Flooded Star Road

Chapter 824: Tout each other

It's not that I don't like the imperfect gods, but the imperfect Taoists have just been born. They don't understand anything and are still exploring themselves. How can they teach others?

However, before the thoughtful person refused, Emperor Ziwei had already reprimanded: "You child, you are so ignorant. Your uncle is giving you a great opportunity. Don't thank your teacher soon. uncle?"

What's the chance?

The Buzhou Protoss was born on the part of Buzhou Mountain's legacy, and possesses the remaining vitality and merits of Buzhou Mountain, and these are all needed by the unwise Taoist people to become Taoist.

Today, the Buzhou Protoss has been recognized by the world and has become a part of the Three Realms. It is not good for outsiders to slaughter it for no reason, otherwise, it will attract Pangu's authentic revenge.

It can't be killed, so how do people who are not thoughtful can get back this part of their luck? Then you can only use other methods, and this is the opportunity that Feng Zichen wants to give to the inconsiderate.

The imperfect Protoss!

If the imperfect Taoist can complete the task of enlightening the imperfect Protoss, then what he lacks will return to him naturally.

Even so, he can gain a lot of merit.

An impenetrable Taoist is born sacred. Maybe he didn’t want to understand the deep meaning of Feng Zichen’s move at the beginning, but as soon as the Emperor Ziwei reminded him, he immediately wanted to understand the way, and quickly thanked him, "I’m sorry, thank you, Master. ."

After all, the inconsiderate person promised: "If you don't give it to the nephew of the gods, the uncle can rest assured that they will never be wronged."

Upon seeing this, Feng Zichen nodded and said with a smile: "You have the same origin as that of the imperial Protoss. If you hand it over to you, Uncle Master is really relieved."

"Furthermore, you are a disciple of Brother Ziwei. In this vast and desolate world, his name is much better than mine. With his protection, as long as you are not excessive, you will walk sideways in these three realms. Dare to trouble you."

After being so teased by Feng Zichen, the impassioned Taoist quickly said: "Uncle Master is joking. Isn't Bu Zhou a bully?"

That's what I said, but after hearing Feng Zichen's words, the imperfect Taoist was still shocked. When he was just born, he knew by instinct that his master was very strong, but he didn't have a clear idea of ​​how strong he was.

The so-called inheritance of the heavenly path ends with the Taoist priest.

In other words, the inheritance of Heavenly Dao can only reach the realm of Daluo Dao Zun at most.

As for the realm after that, like the quasi-sage, the saint, the Hunyuan Daluojinxian or something. The newly born innate gods and demons are not clear, they are not in their heritage, and they will not be used.

In the eyes of an impenetrable Taoist who is only the Taiyi Golden Immortal, Xiantian Dao Zun is already an unattainable big man. He feels that his master should be Da Luo Dao Zun, and he is still one of the best.

But at this time, accompanied by Feng Zichen's words, as well as what the inconsiderate people had just seen, a doubt lingered in his heart.

Is his master really just Da Luo Dao Zun? There is no mention in the inheritance, Da Luo Dao Zun has the power to contend with the Dao of Heaven.

Thinking of the scene of being a master just now, facing the way of heaven alone, the heart of an impenetrable person can't help but feel fascinated.

Moreover, Uncle Shi just said that Master's name is very big, enough to protect him from rampant Wuji. What does this show? It shows that his master is very strong, and he is a figure at the top of this world.

Otherwise, why is it so strong?

This world is much deeper than he imagined!

Looking at his side, the horrible figures that could not see the depth, but were like the incarnation of a great avenue, silently thought of the inconsiderate people.

Are these people really Da Luo Dao Zun? Or is it true that Daluo Dao Zun is so strong?

And just when the Taoist was not thinking about it, the Great Emperor Ziwei spoke, "Don't talk nonsense, Daoist Gouchen, how can I compare with you if you talk about the name?"

"Just ask the fellow daoists present, who would dare to provoke you?"

"Your name is great, that is, Dao Ancestor will frown when he hears your name. I don't have such great ability."

With that said, Emperor Ziwei told the discouraged Taoist again: "Fuck, remember the Uncle Gouchen in front of you, you will definitely go to him frequently in the future, so you have a familiar face."

"In this way, if you encounter any trouble that can't be solved in the future, you should report his name, and it will work as a teacher."

This is not just a joke, the Great Emperor Ziwei just has profound merit, noble status, and unfathomable strength. But when it comes to fame, his fame is indeed inferior to Feng Zichen.

To be precise, Feng Zichen's name is unsurpassed. This is not blown out, but actually blown out. In the prehistoric world, there will be no one with such a brilliant record as Feng Zichen.

When he was not enlightened, he dared to go shopping with the enlightened Donghuang Tai. After enlightenment, it was even more remarkable. There were several wars with the saint, and each time they didn't suffer a loss, but made the saint disgraced.

Everyone knows that Feng Zichen is the number one fierce man in the empire, and is known as the number one saint who slaps the face in the empire. Such a character is indeed not daring to provoke such a person. When confronted with saints, people dare to do anything if they don't agree, let alone them.

It was unlucky to be killed, no one dared to avenge him.



The two businessmen talked about each other, and they couldn't directly give the inconsiderate people. Seeing what they said was such an exaggeration, he didn't know whether he should believe it or not.

However, the improper people secretly glanced at the expressions of the surrounding great supernatural powers, and saw that they all showed their expressions of approval after listening to the master's words, and couldn't help but believe their master's words.

It seems that the facts are such an exaggeration. His uncle master is not an ordinary person. Like his master, he is a top big figure in the world.

Poor and not thoughtful, but just born, and yet to understand the situation of the Three Realms and the masters in the Three Realms, he was brought here by his own unreliable master to watch a big show.

When I met people, I didn't introduce their identities. They just pointed to them as seniors, uncles, and uncles. They didn't say anything about their origins and strengths, but they were confused.

At this time, he really didn't know the origin of everyone in front of him. If he knew it, he would be shocked.

The existence in front of an impenetrable person is more than a top-level existence between heaven and earth. It can almost be said that over 90% of the masters in that old prehistoric era were all concentrated here.

This gathering can be said to be the most complete gathering of masters from the wild. Like this kind of grand occasion, I am afraid it will be difficult to have a second time.

As soon as the imperfect Taoist was born, he saw such a scene, and it must be said that it was also a chance.

It's a pity that now he is ignorant, but he doesn't know what kind of existence he is facing.


After blowing with Feng Zichen, Emperor Ziwei seemed to think of something, and then told the discouraged Taoist: "It's not just you, Uncle Chen, but the rest of your uncles. You have to get close to each other on weekdays. ."

"They are all top-level existences in the world, immortal saints, and the masters of the world, and they have a good relationship with them. You can really go sideways in this world."

Having said that, the Great Emperor Ziwei also pushed the awkward Taoist and asked him to salute Sanqing and the others. Inconsiderate people are very obedient. Whatever Emperor Ziwei asked him to do, he quickly saluted Sanqing.

To be honest, Sanqing didn't want to be uncomfortable with the courtesy of a thoughtful person at all.

Because they know that if they have received this gift, then in the future, if the inconsiderate people really have something to ask for their help, then it is really hard for them to refuse.

It's a pity that everyone face to face, Sanqing couldn't save face and refuse to accept the gift of being impenetrable, and had to endure it for life.

Seeing these two people, you said one sentence and I said one sentence, putting the three brothers on the fire and roasting them. Sanqing felt a little unhappy in his heart, so he heard Yuanshi Tianzun's a little yin and yang saying:

"Fuck, Master Nephew, your master is right. If you are in trouble, I will report you the name of Uncle Chen. It's definitely good. It's used more than the names of our old guys."

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, before waiting for a thoughtful Taoist to answer, Feng Zichen said with the same yin and yang, "Hehe, Saint Yuqing can really make a joke. If Feng someone’s name is really so useful, then some People, I won’t try to beat my Human Race again and again."

As soon as he said this, Yuanshi Tianzun's face changed as he pointed at Feng Zichen, so angry that he couldn't speak: "You..."

Beside, seeing that the momentum is getting more and more tense, some people are unwilling to blend into it, and quickly said: "Friends of Taoism, it's time for me to say goodbye."

After all, the person directly tore the space and left here. And this person's departure, so that a certain signal was turned on, after every few moments, several people left.

Soon, more than half of the people present left. And as everyone left, the situation that had become more and more tense was also diluted a lot.


Worried that if he continues to stay here, he will find a chance to take advantage of the great Emperor Ziwei, Yuanshi Tianzun let out a cold snort, and left here with the Taiqing Saints and Shangqing Saints.

After Sanqing left, everyone present almost left in an instant. Then, Empress Nuwa wanted to defend Fuxi's road and left. Houtu Niangniang was anxious to check the situation in the Netherworld, and returned to the Netherworld.

In a short while, Feng Zichen and Ziwei Great were left on the scene.

At the moment Fuxi's enlightenment is imminent. This is a major event for the human race. Feng Zichen, the holy emperor of the human race, is bound to have a dojo. For this reason, he also said goodbye.

"Brother Ziwei, you will leave the Protoss to your care. If I have something to do, I will go ahead."

After all, Feng Zichen left with Shennong and Xuanyuan directly.

After Feng Zichen left, Emperor Ziwei did not leave in a hurry, but instead looked at the Buzhou Mountain ruins at his feet.

"Hey! It's really embarrassing that the old holy land has turned out to be what it is now."

Looking at the evil spirit, resentment, and the power of destruction at the Buzhoushan site, Emperor Ziwei couldn't help but shook his head.

After that, I saw him stretch out his hand and draw in the void, drawing infinite starlight from the endless starry sky, forming an innate four-spirit formation, sealing the Buzhoushan site.


At the moment when the Four Innate Spirits formed, the endless earth, fire, water, and wind surged, and the entire void began to close, sealing the Buzhoushan site and gradually disappearing from its traces.

In this place, the Qi of the Chaos Demon God and the power of Pangu collided and conflicted with each other, resulting in a large amount of power of destruction. When Dao Zun Xian Daluo came here, he would be unwilling to lose his mind, and I am afraid that it will also fall here.

In order to prevent future generations from not knowing the dangers of this place, accidentally breaking into this place, and fearing that things of the Yuan clan would happen again, then the Great Emperor Ziwei decided to seal the Buzhoushan site and prevent this place from appearing in the world.

At the same time, the Great Emperor Ziwei sealed this place with the Four Innate Spirits Great Formation, and had other purposes.

He tried to transform the power of the four spirits through this array, and then continuously baptized this place with the power of the fire, water, and wind, slowly refining the power of the Chaos Demon God here, making it return to the chaos, and no longer the former grand occasion of Zhoushan. .

Although the power of the Chaos Demon God is strong, its power still comes from the chaos in the final analysis. The Great Emperor Ziwei uses the power of the earth, fire, water and wind to recreate the chaos and break the chaos with the chaos. Sooner or later, he will be able to refine it all.

It's just this time, it's a long time, and you need to wait slowly. However, it is not in a hurry. When the realm of Emperor Ziwei is reached, time has really lost its meaning.

He can wait slowly!

"Let's go!"

After finishing all this, the Great Emperor Ziwei greeted the imperfect Taoist and was about to take him and the imperial **** clan to leave.

As for why the Fuzhou Protoss should be brought on, it was because the Fuzhou Taoist agreed to Feng Zichen that he wanted to teach the Fuzhou Protoss and naturally brought them by his side.

Secondly, it is because there is a small mountain in the boundless starry sky. There is no better place to live in the imperial Protoss than here.


After this, Hong Huang fell into peace again. Oh, it's not peaceful, it's just that the big men don't fight anymore.

But between the three realms, with the passage of time, more and more creatures were born, including innate gods and demons, as well as innate creatures, and even a few innate spiritual treasures.

The evolution of countless creatures has brought a lot of vitality to the Three Realms.

After five thousand years~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the top innate gods and monsters that the saints looked forward to were finally born.

On the Yujing Peak, the supreme fairy fetus suddenly burst into bright fairy light, and then, as if a lotus flower was in full bloom, it slowly bloomed.

In a short while, the fairy womb turned into an immortal lotus, with twelve grades. The petals were inscribed with the immortal mark, emitting a bright fairy light.

And as the fairy lotus bloomed, an innate Taoist rhyme suddenly spread, giving birth to a boundless vision. Looking at its power, it is not difficult to see that this is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

In the center of the immortal lotus, on the lotus platform, there was a young Taoist sitting cross-legged, dressed in white, with a handsome face, surrounded by immortal light, and countless phantoms of immortals manifested behind it.

This is the immortal fetus on Yujing Peak and the born immortal deity. His name is called


The will of heaven fell and turned into a majestic voice: "Yujing!"

This innate **** and demon born in Yujing Mountain, his name is called Yujing!

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