Flooded Star Road

Chapter 776: Kenmanjindai

After the nine people discussed it, they directly issued a decree to all beings, summoning all the innate Taoist priests in the prehistoric world, and went to the chaos outside the sky to hunt down the innate beasts.

This is a decree, an decree of heaven, and no one can violate it. Even if you don't want to go, you have to go after the decree is issued, and you must go.

As a member of the prehistoric world, I enjoy the resources of the world on weekdays, but now the enemy is coming, but he wants to do nothing. Is this possible?

If anyone doesn't go, the nine great Hunyuan powerhouses don't mind killing chickens and monkeys, sending those who don't go back to heaven and earth, and it can be regarded as repaying the grace of heaven and earth for nurturing him.

As soon as the order came out, it immediately reverberated in the minds of all Da Luo Dao Zun, allowing them to understand the causes and consequences of this battle.

In this battle, there is no distinction between races. Those who go to the chaos beyond the sky are fighting for the predicament and for the living beings of the heavens and the earth, and they should have great merits.

When the battle is over, the way of heaven will show up and give infinite merits to reward the heroes.



On the eve of the order, in the territories of the human race, the Taoists of the human race were boring and wondering how to play with the rebels.

But suddenly, the order came, allowing them all to leave the prehistoric world and go to the outer chaos to fight the innate beasts.

For an instant, the Taoist priests of the human race looked at the rebels in front of them, and they were all stupid. Now that the Emperor is hit hard and the rebels have not been eliminated, how can they leave easily.

If they left at this time, didn't they just give the rebels a chance? But the decrees had to be followed. If they don't go to the chaos outside the sky, it is estimated that they will be killed by the saints now.

After hesitating for a while, the eyes of many innate Taoist priests of the human race looked at the rebels, and suddenly some dangerous eyes appeared.

Originally wanted to play with these rebels, but now it seems that there is no chance.

Thinking about this, everyone took a shot and used their strongest means to kill the rebels, only to solve the rebels in one blow.

At the critical moment, two bright rays of brilliance suddenly rushed from Kunlun Mountain, exuding a humane atmosphere, and submerged in the bodies of Taoist Ziyun and Taoist Donghua.

That is the human luck, the two layers of luck taken away by the Taiqing saints. At this moment, the two percent of Qi Luck was actually divided into two by the Taiqing Saint, and at the same time penetrated into the bodies of Taoist Ziyun and Taoist Donghua.


In an instant, the aura of the two suddenly soared. Soon, they entered the realm of Dzogchen from the early stage of the quasi-sage, and became a veritable great supernatural power.


The first time their strength exploded, the two of them blasted toward the human race's many innate dao veners without hesitation, and the terrifying magical powers erupted from their hands, destroying the magical powers that blasted everyone.

At the same time, a powerful chaotic air burst out of God's body in vain, covering a radius of millions of miles, covering the sky and the sun.

The magical powers of the people just blasted, they were swallowed by the overwhelming chaotic air, not even a single wave was lifted.

Seeing this, the Dao Sovereign of the human race was furious, and they were about to unfold the Dao body and form a galaxy universe to fight to the death.

But at this moment, Feng Zichen’s ethereal voice suddenly came from their ears: "You go back, there is no need to fight them in a senseless battle. It is better to go to the chaos outside the sky as soon as possible to capture for our human race. Congenital fierce beast."

"Remember, while ensuring your own safety, if you have a chance to catch the innate beast alive, then do your best."

"Don't be afraid of loss. Compared with catching innate beasts alive, no matter how big the loss is, it is worth it."

At the end, Feng Zichen's voice became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.


Everyone looked at each other. Although it was incomprehensible to the Emperor, they really had to listen to the orders of the Emperor.

As a result, I saw everyone staring at the rebels bitterly and said: "Huh, this time it's really cheap for you. It happened that an innate beast appeared and saved your lives."


Speaking of this, everyone sneered twice, then left one after another, heading to the Chaos Outside the Sky to prepare for battle.

Although the last threatening words were not said, everyone knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

Seeing the innate Taoist priests leave, the rebels couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. With these Taoist priests, they don't see any hope of winning at all, and some are just endless despair.

Now that they finally left, the boulder that was pressing on the hearts of the rebels was gone, of course they relaxed.

Invading the ancestral land of the human race is just around the corner.

As for the threatening words of those Taoist priests? As long as they have won the final victory and are in a high position, no matter how strong the human Dao Sovereign is, they can't help them for the time being.

In addition, after controlling the aura of the human race, between them and these Dao Venerables, it is not necessarily whether they are strong or weak.



"Tsk tusk, did you finally do it?"

In the Palace of the Human Emperor, seeing the fortunes of the two human races blessed by the ancestors of Hongyun and the prince of Dong, Feng Zichen's eyes could not help but a glimmer of light.

This is his chance to regain the luck of these two human races.

As long as these two people are defeated, the 20% of the human luck taken away by the Taiqing saints will not only reflow into the human race, but will also carry the luck of the ancient powers of the reincarnated human race into the human luck. middle.

Between this in and out, the human luck will undoubtedly soar a lot.

This is good luck!

Judging from the current situation of the human race, Qi Luck has almost reached its peak, and there is basically no possibility of autonomous power. If you want to continue to pretend to be big, you can only cannibalize the luck of other races.

However, it is not so simple to cannibalize the luck of foreign races. Apart from allowing them to take the initiative to seek refuge, they can only be suppressed by force.

But force suppression.

Nowadays, there are many great magicians who are dissatisfied with the human race. But they couldn't find a suitable reason to attack the human race, if the human race took the initiative to provoke a war and attack foreign races.

Isn't this the reason for the delivery?

At that time, the saint raised his arms, and the responders gathered, and the human race directly became the public enemy of the world. If you really want to evolve to this point, even if the human race is the protagonist of heaven and earth, it is hard to escape defeat.

Since the active attack is not enough, you can only passively wait for someone to seek refuge, which is much harder than force suppression. Even Feng Zichen couldn't figure out a way to do this for a while.

But now, there is no need for him to think of a solution. The saint took the initiative to send him luck.

Those ancient powerhouses who reincarnated and entered the human race, their luck was all added together, it was not a small number, they were all comparable to several powerful races.

At the very least, it can also increase Human luck by half, or even 10%. Is there any reason why you don't want to send the benefits to your door?

Therefore, Feng Zichen will allow these rebel forces to grow stronger. Nowadays, the greater their power, the more luck they accumulate.

When Feng Zichen finally puts the chaos out of the way, the more benefits he can get.

As for playing off?


If it really takes off, Feng Zichen will directly raise the card and release the humane imperial court. With the luck of the ancient human race, back to the current human luck, it will determine the universe in one fell swoop and sweep all the turmoil.

If the imperial court of humanity is not enough, he still has the path of the heavenly devil, the yin court, and the trading city of ten thousand realms...

I, Feng Zichen, wild vest mad, the biggest old man.

There are a series of vests such as Emperor Renhuang, Emperor Ziwei, Emperor Gouchen, Emperor Fengdu, Emperor Nanji, etc., and layouts beyond imagination.

There are so many hole cards, how could it be possible to play off.

Isn't this funny?

With so many hole cards, just uncovering a few at random, can alleviate the current chaos of the human race in one fell swoop.



Looking outside, Feng Zichen couldn't help but shook his head a bit when he saw that the rebels had begun to attack the city. The offensive of the rebels is very strong, and if he does not send soldiers to volunteer, those **** cities may not be able to hold.

The power of God City is very strong, but it has a shortcoming, that is, it is not internal.

What does that mean?

That is to say, if there are foreigners invading, the power of the **** city will be fully utilized to resist the invasion of foreign enemies or kill them.

But if a civil war breaks out in the human race, the power of the **** city will not be activated. Compared with the ordinary city, it is no different except that it is harder.

Why is there such a bad setting? Of course it was set by Feng Zichen deliberately.

If you don't do this, how will the rebels attack once the power of God City is released? Without Daluo Dao Zun's shot, who can blast through the defense of God City?

In this way, even if Da Luo Dao Zun had left, the rebels still couldn't move forward. How would Feng Zichen carry out his next plan?

These are all living luck, how can they be abandoned?

In order to give the rebels a chance to "invade" the ancestral land of the human race, Feng Zichen really took great pains.

Withdrawing his gaze from the rebels, Feng Zichen turned his gaze to the God Realm that overlapped with the human race.

At this time, after the nourishment of the territories of the human race and the nurturing of countless masters, the God Realm was not fully developed, but it could be put into use.

Seeing this, Feng Zichen's expression moved slightly, calling a confidant. I saw him take out the pantheon map and commanded the confidant:

"You go and give orders to the widows, gather all the capable craftsmen of the human race, and build a pantheon platform outside the human imperial city, following the pattern of Gouchen Tiangong."

"Then, when the Wanshentai is built, you will paste this picture on it."

After speaking, Feng Zichen handed the Pantheon Diagram to the confidant.

Build a pantheon platform, take out the pantheon map, this is to enshrine the gods. At this point in the war, Fengshen should also kick off.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" After the confidant took the Ten Thousand Gods Map, he took the order to leave here, and summoned people to build the Pantheon Platform.

"Sanjiao, your end is here."

When his confidant walked away, Feng Zichen looked at the sky in the distance and said with some expectation.

The three realms of heaven, earth and humans co-evolve and confer gods. How many lives must the Three Religions take to fill them up?

Moreover, at this point in the war, the agreement in the Zixiao Palace can be said to be completely uncounted. Who will be on the list, who will be happy, who will be destroyed? What the saint said is not counted, it all depends on his own ability.

Oh, right. The three teachings here refer to interpretation, interception and Western teaching, not interpretation, interception and human education.

The total number of people taught is only two people, and this tribulation of the gods has nothing to do with them.

It is most appropriate to replace human education by Western religion. Who makes them crowded? This confession of gods and calamity was destined from the very beginning, whoever has more disciples will suffer.



The Emperor has an order to gather all the skilled craftsmen in the world to build the Pantheon.

As soon as this order came out, the world was in an uproar, and many skilled craftsmen set off and rushed to the imperial city by teleporting flying boats. Even in the Liangou Chen Tiangong, many people ran down to the earth.

These people, although they don't know what a pantheon platform is, but they know that this is the order of the emperor. If this is done, won't you show your face in front of the emperor?

If you are lucky enough to be remembered by the emperor, then it is really a carp leaping over the dragon gate. From then on, it is not difficult to become enlightened.

As we all know, the talent of the emperor is the first recognized by the prehistoric.

It is Hongjun Daozu and Donghuang Taiyi, the two strongest tianjiao of the ancient times, and the strongest tianjiao of the ancient times, in front of him, they also want to bow down to the wind and admit that they can't match them in talent.

If you can be valued by such a person and build a practice tailored for him, it is really not difficult to achieve Dao Zun.

It should be noted that in the legend of the human race, the Saint Emperor Zichen is best at training masters.

In ancient times, the human race was weak and was the bottom of the prehistoric. But under his leadership, the human race once became a prehistoric and powerful race, and countless masters were born.

In the end, under his leadership, the Human Race even threatened the rule of the Monster Race, so that Emperor Jun, the head of the Monster Race at the time, led troops to attack the Human Race, destroying the glorious ancient Human Race civilization.

I have to say that the legend is the legend, and it will change when it is passed on. It is undeniable that the ancient human race is indeed not weak, but to say that it threatens the rule of the Yao race, it is a bit of a joke.

The truth is that the ancient human race was completely vulnerable to the ancient monster race. However, the current human race doesn't believe it.

My lord is so strong, how could it be easily defeated by the mere demons? It must have gone through a **** battle, and this unfortunately fell under the conspiracy of the Yaozu, making the extremely glorious civilization go to decline since then.

Bah, Yaozu, it's really mean.

It's no wonder that the human race now thinks this way. Looking around, the monster race in the prehistoric, let alone rebelling against the human race, has been reduced to the food of the human race and has been served by the human race.

Looking at this kind of human race~www.wuxiaspot.com~, how can you believe that the ancient human race was hanged and beaten by the monster race?

This is impossible.

How can people who have never experienced that era know the horror of the ancient monster race?



It is really fascinating to turn a prehistoric and weak clan into a predominantly strong clan.

Of course, if such a method is used on an individual, that person still has to take off!

It is said, it is only said that more than half of the innate Taoist priests of the human race are now cultivated by the human emperor. As long as it is in the eyes of the Emperor of Humanity, that one hundred percent can become a Taoist priest.

Everyone is here to get into the eyes of the emperor, so as to give themselves a glorious future.

As for the emperor's heavy losses? It doesn't matter if the saints really believe it, they don't believe it anyway.

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