Flooded Star Road

Chapter 833: Da Luotian

In terms of accumulation, Guang Chengzi is definitely enough.

On qualifications, let alone. The first disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, explained and taught the head of the twelve golden immortals, and was born of a proper innate **** and demon.

If it weren't for Guangchengzi who was a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, with his footsteps, he would have achieved the realm of Daluo Daozun as early as the Emperor.

It is really too late to preach now.

However, although it was too late to prove the Dao, he proved it after all.

At the same time, it also proved to the world that the method handed down by Feng Zichen is indeed feasible and can enable people to prove the truth.

Guang Chengzi used the second method to prove Dao Jinxian Da Luo Jinxian, and the way of the day later strengthened the way of the innate. This method proves the Dao, and the combat power is equal to that of a monk who preaches the Dao normally.

After all, Guang Chengzi stayed in the realm of Daluo Jinxian for countless years, not to mention, but even stopped for a long time in the realm of Taiyi Daojun.

Before breaking through to become the Golden Immortal of Da Luo, Guang Cheng Zi and the rest of the Twelve Golden Immortals were not Taiyi Golden Immortals, but Taiyi Dao Sovereign, and they were still in the realm of Dao Sovereign peak, only one step away from Da Luo Dao Zun. Far away.

Therefore, the accumulation of Guangchengzi has long been enough, and the only difference is the method of preaching.

Now, Feng Zichen has passed down the method of preaching, and Guang Chengzi has a sense of understanding, and the accumulation of tens of millions of years has exploded, directly pushing him to the realm of Daluo Dao Zun.


In the void, a colorful rainbow bridge emerged, extending from the unknown, straight into the center of Guang Chengzi's eyebrows, and led away his innate true spirit.

That is the bridge of heaven and earth, and also the bridge of proof and path. Stepping on this bridge, it is clear that the path of preaching has been opened. At the end of this bridge, is the innate way that Guang Chengzi cultivated.

There, that is where the Dao contends.

Only by overcoming the marks left by the predecessors can Guangchengzi truly achieve the realm of Daluo Dao Zun.

There is no right or wrong in the great dispute, only life and death. Therefore, this battle is cruel. Throughout the great history, nine out of ten of ten of the Taoist priests died in the Taoist struggle.

In other words, only one of the ten preachers can succeed, with a very low probability and an alarming death rate.

But obviously, no matter how difficult the Taoist struggle, Guang Chengzi cannot be resisted.

No one thinks that Guang Chengzi will fail to preach the Dao, and no one thinks that he will die in the Dao controversy.

There is no other reason, not because Guang Chengzi is strong enough, but because he is a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun. And, he was the first person to prove the Dao after Feng Zichen passed down the method of the Dao.

Yuanshi Tianzun definitely wanted to keep his disciples safe. And Feng Zichen, in order to convince the world that his method of preaching is feasible, he must also save Guangchengzi's life and ensure that he successfully preached.

Guang Chengzi is just a live advertisement, Feng Zichen just doesn't want to protect him, so he must protect him. If Guang Chengzi fails to preach the preaching, Feng Zichen's preaching effect will at least be discounted by half.

On the contrary, if Guang Chengzi succeeds in preaching, the effect of Feng Zichen's preaching will at least double.

Guang Chengzi is a typical example, it is an advertisement, so Feng Zichen will never let it go wrong.

And Yuanshi Tianzun also thought this way, as the first innate Taoist priest under his school, and the pillar of future elucidation, Guangchengzi must not have an accident.


Although Honghuang is a place where he pays attention to strength, he also pays attention to his identity, origin, and background. As long as the Dao Venerable Dao Venerables who are with his fellow practitioners are not crazy, they will never hinder them from proving the Dao.

Otherwise, can Yuanshi Tianzun let them go? Even if he fled to the chaos outside the sky, he would be found out by Yuanshi Tianzun, and he would live and die.

No, maybe, more terrible than death.

In this way, under the release of water from the Taoist priests, Guang Chengzi easily completed the Great Dao controversy and imprinted his true spirit imprint on the path he cultivated.


The moment Guang Chengzi completed this step, the sky suddenly shook. Then, a long river with no end, no source, and a wide range of tens of thousands of miles, came in mighty and straddled the sky and the earth.

That is a long river of fate!

As long as he transcends the long river of fate, Guang Chengzi will be able to consummate his Dao Fruit and truly become an immortal Da Luo Dao Zun.

It is not difficult to escape the long river of fate, just find the light spot that represents your own destiny in the endless river of fate.

This is not difficult for innate gods and demons like Guang Chengzi. Because, the destiny of the innate gods and demons is not in the flood of fate, but suspended in the air, like stars, blooming with bright light.

It's very attractive, and it's also very eye-catching. Therefore, it was easy, Guang Chengzi found his destiny.

This is why it is said that the innate gods and demons are destined to become the existence of Dao Zun. The destiny of the innate gods and demons is floating in the air, and they can break through the air at any time, which signifies that it is easier for them to transcend their destiny than for the masses.


In the long river of fate, a bright star rose slowly, and then completely disappeared.

This is a sign of detachment from destiny, Guang Chengzi has cultivated into Dao Zun.


The heavens and the earth shook inexplicably, and within a radius of thousands of miles, smallpox was scattered, and the vision of golden lotus springing from the earth appeared. This is heaven and earth congratulating the birth of a Taoist priest.

This time Guang Chengzi's proving the Dao was exceptionally smooth, almost in one go, and he achieved the realm of Da Luo Dao Zun without encountering a trace of obstacles.

The karma on his body had long been washed away by Yuanshi Tianzun with merit. The resentment that came from the innate ways, with the rebirth of the Three Realms, completely disappeared.

"Thank you Master for perfection!"

After preaching the Dao, Guang Chengzi came back to his senses, first he was respectful to Yuanshi Tianzun, and then he bowed to Feng Zichen: "I would also like to thank the teacher for spreading the Fa and help Guang Chengzi to reopen the door of the avenue."

"If the teacher is sent in the future, as long as it is not an enemy of the teacher's door, then Guangchengzi will give his life and complete the teacher's entrustment in return for today's grace."

The grace of enlightenment is as great as the sky!

This time, Guang Chengzi listened to Feng Zichen's preaching and preached, and if he owes Feng Zichen a great cause and effect, he will have this promise.

As long as it is not an enemy of Shimen, in order to understand the cause and effect, Guang Chengzi will definitely give his life to complete Feng Zichen's explanation.

In response, Feng Zichen just smiled and didn't say anything. In fact, Yuanshi Tianzun was face to face, and he said nothing was right.

Even if there is something to order Guangchengzi, he can't order it in front of Yuanshi Tianzun.

In this way, after waiting for hundreds of years, all the cultivators present were sober. Unfortunately, apart from Guang Chengzi, no one succeeded in preaching.

However, there are quite a few disciples of the two teachings, all showing signs that they are about to preach the Dao. I'm afraid that it won't be long before there will be dozens of more Taoist priests coming out between heaven and earth.

In this regard, Feng Zichen is still very satisfied. Even if it is a disciple of the two teachings, after cultivating Da Luo Dao Zun, are they still going to sell their lives for him?

These are Feng Zichen's future team, the stronger their strength, Feng Zichen will naturally be more happy.


Now that everyone is awake, the sermon can also be declared over. Then, Feng Zichen waved his hand and sent everyone away.

The Taoist ancestor preached three times, and that was because all the people who listened to the Dao ancestor's preaching were Da Luo Dao Zun, and what the Dao ancestor said was the principle of heaven and earth, and it was the way after Da Luo Jinxian.

Therefore, the preaching was divided into three times, so as to give all the Taoist priests time to digest knowledge.

But Feng Zichen's preaching was different. He didn't take the heaven and the earth to the truth, and he didn't teach the cultivation method after the innate Dao Zun, but only passed to the world three ways to achieve the Dao Zun. In this way, naturally it takes less than three sermons to finish the sermon in one time.

As for the cultivation method after Daluo Jinxian, how should the creatures of the Three Realms learn about it, that's simple, because there is still one person who hasn't preached.


Emperor Ziwei!

The eight great saints and the two great Hunyuan had each preached once, but Emperor Ziwei still did not see any movement.

This is not okay. Everyone has preached, but he didn't talk about it alone. This is obviously inappropriate. It is incumbent on Emperor Ziwei to open a great way to speak for all beings of the Three Realms and open the door to convenience.

But what are you going to talk about?

Everyone has already talked about what should be said. If Emperor Ziwei doesn't make some new tricks, it will inevitably be suspected of picking up people's teeth.

Moreover, without being a little special, how can the difference of Emperor Ziwei be highlighted?

With a move in his heart, Emperor Ziwei had an idea. He stopped preaching, and talked to the people, and let the sentient beings of the Three Realms come and listen. This is much more interesting than preaching.

Thinking of this, Emperor Ziwei gave a light cough, and said to all the saints who have not left under the world tree, as well as many great supernatural powers: "It's rare for you to come here so together. There is something I want to invite. I don't know you. Can you show your face?"

Hearing that, the people did not immediately agree, but the Taiqing saint came forward and asked: "If the emperor has anything to ask, you might as well say it. If it can be done, the poor Dao and others will definitely help."

Standing up from the stage, the Great Emperor Ziwei said loudly: "You have reached the limit of quasi-sage, but you have been unable to take that crucial step. With a feeling of feeling, he decided to reopen Da Luotian and invite Fellow Daoists come to discuss the Dao and get a glimpse of the mystery of the Hunyuan realm."

"I don't know what fellow daoists think?"

Da Luotian!

The most lofty heaven is also the realm of the wilderness, and it is also the legendary first holy land.

That's right, the first sacred place in the wilderness is not the Purple Heaven Palace of Hongjun Daozu, but the Supreme Luotian at the top of the boundless starry sky.

Here, the origins of the heavens and the earth converge, and the ten thousand innate paths are intertwined, like a net, containing all the truths of the heavens and the earth, and the endless mystery. It is the source of Tao and the origin of heaven and earth.

Here, you can see the mystery of all the avenues. This is Daluo Jinxian, the highest heaven, no realm of Taoism.

Da Luo Tian is located in the middle of the sky, which is directly above the Buzhou Mountain in the past and above the World Tree today.

He is with Ziweixing, one body and two sides, in the same place, in a different void.

Only so, although it can explain the extraordinary of Da Luotian, it is not enough to make him surpass the World Tree and the Purple Cloud Palace and become the first holy land in the prehistoric world.

The real reason that makes Daluotian the No. 1 holy land in the great desolate is because, in Daluotian, there are three thousand Daluo Dao Zuns inhabited.

Three thousand Dao Zuns co-exist in the same place. If this can't be regarded as the No. 1 Sacred Land, then where else can it be called the No. 1 Sacred Land?

Three thousand Dao Zuns gathered in one place, and the energy required for daily cultivation was absolutely beyond imagination. Converted into a congenital spirit treasure, it is estimated that the energy they need for one year of cultivation is enough to be worth a congenital spirit treasure.

If one congenital spirit treasure is consumed in a year, the ancestor Dao can't afford it, but Da Luotian can.

Therefore, He is the first holy land in the prehistoric times.

As for where these three thousand Taoist priests came from, they naturally came from the prehistoric times. In the ancient times, apart from the second family of the Lich, there were still many Dao Venerables between heaven and earth.

Most of these Taoist priests live in seclusion on the earth, practicing silently.

However, in the early days of ancient times, Emperor Zhuanxu's unparalleled access to the world made it difficult for the prehistoric land to support Da Luo Dao Zun. For this reason, some Taoist priests had to leave their homes and move away from the wild land.

At this time, Da Luotian appeared, and Emperor Ziwei invited Dao Zun to stay in Da Luotian. At the same time, Heavenly Dao is also exerting its strength in secret, telling the Daoist priests with heavenly secrets that there is a chance for enlightenment in Da Luotian.


It is easy to enter the big Luotian, but difficult to get out of the big Luotian.

Daluo Tian is named as a training place prepared by the Dao Dao for all Dao Venerables, but in fact it is a secluded place prepared for them.

As soon as you enter the great Luotian, you need to cut off the mortal, no longer intervene in the prehistoric things, and seek the way with all your heart.

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

The bad thing is that you can't interfere with the prehistoric, but fortunately, it has nothing to do with the calamity.

Do not enter the big Luotian!

No amount of calamity can enter the Great Luotian, including the immeasurable calamity.

The meaning of Da Luotian's existence is to exist for the creation of heaven and earth. When the immeasurable calamity comes, everything will be annihilated, everything will return to chaos, only the great Luotian will survive.

At this time, the saints and many Hunyuan Dao masters will use Da Luotian as the foundation to re-open the world in the chaos, and establish fire, water and wind.

Da Luotian is the embryonic form of the eternal world, and it is also the place where Pangu confirms his avenue.

If one day, Pangu succeeds in preaching the Dao, and the Dao Dao fruit is born, then he will be born in the great Luotian. At the same time, Da Luotian will also be transformed into an eternal and immortal sky, even if it is immeasurable calamity, it cannot be destroyed.

Da Luotian is very extraordinary. The First Holy Land is by no means an exaggeration, but a veritable name.

Innate gods and demons, born because of the Tao, walked along the Tao, and pursued the Tao all their lives. Therefore, in this group, there is no shortage of people who have a heart to seek the truth.

What such a person lacks most is a suitable place to live in seclusion, and the appearance of Da Luotian just fills this gap.

After learning about the significance of the existence of Da Luotian, some of the innate Taoist priests walked into the Da Luotian without any hesitation, and have since escaped from the world, isolated from the world.

There are 3,000 such Dao Sovereigns, which is the Da Luotian Three Thousand Dao Sovereigns. And since they entered Da Luo Tian, ​​no one has left this place.

Although they have never been out of Da Luotian, their days are not so miserable.

There is no lack of innate spiritual roots in the great Luotian.

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