Flooded Star Road

Chapter 779: Congenital Lingbao Broadcasting

In an instant, a hundred years have passed, and countless innate fierce beasts, under the orders of the nine great chaos demon gods, began to attack the prehistoric world.

After a hundred years of assembly, the prehistoric world has recruited more than three thousand Daluo Dao Zuns, forming a solid line of defense in front of the endless starry sky to resist the invasion of the innate beasts.

To be honest, the prehistoric world has indeed fallen.

Adding all the Daluo Dao Zun together, it turned out to be no more than four thousand. This amount is no more than comparable to the peak period of the Monster Race.

It's declining, a little scary.

It is not ruled out that there are still some Daluo Dao Zun hidden in the prehistoric world, and there is no possibility of being called.

But even if there is Da Luo Dao Zun hidden, how many there can be, count him as having a thousand. Together, there are only more than five thousand statues.

This number of Da Luo Dao Venerables is undoubtedly declining when compared with the grand occasion when tens of thousands of Da Luo Dao Venerables co-existed at the peak of the prehistoric world.

Looking at the more than four thousand Da Luo Dao Zun in front of him, instead of being happy, there was a sense of ending in the hearts of everyone.

The prehistoric world is going downhill, and if things go on like this, the environment for cultivation will become more and more difficult. Under such circumstances, can Heaven and Earth still breed a new Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?

Thinking of this, the hearts of many great magicians could not help but cloud a layer of haze.

And the existence of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, although they don't have this worry, they are in a bad mood.

Looking at the innate beasts with no less than tens of thousands of innate fierce beasts, and looking at the Daluo Dao Zun, who has no more than four thousand on his side, no one will be in a good mood.

The gap is really too big.

Four thousand pairs tens of thousands, no matter how you look at it, it is a situation that you will lose, you have to take some measures, otherwise, if you really have to be rushed into the wild world by the innate beast, then it is really a big trouble.

According to the gambling agreement, any place that has been ravaged by innate beasts will become the territory of the Chaos Demon God.


On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to sleep peacefully?

Being a neighbor with the Chaos Demon God is a numb thing to think about.

Of all the people present, no one would be willing.

Even those who are descendants of the Chaos Demon God are not willing to be neighbors with the Chaos Demon God. Even more, compared to Feng Zichen and others, the two of them hated the Chaos Demon God even more.

They are afraid! Perhaps one day the Chaos Demon God chooses to swallow them in order to restore his strength.

As the descendants of the Chaos Demon God, their existence is the greatest tonic for the Chaos Demon God who gave birth to them.

As long as they swallow them, they can plunder all of them and restore a lot of their origins.

Therefore, those who are not reconciled to making wedding dresses for others, Zhunti Ersheng, hates the Chaos Demon God, and hopes that they will all die.



Looking at the congenital fierce beast rushing, everyone frowned unknowingly. They expected that there would be a lot of congenital fierce beasts, but they did not expect that there would be so few Daluo Dao Zun on their side.


For a while, I couldn't think of a way.

As for letting the great supernatural powers take action?

The Chaos Demon God only sends out Dao-senior-level innate fierce beasts, and the meaning is already obvious.

This battle stopped at Da Luo Dao Zun. The existence above must not intervene, otherwise, this battle will turn into a grand battle.

Seeing that everyone really couldn't think of a way, Feng Zichen frowned in the Palace of Human Emperor, hesitated for a moment, took the Immortal Dragon City from the territories of the human race, and turned it into an invincible line of defense in the chaos beyond the sky. Help you Taoist priests to guard the wild world.

Seeing this scene, even the Five Sages who were extremely dissatisfied with Feng Zichen couldn't help lowering their noble head and thanked Chao Feng Zichen: "Gou Chen Daoist Gao Yi, we are far inferior."

Hearing that, Feng Zichen in the Palace of Human Emperor just curled his lips in disdain, saying anything that is righteous or not righteous is bullshit.

If you really want to thank him, why don't you use actual actions to explain it, for example, let Donghua Taoists and Ziyun Taoists surrender immediately?

Anyway, there is no price to pay for the matter of moving your mouth. It is just a meaning. What kind of sincerity can there be?


As soon as the Immortal Dragon City appeared, the human Dao Venerable among the four thousand Dao Venerables immediately felt, and with a flash, he came to the Immortal Dragon City.

Seeing them moving, the galaxy cosmic light array slowly unfolded, resonating with Zhou Tianxing behind, attracting infinite starlight, blessing it on top of the immortal dragon city, making the power of the immortal dragon city another step. .


The vast fluctuations erupted from the body of the Immortal Dragon City, forming a wave of tidal-like ripples, sweeping forward.

In an instant, seeing the ripples swept across, the innate fierce beasts rushing in front, even the screams in the future, were crushed into a blood mist.


After that, the sound of a stunned dragon sounded, and the immortal dragon reappeared in the sky above the immortal dragon city, its body winding endlessly, like a high god, overlooking everything.

The Immortal Dragon City is not an offensive magic weapon, it is a defensive treasure, and the more people urging it, the stronger the power it can exert.

With the blessing of the Immortal Dragon City, the defense of these four thousand Daluo Dao Zuns can at least double, which is comparable to the eight thousand Da Luo Dao Zuns.

As a result, the possibility of everyone defending the prehistoric world has increased a lot.



The death of the same kind did not make the innate beasts feel scared

On the contrary, under the stimulation of blood, the fierceness of the remaining innate fierce beasts seemed to have been aroused, and they all entered a violent state, attacking the immortal dragon city fiercely and fearlessly.

Above the Immortal Dragon City, the Daoists saw the innate beasts attacking, and they were not keeping their hands. They gathered together, like the human, witch, demon, and innate tribes, each forming a formation to join hands against the enemy. .

The non-influenced casual repairs use the Immortal Dragon City as a defense, sacrifice their life magic weapon, and blast towards the innate beasts far away.

Regardless of whether they are in force or not, everyone is silently using their own methods to desperately guard the wild world of giving birth to them.

An earth-shattering battle kicked off.

With such a huge gap between them, Feng Zichen, Jiuyin Zhunti and others didn't want to catch the innate beast alive.

Now they, they only ask their own men to do their best to kill the innate beasts, and they must not make it half a step into the prehistoric world.


As soon as the war began, it entered the most intense moment, and both sides tried their best to kill each other. Countless magical powers and magic weapons, flying in the chaos, reflecting all kinds of light, gorgeous and moving.

For a time, the chaos outside the sky was stained with blood, and everywhere was the broken flesh and blood of the innate beasts, as well as the remains of magic weapons, and the wandering chaotic air gradually became bloody.

The war became more and more tragic.

But at this moment, quietly, blood-colored altars emerged, hiding in the chaotic air, constantly devouring the surrounding flesh and blood.

That is the blood altar, and it is also where Feng Zichen believes that this battle will be won.

When the blood altar swallows enough flesh and blood to purify it, Da Luo Dao Zun of the human race will be immortal like a saint.

Then, the battle will be much simpler, and it will be exhausted to see who can't stand it first.

Whoever can't stand it first will lose.

Those who endure will win the final victory.



"The prehistoric creatures are also interesting, and they even agreed to my proposal. Are they more than just those innate beasts that are endless to me?"

In the deepest part of the chaos outside the sky, the nine chaos demon gods hiding here smiled and talked.

They don't care about the consumption of innate beasts at all, because for them, innate beasts can be easily created. This is true even for the innate fierce beasts of Da Luo Dao Zun level.

The Chaos Demon Gods who live in the Great Chaos outside the realm can create tens of thousands of innate fierce beasts with one arm, and they are all of the Daluo Dao Zun level.

If you add the Heavenly Materials and Earth Treasures such as the Chaos God Stone, this number will have to be more than doubled. And the Chaos Demon God who lives in the Great Chaos outside the realm will lack treasures like the Chaos God Stone?

of course not!

Living in the Great Chaos Outside the World for so many years, these Chaos Demon Gods are not in vain, except for retreat and healing, the rest of the time, they are collecting all kinds of magic weapons.

After all, in the opening battle, it was not only them who were injured, but also the Chaos Spirit Treasure in their hands. This requires devouring all kinds of chaotic gods.

While the Chaos Demon God is looking for the Chaos God Fetish in the Great Chaos Outside the Realm, it is much easier to find the Chaos God Fetish in the Chaos Outside the Realm by Feng Zichen.

After all, Chaos Demon God also has the title of Child of Chaos. Isn't it simple to find the God of Chaos?

It is precisely because of this that the several Chaos Demon Gods have a large number of Chaos Gods in their hands.

This means that as long as those Chaos Demon Gods are willing, they only need to use a little source as a guide to create a large number of high-level innate fierce beasts through Chaos Gods.

How much this large amount can have depends on how many chaotic gods the Chaos Demon God has.

Then think about it, these innate fierce beasts will not be missing. The nine great chaos demon gods say that there is an endless source, and the probability is not an exaggeration.

This time, Honghuang is really dangerous.

Hongjun Daozu's decision was a bit hasty.

But is this really the case?

Old treacherous, cunning, bah, resourceful Hongjun Daozu, will anyone really calculate it?



It is impossible to say that the time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle. In an instant, several years passed.

And the war of chaos outside the sky has become more and more fierce.

On this occasion, not only was the congenital fierce beast suffered heavy casualties, but also the predecessor, and also saw blood.

I saw that huge cracks appeared on the immortal dragon city. Although the power of immortality was constantly repairing, the speed of crack expansion was far faster than the speed of repairing by the power of immortality.

And this also made the cracks on the Immortal Dragon City difficult to repair.

A crack appeared in the Immortal Dragon City, which also made it clear that the invincible defense was flawed.

Through these shortcomings, the attack of the innate beasts was like a tide, rushing in madly, putting tremendous pressure on the predecessors.

Gradually, first Dao Zun was injured, and then there was Dao Zun who gradually died, torn to pieces by that violent supernatural power, and blood was spilled on the spot.

There will be a second, a third, and a fourth if the first Dao Zun falls.

Soon, dozens of Taoist priests fell.

Seeing that the situation was not good, those great clans immediately played their due responsibility.

I saw several great tribes headed by Humans, Monsters, Witches, and Innate tribes, stepping forward, blocking the flaws of the Immortal Dragon City, and facing the most critical situation.

With the help of the human race and other big races, the pressure on the casual cultivators and the small races suddenly reduced.

But the pressure of several big clans has doubled. Especially the human race, they face the most pressure.

Among the more than 4,000 Congenital Dao Venerables present, the Dao Venerable Human Race comes the most, but they are not the strongest. It is not the inferiority in the realm, but the inferiority in the magic weapon.

Dao Venerable Human Race was basically born after the decisive battle of the Lich, and missed the primeval golden age. Most Dao Venerables did not have innate spirit treasures in their hands.

And the rest of the big clans, such as the monsters, the witches, and the congenital tribes, were born in the most glorious period of the prehistoric world, not to mention that they have one congenital spiritual treasure. On average, even if they are not two congenital spiritual treasures, That's not much difference.

This is the advantage of being born early, and the human race did not enjoy it at all. But just like this, the Human Race still gave birth to hundreds of Dao Zun Daluo, which shows how powerful Feng Zichen's methods are.

In terms of training masters, in this respect, even Hongjun Daozu can't compare to Feng Zichen.


An ordinary innate spirit treasure, the increase brought to Da Luo Dao Zun, at least can increase its combat power by three levels. If it is a powerful Xiantian Lingbao, it is enough to double its combat power several times.

This shows the importance of Xiantian Lingbao to Daluo Dao Zun.

The human Dao Sovereigns have suffered from the lack of innate spirit treasures in their hands, so that Da Luo Dao Sovereign who has the largest number of them is empty, but they are not the first in power.

Similarly, without the assistance of Innate Lingbao, the Human Race Dao Sovereigns seem to be more strenuous than others when facing the attack of Innate Beasts.

From afar ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Great Emperor Ziwei saw this scene, his heart moved slightly, he had to go through his own treasure house to see if he could find some innate spiritual treasures, so as to give some help to the innate Taoists of the human race.

However, before the Great Emperor Ziwei acted, by his side, the Taiqing Saint suddenly sighed and said:

"Hey, they are all heroes who guard my prehistoric world. How can Pang Dao bear to watch them fighting with bare hands, let Pang Dao do some of their meager efforts for them."

While talking, the Taiqing saint waved his sleeves, and actually took out dozens of innate spirit treasures and threw them towards the human Dao Zun.

After him, Yuanshi Tianzun also took out dozens of innate spirit treasures blankly, and threw them to the human Dao Zun.

As for the Lord Tongtian, who has scattered treasures many times in a row, no matter how rich his family is, he will almost bottom out.

But this time, he gritted his teeth, without hesitation, and took out more than a dozen congenital spirit treasures.

Regardless of the small number of these dozen innate spirit treasures, there are far less innate spirit treasures from Taiqing Saints and Yuanshi Tianzun, but they are better than quality.

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