Flooded Star Road

Chapter 711: Broken Sage's Magic Weapons

  Chapter 716 Broken Saint's Magic Weapon

   Killing intent!

The irresistible killing intent rose in Haotian's heart, and then he shot it directly.


   Hearing a loud dragon roar, that day, the court’s luck turned into a divine dragon in vain, flying out from Haotian’s head, winding for more than tens of thousands of miles, and rushing towards the Bodhi Taoist.

  At the same time, on the other side of the heavens, in the boundless starry sky, Feng Zichen also ignored his injuries, forcibly urging the galaxy cosmic light array, and brazenly killed the Taoist Yuqing.


  The starlight is like rain, turning into a huge exercise, cutting through the sky, sweeping toward the Taoist Yuqing and the twelve golden immortals.

   There is no doubt that Feng Zichen and Haotian’s attacks belong to the Hunyuan level, and they are the highest level of Hunyuan’s power.

  Because, under the rage, they used the power of rank.

  If Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti saints are here, it will not be difficult for them to block this blow. Because they can mobilize the power of heaven. This is a kind of power that is not inferior to the rank, or even stronger.

  The problem is that the Taoist Yuqing and the Taoist Bodhi are not Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti saints.

  They are just the good corpses of the two. It is already the limit to be able to exert the power of the Hunyuan level. It is completely impossible to mobilize the power of the heavens.

  To mobilize the power of heaven, that is the privilege of the saint. Except for the deities of the saints, even their incarnations can't do this.


What should I do if Feng Zichen and Haotian cannot stop the attack? Simple, only death!


  The dragon whizzed and swallowed the Bodhi Taoist and the fake Yao Ji in his hands.

  The starlight is vast, sweeping everything, including the Yuqing Taoist, the Twelve Golden Immortals and Yang Jian, all overwhelming.


  At the time of life and death crisis, Taoist Yuqing and Taoist Bodhi made the same choice.

   Seeing both of them, they sacrificed themselves almost without hesitation, in exchange for huge power to shelter their disciples.

  From the moment Feng Zichen and Haotian woke up, Taoist Yuqing and Taoist Bodhi knew that the path of his two lives had been broken, and there was no doubt that he would die.

  Since they are going to die anyway, they will naturally choose to die more valuable, for example, use their own demise in exchange for a ray of life for their disciples.

  They can die, but their disciples can’t die. Otherwise, wouldn’t their trip be in vain?


  Two magical powers erupted at the same time, the terrifying power spread, and the heaven and the earth stopped working at this moment.

  After everything subsides, there are no Yuqing Taoists and Bodhi Taoists in the world. On the contrary, it was their disciples, who had sacrificed their lives to protect each other, but they were intact and preserved.

"how come?"

  "Master, he..."

  Even if the facts have happened before their eyes, the twelve golden immortals who can explain and teach, still can't believe their master, and fell in front of them.

  I believe that this experience will definitely leave them with indelible signs and let them learn to be in awe.

  Awe for the strong!

  Explaining and teaching the twelve golden immortals should also converge. They acted rather unscrupulously, completely ignorant of what awe is. This is an act of misfortune.

  You must know that in Honghuang, the name of a saint is not omnipotent, and there are many existences that will not sell the saint’s face.

   can be strength, but can!

  As long as it is strong enough, it can be omnipotent.


   While explaining and teaching the Twelve Golden Immortals and the false Yao Ji in a daze, the direction of Kunlun Mountain, and the direction of the West, suddenly reached out two big hands one after another, grabbed them and left.

  It is Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Sage who have taken action, wanting to cross the boundary to save their disciples. Both have paid such a high price, and the good corpse is even more destroyed for this. If he can't save his disciples, then both of them will be lost to the grandmother's house.

   "Looking for death!"

   Seeing this, Feng Zichen and Haotian became even more angry, and stood up directly, the monstrous aura spread out, and the entire prehistoric world was shaken as a result, giving birth to a boundless and terrifying vision, as if stepping into the doomsday.


  The two shouted in unison, and the entire heaven, and even the entire thirty-third layer of heaven, including the boundless starry sky, shook together.

   Then, I saw a supreme mighty force spreading, condensing on Feng Zichen and Haotian's body, and gradually condensed into one strand, and then chased the two giant hands respectively.


  The two forces shattered layers of the void, and followed the direction where the giant hand had left.

The speed of Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Sage is not unpleasant, and they rescued their disciples before Feng Zichen and Haotian were given time to react.

  It’s just that they are fast, but Feng Zichen and Haotian are not slow.

  The palms of the two protruding out, the front feet have just returned to Kunlun Mountain and Mount Xumi, and the two supreme mighty powers on the back feet have arrived, and then without hesitation, they slammed down.



  Now, it was the turn of Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Sage to get angry. This is their dojo. If the two people's magical powers are used to make sure, what will be left? I'm afraid it's not broken directly.

  Besides of anger, the two shot almost unreservedly.

  On the Kunlun Mountains, the Three Treasure Jade wished to rise far away, evolving the way of the three talents of heaven, earth and man, creating three lights, dividing water, fire and wind, and evolving spirits, and brazenly greeted the terrifying wave from the heavens.

  On the newly rebuilt Mount Xumi, the Seven Treasure Trees span between the heaven and the earth, spreading the mystery of Yin Yang and the five elements, blooming ten thousand feet of light, covering the entire Mount Xumi and protecting it firmly.

  Boom boom boom...

  In an instant, terrifying waves hit Kunlun Mountain and Xumi Mountain successively.


  After the fierce confrontation, although Kunlun Mountain and Mount Xumi were fine, the magic weapon that protected them was severely damaged.

   Click! Click!

  As soon as there was a broken sound, shocking cracks appeared on the bodies of the Seven Treasure Tree and the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi at the same time.

   Then, a shocking scene happened, and I saw that the two magic weapons, which can be called the treasures of the saint’s witness, were broken one after another, turned into sky fragments, scattered into the wild world, and disappeared.

  It also blames Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Sage for underestimating the enemy. Although the Qibao Miaoshu and the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi are strong, they are only the best innate spiritual treasures, not the innate treasures. How can they defeat the power of Feng Zichen and Haotian?

  You should know that that blow was made by the power of the entire heaven and the boundless starry sky, and its power was no weaker than the full blow of the Hunyuan Twelve Heavenly Powerhouse.

  Such a powerful blow, even if Hongjun Daozu did not dare to take it lightly, how could it be easily blocked by Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti saint.

  The magic weapon is destroyed, it is still light. They did not destroy Mount Xumi and Kunlun Mountain together, thanks to their quick response, knowing to use the innate treasure to resist, or to ask another saint to help.




  In this scene, the great supernatural powers who were watching the show were chilled in their backs, and they took a breath.


   is going to change the sky, right?

  It should be the two saints who suffered such a big loss for the first time. Although they saved their own disciples, the loss was too great.

  Not only the benevolent corpse was beheaded, but even the magic weapon for proving the Tao was destroyed.

  It's really a heavy loss!




  The spiritual instrument used for the cultivation of the Dao with his life was destroyed, Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Sage were backlashed, and Yang Tian spewed a big mouthful of blood.

  Obviously, it was a serious injury.

  At the same time, Feng Zichen and Haotian in the heavens are not feeling well.

  Forcibly urging the heavens and the boundless starry sky, it is undoubtedly a huge burden for them who are already seriously injured, making their injuries a little more serious.

  However, compared with the results achieved, the price they paid is undoubtedly worthwhile.

  The magical instruments of the Dao were destroyed, the benevolent corpse was cut off, and he himself was severely injured. This time, Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Sage, two people, can be said to have lost face and face in front of everyone.

  And Heavenly Court, also through this battle, restored some of the long-lost majesty.

   "Looking for death!"

  After suffering such a big loss, how can Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti saint give up?

   Soon, the two of them are doing their best.

  The Yuanshi Tianzun sacrificed Pangu banners, and the Zhunti saint showed his body. He wanted to kill toward the heaven, but he had saved a trace of face.

  But at this moment, Tiandao made a move!

  In the darkness, an extremely magnificent and extremely noble breath descended, and in a flash, it enveloped the entire Kunlun Mountain and Mount Xumi.

  Next, I saw that Pangu flags slowly retreated after shaking for a while. The huge congenital bodhi tree standing on Mount Xumi slowly turned into a human form.

  As far as Tiandao is concerned, this farce has reached this point, and it should be over. When the trouble goes on, it is not the faces of the emperor and the saints, but the way of God.

   "They are all people who have become Taoists, but like children in the world, making such a big joke in front of everyone, what is it like? In what style?"

  Between the heavens and the earth, the ethereal voice of Daozu Hongjun suddenly came, and everyone's expressions changed drastically.

   "Master (teacher), the disciple knows it was wrong."

  Hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Sage, two people, quickly confessed their wrong way.

The same goes for Haotian on the other side.

  As for Feng Zichen, he is the younger brother of Tiandao, and his status is very noble.

  But if he doesn't give Hongjun Daozu face, then even the word Daozu can be avoided.


   Seeing Hongjun Daozu come forward, Feng Zichen let out a cold snort, turned back to the endless starry sky, and continued to heal his injuries.

  Na Hongjun Daozu also didn't know if he ignored him, or left long ago. In short, after reprimanding a few people, there was no sound.

  Even though, there is still great dissatisfaction in the hearts of Haotian and Feng Zichen, Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti.

  But after being reprimanded by Daozu Hongjun, their hearts were dissatisfied, and they had to forcibly suppress it, leaving the matter behind for the time being.

  After all, Hongjun Daozu cannot afford to offend them.

  The more powerful the existence, the more able to understand the terrible ancestor Hongjun Daozu, which can be described beyond imagination.


  This matter, Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti saints can be regarded as letting go.

  After all, this matter really counts, it's their reason first. If it is a big trouble, wherever it goes to Daozu Hongjun, their faces will not look good.

  It’s just that they let go, but some people can’t let go.

  That is Haotian!

  The incident of robbing the magic field originally caused him to be abnormally aggrieved. In addition, Yaochi was seriously injured by Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Sage jointly, which undoubtedly made Haotian even more angry.

  God knows that when Haotian opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was that Yaochi fell to the ground seriously injured and fell in front of him, how burst of heart he felt.

  In short, at that moment, Haotian went crazy directly. Regardless of the injury, forcibly urging the power of the heavenly origin, but also to kill those two people.

   Feng Zichen felt the madness in Haotian's heart, and then went crazy with him, and also urged the power of the endless starry sky regardless of his injuries.


   Haotian had qi in his heart, especially when he looked at the seriously injured Yaochi in front of him, the qi in his heart directly rose to the point of hate.

  For this reason, after seeing Hongjun Daozu only reprimanding Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti saint, without any actual punishment, Haotian became more and more angry, and suddenly broke out.

  As the saying goes, it’s the most terrible thing to push the honest people into a hurry. This time Haotian was really pressed for anxiousness, which perfectly demonstrated this.

After   , I saw Haotian disregarding his injuries, picking up the Jade Lake that was also badly injured, directly breaking through the void, walking into the chaos outside the sky, and heading to the Purple Heaven Palace.

   "Fenging the gods and measuring the calamity, this begins!"

  Looking at the Haotian Jade Pool heading to the Zixiao Palace, Feng Zichen couldn't help but sigh. He certainly knew what Haotian's purpose was here, obviously to complain, plus complain.

  It’s just that Haotian’s departure, I am afraid it is about to begin.

  And He should have made preparations.


  The chaos outside the sky is boundless and unimaginable. It is deeper and vast than the endless starry sky.

After    Haotian and Yaochi came here, they immediately returned to the form of Dao Tong, following the feeling in their hearts, wandering around in this vast chaos, hoping to find the location of the Purple Heaven Palace.

As the Taoist dojo, Zixiao Palace is a very magical place. It does not exist in the past, nor in the future, let alone the present~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is like a shadow, free from time and space. It does not exist anywhere in this world.

  Unless your strength is close to, or comparable or even beyond Hongjun Taoist ancestor, otherwise, as long as you do not have his permission, you can search the entire chaos outside the sky, and you will not find a trace of the Zixiao Palace.

  Is his own boy in the end, Hongjun Daozu is still nostalgic, opening the door of convenience for the two of Haotian Yaochi.

  You can see that, not long after Haotian and Yaochi walked in chaos outside the sky, the Purple Heaven Palace appeared in front of them.

  See here,

   Haotian was overjoyed and walked over directly.

  "Do you still ask the teacher to be the master for the disciples?" As soon as he entered the hall, Haotian prayed.

  While speaking, he did not forget to put the Yaochi, who was in a coma due to his serious injury, before Hongjun Daozu.


  Looking at the Yaochi in front of him, Hongjun Daozu couldn't help sighing heavily. On its surface, there was an obvious unpleasant color.

  (End of this chapter)

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