Flooded Star Road

Chapter 781: 10 Fang Fusha

After receiving the Chaos Clock, Feng Zichen roughly understood what Donghuang Taiyi meant.

Due to the surveillance of the Chaos Demon God, Tai Yi couldn't leave to go to the depths of the chaos outside the sky.

But he can let Feng Zichen, who is not in the vision of the Chaos Demon God, bring his magic weapon to the Chaos Demon God.

When the strength reaches their level, the magic weapons have basically been sacrificed to the point where they are not separated from themselves.

Therefore, taking the Chaos Clock to the depths of the chaos outside the sky is basically the same as taking the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to the depths of the chaos.

As soon as the war broke out, the Eastern Emperor Tai could cross the infinite chaos through the chaotic clock and directly come to the vicinity of the chaotic clock.

In this case, it would be a surprise to fight the Chaos Demon God.

After the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the rest of the people, such as Sanqing, handed over the Kaitian Supreme Treasure Taiji Picture, Pangu Flags, and the Innate Supreme Treasure Zhuxian Four Swords to Feng Zichen.

The second sage of the West handed the best innate merit Lingbao the Eastern Blue Baolian Banner and the Twelfth Grade Golden Lotus to Feng Zichen.

Empress Nuwa and Empress Houtu, as well as Emperor Ziwei, respectively gave the innate treasure Qiankun Ding, the seal of the six chaotic reincarnation discs, and the innate treasure Zhoutian star map to Feng Zichen.

It was Hongjun Daozu who also smiled and took out the Killing Spear, and gave it to Feng Zichen to take him to the depths of the chaos outside the sky, where the chaos demon **** was.


Looking at the seven or eight congenital treasures in front of him, Feng Zichen's heart was very speechless.

It's a pity, these treasures are not given to him, but let him take them to the depths of the chaos outside the sky to be a courier.

Otherwise, in this wave, Feng Zichen can be directly invincible in the prehistoric world just by relying on these innate treasures in his hands.

"Chen Chen will live up to the trust of fellow daoists."

Forcibly suppressing the greed in his heart, Feng Zichen waved his sleeves to take away these innate treasures, then left this divine mind space and went to the depths of the chaos outside the sky.

Oh, it won't work if you don't suppress evil thoughts.

Everyone so assured that they handed their treasures into Feng Zichen's hands, obviously they were left behind, and they were not afraid of him secretly making tricks.

If Feng Zichen really took action on these innate treasures, it would be activated at the same time to prevent these treasures, and they would blast towards him together.

Tut tut...

At such a close distance, at least five innate treasures attacked at the same time, Feng Zichen said that he could not stop it. Because, there is a backhand left by Hongjun Daozu.



Carrying those innate treasures, Feng Zichen carefully hid his figure and came to the vicinity of the nine chaotic placentas.

Quietly poking out his head and taking a look, Feng Zichen found that the nine chaotic demon gods were guarding the chaotic placenta one by one, but he couldn't find a chance to shoot them.

After thinking about it, Feng Zichen gave up the idea of ​​placing the innate treasure next to the chaotic placenta, and stepped aside to arrange it.

Seeing that Feng Zichen first took out the Killing Spear, the magic weapon that Hongjun Daozu gave to him. Speaking of the Killing Spear, Feng Zichen inevitably gets a little angry.

He and Haotian joined forces with Haotian, risking his life, and snatched it from the hand of Demon Ancestor Luohu and suppressed it in the Purple Cloud Palace.

But Dao Ancestor Hongjun was fine. After he got this treasure, he blacked it down without saying a word, and he didn't see any compensation for him and Haotian.

Well, what Hongjun Daozu did is quite fair, since it did not benefit Feng Zichen, an outsider, nor did it benefit Haotian himself.

This is black. A piece of innate treasure said black is black, and there is no even a dot to indicate it. No wonder people can become Taoist ancestors, and they just face this, Feng Zichen will have to practice for some time.

Feng Zichen took out the Killing Spear while smashing his thoughts, and then spent some effort to disturb the back of the Chaos Demon God, and put the Killing Spear there.

This is the west side of the nine Chaos Demon Gods, that is, the back of the Chaos Demon God. Feng Zichen put the gunslinger here, it was not unattractive.

Daozu Hongjun, as his own strongest combat power, is nothing if he doesn't make a move. Once he makes a move, he must achieve the effect of one strike.

Therefore, it is obviously inappropriate to let Hongjun Daozu take a head-on shot. Only by putting him behind and attacking the Chaos Demon God can the greatest result be achieved.

Moreover, if Sanqing or Feng Zichen Taiyi took the shot, the Chaos Demon God would definitely disdain and run away.

But if Hongjun Daozu made a move, the nine Chaos Demon Gods would flee if they didn't even think about it. Fight against Hongjun Daozu in Honghuangtiandi, isn't that looking for death?

Also, although Hongjun Daozu did not say clearly, Feng Zichen could still feel it. The Hongjun Daozu who had communicated with them before was not his body, but an incarnation of him.

Why does Feng Zichen feel this way? Because the aura of that Taoist ancestor is wrong.

In the past, when Feng Zichen saw Hongjun Daozu, he would feel the pressure that he could not resist.

But this time, even though he felt the pressure on Daozu Hongjun, it was not as big as before. The feeling that Taoist ancestor gave was not like Wuju Luo Jinxian, but more like Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Therefore, Feng Zichen concluded that the Taoist ancestor was definitely not the real deity of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, but an incarnation of him, whose power was probably at the peak of Hunyuan, the realm of the tenth to the twelfth level.

As for the deity of Hongjun Daozu? According to Feng Zichen's calculation, it should have been blocked by those powerful Chaos Demon Gods, otherwise, it would be impossible for Dao Zu Hongjun not to appear in person for such a big event.

If the deity of Dao Ancestor Hongjun came, there would still be some calculations, a slap shot out, not to mention all the nine Chaos Demon Gods would be destroyed, it would also be able to severely wound him.

Therefore, what appeared in front of everyone was definitely not the deity of Daozu Hongjun, but his incarnation.

It was precisely because of this awareness that when everyone was communicating, no one proposed to let Hongjun Daozu take action and slay the nine Chaos Demon Gods.

However, the Taoist ancestor is not the deity, but an incarnation. But even so, the strength of Hunyuan Peak must surpass them by too much, which can be called a big killer.

Even if it is a big killer, it must be used in the most critical place, and it is best to make a sneak attack.


Just as Feng Zichen had guessed, at this moment, Hongjun Daozu was sitting awkwardly at the junction of the outer chaos and the outer chaos, looking at the old man in white clothes and white eyebrows across the sky.

And that old man is surprisingly the first Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the sense of Primordial World, Xiantianxinliu, one of the ten great spiritual roots of Primordial Land, and the ancestor of Yangmei.

At the same time, he is also among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, and is strong enough to rank in the top three Space Demon Gods.

This can be said to be the top person in the world, one of the strongest creatures under the avenue.

Fortunately, the strength of his Yangmei ancestor has not been restored to its peak state. Otherwise, if He gave birth to the idea of ​​destroying the world, unless it was Pangu's resurrection, no one in the world could stop him.

But that's it, the ancestor Yang Mei personally rushed to the chaos outside the sky, Dao Ancestor Hongjun also had to be careful, leaving everything behind to come to him.

Faced with such a person, it is not an exaggeration to take extreme prudence.

Because Hongjun Taoist ancestor knew that if there is no Heavenly Dao bonus, he is definitely not the opponent's opponent. This point has long been verified.

"Brother Yangmei, didn't you go to the depths of the chaos to see the Great Way of Enlightenment? Why do you have to walk in the red dust and intervene in the battle between the chaos demon **** and the prehistoric world?"

Looking at the ancestor Yang Mei on the opposite side, Dao Zu Hongjun asked inexplicably.

He was really puzzled. Last time the chaos was gone, the ancestor Yang Mei had already stated clearly that the cause and effect between himself and the prehistoric world was gone, and he would go to the depths of the chaos for meditation without asking about the world.

But this time, why did he come out again? Did you change your mind and plan to fight between Chaos Demon God and Primordial World?

This is why Hongjun Daozu is not worried. The strength of the ancestor Yang Mei is too strong, it is an eternal existence with qualifications, and its strength is enough to affect the balance between the two sides. Therefore, His attitude is extremely important.

On the opposite side, the ancestor Yang Mei was silent for a while before repliing: "The Daoist has asked for it, I have to come."

The ancestor Yang Mei was also very helpless. In order not to interfere with the chaos of the Chaos Demon God in the prehistoric world, he hid in the deepest part of the Chaos.

However, what he had hidden was not deep enough and was found by the Chaos Demon God. Faced with the bitter pleadings of former colleagues, it is difficult for the ancestor Yang Mei to refuse.

Therefore, He appeared here.

But if the ancestor Yang Mei came here, whether it was really nothing but the begging of the Chaos Demon God, or something else, was not something outsiders could know.


Opposite the ancestor Yang Mei, Hongjun Daozu sighed helplessly. No matter why the other person is here, as long as the other person is here, he can't leave this place.

Whether the world can survive this catastrophe, it all depends on Feng Zichen and the others.



After putting down the Godslayer Spear, Feng Zichen went around to the northwest of the nine Chaos Demon Gods and placed the Qiankun Ding here.

Well, Empress Nuwa attacked the Chaos Demon God from the northwest.

After the northwest, it was the north, and Feng Zichen placed the Chaos Clock here to let Donghuang Taiyi attack the Chaos Demon God from the north.

After that, in the northeast, Feng Zichen placed Zhuxian's Four Swords here, allowing the Lord Tongtian to attack the Chaos Demon God from this.

Next, it was the East, and the most dangerous place, right in front of the Chaos Demon God. Attacking the Chaos Demon God from here will undoubtedly have to bear the greatest pressure.

Therefore, Feng Zichen handed this place to the Taiqing saint, the head of all saints, and left the Taiji Picture of Kaitian Supreme Treasure.

The reason is simple. Among the top ten Hunyuan masters, the Taiqing Saint has the strongest strength. In the most dangerous place, who will he not be on top?

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

To the southeast, Feng Zichen left the Pangu banners and handed them over to Yuanshi Tianzun.

In the south, Feng Zichen left a map of the stars of the week sky, which was in charge of Emperor Ziwei.

In the southwest, Feng Zichen left the twelfth-rank meritorious golden lotus and handed it to the sage Zhunti.

Above the Chaos Demon God, Feng Zichen left the mark of the six chaotic reincarnation discs, and Houtu Empress attacked from here.

Below, Feng Zichen left the Eastern Blue Baolian Banner, letting the receiving saint be responsible.

In this way, for the ten directions of the nine chaotic demon gods, each person was responsible, and the ten people joined hands to completely seal their way and their vitality.

As long as everyone moves fast enough, there is absolutely no possibility that the Chaos Demon God will escape. This is called Shifang Fusha, cutting off all vitality.


And Feng Zichen himself, his extra person, silently came to the side of the Zhoutian star map, planning to join forces with Emperor Ziwei to summon the Pangu Faxiang and launch the strongest blow.

After arranging everything, Feng Zichen calculated the timing and suddenly urged the top ten treasures.

In an instant, the brilliance was exploded in the chaos, and nine dazzling divine lights rose up. And in the divine light, ten powerful treasures rose slowly, lingering in the endless rhyme of Taoism.


Almost at the same time, the Ten Great Treasures all launched together, hitting the strongest blow towards the nine Chaos Demon Gods surrounded by them.

Boom boom boom

Under this unmatched power, the chaos is collapsing, the avenue is blurring, the concept changes accordingly, and everything is distorted.

A mortal will rippled and entangled on the bodies of the nine Chaos Demon Gods, as if to show their end.

At the moment the Ten Great Treasures were activated, the nine Chaos Demon Gods knew they were wrong. They also didn't have the thought of contending with it, the first thought was to escape.

The opponent is clearly prepared, and it is unwise to start a war with it. It is better to keep a useful body for the future.

It's a pity that Feng Zichen made complete preparations for this shot, and definitely won't give them a chance to escape.

When the Ten Great Treasures launched their attacks, their powers were condensing, intertwining with each other, forming an innate ten square array, blocking the ten directions of heaven and earth, blocking the escape route of the Chaos Demon God.

If you can't escape, then resist.

The nine Chaos Demon Gods reacted very quickly. Seeing that they couldn't escape, they immediately joined forces to activate their innate supernatural powers and summon Chaos Will to resist the attack.


In the boundless breath, a great will emerged, easily blocking the combined blow of the Ten Great Treasures.

However, without giving the nine Chaos Demon Gods a chance to escape, the second blow came.


But seeing the light of the ten gods flashed by, Hongjun Daozu and other ten people came across the infinite chaos, each sacrificed their own treasures, and slammed toward the chaos demon god.


After one blow, a terrifying wave erupted, destroying all the surrounding chaos, and the nine chaotic placentas were affected, directly destroying five. The innate fierce beast that had just been born directly turned into fly ash.


When all the fluctuations subsided~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the figures of the nine chaotic demon gods gradually appeared.

They finally blocked this blow, but they also paid a huge price for it, and the summoned chaotic will was shaken away.

In other words,

Their strongest defense method is gone!

At this time, everyone had accumulated their strength and reacted with the third blow, which was also the final blow, a sure-kill blow.


A burst of light flashed, and Feng Zichen merged with the Great Emperor Ziwei, summoning Pan Gu Dharma.

On the other side, Sanqing stood in one place, connected with each other's qi and mechanism, deriving from the past, present, and future three worlds of Law Bodies, and their power soared more than tenfold.

ps: Well, I still hope that pirated readers will come and support me. The starting point can be seen in the advertisement for free prostitution coins, which are available at the end of each chapter and do not cost money.

In addition, if I ask for a monthly pass, I still hope that one hundred monthly passes can be collected this month.

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