Flooded Star Road

Chapter 716: Reappearance

   Chapter 721

  After the results were obtained, everyone said goodbye to Hongjun Daozu and left the Zixiao Palace.

  It’s just that Sanqing was a companion when he came. But when he left now, the leader of Tongtian was walking alone, and he did not walk with the two saints of Taiqing Yuanshi.


  Everyone left the Zixiao Palace, the Master Tongtian grunted respectfully at Yuan Shitian, and left alone.

   "Big Brother, look at him, but there was a little meaning to put your brother in your eyes."

   Seeing this scene, Yuan Shi Tianzun said to the Taiqing Saint with a displeased expression. He was very dissatisfied with the attitude of the Master Tongtian, thinking that he did not put his brother in his eyes.


   "Second brother, in Zixiao Palace, how can you say those words while discussing the Conferred God List?"

  "It is dissatisfaction with the third brother's disciple. You can just talk in private. How can you tell it in front of everyone?"

   "So, where is the third brother?"

   Yuanshi Tianzun is dissatisfied with the Master of Tongtian, but the Taiqing Saint is not happy with him. He hasn't communicated until now, what exactly did Yuanshi Tianzun think, could he say those words in the Zixiao Palace.

   In front of everyone, it is said that the disciples of the cultivator are all egg-born, wet and feathery, and the disciples who scold others are all beasts. Isn't this the same as getting through the face of the **** in front of everyone?

  I can’t bear who it is!

  Furthermore, this time the immortal **** killing Jie was obviously only a very simple matter, but Yuanshi Tianzun just made it complicated.

  Yuanshi Tianzun only needs to abandon a few disciples and send them to the list of gods, so that the face of the Master Tongtian can live, and the remaining candidates, the Master Tongtian will naturally make up for them.

  In this way, wouldn’t the immortal killing and robbery be over?

  The operation of Yuanshi Tianzun is really hard to explain in a word.

  At the end, he didn’t hide. He had to send his two disciples to the list of gods. He also hated the Lord Tongtian and broke the relationship between the brothers.

  Eating chicken is not a counter-attack. It is the Yuanshi Tianzun.


  "Brother, I am also doing this for the sake of the third brother. Look at his disciples, except for the top ones, who are the rest?"

   "There are those who practice demonic techniques, some practice sorcery, and what's more, there are also those who practice with the blood of living beings. How can such an act be the least of a fairy family? It's even more magical than the magical way."

   "What are these disciples keeping for? It's better to let them respond to the robbery at this time and use the righteous way."

   "Also, the talent of the third brother is not overwhelming me, but his realm is indeed the lowest among the three of us."

  "Is the third brother not working hard enough?"

   "Of course not, but the reason is that I was affected by those disciples."

  "Jie teaches his disciples to do evil outside, he who is a respected master will naturally be affected. So that the Taoist heart is dusted, and the progress of the cultivation base is unusually slow."

   "In the Zixiao Palace, the poor Dao wants to send the disciples of Jiu Jiao to the list of enshrined gods. Maybe it is a little selfish, but more, it is definitely for the good of the third brother."

   "It has been too long since the chaos has been intercepted, and now it is the time to correct the chaos, weed out those disciples who did evil, and the mysterious door was quiet."

   "Also, let the third brother concentrate on cultivation."

  Being scolded by the Taiqing saint, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but cried out.

  As he said, he may have a part of selfishness in sending the disciples of Jiu Jiao to the list of the gods, but its fundamental purpose is definitely for the good of the master.

  Sanqing’s friendship is still very stable.

There are really too many disciples of   Jiejiao, and the Master Tongtian does not restrict them too much. This can be seen from the cut canon.

There are only two   , respect the teacher and respect the truth, and must not apostasy.

  In other words, apart from that, there are no taboos for the disciples.

  In a sense, the disciples of the cut-up education are more abhorrent than the disciples of the explanatory education. After all, apart from being a little arrogant, the disciples of Chanjiao couldn't find faults in other places.

  KeJie taught disciples is different, they really dare to harm living beings.

  Teaching disciples there is no kind of teaching, basically there are all kinds of monsters and monsters. You have to say that there are all good people, is this possible?

  Demons, like eating people the most!

The disciples of   Teacher are mostly those with profound karma. The Lord Tongtian is affected by it, which leads to the entanglement of cause and effect, the heart of the Tao is dusted, and it is difficult for the cultivation base to enter the territory.

  In this case, the Master Tongtian may be aware of it, but it is absolutely impossible for him to act on his disciples. Regardless of how the disciples are outside, they still respect their teachers and morals inside.

  In the face of such a disciple who respects him, how do you tell Master Tongtian to act.

  But he can't get rid of it, but Yuanshi Tianzun can. In order to solve the hidden dangers of the Master Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun said that in the Zixiao Palace, and wanted to send all the disciples of Jiejiao to the list of gods.

  As far as the matter is concerned, Yuan Shi Tianzun had nothing wrong with the matter of letting the disciples of Jiejiao be on the list of the gods. With this fate, it is because some of the disciples have committed their sins for a reason.

   Yuanshi Tianzun was wrong. He used the wrong method and did not take into account the feelings of the Master Tongtian.

  He felt that he did this for the good of the Lord Tongtian. But the Master Tongtian felt that Yuanshi Tianzun was slapping him in the face.

  Then, isn’t the problem here?

   Yuanshi Tianzun thinks that I’m good for you, so you don’t need to appreciate it, and you dare to shake my face at me. I really don’t know what to do. Now, can Yuanshi Tianzun be dissatisfied with the Master Tongtian?

  Tongtian leader thinks that after you slap me in the face, you still have to make me consider you. If I endure this, then I won’t have to be in the middle of nowhere in the future.

  So, he exploded directly, and turned his face with Yuanshi Tianzun on the spot.



  After listening to Yuanshi Tianzun's words, the Taiqing Saint fell silent. The current situation of the Master Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun can think of, and he can naturally think of it.

  So, when Yuanshi Tianzun wanted the disciples of Jiejiao to be on the list of consecrated gods, he chose to be silent. Since his younger brother can't do anything, let them be brothers.

   Eliminate those disciples with deep roots for the Master Tongtian, and return to the Xuanmen Holy Land to teach a quiet.

  It’s just that the Taiqing saint who acquiesced to Yuanshi Tianzun’s plan did not expect Yuanshi Tianzun to do things so unreliable.

  At the same time, he did not expect that the Master Tongtian's reaction was so great that he would directly turn his face with Yuanshi Tianzun.

   was supposed to be a matter of respect for brothers and friends, but under Yuanshi Tianzun’s manipulation, it became a scene where the brothers broke up and separated, and the Taiqing saint was also very tired.

  But he can't blame Yuanshi Tianzun.

  After all, in this matter, although Yuanshi Tianzun was mixed with selfishness, his starting point was also for the good of the Lord Tongtian.

  No, it is because of this little selfishness that things will turn into the current situation. The thought of this made Taiqing Saint even more tired.

   "That's it!"

   "With the current attitude of the third brother, I can't listen to the poor words even if I think about it."

   "Then wait and explain to him later."

   sighed, Taiqing Saint said helplessly. Then, he turned his head and said to Yuanshi Tianzun:

   "It's you, brother, when you talk later, can you pay attention to the way you talk, don't say it so aggressively."

  I wanted to say something ugly, but after thinking about it, I felt that it was a bit heavy to say so, so I changed my tongue.


  Hearing the words, Yuanshi Tianzun's mouth twitched and did not speak.

  Next, the two of them were speechless, and each returned to the dojo.



  In another place, after Feng Zichen returned to the endless starry sky, he immediately began to arrange it. First, he sent the mysterious turtle in Luoshui into reincarnation.

  This time the immortal **** killing catastrophe may be killing catastrophe for others, but for this mysterious tortoise, it is a great opportunity.

  His identity supports heavenly merit, he will definitely not die in the robbery, and heaven will not allow this to happen. Being in the midst of a calamity, but not dying, undoubtedly can reap the benefits.

  I believe that after this baptism of killing and robbery, that mysterious tortoise is bound to undergo an astonishing transformation.

  After sending the Xuangui into the reincarnation, Feng Zichen looked at Gouchen Tiangong. There, Emperor Gouchen was falling asleep, waiting for the opportunity to return.

  In today’s world, the immortal gods will kill and robbery, and the human race will also experience unprecedented changes. Isn’t it the right time for Emperor Gouchen to return?

   With a move in his heart, Feng Zichen's will left Ziwei Star and descended into the Gouchen Temple.

  咚! Boom! Boom...

  In the depths of the hall, I saw an incomparably sacred congenital womb, wandering in the ocean of incense and the power of incense, beating for nothing.

  And with every beating of Him, the heaven and the earth will resonate, intertwining countless rules of heaven and earth.

  Also, during this process, there is a source of origin in the heaven and earth, and the endless stream is poured into this congenital Taoist fetus, which seems to be accelerating his growth.

   In addition, the origin of the Gouchen Star, the origin of the incense aspiration power, and the stalwart power that belongs to the humanity in the dark, are also absorbed by this innate womb along with the beating.

  Heaven and earth, humanity, Gou Chenxing...

  So many powerful forces appear at the same time, just to provide power to an innate womb for its growth.

  Then, the identity of this congenital Taoist baby is ready to come out.

  Wind Zichen!

  Western Tai Chi Emperor!

  Only He can enjoy such luxurious treatment.

  Heaven and earth spontaneously provide him with the source to help him resurrect. Even the misty humanity has also given strength and blessing to him.

   "It's almost time!"

Feng Zichen couldn't help but feel the powerful power contained in that innate Taoist womb.

  Of course, the so-called similar here does not mean that Emperor Gou Chen has accumulated enough power to resurrect. Rather, these powers at the moment can almost restore Great Emperor Gouchen's wit.

It has only been tens of thousands of years since the fall of Emperor Gouchen. Even with the help of heaven, earth and humanity, it is impossible for him to accumulate enough power for resurrection in such a short period of time.

If Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian were resurrected so easily, then they would not be so afraid of death.

  The stronger the existence, the harder it is to really kill. But at the same time, once they have fallen, it will be even more difficult for them to return and return to their peak.

  But this is obviously not applicable to Feng Zichen. Because his luck is too strong.

  In Honghuang, luck is really a good thing. As long as you have enough luck in your body, you can almost do whatever you want.

How should I say the luck of Feng Zichen's body, not to mention his identity, just talk about the vest of Emperor Gouchen. It can be said that it is Him, the vest with the most positions in heaven and earth.

  The Great Dao Zun, Hou Tian Dao Ancestor, Human Sage Emperor, God and Demon Dao Ancestor, Innate Sword Ancestor, Martial Dao Ancestor, Gou Chen the Great, Incense Fire God Dao Ancestor...

  With so many heaven and earth karma positions added together, it is conceivable that Emperor Gouchen's luck is so strong.

   Not to mention the first in the prehistoric, it is enough to squeeze into the top ten of the prehistoric.

   is the identity of Emperor Ziwei, who controls the entire endless starry sky, and his luck may not be as profound as Emperor Gouchen.

  Why is Tiandi so fond of Emperor Gouchen, and even hesitate to use the source to help him resurrect? The reason is that he has enough identities and strong luck.


   "Friends, it's time to wake up."

   Standing in front of the Congenital Dao Tire, Feng Zichen said softly. Then, I saw a great will in that womb, awakened.

  In a trance, an illusory image appeared on the congenital Taoist womb.

   "I have seen the deity!"

   Waking up from the silence, Emperor Gouchen opened his eyes and said to Feng Zichen in front of him.

   "Friends, you should go."

Feng Zichen said directly without being polite to Emperor Gouchen. In fact, there is no need to be polite. They are one body, so there is no need to be polite.

  It’s strange to be polite to yourself, even stranger than talking to yourself.

   "I already know, the deity can rest assured."

  The two people are connected, and there is no need for Feng Zichen to tell his plan. The Great Emperor Gou Chen understood his plan naturally.


   "Then fellow Taoist go!"

  While speaking, Feng Zichen took out an emperor purple qi and sent it into the body of Emperor Gouchen.

  This emperor purple qi is the first emperor purple qi bred by Ziweixing. It can be said that it has existed since the beginning of the world, and it is the purest origin of the emperor's Tao.

The power of    can be said to be amazing.

  This emperor's purple energy is in his body, not to mention that it is the emperor of humans, even the emperor of heaven can contend.

   When the three emperors and five emperors were born, Feng Zichen was not willing to use this emperor purple gas, but now it’s his turn to use this emperor purple gas~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this life,

  It's his turn to fight for the throne.

  Yes, Feng Zichen awakened Emperor Gouchen at this time, so that he could reincarnate the human race and fight for the throne of that man, so as to prepare for the future death of the immortal gods.

  The immortal **** will kill and do nothing, and if he moves, it will inevitably happen in the era under his rule. In this way, Feng Zichen was sure to let the immortal **** kill the robbery in accordance with his rhythm.

   Now that he is going to reincarnate, Feng Zichen will definitely not treat him badly, and he must prepare the best for everything. The specifications and ostentation are definitely bigger than the three emperors and five emperors combined.

  Otherwise, it is not enough to bring out His dignity.

  After giving the Emperor Ziqi to the Great Emperor Gouchen, Feng Zichen was still not at ease, and after giving him the Crown of All Souls and the Humane Emperor's Seal, he nodded with satisfaction.

   This month is over.

     will start to erupt tomorrow.

     Finally, I'm asking for a monthly pass.



  (End of this chapter)

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