Flooded Star Road

Chapter 827: Hyun disciple

The nine brothers of Nine Heavens and Nine Heavens did this for no other purpose, just to frighten everyone.

Once there are too many people, it is easy to cause trouble, but the nine brothers of Jiuxiao Jiutianjun are particularly lazy and don't want to bother.

Therefore, he pretended not to be close to strangers, and put it here to scare everyone and make them be honest.

The effect of this is really good. Seeing the expression on Jiuxiao Jiutianjun, everyone didn't dare to move, for fear that it would offend them, they just stayed outside the gate of Shenxiao Palace and waited quietly.

More than just fear, everyone's heart is simply fear, Nine Heavens Lord Jiuxiao has not concealed his cultivation level at all.

The majestic aura that belonged solely to Daluo Dao Zun, diffused from them, like a huge stone, pressing on the hearts of everyone, bringing them tremendous pressure.

Facing the Nine Heavens Lord of Jiuxiao, everyone suddenly felt an illusion of facing the avenue, as if the other party was the incarnation of the avenue.

Thinking of this, everyone knows that they are short-sighted and short-sighted. The nine people in front of them are afraid that they will not be the legendary Da Luo Dao Zun.

Thinking about it this way, the people's hearts grew in awe of Jiuxiao Jiutianjun, and they didn't even dare to raise the slightest dissatisfaction.

Da Luo Dao Zun is standing outside the door. What can they complain about with a group of Taiyi Daojun?

Everyone was waiting like this, another four hundred years have passed, and it has been less than a hundred years since Heavenly Tribulation Saint Lei Ze began to talk about the great road.

At this time, there were already more than two thousand monks gathered outside the Shenxiao Palace. It is still mostly ancient creatures, and the newly born creatures barely accounted for 10%.

Ten thousand years, the time is still short, and not many creatures will be born. Even with the birth of many creatures, it is difficult for them to cultivate into the realm of Golden Immortal or even Taiyi Golden Immortal in such a short period of time.

However, this is not all disadvantages. At least the new creatures who can rush to the Shenxiao Palace at this time have all proved their own excellence.

Born less than ten thousand years ago, they have the cultivation base of the top golden immortal and even the Taiyi golden immortal. If this is the innate gods and demons, it's okay, but if it's the innate creatures, this aptitude can be said to be quite extraordinary.


At this time, the gate of Shenxiao Palace still had no intention to open, and I don't know what I was waiting for. Although everyone was puzzled, they didn't dare to go up and ask, they just waited silently.

But in my heart, I was thinking that the gate of the Shenxiao Palace might not be opened until the time is up.

Just as everyone thought about it, the nine brothers of Nine Heavens and Nine Heavens Lords in front of them suddenly moved and turned and opened the door.

After opening the door, Jiu Tianjun didn't intend to let everyone in, but stood respectfully outside the door, squeezing a faint smile on his face, but he didn't know what he was doing.

Although everyone was puzzled, no one asked ignorantly. The knowledge is short, but it doesn't mean that they are stupid. Looking at the expression of Nine Heavens Lord Jiuxiao, you can guess a general idea.

Eighty percent is someone who is coming, and then Jiuxiao Nine Heavens Lord opened the door and waited respectfully outside the door.

As for who the big man is and how strong he is, the old creatures basically know that 80% of them are saints. But the newly-born creature knew nothing.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't know, they can guess. Nine Heavens Lord of the Nine Heavens has the cultivation base of Da Luo Dao Zun, and is already an unattainable figure in their eyes.

Even such a character must maintain a respectful existence, which is undoubtedly more terrifying than Dao Zun, and an existence beyond their cognition.

Just like the saints, these newly born creatures don't know what kind of realm this is. There is no such realm in the inheritance they get.

They are just instinctive, thinking that saint should be a very powerful name. As for how strong it is, then they don't know.

However, now they know that the saint is definitely stronger than Daluo Dao Zun, because the saint they are about to meet actually let the nine Da Luo Dao Zun welcome guests outside.

Not better than Dao Zun, dare to do this?


Everyone guessed right, the reason why Jiuxiao Jiutianjun's attitude changed drastically was because someone with great magical powers was about to arrive.

Now, their nine brothers represent Lei Ze's face. If you greet the great magicians with a stern face, and lose courtesy with the great magicians, then Lei Ze will definitely educate them.

This time, they gave Lei Ze a face, but they didn't shame Lei Ze, if it was screwed up...

Thinking of Lei Ze's method, Jiu Xiao Jiu Tianjun didn't dare to be careless.

The saint, as a big boss, the ruler of heaven and earth, is naturally the finale. Therefore, the first to come are the great supernatural powers.

Lei Ze's sanctification is a great event. As long as you have great magical powers who have no enemies, you will basically come over, not to listen to the Tao, but to observe the ceremony, and also to congratulate Lei Ze's sanctification.

There are many great supernatural powers in the prehistoric world. As an otaku, Jiu Xiao Jiu Tian Jun does not go out all the year round, and naturally most of them don't know him.

Well, in fact, it's them, not even Lei Ze can recognize the great supernatural powers. After all, some great supernatural powers are really too housed, even more house than Nine Heavens Lord Nine Heavens, and there are even one who is closed for a calamity.

Really did it, the heaven and the earth did not happen to the extent that they would never show up. Even, some great supernatural powers, after the world is destroyed, do not wait to appear.

These great supernatural powers are like this. Except for their colleagues, the strong ones born behind have never heard of their names, let alone know them, and they can't be called when they meet.

Therefore, when the first group of great supernatural powers rushed to the Shenxiao Palace, Jiuxiao Nine Heavens Lord looked up, good deed, who is coming, none of the nine brothers knew.

However, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know the name. It’s not difficult to help Jiuxiao Nine Heavenly Lords, as long as they don’t know the great supernatural powers, they are called by their predecessors, and then respectfully invite them into the Shenxiao Palace and let them be their masters. Talk to them.

As for whether the Master recognizes them or not, it has nothing to do with Jiuxiao Nine Heavens Monarch. They are only responsible for welcoming guests and don't care about the rest.

Those great supernatural powers rushed to see the nine Daluo Dao Zun standing in a row, standing outside the door, and their hearts were shocked.

I only felt that this newly promoted saint was really hiding too deeply, and he secretly trained nine disciples of Dao Zun level. This method is enough to make Lei Ze one of the top three in the list of prehistoric teachers.

Nine Heavens Lord Jiuxiao didn't know these great supernatural powers, so naturally everyone who came to listen to the Taoism didn't know either.

However, they also have their own way. Seeing the popularity, one by one is like a sea like a sea, like a vast road, they don't hesitate, and they call Dao Zun when they meet.

Da Luo Dao Zun and above, and even below the Sage, are Dao Zun, so there is no problem with shouting.

After such a few groups of people, finally a few people that Jiuxiao Nine Heavenly Master knew.

For example, the great supernatural powers such as Zhen Yuanzi, Western Queen Mother, Styx Ancestor, and Kunpeng Ancestor who often show up in the prehistoric times, Jiuxiao Nine Heavens Monarch has still heard of it.

Not only the Nine Heavens and the Nine Heavens, but even the creatures who came to listen to the Tao, many have heard of their legends.

Seeing Zhenyuanzi, Xiwangmu and others came, the name of Jiuxiao Nine Heavens Monarch finally changed, calling this a great immortal, this a god, and that a Taoist mother, or a demon master...

In short, they are all courtesy.

After a few more years, the great supernatural powers are almost there, and the finalists are finally going to play.

The first one came, but the Haotian God closest to this place. I saw him riding the same luan with Yaochi Tianhou, flying from heaven with colorful auspicious clouds.

After the two arrived, before the Nine Heavens Lord Jiuxiao spoke, the people who came to listen to the Taoism were already the first to salute: "We have seen your majesty and the empress, I wish your majesty and the empress, the boundless boundlessness."

The old creatures all bowed down, and the new-born spirits did not know who came, but they also bowed down.

The world does not need to know the great supernatural powers, but it must not be ignorant of the emperor and queen. Even if you don't know it, it doesn't matter, it's all the existence of a Taoist monarch who has cultivated, and there are still ways to look for breath.

On the head of the Haotian Jade Pool, the boundless imperial aura that symbolized the heavenly emperor and queen could be recognized as long as he was not blind. Seeing such a vision, there is no need for others to tell, and naturally you know that the emperor is here.

"Everyone, get up!" Yu Yaochi walked down from Emperor Luan, and Haotian kindly asked everyone to get up.

With the realm of Haotian, he is getting closer and closer to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. In these years, his breath has become more and more detached, his majesty has gradually receded, and there is quite a feeling that everything is not entangled in the heart.

"Thanks your Majesty!" After hearing the words, everyone got up.

It was also at this time that eight people came down from Emperor Luan, it was Yao Ji and the Seven Fairies. Good guy, when Haotian came this time, he still dragged his family.

"I have seen your Majesty, I have seen the empress. I have also seen the eldest princess and the seven princesses." Jiuxiao Jiutianjun stepped forward, first respectfully bowed to Haotian and Yaochi, and then nodded slightly, which is considered to be a ceremony with the seven fairies of Yaoji.

The cultivation base of Haotian Jade Pool was high and the status was honorable enough, so he accepted the ceremony of the Nine Brothers calmly.

The daughter of the Emperor of Heaven is not as precious as Dao Zun!

Looking up and down the Nine Heavens Lord Jiuxiao, Haotian said with a sigh, "Are you the disciples of the longevity Taoist Fellow? It's really extraordinary. The nine brothers are all Taoist, immortal and immortal. It's a great fortune."

"Friends of the longevity daoist can hide deeply!"

Nine Dao Venerables are nothing strange, but nine Dao Venerables with the same roots are a bit scary.

The origin is the same, which shows that if the nine people join forces without a trace of hindrance, then adding up is not as simple as one plus one.

Just like in ancient times, although the twelve ancestor witches were strong, they could not be regarded as invincible in individual terms.

But the twelve ancestor witches joined forces, and the world was truly invincible, so Hongjun Dao ancestor also frowned.

These nine brothers seem to be Da Luo Dao Zun, but if they join hands and cooperate with the corresponding formation, it is estimated that they will be able to fight the great supernatural powers.

For this reason, Haotian would say that Lei Ze hides extremely deeply. There are disciples like this who are still hiding and tucked away on weekdays, and they don't show them to everyone. If it hadn't been for his enlightenment, then he would pull people out as a front. I guess everyone still doesn't know about it.

"Haha, Brother Haotian was joking, but it's just nine ineffective disciples, so you can't be praised by Brother Dao."

At this moment, Lei Ze walked out of the Zixiao Palace and shouted at Haotian from a distance.

Hearing that, the Haotian Yaochi two couldn't help being speechless for a while. Such disciples are not counted as weapons, so what kind of disciples are counted as weapons? Does it have to be a top supernatural power?

Moreover, looking at Lei Ze's expression, the words on his lips were ineffective, but the smugness on his face could not be concealed in any way, which made the Haotian Yaochi two even more speechless.

This is for Hyun Apprentice, right? Bar!

"Two fellow Taoists, please come in quickly." Without paying attention to their expressions, Lei Ze stepped forward, intending to invite them into the Palace of Gods.

As the Haotian Jade Pool, if Lei Ze didn't come out to greet him personally, he would inevitably lose his courtesy. Therefore, he walked out of the Shenxiao Palace and came to meet the two of them.

However, Haotian Jade Pool rejected Lei Ze's kindness and said: "Friends Ziwei and Dao Chen have not rushed here yet, Xiang Dao is here to wait for them, and then go in with them."

Hearing that, Lei Ze didn't force it, just stood with him and waited together. The next ones are all saints who have to be greeted by Lei Ze personally. He doesn't plan to run around, so he just waited here.

After Haotian, the sage of Taiqing came leisurely riding on the blue bull.

That green bull had a wisp of innate freshness and was transformed into a prehistoric alien species. The sage of Taiqing liked it very much when he saw it, so he took it as a mount.

Following the Taiqing sage, the blue cow was also considered a big advantage, and he cultivated into the realm of Daluo Jinxian. That's right, it's Da Luo Jinxian, not Da Luo Dao Zun. If Da Luo Dao Zun really, he wouldn't be a mount for others, even a saint.

The incarnation of the great road, is there any truth in slavery to others? This is blaspheming the avenue, and the blasphemer is destined to have no good end.

The saint can force Dao Zun Da Luo to do things for him, but he cannot force Dao Zun Da Luo to be a slave.

That's it.

Seeing the Taiqing saints coming, Lei Ze hurriedly brought Lei Jun Jiuxiao forward to greet them. The Seven Fairies and Yao Ji also followed them, but Haotian Yaochi two did not leave.

The Haotian Jade Pool is the emperor and queen, nominally bigger than the saints. Only saints welcome them. Where is the truth for them to welcome saints?

If the saint refuses to accept this lawsuit, the saint will not be able to win the lawsuit.

"Meet Taiqing Dao brother!" After stepping forward to meet the Taiqing Sage, Lei Ze winked, and said to Jiuxiao Jiutian: "You guys, don't come to visit Taiqing Sage."

"I have seen the Taiqing saint!" The nine brothers had no choice but to pretend to be an honest child for the sake of Master's face, and salute the Taiqing saint.

At this time, Lei Ze said helplessly, "These are all bad guys, and it's really not a climate, so Brother Dao laughed."

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