end of the ancient times, when the monsters were slaughtering people, the holy emperor of the human race laid down the chaotic array, and the undefeated resistance against the eastern emperor made this battle famous.

  In one fell swoop, it became the supreme array that rivaled the Zhoutian star-fighting array, one of the three most prestigious arrays.

  Well, there are four of the three great formations, and there is nothing wrong with it.


  If we really want to talk about it, the Yuanshi Great Array is naturally better than the Chaos Great Array.

  However, the conditions for arranging the Chaos Array are too harsh, and ten innate spirit treasures with corresponding attributes are required. With the strength of these Terran masters, I'm afraid I can't find them.

  So, they can only use other magic weapons instead. But in this way, the Chaos Array can exert some power, it is hard to say.

   However, I think I'm weak and can't beat the Yuanshi Great Formation. Can't it be equal to it?


  In the ten-player action, ten pieces of acquired treasures representing different attributes slowly emerge.

   Suddenly, between the heaven and the earth, all kinds of avenues are intertwined, starting from one yuan, going through the yin and yang, three talents and four elephants... to ten directions.


  The many avenues are intertwined to the end, and it has evolved into a huge avenue **** picture that traverses the sky and the earth, exuding astonishing fluctuations.

  The Chaos Array (infinitely weakened) is finished!

   "The Chaos Array, get up!"

   Seeing the great road **** map appeared, the top ten masters walked into the picture without hesitation and merged with the big formation.


  The Great Dao's God Map vibrated, and a vast and vast aura spread out, and an indescribable noble figure slowly emerged.

  Incarnation of Heaven!

  The supreme achievement of the Chaos Array in the prehistoric world.

  It’s just that, compared with the incarnation of Yuanshi Tianzun that was condensed by the Yuanshi Great Formation, the Taoist incarnation on that day is undoubtedly more vague, and only one shape can barely be seen.

   Obviously, this is caused by the lack of power of the top ten masters and the inability of magic weapons.

   However, that's it, the power of this Heavenly Dao incarnation is not at all weaker than Yuanshi Tianzun's incarnation. After all, the strength of Yuanshi Tianzun was not inferior to the way of heaven.

  If the incarnations of the two are at the same level, how could the incarnation of Yuanshi Tianzun be the opponent of the incarnation of Tiandao.

   Ten people stepped forward and blocked the Yuanshi Great Array of the Twelve Golden Immortals with the Great Chaos Array, instead of fighting on the Zhanxian Platform.

  At this moment, the one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals also regained their footing, once again formed a heavenly formation, and killed the twelve golden immortals.

  The two parties worked together to explain and teach the twelve golden cents and were immediately lost. Even if they used the innate spirit treasure, it would be difficult to reverse their disadvantages.

  For a time, the Twelve Golden Immortals became dangerous and became precarious.

  "Master, Master, you go quickly, the heaven is going to kill the disciples, it has nothing to do with you."

   "If the master and the uncles are affected because of his disciples, what kind of features does Yang Jian have to live in the world?"

   Seeing that the situation is not right, Yang Jian said quickly.

  In order to save his mother, Yang Jian did not hesitate to offend Heavenly Court, which shows that he is also a man of filial piety. And filial people will not have bad temperament.

  How can such a person be willing to see that their teachers are affected by their own, and thus lead to murder?

  So, seeing that the situation was not right, Yang Jian immediately let the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chenjiao leave.

   After all, Yang Jian is also a poor man. His parents may be guilty, but he must be innocent. However, being born in such a family is itself the biggest fault.


  Yang Jian’s idea is good, but he is a bit overestimating the twelve golden immortals. Judging from the current situation, if they want to leave, what they said doesn't count, it depends on whether the heavenly court is willing to let them go.

  The Twelve Golden Immortals have been trapped to death by the Heavenly Court. If it hadn't been for the great formation of Yuanshi, they would have been taken down by Heaven.


  The battle is still going on. The Heavenly Court has the home court advantage. It is more and more courageous. However, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao began to fight away from home.

  Furthermore, in the Southern Heaven Gate, there were still a steady stream of Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals pouring out to fill the Heavenly Court Great Formation to increase its power, as if not giving up the Twelve Golden Immortals.

The    Heavenly Court Formation was the formation that Fu Xi personally created during his tenure as the Emperor of Heaven, and its power can be imagined.

  The biggest advantage of this array is that the more people, the greater the power. If a million heavenly soldiers and generals come out, even the quasi-sages can suppress it.

  Today, the heavenly court has dispatched more than 150,000 troops, and there are more heavenly soldiers and generals on the way to support.

  In the face of such a powerful force, it is only a matter of time to explain and teach the defeat of the Twelve Golden Immortals~www.wuxiaspot.com~.



   "They are all that old, and I don't know how to save snacks."

   Seeing that the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Interpretation Sect were about to be suppressed by the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals, in the Yuxu Palace of Kunlun Mountain, the vice-master of the Interpretation Sect, the Taoist Taoist finally could not sit still, sighed, and was about to save people.

  To be honest, the Taoist of Burning Lantern actually didn't want to make a move. If he made a move, he would definitely offend Haotian and others, and he would suffer calamity in the future.

  But if he didn’t make a move, then Yuanshi Tianzun would not make him feel better now.

  After weighing the pros and cons, after all, the fear of Yuanshi Tianzun prevailed, and the Taoist priest chose to save people.


  While the void concussed, an ancient ruler came quietly and crashed down towards Zhanxiantai.

  It is the high-grade Xiantian Lingbao dry ruler. It is one of the companion spirit treasures of the Taoist Burning Lamp, and it is infinitely powerful.

  The pressure of the universe ruler is as if a vast universe of universe is pressed down, which brings great pressure to everyone on the Zhanxiantai.

  (End of this chapter)

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