Flooded Star Road

Chapter 741: Jin Yuanzi

   Chapter 746

  Hongyun ancestor fell in the middle of ancient times, when the saint had just become enlightened.

  And now, this era is about to pass. History is about to turn over and enter a new era. The ancient times will also be extended into the ancient times.

  How long has it been since the middle of the ancient times?

   Millions of years, or hundreds of millions of years?

   Zhen Yuanzi is not very clear, but he knows that this is definitely a very long time.

  But that's the case, so long years have passed, and an entire era, the ancestor of Hongyun still hasn't seen the slightest sign of returning.

  This is obviously unreasonable.

  The ancestor of Hongyun is not Emperor Taiyi, enemies are all over the world, and even the saints are preventing their return. He is just two enemies, Kunpeng Ancestor and Styx Ancestor.

  And these two people did not have the ability to hide Zhen Yuanzi's perception and block the return of the ancestor Hongyun.

  It is under such circumstances that Zhen Yuanzi has worked hard for an entire era, but he has not seen the slightest result. The true spirit of the ancestor Hongyun was still extremely silent, showing no sign of returning.

  At this time, even if Zhen Yuanzi didn't want to believe it anymore, he had to admit that this was a stronger existence than him, and secretly blocked the return of the ancestor Hongyun.

  Rather than Zhen Yuanzi, there are few prehistoric existences, and the range is very well locked. The eighth achievement is the saint's secret shot.

   Among the six sages, the one who has the most reason to do this kind of thing, apart from the introduction of the two sages, Zhen Yuanzi can't think of anyone else.

  The cause and effect that they owe Hongyun is too great, either they give Hongyun ancestor a holy position, or one person gives him an innate treasure. Only in this way can the cause and effect between them be settled.

  There is no other way.

  The poor clanging Western Second Saints, even if they are willing to pay such a price to repay the ancestor Hongyun, they can’t get it out.

  In order to rely on this cause and effect, the best way is to let the ancestor Hongyun never return.

  As long as man ceases to exist, then this cause and effect naturally does not exist.

   Therefore, no matter how hard Zhen Yuanzi works, he will not be able to resurrect the ancestor of Hongyun.

  The second sage of the West, no!

  Long ago, Zhenyuanzi thought of this possibility, but he didn't want to believe it or prove it.

  Because, once he confirmed this speculation, it would show that the ancestor Hongyun really had no hope of returning.

  For the expectation in her heart, Zhen Yuanzi chose to deceive herself, unwilling to accept the cruel truth.

  Over time, the resurrection of Hongyun ancestors became his heart knot. Even, it has dragged down his cultivation, making his progress in his cultivation a bit slow in recent years.

  Of course, if this knot can be solved at once, it means that Zhen Yuanzi is not far from breaking through the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

  But with the power of Zhen Yuanzi, he wants to resurrect the ancestor Hongyun under the joint suppression of the two Westerners, I am afraid that there will be no hope forever.

  The appearance of Kefeng Zichen made Zhen Yuanzi see a turning point.

  First, Feng Zichen told Zhenyuanzi with the Zichen sword that he has the ability to help him kill the ancestor Kunpeng and avenge the ancestor of Hongyun.

  Secondly, the arrival of Feng Zichen also made Zhen Yuanzi see another possibility. Another possibility of resurrecting the ancestor of Hongyun.

  Yes, he really cannot deal with the two saints of the West by himself, but he can also find a helper!

  Feng Zichen,

   is the best choice for Zhen Yuanzi.

  After all, he is one of the few masters who can compare with the saints. At the same time, he, like Zhen Yuanzi, has a **** feud with the two sages of the West.

  Furthermore, Feng Zichen's strength is not weaker than that of the Western Second Sage. This is not Zhen Yuanzi's guess, but Feng Zichen's true record.

  After all, He once used his own power against the three saints.

  If Feng Zichen's help is taken, then the return of the ancestor of Hongyun will be regarded as truly settled.

   Zhen Yuanzi chose to take the Zichen sword because of this.

   Otherwise, do you really think that it is only the life of the ancestor Kunpeng that can make Zhen Yuanzi sell the human race?

  This is obviously impossible.

  In Zhen Yuanzi's heart, killing the ancestor Kunpeng was nothing compared to resurrecting the ancestor Hongyun.

   Killing the ancestor of Kunpeng, there is no other use except to let him out of breath.

  He Zhen Yuanzi, a magnificent great supernatural power, it is impossible to sell himself to the human race just to vent his anger!

There must be a deeper reason in   .

   is to use Feng Zichen's hand to resurrect Hongyun ancestor. He has sold himself to the human race, and Feng Zichen couldn't help but help him.

  If you don’t want to help, you have to help. Otherwise, who would dare to take refuge in Human Race in the future?

  In this wave, Zhen Yuanzi and Feng Zichen are using each other. However, in general, Feng Zichen made a profit.

  After all, the resurrection of the ancestor of Hongyun was originally part of his dealing with the two saints.

   And taking this opportunity to prostitute Zhen Yuanzi, a future Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, for the Human Race, no matter how it counts, Feng Zichen earned it.

  When the future Hongyun ancestor is resurrected and Zhenyuanzi becomes the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Daluo, that human race is equivalent to two more supreme beings at once.

  After this, if the three emperors followed enlightenment, that scene...

It must be spectacular.

  At that time, Human Race really has the capital to counter the saints, and can say no loudly to the arrangements of the saints.

  And this is exactly what Feng Zichen expected.

  He firmly believes that that day will come soon.



   "Take the lead, quasi-promotion, when the Hongyun Daoist friends return, the poor and the Dao will definitely settle the cause and effect of these years with your brothers."

  Worshiping the ancestor of Hongyun again, Zhen Yuanzi said with murderous intent.

  At this moment, with the change of his thoughts, in his heart, the hatred of Zhunti and Zhunti was connected, no matter how difficult it was to suppress, almost all of it emerged in a moment, stirring in his heart.

  It's hard to calm the mind, and the hatred is hard to calm. Only with the blood of two people can it be washed away.

  That is to say, the saint has lost the ability to deduct the secrets of the heavens. Otherwise, based on Zhen Yuanzi's current behavior, I am afraid that the two saints will be immediately picked up and perceived, which will cause unknown troubles.

  After a long time, Zhen Yuanzi suppressed the murderous in his heart. Then, I saw him carrying the Zichen sword and going to the quiet room to retreat.

  This is a precursor to murder!

  In the current state of Zhen Yuanzi, it is not easy to go directly to the trouble of the ancestor Kunpeng, so he has to go to the quiet room to sit for a while to adjust his mood.

in addition,

   Revenge is a very sacred thing. He needs to make all the preparations to kill the ancestor Kunpeng at the best time.

  For example,

  The day when the ancestor of Hongyun fell.

   Killing the ancestor Kunpeng on this day is just the last memorial to the ancestor of Hongyun.



   "Your Majesty, the Zichen sword has been accepted by Daxian. In addition, Daxian asked me to tell your Majesty that he has understood your meaning and he has agreed."

  In the Palace of Human Emperor, the breeze returning from Wanshou Mountain returned to Feng Zichen. At the same time, He did not forget to offer the nine ginseng fruits.

   "By the way, Your Majesty, these nine ginseng fruits are gifts from the great immortal." After that, Feng Cangmang took out the ginseng fruits that Qingfeng Mingyue had laid for him.


   "You did a good job."

  "The ginseng fruit, you can take it, or give it to whoever pleases the eye, or keep it for yourself. In short, treat it as your reward for this mission."

   nodded, Feng Zichen applauded. As for the ginseng fruit, that thing is no longer useful to him, so I might as well give it to the wind.

   "Yes!" After accepting the ginseng fruit, Feng Changmang got up and left.

  "Kunpeng ancestor, the widow sees that you are not dead this time." Turning his head and looking at Beihai, Feng Zichen sneered.

  As little as a hundred years, as many as a thousand years, Kunpeng ancestors will undoubtedly die.

  Time flies quickly, and one hundred and thirty years have passed since the transfer.

  And this day, in terms of the time in the heavens, is the anniversary of the death of the ancestor of Hongyun.


On   Wan Shou Mountain, there was a sudden violent fluctuation that shook the entire prehistoric world.

   Then, I saw Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the earth immortal who hadn't been moving for a long time, with a shocking intent to kill, walked out of Wanshou Mountain and headed towards Beihai.

   "Kunpeng child, it's time for you to pay your life for Fellow Hongyun."

  The cold voice resounded between the heaven and the earth, awakening the unknown great supernatural powers.

  "This is the voice of Brother Zhen Yuanzi, what is he going to do? He is going to attack the ancestor Kunpeng at this moment?"

  Waking up from the retreat, everyone looked in the direction of Longevity Mountain in surprise. It's not a trivial matter that a deadly battle between the great supernatural powers broke out.

  Moreover, this is still the key thing.

  The ancestor of Kunpeng has just received the support of the saint and is preparing to fight against the emperor and seize the position of the emperor of the earth. Now it is the moment of complacency. It is unwise for Zhen Yuanzi to choose to fight against him at this time!

  In addition, during the calamity period, although it is the best time for revenge and grievance, it is the first time that this kind of vengeance between great supernatural powers has occurred.

  Super class, it's too super class.

  Daluo Jinxian was involved in the killing, which was already a remarkable event. But there is even a top supernatural power between heaven and earth taking the initiative to robbery, what is this going to do?

   Is it because the situation is not chaotic enough, and the power of killing and robbery is not strong enough?

  Want to fill in another fire?

  At this time, the five sages on Kunlun Mountain should be the most anxious. Zhen Yuanzi suddenly killed the ancestor Kunpeng, and really caught them by surprise.

  Good point, why did Zhen Yuanzi suddenly attack the ancestor Kunpeng again?

  I have endured it for countless years. Why can't I help it at this time?

   Lost the ability to deduce the secret of heaven, even the saints can’t know everything, so they don’t even know that Feng Zichen once sent Feng Cangmang to Wanshou Mountain.

   "Damn it, Daoist Zhen Yuanzi must not be allowed to attack Kunpeng, otherwise, whether this battle is won or won, it will affect our plan."

  With a dark face, Zhunti said the saint. As long as Zhen Yuanzi shot Kunpeng, Kunpeng was afraid that he would not be able to show up in that short period of time.

  The great supernatural powers of the same level played against each other, no one has hundreds of thousands of years, how can the winner be distinguished?

  If it is divided into birth and death, it is even more difficult. Unless you have the strength to crush, otherwise, you can only rely on time to slowly wear it.

  At this critical moment when the monsters are attacking the human race, how can you keep the ancestor Kunpeng from appearing for a long time?

  It doesn’t take many years. As long as the Kunpeng ancestor does not show up for a thousand years, the Beihai monster clan’s military spirit will be exhausted, and it will be overwhelmed by the human race.

   Therefore, Zhen Yuanzi must not fight against Kunpeng ancestor, at least, not now.



   Zhen Yuanzi is very popular in the prehistoric, so when he saw that he was silly at this time and wanted to attack Kunpeng to destroy the saint’s plan, everyone appeared to persuade him.

   "Brother Zhen Yuanzi, I still want to think twice. It is really unwise to fight against Kunpeng at this moment."

   "It's the extreme, the extreme, now that the general trend is in him, it is better for Dao brother to avoid one or two."

  In the eyes of everyone, now that Zhen Yuanzi is going to kill the ancestor of Kunpeng, there is no other possibility other than taking his own humiliation.

  Not to mention whether the saints will help, that is, that the hundreds of demon gods of the North Sea monster clan teamed up to kill Zhen Yuanzi with Kunpeng, which was enough for him.

  Everyone was worried that Zhen Yuanzi would not get revenge, and instead lost face, they spoke to persuade him to go back.

  It can be seen that Zhen Yuanzi's popularity is very good.

  If you change to someone else, persuade? It's good not to watch the joke on the sidelines.

   "The kindness of fellow Daoists has been appreciated by the poor Dao. However, the matter of revenge for fellow Daoist Hongyun has become the obsession of the poor Dao. If it cannot be done, I am afraid that the poor Dao will have no further possibility."

  "So, fellow daoists, please come back, there is no room for Pang Dao to look back. Right now, it is Pang Dao’s only opportunity. If I miss it, I am afraid there will be no second time."

   Shaking his head, Zhen Yuanzi said. How can he, who has made up his mind, be shaken by a few words from outsiders?

  Today, Kunpeng must kill him!


  Seeing that Zhenyuanzi's eyes were firm, everyone knew that his heart was determined. Therefore, they were not persuading him, but followed him silently.

  Want to come, with them following Zhenyuanzi Dao brother, even if Kunpeng wins, he dare not go too far.

  They are there anyway, the life of Zhenyuanzi Dao brother is saved anyway, at most it is a bit of face loss, it shouldn't be a big deal.

   Seeing everyone silently following behind him, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but feel a little moved.

  What is loyalty, this is it.

  I have to say that Zhen Yuanzi is good at being a human being.

   are all famous and famous old people~www.wuxiaspot.com~When the ancestor of Hongyun was in danger, everyone chose to stand by. When Zhen Yuanzi was in danger, everyone appeared one after another, silently standing for him.

  This is the gap in life. If the ancestor of Hongyun could have half of Zhenyuanzi's ability to be a human, then he would not end up in ruin.


  Seeing that everyone did not persuade Zhen Yuanzi to go down, but instead followed him to Beihai, the saint had no choice but to come forward to persuade him to go back.

  "Daoist Zhen Yuanzi, please stay here."

  Before the person arrived, Zhun said the voice of the saint came from afar.

   However, Zhen Yuanzi turned a deaf ear to his voice, as if he hadn't heard at all, and walked forward on his own.

   Seeing that Zhenyuanzi ignored him, he would probably mention that the Taoist was not embarrassed, and appeared in front of him.

    Next chapter, around 2 o'clock.

     Everyone, let's see it tomorrow.



  (End of this chapter)

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