Flooded Star Road

Chapter 835: Want to make a big deal

   Chapter 840

   Just when the beings in the Three Realms were guessing what happened to the endless starry sky, in the Ziwei Temple, the Ziwei Great Emperor slowly opened his eyes:

"I, Pangu Ziwei Clan, it is difficult for all living beings to seek the Dao, and it is difficult to see the Dao. Therefore, I decided to reopen Da Luotian in 100,000 years and invite the Three Realms Dao Sovereign to come here to discuss the Dao in order to blend the Dao Dao. fruit."

   "The creatures of the Three Realms, if they are predestined, can come to Da Luotian to listen."

  The voice is magnificent, it seems to be in harmony with the Tao, between the heaven and the earth, inside and outside the Three Realms, the ears of all living beings rang. It rang three times in a row before it ended.

  The next moment, whether it was hiding outside of time and space, or hiding in the chaos outside the sky, or hiding in some secret realm, the great magicians were all shocked by this sound.

  The face that has been like a day for thousands of years, finally there is a trace of fluctuations, and they saw them open their eternal eyes, looking suspiciously in the direction of the endless starry sky.

   "Da Luotian?"

   "After tens of millions of years, is Da Luotian finally going to turn on?"

"Last time I had something to do with the poor Dao, I missed Da Luotian. This time I can't miss it. Just go and see what is the difference between Da Luotian and the outside world, how it can surpass the teacher's Zixiao Palace and become the No. 1 holy land. "

  "A hundred thousand years from now?"

   "I will go to the poor, so I can meet some old friends."

  The great magicians who lived in seclusion, after endless years, finally changed their minds and planned to get out of the secluded place and go to Da Luo Tianlun Dao.

  The first holy place cannot attract people, but the hope of enlightenment can. The reason why the great supernatural powers escape from the world is nothing more than that they do not want to be contaminated with the red dust and seek the truth with one heart.

   While Da Luo Tian’s theory of Taoism contains a hint of opportunity for enlightenment.

  That's why, even these reclusive great supernatural powers, after learning the news, couldn't help but move their minds and prepare to get out of the reclusive place.

  Those great supernatural powers are excited, let alone the rest of the Taoist priests. A Taoist priest who can't see a trace in the ordinary day suddenly emerged and walked in the Three Realms, while browsing the magnificent mountains and rivers, while looking for friends and visiting Taoism, waiting for the arrival of the 100,000-year covenant.

  The great supernatural powers and the Xiantian Dao Zun were very excited, but the creatures in the Three Realms were at a loss. They knew what it meant when they talked about Dao, but they didn’t know where the Da Luotian was.

  Three Realms, there is another place called Da Luotian?

In   Thirty-six Heavens in the Heaven Realm, I haven’t heard of that one is called Da Luotian!

  Everyone’s doubts lasted for thousands of years before they got the answer from a Taoist priest.

  The so-called Daluotian is actually the first holy land in the legend.

  The world’s words are shocking and inexplicable.

  Although I have never been to Daluotian, from the fact that it ranks the No. 1 holy land, you can know that this place must be the supreme place.

  For a time, sentient beings in the Three Realms were so excited that they flew towards the endless starry sky. They are not great supernatural powers, nor are they innate Taoist priests, they can rush to the endless starry sky with a thought.

  They are just ordinary immortals. The boundless starry sky is extremely far away from the human world. At their speed, they are only on their way, and it will take thousands of years.

  One hundred thousand years, I am afraid that most of their time will be spent on the road. Therefore, the creatures of the Three Realms naturally have to rush to the boundless starry sky in advance.

  As soon as I came, I was afraid that I missed the discussion time.

  Secondly, the endless starry sky is mysterious, and there are countless opportunities inside. They arrived early and traveled in the endless starry sky for a period of time. It is not necessarily that they can't get a chance.


  Think very well.

  There is a layer of thunder, fire, meteorite, and wind across the boundary of heaven and earth. Without the cultivation base of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, it is impossible to enter the heaven.

  The endless starry sky is still above the heavens. If you want to rush to the endless starry sky, you have to reach the sky above the thirty-sixth heaven and cross the thirty-sixth space barrier.

  Therefore, although there are many immortals in the Three Realms, there are very few people who can come here under the innate Taoist priest.

   is the Taiyi Daojun, if there is no innate Lingbao support, Xu Shi can walk into the endless starry sky, but she will never get close to Da Luotian

  A destined person has actually eliminated most of the creatures in the Three Realms.


  While the creatures in the Three Realms and the Dao Venerables were busy, the Emperor Ziwei, who was in the endless starry sky, was not idle either.

  He is in retreat at this moment, preparing to plan a major event.

I saw that in the retreat of the Great Emperor Ziwei, three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian stars, as well as the brilliance of billions of stars, gathered together in one place, and gradually formed a silhouette in front of him, exactly the same as him. .

  Yes, Emperor Ziwei is drawing on the power of the boundless starry sky to condense an incarnation of himself that is indistinguishable from himself.

  The reason why the preaching time is set at one hundred thousand years later is nominally time for everyone to prepare, but in fact, it is to buy time for the condensed incarnation of Emperor Ziwei.

  The condensed incarnation of Emperor Ziwei this time is extraordinary, shouldering an unprecedented heavy responsibility, and is his substitute.

  To represent his deity, in this Da Luotian discussion on the Dao, he will discuss the Dao with Hongjun Dao ancestor, all the saints, as well as many great supernatural powers and Dao Venerables.

Being in front of so many people and talking cordially with them, it is so difficult not to be seen by outsiders. That's why Feng Zichen condensed and incarnate this time, but after thinking about it for a long time, he chose to be the emperor of Ziwei. Cohesive incarnation.

  Human identity does not work, Lei Ze identity does not work, Xuan Qing identity, even worse. Once you condense your incarnation with these three identities, you are afraid that you will be seen as soon as you come to Da Luotian.

  Feng Zichen wanted to plan things, extremely secretive, and it was disadvantageous to Xuanmen. It must not be known to the great magicians of the profound sect, otherwise, it will definitely cause great trouble.

   Therefore, after thinking about it, Feng Zichen decided to let the Emperor Ziwei do this. Because only the incarnation of Emperor Ziwei can hide from the eyes of everyone, the saints, and even Hongjun Daozu.

  As soon as he came, Emperor Ziwei was the lord of the big Luotian.

  Secondly, Da Luotian is in the endless starry sky.

  Three times, Emperor Ziwei has the strongest strength.

  All the conditions are added together. As long as the incarnation of Ziwei Great Emperor is condensed and perfect enough, under the blessing of Da Luo Tian and the endless starry sky, it can definitely be fake and true, concealing everyone's perception.

  Time passed by minute by minute, and one hundred thousand years of time passed by in a flash. Soon, the period of discussing the Tao is coming, and there are already many great supernatural powers who have set off for Da Luo Tian.

  At this moment, in front of the Great Emperor Ziwei, a figure exactly like him stood majestically, and the whole body was surging with stars, turning into a galaxy entwining it, exuding unparalleled power.

  The Great Emperor Ziwei stared at him for a while, and nodded in satisfaction.

  In order to refine this avatar, it took him 100,000 years, not to mention, it also consumed him with millions of innate star origins, all of which were consumed.

  But fortunately, so much resources were spent, and the result is undoubtedly gratifying.

  This incarnation, not only looks half the same as Emperor Ziwei, but also bursts out of his peak power. Although it cannot last, it is absolutely fine to last for decades.

  A perfect avatar!

   Re-examined the avatar, Emperor Ziwei nodded in satisfaction, and immediately, he took off his Zhou Tianxing robe and put it on the avatar. At the same time, he also took off the ten thousand star crown he was wearing on his head and put it on the head of the avatar.

  In this way, a new Ziwei Emperor was born.

   "I have seen the deity!" At this moment, the incarnation opened his eyes and saluted the Emperor Ziwei.

   did not respond, the Emperor Ziwei was still staring at the avatar, he always felt that something was missing, making this avatar not perfect.

  Finally, Emperor Ziwei seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly took out the Zhoutian star map and put it into the hands of that avatar.

  So, everything is perfect.

  Now, whoever comes will think that this is the real Emperor Ziwei, not an incarnation.

  Seeing that there are no more errors, Emperor Ziwei immediately ordered: "You fellow daoists are coming soon, and I have to trouble the daoists to entertain one or two."

  The incarnation replied: "The deity is polite, you and I are one, why bother to say?"

   After all, the incarnation gradually faded, but he went to Daluotian, ready to start the affairs of Daluotian.

  When the avatar was gone, Feng Zichen, dressed in plain clothes, flipped his palm and took out a small purple bell.

   is the foundation of Feng Zichen's life, the strongest innate treasure Hongmeng Daozhong. At this moment, many magic weapons had already left, and Feng Zichen finally used Hongmeng Daozhong again.

  Since the achievement of Hunyuan, Feng Zichen has really rarely used the Hongmeng Dao Bell. Even if it is used, it is mostly used in the sea of ​​bounds, and it is rarely used in the prehistoric world.

   "Haha, old man, it's time for us to fight together again." With a big laugh, Feng Zichen shook the Hongmeng Dao Bell, shook the void in front of him, entered it, and disappeared.

  At the same time, at the top of the endless starry sky, countless avenues emerged, turning into a torrent of oceans, gathering together, and then slowly pulling apart.


  In an instant, the endless Daoguang rises, concealing the brilliance of the stars, making the sun and the moon bleak, illuminating the entire Three Realms, the heavens and the universe, and endless time and space.

  In the Daoguang, a world formed entirely by the rules of the Dao, gradually revealed a corner, exuding endless Dao rhyme.

  Da Luotian,

  The Greatest Heaven is now open.

  At this time, many Taoist priests, great supernatural powers, and even sages in the prehistoric land, as if they had received some kind of signal, set off for Da Luo Tian.

  Then, the creatures of the Three Realms saw an unforgettable scene in their lives.


  One after another bright avenues, rising from all over the Three Realms, mysterious and unpredictable, the rhyme of Taoism flows, straight into the nine layers of clouds, and into the big Luotian.

  Each avenue here represents an innate Taoist deity, which is the appearance, the appearance of the Tao, and the incarnation of the avenue.

  As more and more avenue rules rose, gradually, the entire Three Realms was enveloped by a mighty power, and the sentient beings in the Three Realms could not lift their heads and did not dare to look directly at Da Luo Tian.

  At a certain moment, among the rules of the avenue, a series of fuzzy figures suddenly flashed. These are those innate Taoist priests who have already set off for Daluo Heaven.



  At the same time, the incarnation of Emperor Ziwei has already stood with the three thousand Dao Zun in Da Luo Tian to welcome the arrival of the Daoists.

  Compared to the Dao Zun outside, it is obvious that the Dao Zun in the Da Luotian is more excited. Not only the excitement of seeing old friends, but also the excitement of seeing the road.

  Daluo has been cultivating for countless years. They have already understood each other's way very well, and they urgently need new knowledge to supplement them.

  And these Da Luo Dao Zun who came to discuss the Tao, carry with them the new doctrines and principles that they desperately need. And these things will bring them one step closer to the realm of Hunyuan.

  So, how can they not be excited?

  It didn’t take long for several innate Taoists to come together. As the disciples of the Ziwei Great Emperor, they hurried forward to greet them and invite them from the endless starry sky to the big Luotian.

  Here, Ziwei Emperor and others are naturally responsible for the reception.

  After reaching these few Dao Venerables, then, the great innate Dao Venerables came one after another, sometimes even dozens of people drove on their way.

  Everyone is an innate Taoist priest, with similar realms, and naturally the same speed. Since they left together, the time they rushed is naturally similar. It's no surprise to come huddled together.

  In just a few hours of effort, the great Taoist priest has almost arrived. It's just that the few big forces have not come.

  As soon as he thought of this, he saw Emperor Gouchen, and the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, leading a group of Taoist priests of the human race, appeared in the boundless starry sky.

  After Him, the Empress Houtu came with the Witch Clan Great Witch, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi with the Monster Clan Monster God, and the Old Ancestor Kunpeng with the North Sea Monster God, came from three directions respectively.

   After introducing these three forces into the great Luotian, at the end of the sky, a five-colored glow suddenly rose, but the innate tribes arrived.

  At this point, the major forces of the prehistoric countries are almost coming, and only the saints have not arrived.


  As soon as the three congenital tribes took their seats, a huge sacred power suddenly came, UU reading www. Everyone at uukanshu.com looked up, but it was the Six Saints who came together with their disciples.

  Seeing everyone, they hurried forward to greet them.

  When the saint was seated, everyone thought that the preaching was about to begin, but the clinker, the master of the house, Ziwei the Great, suddenly got up and greeted him outside.

  Seeing everyone, they hurried to keep up.

  Although I don’t know who the person is here, it is definitely a great person who can let the Emperor Ziwei leave to greet him.

As soon as the Great Luotian came out, everyone felt the difference. They saw that between the heaven and the earth, the vitality of the five elements suddenly became extremely active, and between the dragons and the phoenix, the roar of the tiger, the roar of the tiger, the sound of the basaltic neighing .

  Seeing this vision, everyone felt it, and probably guessed who it was. Sure enough, at the end of the heaven and the earth, the five-color auspicious clouds shrouded in boundlessness, transforming into the shape of a five-element holy beast, constantly approaching the big Luotian.

   is the five-element holy beast coming!

  Looking in front of him, five supreme gods and men in gorgeous robes, everyone, including the saints, hurriedly went forward and said: "We have seen the Venerable."

  The five-element holy beast also smiled in return: "I have seen all fellow Taoists."

  (End of this chapter)

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