Flooded Star Road

Chapter 726: The amazing idea of ​​attracting saints

  Chapter 731 The amazing idea of ​​attracting a saint

After all,    is a wise man who is a predecessor, and only from Feng Zichen's words, Fuxi roughly inferred his plan.

   However, even though he had guesses in his mind, Fu Xi did not say anything. It's good to know this kind of thing in your heart. Once you say it, it will inevitably cause unknown changes.

   "Everyone, there are still things Human Race needs to deal with, so I won't stay here for long. When everything is over, we are gathering together."

After greeting the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, Feng Zichen said goodbye.

  "Your Majesty, please go ahead and work if you have anything."

Seeing that Feng Zichen was about to leave, the three emperors and five emperors quickly got up to see each other.

   "Hate that I was trapped in the Fire Cloud Cave, unable to leave easily, but I can't help your Majesty. I can only watch your Majesty run around for the human race."

   "Otherwise, I will definitely have a good time with the saint."

  Outside the Huoyun Cave, Fuxi said with regret as he approached the separation.

   Although the three emperors are the most holy, they have the same status as the saints, but they are not without price.

   said that he was retreating in the fire cloud cave, but in fact he suppressed the human luck in the fire cloud cave and could not leave easily.

  In other words, the three emperors and five emperors waited if they were trapped in the fire cloud cave. Only when the human race has a catastrophe can they leave for a short period of time, and for the rest of the time, they are not allowed to leave.

  For this, the three emperors and five emperors wanted the lower realm to help Feng Zichen, but they were also unable to do so.

"Ha ha!"

   "Do not worry, fellow daoists, you will not be free for long."

   "After the Five Saints have exhausted their means and can't help me, they will surely launch a great catastrophe to interrupt my promotion to the emperor."

   "At that time, it will be the time for a few fellow Taoists to take action."

   Hearing Fuxi's complaint, Feng Zichen laughed and said.

  The three emperors and five emperors did not have a chance to get out of the Huoyun Cave. But when the contest between Feng Zichen and the saint became more and more serious, and gradually entered a white-hot stage, it would be difficult for the three emperors and five emperors to think about it.

  Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's melee, not to mention that it was for the human race, that is, for the entire prehistoric world, it was also an unimaginable catastrophe.

  The great catastrophe, the human race is in danger, the three emperors and five emperors should walk out of the fire cloud cave and perform the duty of saving the world.

   "Haha, if it is as your Majesty said, then Fuxi is looking forward to that moment." With a soft smile, Fuxi said yearningly.

   "Don't worry, you won't let the daoists wait too long."

   After speaking the last sentence, Feng Zichen's figure slowly dissipated, but he had already left Huoyun Cave and returned to the King's Capital of Dashang.




  On the other side, after leaving the Huoyun Cave, the face of the Taiqing Saint became extremely difficult to look at. It was no longer the calmness of the light and wind when facing Feng Zichen before.

  Obviously, the Taiqing saint did not have the confidence to prevent Feng Zichen from becoming the emperor. He also didn't have full assurance that he could block the wind Zichen.

  That is different from blocking Dayu from becoming the emperor.

  Da Yu became emperor, but he went against the sky. All the saints have the destiny to add to him, so they can naturally prevent him from becoming emperor without any pressure.

  Ke Feng Zichen is different, when he decides to become the emperor, Heaven has already acquiesced in his identity, waiting for him to gather enough luck to crown him as the emperor.

  At this time, if the saints attack Feng Zichen, Heaven will not hinder them, but it will not help them.

  In other words, in the battle between the saint and Feng Zichen, the gods will choose not to help each other. The outcome depends on the methods of both sides, who is better.

  Faced with Feng Zichen, who is in luck with the human race, it makes people scalp numb after thinking about it. If the saint wants to win this battle, it will be difficult.

  Because, what they have to face is not only Feng Zichen, but also the countless masters of the human race.

  The holy emperor has orders, who dares not follow?

   At that time, Feng Zichen ordered to go down together. The master of the human race, who had lived in seclusion for many years, was afraid that he would jump out one by one, and all the great merchants who came to see the holy emperor.

  No one will doubt the appeal of Feng Zichen!

  Human race masters will definitely implement every command of his.

  Even the saints are still worried, is it really only human masters who responded to Feng Zichen's orders?

  Instructions, Feng Zichen is still the ancestor of the gods and demons!

  And the Way of Gods and Demons has also produced many masters over the years. If they had also responded to Feng Zichen's order, I would feel numb on my scalp after thinking about it.

   Feng Zichen has such a powerful force in his hands, what about the saint?

  What power is in their hands?


  They have four religions in their hands,

  Human education, interpretation education, interception education, western education.

   But even if these forces are all added together, it is far from comparable to the power in Feng Zichen's hands.

  Don’t talk about other things, it’s just the human race, and there are hundreds of Da Luo Dao Zun.

  How about four teachings?

  There are a lot of Golden Immortals in Da Luo, but Da Luo Dao Zun has only four. People teach Xuandu, explain and teach Taoist people burning lamps, cut back to teach Xuanqing and Duobao, while Western religions do not have one.

  Hey, that’s not right.

  There are not all Western religions.

  In the past, the Western religion still had a few Dao Zun Daluo sitting here, but unfortunately, when Feng Zichen killed the Western religion, he killed them all by the way. I don’t know if they are now resurrected.

  The big four teachings, there are countless disciples, but Da Luo Dao Zun only has four, which is also embarrassing.

  Furthermore, not everyone can use these four Dao Zun Da Luo Zun.

  The man who taught Xuan Du was of human origin, and even Feng Zichen’s childhood friend, if the Sijiao really fought with Feng Zichen, then it would be good if Xuan didn't help Feng Zichen.

   also counted on him to stand in the same camp with the Four Sects and deal with the human race together, which is obviously impossible.

   And Jiejiao Xuanqing, before he became a teacher of Tongtian Guru, had already been close to Feng Zichen. It is obviously not realistic to count on him to be an enemy of Feng Zichen.

  In this way, the Da Luo Dao Zun that the Four Sects can produce is only two. This compares with the hundreds of Da Luo Dao Zun of the Human Race, which is not enough to see.

  For the first time, the saint felt immense pressure and an indescribable sense of powerlessness.

  Before, some of them relied too much on their own strength. I felt that as long as I was strong enough, it would be enough to sweep everything.

  This method is true, but it may not be all right.

  Just like now, after being unable to crush Feng Zichen in strength, the Five Saints began to look elsewhere. But suddenly, they found that they were more inferior to Feng Zichen than others.

  As far as the forces they have mastered, they are too far away from Fengzichen, so many that they are a little bit helpless.


   "Everyone, what should I do?"

  On Kunlun Mountain, Yuanshi Tianzun frowned and asked the Four Saints in front of him.

   "Oh, the stubbornness is great. With the power of the poor and the others, unless you do it yourself, it is really difficult to compete with it."

   sighed, then the saint said helplessly.

  Just like what he said, in the case of the saints not taking action, as far as Feng Zichen is concerned, unless it is the reappearance of the ancient monster clan, Honghuang does not have any power that can compete with it.

  Heavenly Court will not work.

  As for the Wu Clan, it would be nice not to help Feng Zichen beat them together, and stand on their side, don’t dream.

  Wait, Yaozu! ?

  Thinking of the demon clan, a bold idea suddenly appeared in the heart of attracting the saint. If he remembered correctly, there should be an inevitable blood feud between the monster race and the human race.


   just say if,

  What will happen to the monster race to deal with the human race?

  The current monster race is indeed not an opponent of the human race, but what if the ancient monster race has revived?

  Can the human race really block the counterattack of the ancient monster race and continue to dominate the prehistoric?

  The more he wanted to attract the saint, the more outrageous he got. Soon, he thought of the decisive battle between the human race and the ancient demon race, replaying the grand battle of the lich decisive battle in the past, and shattering the entire prehistoric land into ruins.

   Soon, all thoughts were put away when the saint was introduced. This idea is really crazy, he just thinks about it, he can't really act.

  After all, the matter of the ancient monster race is too involved, if the introduction of the saints really revives them, it is not just the human race that is involved.

  There are other forces.

  For example, Kunpeng in Beihai, the Heavenly Court of today, and His Western religion.

  The introduction of the saints has not forgotten. If it is true to talk about hatred, the ancient monster race's hatred of Western religion can be far above the human race, second only to the witch race.

  Reviving the ancient monster race, that's an enemy!

  However, the ancient monster clan cannot recover, so the remaining monster clan power can be used.

  With the strength of the monster race today, it is impossible to overthrow the human race, but it is still possible to cause trouble to the human race.

  In addition, it is not impossible to revive some of the masters of the ancient monster clan when things are really impossible.

   had an idea in his heart, and he was about to lead the saint to speak, but at this moment, he heard the Lord Tongtian yelling from the side: "If there is nothing, do some tricks."

   "From the perspective of Poverty Dao, a few of us joined forces to directly set up a large formation in the prehistoric land and block the world, making it impossible for the existence above Daluo Dao Zun to take action."

   "Then we will send our disciples to kill the King of Dashang. If we can overthrow Dashang's rule, it would be best."

   "If it can't, then the deceased disciple will be enough to fill up the list of gods to complete the death of immortal gods."

   "So, after the calamity has passed, we will take revenge on the disciples and directly kill the capital of the Shang Dynasty and drive Gouchen off the throne."

   "In this way, will everything be solved?"

  Hearing this, the rest of the four saints are all stunned.

  They were really shocked. How did the Master Tongtian come up with this plan? I'm afraid he didn't come to make trouble!

  How many people are in the human race?

  Together, how many people are there?

   Still attacking the capital of Shang Dynasty? I'm afraid that the human race can drown the four teaching disciples with one spit.

  I really have to follow the plan of the Master Tongtian. I am afraid that how many disciples of the Four Religions will go and die.

  Master Tongtian’s words were indeed deliberate.

  His idea is very simple. If he really follows his plan, the four disciples will definitely come out and be involved in the killing of immortals and gods.

  In this way, whoever enters the list of the gods will really have to watch his fate. It can be said that it is very fair.

  It’s a pity that although this plan is good, it is unrealistic.


   "Third brother, be careful!"

   "That Human Race can mobilize millions of Taiyi Golden Immortals at any time. With such power, how can my four disciples compete with the Human Race?"

  At this time, the Taiqing Saint said helplessly.

  As for the thoughts of the Lord Tongtian, he can guess one or two. This law is indeed fair, but no one will agree to it except the Master Tongtian.

  Moreover, even if everyone agrees, this plan cannot be successful.

  Don’t talk about anything else, it’s just to lay a big formation to lock the world, they can’t do it.

  Is it true that Feng Zichen has no allies?

  I am afraid that they have just started to set up a large array, Nuwa Empress, Houtu Empress, and Emperor Ziwei will try to obstruct them, making it impossible for him to succeed.

  At that time, this will be another trouble.


Master Tongtian also knew that his plan was taken for granted, so after a sigh, he stopped talking.

   "To prevent Gou Chen from becoming the emperor, with our current strength, I am afraid that it will not be possible. Therefore, we can only start from other aspects."

   "From the perspective of the poor path, if Gouchen wants to become the emperor, he can only continue to grow and develop, so as to gather enough luck and form the fruit of the emperor."

   "In this way, we will start from this aspect and secretly destroy the foundation of Dashang, making Gouchen unable to gather enough luck."

   "Over time, under the backlash of that humane dragon energy, he just didn't want to abdicate."

  Thinking for a while, the quasi-tutor who is savvy in calculations came up with a way.

   "This statement makes sense!"

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

  Previously, they all entered a misunderstanding, thinking that if they want to prevent Feng Zichen from becoming the emperor, they must deal with him.

   But in fact it is not.

  Dashang is the root of Feng Zichen. As long as the foundation of Dashang is broken, it will be able to break his road to the emperor without taking action against Feng Zichen.

  Think of it this way, things are much simpler.

   Why can't Feng Zichen be helped, and why can't there be great business?

  Dashang has a vast territory ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ life is endless, even if Feng Zichen's ability is great, it is impossible to be comprehensive, and there are always places that cannot be taken into account.

  And this is the opportunity for everyone.

  If you break the face with a little bit, the big business will die!

After confirming the general direction, everyone discussed in the Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace to perfect the next plan.


  After leaving Huoyun Cave, Feng Zichen went back to Dashang Wangdu directly.

  Human Sovereign, the first thing to do in this world is to accept the opinions of all forces in the Human Race, so as to have a clear understanding of the current situation of the Human Race.

  Then, wait for the representatives of the ten thousand races to come and worship, to show the emperor's majesty.

  Human emperor is not only the emperor of the human race, but also the lord of all races and the emperor of all souls. The emperor was born, and felt its majesty, so the tens of thousands of people naturally came to worship as a show of respect.

  If any clan dared not come, it would be easier to do it, and directly attack it, and with its blood, establish the supreme majesty of the emperor.

  Ps: The next chapter is at night, the kind of late.

  (End of this chapter)

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